Also of interest are the Cherokee and Melungeon books and files, and the Soldiers Pension Lists of 1792-1795, 1812, 1820 and 1890. Indians shot and killed Isaac Bledsoe while he was working in a field near his fort on April 9, 1793. They were referred to as the "Bledsoe brothers" or "three brothers from North Carolina" in multiple publications on Daniel Boone.
Tennessee Sarah, Robnett, Elizabeth P. A history of Bledsoe County, 1807-1957. )*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1900 (Hobbs, 1986)*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1910 (Hobbs, 198? )* [name index], Marion County, Tennessee, Marriages [vol. 1852 (Swift, 1995), Bledsoe County Court Minutes, April 1856-March 1860 (Swift, 1995), Bledsoe County, Tennessee 1836 Tennessee Civil Districts and Tax Lists [1837, 1838, 1839] (Douthat, 1993), Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Baptist Church Minutes, 1882-1938 (WPA, 1938), Bledsoe County, Tennessee Chancery Court Loose Papers, 1840-1940 (Hobbs, 1999), Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Chancery Court Minute Book, Vol. Blevins, Jerry. 56 pp. Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment. Murfreesboro, 1953. Hackworth, Elizabeth R. Quality in the common. People Projects Discussions Surnames His widow died in Sumner County in 1808. 349 pp. N.p., 1973. ), Fourth Survey Distr[i]ct of Tennessee, 1808-1810 : John McClellan-surveyor Anderson, Bledsoe, Campbell, Knox, Overton, Rhea, Roane Counties, TN (Douthat, 1988), Howard/Walker Cemetery, Bledsoe County, Tennessee (Beyer, 2003), Marriage Records of Bledsoe County, Tennessee [vol. Bledsonian and Pikeville Banner.
First County Huntsville, AL, the author, 1987. When Sumner County was created from eastern Davidson County in 1786, Bledsoe served in the first Sumner County Quarterly Court, was first major of the county militia, and became lieutenant colonel commandant in April 1788. It is temporary and has a primary focus on gaining self-sufficiency through employment. Group, Reservoir Lands Planning. [name index in each volume], Ancestor Charts, Marion County, Tennessee [2 vols.]
Families First )* [surname index], United States Census, Marion County, Tennessee, 1870 (Goins and Hobbs Genealogy Service, 1990)* [surname index], United States Census, Marion County, Tennessee, 1880 (Hobbs & Goins, 1989? 113 pp. Harris, 1985. Prepared by the TVA in cooperation with federal, state & local area agencies. BE IT ENACTED, That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions, shall be held in and for the county of Rhea, on the fourth Mondays of March, June, September and December; and that the first court shall be holden on the first Monday of December; and the justices for said county shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by the commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as are or shall be prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state. BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the collector of public taxes of Roane County to collect the taxes for the year of one thousand eight hundred and seven, and all arrearages of taxes. Nashville, TN Wildlife Resources Agency. Click in the download box for the file to automatically download.Please save file since the link will expire in 14 days.
Genealogical "Fact Sheets" About Marion County - Tennessee 178 pp. Billingsly Family Bio-John(7) Billingsley, Eastern District, Bledsoe, Tennessee; Roll: M432_870; Page: 379A; Image: 205: Event Map. The Bledsoe County Public Library is recognized by the Tennessee State Library and Archives as the Bledsoe County Archives and Historical Records Repository. . Emp. The second attack was stopped at Fort Watauga. Sec., 1988. Research, 1987. Early tax lists generally include all white males over 21 and indicate whether they owned land or slaves. Chattanooga, the office, 1993. Eleven months later, his son Anthony fell mortally wounded in an Indian attack near Daniel Smith's Rock Castle home. PIKEVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Authorities are investigating the slayings of a Bledsoe County couple. Whitwell, the author, 1990. View this and more full-time & part-time jobs in Pikeville, TN on Snagajob. Abraham, Anthony and Isaac Bledsoe accompanied Daniel Boone on his long hunts into Kentucky before the Revolutionary War. An Inventory of Newspapers on Microfilm at the Library and Archives is available on our website. Additional county and community histories can be found at the Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Marion County. The first European settlement in Orange County, Virginia was in 1714 and the county was officialy formed in 1734 with no western border. 130 pp. WebFirst Families of Tennessee (FFT) was established by the East Tennessee Historical Society (ETHS) in 1993 as a Tennessee Bicentennial project. +Lohammer Hannah Terrell b: 18 Jan 1730/31 in Caroline County, Virginia m: Abt. I do also appoint my son in law Henry Thornton and my wife Sarah executors of this my last Will and Testament as witness my hand and seal this fifteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty three [1753]. First Families of Bledsoe County Files (courtesy of the Bledsoe County Historical and Genealogical Society) Civil War Soldiers from Bledsoe County Pension Thomas About 1757, Jacob Bledsoe moved his family from Bute Co., NC to Wake Co., NC. That same day in Lancaster County, John and Elizabeth Burne sold Abraham Bledsoe County, was named in honor of Abraham Bledsoe and was created out of Roane County by an Act of the Tennessee Legislature on November 30, 1807. "Captain Abraham Bledsoe 2 1920-1989, A-G; vol. Alcohol played a significant role in the daily lives of colonists; even children. . His son, Isaac S., was given good educational opportunities and attended the Burritt College at Spencer, Tennessee. Div. Ancient owners of Marion farms, & early history of Owen Methodist Church. These families migrated in the early 1800s to settle in the rich valley land along the Sequatchie River. Blevins, Jerry. 