SSG JOE's coordination efforts were completely transparent to the senior command team, thus allowing Task Force Jailbreaker leadership to focus on combat operations in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. SPC Henderson showed the inclination and capability to take control in any given situation by conducting first line PCC'S, maintaining constant cognizance of his surroundings and acting accordingly while urging his fellow Soldiers to succeed. His exceptional skills on a Light Equipment Transporter (LET) resulted in successfully hauling over 200,000 dollars worth of equipment. This responsibility included parts to support 6 PMI 2s and 3 PMI 1 with all repair parts needed. SPC XXXXXX was recognized multiple times for his attention to detail and professionalism when assisting the leadership of the U.S. Army during their visits to RHC-P. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards. He is an excellent Soldier who has the professional and personal attributes necessary to perform at the Senior Noncommissioned Officer level. SPC Duzen's innovative methods of training created a flexibility that enabled subordinates to learn from many diverse sources during Operation Saber Dawn. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq. As the Subject Matter Expert in Mass Casualty Decontamination, SSG Pardon-Varde demonstrated expert technical skills and superior leadership over a period of three days by teaching and mentoring 33 Chemical SOLDIERS with little to no experience in Mass Casualty Decontamination about the various roles and responsibilities of each overlapping section. SGT Bozeman participated in numerous training exercises to include 1CD CPX, 1CD WFX 16-05, 3/1CD's BDE EXEVAL, 2/1CD's BDE EXEVAL and 1ACB BDE EXEVAL. SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu. I graduated with DLA and SAA. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE IN SUPPORT OF 1108TH TASMG DURING IWQ AND ANNUAL TRAINING. His team's knowledge and skill helped the 501st Signal Battalion accomplish their mission. SPC XXXXXX expanded his knowledge by being competent in assisting our providers in emergency procedures and successfully trained over 100 Air Force and 25th ID Soldiers, allowing them to receive training certifications. His efforts created an advantageous space to complete 236 maintenance work orders which improved the turn-around time on Non-Mission Capable equipment by 43%. He created and implemented a driver's checklist for driving VIP's which was included in the TAMC Gate Gaurd brief. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. As a lower enlisted soldier in the Mortar Section SPC Mitchell consistantly carried out his tasks in a very proficient manner and not only met the standards set forth by the Mortar Section but exceeded them. The Distinguished Honor Graduate is the student with the highest OML point total in the class. Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. Kristine Koch, a member of the North Carolina Air National Guard, is now part of that percentage as a distinguished graduate of Airman Leadership School. SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. SFC Thompson's exemplary handling of administrative matters attests to his professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt himself to any assignment or situation. Silver: These cords are typically awarded to graduates in medical science, as well as physics and agriculture. The General George C. Marshall Award was created in 1960 in honor of Marshall to be presented to the distinguished graduate in each regular CGSOC class. SPC Rodriguez' dedication and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the Soldiers of each unit that fell under 110TH CM BN (TE) for patient care. The battalion also was able to improve OR rate to 98% and to clear over 90 pieces totaling $2,667,000 of excess equipment. Awards and decorations of the Texas Military - Wikipedia The Graduate and Professional School and The Association of Former Students have selected 15 Aggies as Distinguished Graduate Students for 2023. SSG Knuclehead led the way by attending Advance Leaders Course, Property Book Course, Unit Supply Enactment Course and Unit Prevention Leaders Course. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. SPC Siler's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and assist in the complete setup of the Chemical Threat Section directly impacting the squad's ability to accomplish the mission. He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon. DA Form 638 Bullet Examples - FOR OUTSTANDING MERITORIOUS SERVICE WHILE DEPLOYED IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (SPARTAN SHIELD). ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. - AF Annual Awds tix sales rep; $14K raised/450 prsnl attended--reduced tix cost 25%/AAFB top performers honored. - Organized ALS study sessions; bolstered 100% flight pass rate for class 13-C--earned Commandant Award - Led 81 ALS students; demonstrated highest degree excellence as ldr/scholar, #1/81--attained the John Levitow award He helped to develop a relaxing place, not only for the current Soldiers, but also for the future U.S. contingent personnel. SGT XXXXXX provided needed intelligence to his squad to ensure they were abreast of the new TTP's while on combat patrols. SPC Nil's leadership qualities strengthened the fire direction control section and allowed the battery to remain flexible during times of minimal manning. During JRTC rotation 10-10 SPC Mitchell set himself apart from his peers by going above and beyond what was expected. Spc Doe, continued to sustain a high standard as he volunteered to give classes on various weapon systems to a separated signal battalion. The PT award brings recognition, but usually is individual. SPC Isbell managed over 700 accounts on the CENTRIX, NIPR, and SIPR communication networks for 8 different units and agencies throughout RC South. HIS PROFESSIONALISM REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, 50TH SIG BN, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. His excellent leadership skills and dedication inspired his team to rise above themselves to accomplish all missions. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans. CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- It is quite an accomplishment to graduate from any military training program, but earning the Distinguished Graduate Award is an achievement that only 10 percent of airmen attain.Newly promoted Staff Sgt. While serving as the communications support systems specialist during OEF 10-11SPC Lovatto demonstrated outstanding motivation and dedication in the setup of 526th Brigade Support Battalin's commuications platform. Between February and June 2007, the brigade integrated three additional combat maneuver battalions into its force as part of the Baghdad Security Plan surge. SGT --- served as the TISA section NCOIC while assigned to --- Branch; she was directly responsible for 3 Soldiers and personally inspected -- million dollars worth of subsistence. It can signify Latin honors for a high GPA, National Honor Society membership, and other academic honors. SGT XXX's efforts were critical to the success of numerous operations: XXXSCOM Level III Emergency Deployment Exercise (BN's Operation XXXX XXXXX XA), National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force (NTNF), XX-01 CERTEX, Operation XXXX XXXXX BN FTX, Operation XXXX XXXXX Company FTX, and Operation XXXX XXXXX. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) 0. He worked consistently to maintain over 130 manhole cable junction boxes, installed seven miles of fiber optic and copper cable, and installed over 240 landline terminal blocks. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. . Thanks! His versatility of working random tireless hours and days without complaint during this deployment exemplify the qualities of a good leader. This facilitated and directly impacted the company's ability to meet battalion suspenses in advance so time could be spent on other taskings. Despite not having a relief in place with the previous CA element he/she still took the responsibility of teaching (xx number) of Host nation Soldiers weekly, eventually teaching (xx number) of Soldiers. He never wavered, nor complained to complete a task set before him. As an Early Warning System Operator, SPC Doe crew successfully mastered the tactics, techniques, and procedures, of the TCS by never failing a Crew drill, SPEAR, MRE or an ORE. He was responsible for as many as 100 service member information files at one time, ensuring that they were complete and maintained at all times. Heavily involved with the planning process, SFC Cox skillfully assisted every element in the 348th EN CO to establish their respective reporting and recording procedures. SPC Rue while still performing all of his duties as M915A3 Driver, still found the time to also complete a 40 hour Combat Lifesaver Course. PFC Love was identified as having the skills required to be a part of the FOB Apache BETTS-C tower operating crew, and was thereby selected over 50 Soldiers for this assignment. Worth zero points. She was directly in charge of over $330,000 worth of repair parts which she meticulously tracked using the Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A) and Federal Logistics data. His desire to help others in the maintenance of their vehicles contributed to the detachment maintaining a 95% operational readiness rate during the deployment. Not only did SPC Walton do this to the best of his ability but he became the best fuel manager we've ever had. Her work ethic and attention to detail resulted in a score of 86% for in Shop Stock and 88% for PLL Management. He retained a cumulative GPA of 4.0 and was a six time Dean's list nominee over a three year period. SPC XXXX combined with the rest of the G6, diligently conducted many different I.T. related tasks and proficiently resolved over 2000 I.T. SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. SGT Smith coordinated with entities throughout CENTCOM and CONUS to ensure that CIT continued to receive the support it required to complete its mission. I got an AAM. Sergeant Page managed perfect accountability of an inventory of equipment valued at $500,000. SSG Doe volunteered 84 hours of his off duty time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the St. Louis Cardinals and the stadium. SPC McQueen's influential initiative motivated other members in her section to continue their college education. SGT Longhair was responsible for the system modernization of the Transmissions Section. While attached to 7306th MESB, as a member of the Effect and Enablers (E&E) Cell during CSTX 78-15-02, SPC ---- conducted jobs such as roleplayer in Cut Suit, moulage of mannequins and moulage roleplayer for mission injects. