Pos are a planned process of conveying messages to a target audience (TA) to promote certain attitudes, emotions, and behavior. However, it is possible to stage an accident so only the target knows it was staged. You can can get on the gangstalkersnerves. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. -For a CBA convoy, and where the target is at a location (and time) where traffic is normally very sparse, cause heavy traffic, forcing the target to notice. It can quickly track down an adversary (target) anywhere on earth and attack them via DEW (directed energy weapons) and other forms of electronic warfare (EW). It's heavy, and a little hard to accept at first, but once you have a broad enough understanding of these crimes, you'll see what I mean. It can be applied from hundreds of meters away from a target using man-portable transmitters. This section will give some examples of ways community-based agents (CBAs) with specific trades or situations in the community can apply deniable punishment to targets. They lose their temper so easily. Doing this, both during target commutes and then other times makes the target very uncomfortable. Rumours consist mainly of lies. The targets associates will simply refuse to believe that anyone but the target is responsible. They utilize healthcare centers to aggregate data on the effects. Arizona's experiment with third parties. How Widespread Has Government Surveillance Gotten Today? It doesnt take much. The late Chief Medical Officer of northern Finland, and Targeted Individual, Dr. Rauni-Leena Lukanen Kilde. Thus, much of the modern PsyOp was built by a small group of private interests, using the social sciences to install a global government. They may wrap themselves in nationalism.CMO Civilian-Military Operations- combines military, federal agencies, NGOs, civilian organizations and authorities, and the civilian population. They have to obey rules we dont even have to think about. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individuals brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. The man had no teeth. They feel better by putting someone down. "for exampleif someone slipped one in your purse. That was a successful outcome. Examples: target protection can be changed to youth account, or, an overdraft protection feature can be disabled, or simply steal money from the account. -Cooperating police departments can visibly watch the targets home. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. PO= aka or information operations, military deception (MILDEC), effects-based operations (EBO), neocortical warfare, political warfare (PolWar), and psychological warfare (PsyWar), aka command and control warfare (C2W), are a major part of the New War and a core part of CMO (civilian-military operations) that is combined with EW (electronic warfare) and CNO. Generally, staged accidents are done in jurisdictions where police strongly support the operations, so that the CBA driver is protected. and our In this case, comments like Someone isnt taking their medication are not an appropriate response. It could be Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the ITU designation for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz, frequencies that are otherwise inaudible but cause physical distress such as nausea and mental duress, insomnia and so on. They will say that you or they never said something that you clearly . In order for this channel to grow, I need. Agents must take great care that each and every act of punishment is DENIABLE. CR Cognitive Radio- (a kind of JTRS, or Joint Tactical Radio System) that consists of a computer which has AI (artificial intelligence). And no doubt you've read about their ability to remotely switch on your mobile phone's camera, microphone and the webcam on your laptop. Non-lethal weapons employ means other than gross physical destruction to prevent the target from functioning.. Like sabotaging the targets reputation, discrediting their public statements, web sites, media appearances, letters to the editor and the like are done under the supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists on their staff. European Parliament Resolution on Operation Gladio, Nov. 22, 1990: On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio. PsyActs usually utilize multiple people to transmit messages. [22] ~Anonymous Targeting Program Insider, In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. Backup all video to a private cloud, preferably one outside of the jurisdiction of the Five Eyes. These can be blocked using Wi-Fi jammers as this is how they are remotely controlled by their operator. Or if they do it, it will bealmost inaudible. -Restaurants and food delivery services can tell the target they are out of an item known to be a favorite of a target. (Bone conduction is another pathway for sound transmission in humans and other mammals). GWOT Global War on Terror- use of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation warfare to achieve political/military objectives of the American Empire and New World Order. Find another job and move far far away. -Frequent use of sirens near the targets home. TPT- Tactical PsyOp Team- small group including team leader, his assistant, and a PsyOp specialist. Each military service has its own tactical mobile C4ISR system; The Navy and Marines use ForceNet, the Air Force uses Command Control Constellation (C2 Constellation), the Army uses LandWarNet and WIN-T. Each type of C4ISR system is connected to GIG (global information grid). You will hear cough non-stop wherever you go. Target selection is done by senior Control Center (CC) staff or higher levels. Of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation. This is easy once the target has developed suspicion that everyone is out to get him or her. Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense, Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment. You f**kwith me, Ill f**k with you right back. -Agents who have excellent persuasive communication skills can be assigned, with careful coaching and preparation from supervisors, to pretend to be a target and get on talk shows known to air targets as the guest. Internet applications that can convey PsyOp messages include email, websites, and chat rooms. This guy had such a big stomach that he looked like he was eight months pregnant! PsyOp operators profile TAs and TIs and devise themes to attack their TAs (target audience), which include TIs (targeted individuals). The Center can schedule these every day the target commutes, and both to and from work. We've all heard the phrase, "9/11 changed everything". Some real-world tips on how to deal with your gangstalkers. Fortunately, experience shows that co-opting friends and family is surprisingly easy, once they are informed about the targets criminal record. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets[19]. . -Passing as side street stop sign, then stopping an uncomfortable distance into oncoming traffic just as target is about to arrive at the side street, causing the target to have to slam on the brakes (this requires Control Center assistance and prompting by walkie-talkie style cell phone. This is especially effective in the automobile repair trade. These incentives are applied by specialists from our organization at higher than the local level. All protest movements are not only recorded, with its participants catalogued, but these protests are all invariably infiltrated. Don't Be Nice. A DE weapon is a system using DE primarily as a direct means to damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. Infrasound is thought to be superior to ultrasound because it retains its frequency when it hits the body. Instead, close, active surveillance and other activities, happening far to frequently to be written off as lifes normal breaks, will eventually cause the target to realize they are under surveillance and punishment. The supervisor may edit your response, and will assist in ensuring your response is printed. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! If you find your are a victim of mobile surveillance or traffic mobbing, invest in a good dashcam, or helmet cam if you are a cyclist. So basically, PO is simply a series of stimulus-response interactions. At first, to break them down and get them to comply, and then it's used to train them by showing them what to do to others when they become gang stalkers. Triangulating data from cellphone towers and WiFi signals is another tactic that particularly state actors can use to put you essentially under constant surveillance. C4ISR centers can be mobile or stationary, or virtual, or strictly computer-based. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The enemy does not necessarily use violence to promote social change. Agents must pass their initial training and demonstrate a high level of commitment to maintain community safety, and the ability to operate deniably, before they will be considered for advanced electronic punishment training. The person pissed off the wrong person. We have to trust our allies, he had said. . GPS Vehicle Tracking: Stalking Made Easy.. Feb 11, 2021 Daniel Sieberg from CBS reports. One day a gangstalkerwas following me around and spraying me with pesticide from his bag. A. having regard to the revelation by several European governments of the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization in several member states of the community. Create alternate identities and hide out from family and friends. Stalkers using bugging devices and spyware to monitor victims. -Frequent squealing of tires near targets home. TPD Tactical PsyOp Detachment- team of about 13 personnel with a captain and staff sergeant. -Tossing golf or tennis balls against the targets home when the target is known to be trying to fall asleep. Your phone is off but youre in a mall. 1. I can positively say I'm being gangstalked by my brother My mother my father And most likely my . (Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke were similar experiments the US government carried out on its own citizens). Not to be be alarmist, but one might be not surprised to hear someone asking: could the rise in gangstalking accounts in the last several years be evidence of governments running covert tests on people, before a mass rollout of a social credit/tracking system?
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