69 pp. Church, South, 1916. Social & Ec. 1 1881-1910; vol. There was a fire at the Bledsoe County courthouse in 1908. Garner, Isaac L. A study of certain phases of the educational & economic conditions of Marion County, TN. WebGenealogy for Thomas Hale, I (1790 - 1860) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. * Indicates this title may be borrowed on Interlibrary Loan from the Library and Archives. Knoxville, TN Ag. Bledsoe County, one of the older counties in East Tennessee, is the oldest county in what is known as Sequatchie Valley. Rachel, U. GA thesis, 1986. The library maintains many published family histories and a family histories file. BE IT ENACTED, That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds, shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of Rhea: Beginning at a point on the above described line of Roane County, on the extreme height of the mountain dividing the waters of Sequatchie, from those of Tennessee; thence along the top of said mountain, leaving all the waters running through said mountain in the county of Rhea, to the river Tennessee; thence up the meanders of said river to the beginning. The Long Hunter" by County Courthouse Phone: 615-452-4282 County Clerk Phone: 615-452-4063 County Register of Deeds Phone: 615-452-3892 County Circuit Court Clerk Phone: 615-452-4367 Sumner County Archives 365 North Belvedere Dr. Gallatin, TN 37066 County Archives Phone: 615-452-0037 The archives is the official depository and Sarah Bledsoe (1733) Their goal is to help serve foster children within Shelby C
Family The Marion County plan, Marion County, TN. Gremillion, Kristen J. [surname index in each volume], Sequachee, Victoria, Tennessee Tidbits (Harris, 1997), Story of Ketner's Mill, Located Near the Community of Oak Grove in Whitwell, Marion Co., Tennessee, 1824-1991 [2 vols.] Link, Gertrude B. After serving with British colonial troops in Lord Dunmore's War, he hunted and explored extensively along the Cumberland River. byWalter T. Durham, Gallatin. In 1772 Isaac Bledsoe married Katherine Montgomery, a sister of the veteran frontiersman Colonel John Montgomery. ), Compendium of Local Biography : Bledsoe County, TN. Davies, Gareth J. Geology & chronology of two caves in the Cumberland Plateau, Marion County, TN. Kelly, Martelia C. A history of South Pittsburg, TN: the first one hundred years. was heard in Northumberland County. An Inventory of Newspapers on Microfilm at the Library and Archives is available on our website. WebBledsoe County At 74th, Bledsoe County ranks near the bottom fifth of Tennessee counties in child well-being. Brown, Billy C. Environmental & educational implications of resort park development for Bledsoe & Van Buren counties of southeastern TN. American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the, In 1774 Governor Dunmore declared war against the indignious Americans. BE IT ENACTED, That said county of Marion, shall be a part of the district for electing a Governor, representatives to congress, electors to elect a president and vice president of the United States, and members to the General Assembly, to which the county of Bledsoe now belongs, and that elections be held at the place of holding courts in said county, at the time, and in the manner by law directed; and the sheriff or returning officer of said county, shall make return of the polls of said elections, to the sheriff or returning officer of said county shall make return of the polls of said elections, to the sheriff of Bledsoe County, in the town of Pikeville, on the day next succeeding each election, and upon comparing the votes, they shall declare the candidate for the representative of said county of Bledsoe and Marion, who may have the highest number of votes, duly elected, and give certificate accordingly; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of Bledsoe county, to make the return of votes in said counties of Marion and Bledsoe, for senator of said district, members of Congress, Governor, &c: as heretofore directed by law. Abraham Bledsoe became a professional hunter, but Isaac and Anthony were interested in land. (originally published in the Sequachee Valley News in 1946 & 1947). Chattanooga Area Regional Council of Governments. (The Bledsoe Family in America). Additional county and community histories can be found at the Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Bledsoe County. Knoxville, TVA, 1972. Abraham with brothers, Anthony and Isaac, accompanied Daniel Boone on his "Long Hunts" into Kentucky prior to the Revolutionary War. 17 pp. 46 pp. "An Act to reduce Roane County to constitutional limits, and to form two new and distinct counties south-west of the same.". Being the historian for that county and having taught school there for most all of her life, Ms. Robnett is one of the descendants of a number of these early families. ?-)*, Sequatchie Valley Bible Records (Douthat, 1985), Tennessee Fourth Surveyor's District Land Surveys 1814-1824 : Anderson, Bledsoe, Campbell, Morgan, Overton, Rhea and Roane Counties, Tenn. (Bailey, 1996), Tennessee, Records of Bledsoe County : County Court Minute Book [1841-1846] (WPA, 1939), United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1850 (Hobbs, 1986)*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1860 (Hobbs, 1986)*, United States Census, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee, 1870 (Hobbs, 1986)*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1880 (Hobbs, 1990? 150 pp. 121 pp. Bledsoe County Board of Education Minute Books, 1919-1928. pp. )* [surname index], United States Census, Marion County, Tennessee, 1910 (Hobbs & Goins, 19?? Emp. Knoxville, TVA, 1939. 2 1917-1924] (Goins and Hobbs Genealogy Service, 1988-), Minutes of the Circuit Court of Bledsoe County, 1834-1841 (WPA, 1941), Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1850 for Bledsoe County, Tennessee (Hutcherson, 1963), Records of Bledsoe County, Tombstone Inscriptions (Madewell, 1982), Sequachee Valley News Gossip Columns (Harris, 19? Underwood Cameron, Walter M. Memoirs of Marion County, TN, 1893-1946. Microfilms are loaned to Tennessee libraries. BE IT ENACTED, That the election for governor, representatives to congress and members to the general assembly, shall be held at their respective places of holding courts, in the counties of Rhea and Bledsoe, by the sheriffs or their deputies, under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed by law, and on the same days which elections for such purposes, are authorized to be held; and those citizens of Rhea and Bledsoe counties, formerly citizens of Roane County, shall be entitled to vote in their respective counties.
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