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. He maintained his equipment valued at $52,581.84 with zero discrepancies. Army NCOER Achieves Bullets Performance Measures While performing as a range safety on Range 47A, SPC Watson's diligence ensured safety standards were met while his attention to detail enabled Soldiers and Coaches precise and timely maneuvers during Weapons Qualifications. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. - Aced 120-hr formal C2 crs; expanded MAF plng/employment/execution knowledge--awd'd Distinguished Grad Free NCOER and Award Bullet Tools. His knowledge and mechanical skills enabled a fast, safe install on over 15 vehicles within a two week time period and minimal loss of combat operations. During his time with the XXXnd, XXX Doe was critical in the success of numerous operations. During this time the 1-119th was called twice to SAD in which MAJ Mason played a crucial role in communicating with the BN the 272d RSG and JFHQ capabilities of the battalion while maintaining current COVID operations within the AA. Commandant's Leadership Award Winner His exceptional contributions helped foster a cohesive atmosphere among unit members. NDLA Board honors Vietnam veteran John Lancaster '67, '74 J.D. for Chelsea Baker) Her knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the company's mission. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. His attention to detail during the company's pack out for the deployment was a key factor in ensuring that E Company was one of the first units ready for the deployment. SPC HOGNER, IN HIS ROLE AS THE S6 OFFICER, A CAPTAINS SLOT, WAS ABLE TO ACCURATELY AND IN DETAIL BRIEF THE BATTALION COMMANDER DURING ALL BATTLE UPDATE BRIEFS. She established a precedence for conducting operations with both garrison and community agencies. Solider trained and prepared to assist law enforcement authorities in duties outside of their MOS with protecting lives, property of citizens of our state and their right to peacefully protest. He exemplified all of the leader attributes and competencies during countless hours spent planning, organizing, and communicating with participants in order to make this event a success. SGT Wheaton proved to be an invaluable asset while serving as an Entry Control Point (ECP) Sergeant of the Guard (SOG), which provided the safeguard of over 575 million dollars worth of ammunition. SPC Premium devoted countless hours to developing, instructing and assisting in the instruction of numerous imagery analysis-related courses that have been presented to analysts in all branches of our military. Decorations and Ribbons SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Achievement Medal - Wikipedia HE HAS DEMONSTRATED OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL SKILL, KNOWLEDGE AND LEADERSHIP BY MANAGING THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE STRATEGIC NETWORK AT COB BASRAH. Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. SSG WOOD UTILIZED HIS CIVILIAN SKILLS TO ARRANGE A POPULAR SONG FOR THE LARGE POPULAR MUSIC GROUP, TO INCLUDE LEARNING A SOLO ON A NON-MLS INSTRUMENT. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. Sample Army Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. SGT Santos was in charge of the movement of five PLSs and Trailers and the transportation of all equipment in support of the 68th CSSB. He assumed responsibility for team's Property Book containing over $3.2 million worth of equipment. His endless hours of work and dedication to his unit allowed the First Sergeant and Company Commander to carry out other training and mission requirements. Set up the following units for success. . This execution of experience paved the way for the battalion to transition from an MSE network to a WIN-T communications platform signicantly increasing the viability of the BN's digital capabilities. SPC XXXX served admirably as an Information Technology Specialist for 9 months while assigned to XXXX in XXXX. SPC Doe proved vital in training the junior analysts from these three battalion S2s preparing them to seamless assume operations within the brigade s Operational Environment. Her involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models. ARCOM Awards - New NCOER 2017). SPC Rodriguez' tireless work ethic, knowledge and interaction of supplies ensured preparation for real world and simulated casualties. SPC Siler showed such knowledge and expertise in her field of training that she was tasked to help train the new soldiers coming into the squad. SGT Doe was a motivated and dedicated Noncommissioned Officer who far exceeded course standards and achieved the Distinguished Honor Graduate recognition. "The Distinguished Graduate Student . He set the example for his peers to emulate by meticulously maintaining his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensuring that he was able to perform a mission at a moment s notice. Distinguished Graduate Award - Presented to the next (10% of graduates) person with the highest overall average in all graded areas, and demonstrated a high level of leadership skills. In addition, the First Sergeant and Company Commander relied on him for assisting in training and mission requirements. Outstanding Thesis Award. SPC Premium has influenced the Intelligence community through countless hours of training and mentoring in excess of 500 Imagery Analysts. Demonstrating exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was able execute all tasks inherited in his role as the interim operations sergeant. His sucessful training exercise support and rigorous work ethic resulted in 12 Soldiers being well trained, attaining enhanced knowledge in their MOS, and being confident in all tasks and missions. SSG XXXX distinguished himself through his unwavering dedication to the mission which contributed to his team's safe return back to Base. His sound technical expertise and can do attitude was demonstrated when he led his team during a very complex mission which they completed ahead of schedule and attained certification from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency with 99.9% accuracy in all data gathering such as three runways profile and surveying 85 obstructions and Navaids. SPECIALIST XXXX'S CONSCIENTIOUS WORK ATTITUDE, CONSISTENT VOLUNTEER SERVICE AND CONSTANT DISPLAY OF THE SEVEN ARMY CORE VALUES EXEMPLIFIES WHAT A UNITED STATES ARMY SOLDIER IS. And I made commandant's list as well with a 94% overall GPA.granted I was towards the low end of the goal range for commandants list. His excellent technical skills resulted in SPC Doe performing the duties of the Assistant Mission Commander's (AMC) driver. CPL Martin also developed an up to date Standard Operating Procedure to refine specific guidelines on accountability, safety, and assisted with periodic inspections. . As a team leader, he was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers and the serviceability of two M915A4 tractors one M923A2 5-ton, three M872 trailers, and all assigned equipment valued in excess of 381,800 dollars. In addition, he was selected over his peers to serve as the NCOIC of seven Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTVS) and the movement of 90 pax over a span of five days. She has proved time and time again that she will donate her free time to helping others. single-highhandedly assessed and completed the longevity awards for 50 Soldiers within the company, all . SGT Hardin lives the NCO creed through his ability to train soldiers, senior, peers and subordinates on basic soldier tasks and drills to their MOS specific tasks so that his platoon is fully mission capable. SGT Santos demonstrated himself as a professional Noncommissioned Officer while serving as the Palletized Loading System (PLS) NCOIC during NTC rotation 16-02. His technical prowess was critical to his team achieving a setup time of 23 minutes surpassing the Brigade standard of 90 minutes during crew drill certification. During this mission he single-handedly devised language training and cultural awareness for the Thai Special Forces. His knowledge and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the platoon members for patient care. He conducted diagnostic radiographs on over 360 personnel from the 13 contingencies. This allowed Soldiers to maintain 100 percent accountability of equipment through eleven months of combat operations and became the detachment standard to account for equipment. SSG DOE implemented an awards tracking process which resulted in effectively processing 50+ COAs, 20 impact and over 300 End of Tour awards. ECE Program Awards. CSR Serbentas' aggressive determination and unrivaled performance contributed to winning two Cadet of the Semester Boards, Cadet of the Year, and the Scholar Athlete Award. He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II. SPC Merriweather set the physical fitness standard for other Signal soliders to follow, consistently scoring over 290 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and earning the APFT badge. ARCOM Award Bullet Examples - He supervised three NCOs and seven enlisted Soldiers focused special emphasis on properly employing and utilizing all systems to enhance effectiveness of the brigade combat team airspace users, by providing the commander situational awareness of the brigade combat team airspace by receiving and displaying air tracks. SSG Acevedo was the only full-time AGR Soldier with ITRS and RLAS access, though this would normally complicate mission accomplishment for most Soldiers, SSG Acevedo was always on top of all tasks. His leadership, tenacity, and mission-first attitude enabled him to complete over 105 missions, repositioning and temporarily housing over 850 Soldiers in and out of theater. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016.
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