Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Mithra is the Persian god of the rising sun, contracts, covenants, and friendship. Jinn were thought to inhabit lonely places outside of established communities and were especially to be feared when crossing the desert and in stops at oases. World History Encyclopedia, 10 Dec 2019. She was among the most popular deities of the pantheon and was retained as a divine emanation in Zoroastrianism. Please donate to our server cost fundraiser 2023, so that we can produce more history articles, videos and translations. Zam-Armatay Mother Nature, the goddess of deified earth, the earth-energy which makes all things live and grow. Cista - an early goddess of health and well-being who presided over one's path in life and also one's spiritual walk of faith. Dogs in ancient Persia were accorded an especially high status and, in later Zoroastrian belief, guarded the Chinvat Bridge (which would replace the image of the dark river in the Crossing of the Separator) spanning the abyss between life and death. He is best known as the spirit of light who delivered the revelation of divine truth to Zoroaster on the banks of a river. Her name means Belonging to Ahura and, as ahuranis, is also used in reference to divine spirits (ahuras) who fight against evil forces and protect humanity. The four-eyed dog a dog with a spot above each eye was considered especially potent protection against evil spirits. Alternately, entities like Suroosh and Daena or creatures like Simurgh gave people confidence that they were cared for, that there was someone looking out for them and protecting their interests. Outside of mythology, referenced as Ariana/Iran, land of the Aryans. Karmak the giant bird of evil so large that its wings blot out the sky and prevent rain from falling, thereby bringing drought to the land. Zal Taken by the Simurgh (Public Domain). Gavaevodata, an androgyne, was so beautiful that Angra Mainyu killed it but Ahura Mazda purified the bull's seed and, from this, came all other animals on earth. Vayu (Vayu-Vatu, Vata) god of the wind who lived between worlds, in the interface between the good of Ahura Mazda and the evil of Angra Mainyu and so could be a powerful force for either side. This Persian marvel was lost for millennia Only one ancient account mentions the existence of Xerxes Canal, long thought to be a tall tale. World History Encyclopedia, 09 Dec 2019. Central to one's spiritual journey was how well a person treated animals, especially dogs. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Ahura Mazda had created human beings with free will to choose which course they would follow and, if one chose rightly, one would live well and find paradise in the afterlife, if poorly, one lived a life of confusion and strife and was dropped into the torment of hell after death. Roc the giant bird of prey best known from the stories concerning Sinbad the Sailor from One Thousand Nights and a Night. He may have been later replaced by Mithra or, more likely, worked with Mithra in dispensing justice after death. According to some interpretations, she is the later version of Saena; according to others, a distinct entity. The mythology of any civilization reflects its core values, greatest fears, and highest hopes and so it is with the mythology of ancient Persia. The prophet Zoroaster revised this earlier vision so that Ahura Mazda became the one true god while the most significant of the other deities became emanations and manifestations of his eternal goodness. When Hushedar-mar appeared, people would stop drinking milk and the sun would stand still for twenty days. One branch of these Aryans settled in and around the region now known as Iran (originally known as Ariana the land of the Aryans) prior to the 3rd millennium BCE and are referred to as Indo-Iranians; another branch settled in the Indus Valley and are known as Indo-Aryans. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: An A-Z Guide to the Myths and Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Twinship is a predominant theme in much West African myth and ritual, because the human body is conceived as the twin of the cosmic body. Similar to the Jinn were the Peri (fairies) who could be mischievous or helpful. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Mark, published on 10 December 2019. In some versions, Rashnu reads from the scrolls relating the good and bad deeds done by the soul in life, in others he holds golden scales which weigh these deeds against each other to determine the soul's destination in the afterlife. Anahita (Ardvi Sura Anahita) goddess of health, healing, water, and wisdom. Fereydun (Feridun) another name for the great Persian hero-king Thraetaona, who defeats the evil dragon Azhi Dahaka, liberates the people from Zahak (the dragon's embodiment), and was father of the princes who wage the Iranian-Tauranian War in the Shahnameh. License. This story was a Roman adaptation of a widespread ancient Mediterranean folktale told of many national leaders, such as the Akkadian king Sargon (c. 2300 bc), the biblical Moses, the Persian king Cyrus the Great, the Theban king Oedipus, and the twins Neleus and Pelias of Greek mythology. Amesha Spentas also known as yazatas, the Amesha Spentas are seven immortal beings worthy of worship who personify the highest values and greatest goods. Mark, published on 09 December 2019. Garshasp another name for the monster-slaying hero Karsasp/Keresaspa. They were allegedly imprisoned in their fairy-form until they had atoned for a past sin but were neither human souls nor immortal entities. Followers who now live in India are called Parsis, or Parsees. Azhi Dahaka was the great three-headed dragon created out of the lies of Angra Mainyu to thwart any positive impulse in the world and create chaos. At birth, the fravashi sends the soul (urvan) into the physical body so that it can contribute to the fight against evil and experience the material world. Kamak is so enormous that its spread wings blocked the rain, bringing drought to the land, and in the chaos which followed it easily plucked up human and animal prey to feed on. Dogs warded off evil spirits, comforted and guided, and watched over one's most valuable possessions. Historically, these were regions long ruled by dynasties of various Iranian empires,[note 1][1][2][3] that incorporated considerable aspects of Persian culture through extensive contact with them,[note 2] or where sufficient Iranian peoples settled to still maintain communities who patronize their respective cultures. Zahak was a prince who was corrupted by the lies of Angra Mainyu, killed his father, and took the throne. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Iransaga - Persian Myths, The Creation of the World - Plus These stories concern the origin and nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures . Sassanian-style Plate with Simurghakhenatenator (Public Domain). He was overthrown by the hero Fereydun who restored order and justice. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. Nasu (Naush) demon who contaminates corpses of the newly deceased in the form of a fly. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. It is described as having a thousand senses and so is aware of any possible threat and can defend against it while, at the same time, knowing where its prey is at any time. Persian mythology, ancient | Vayu was considered a yazata (spirit worth worshipping) or a daeva (evil spirit) depending on how he sided at a given time. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. World History Encyclopedia, 16 Jan 2020. He inspires the hero Fereydun to lead the revolt. The ahuras were good spirits and the daivas were evil; both influenced human life and thought. Persian Creation Myth (Zoroastianiam) by Hannah Ness - Prezi Zoroastrianism was developed from this earlier Persian mythology by a prophet called Zarathustra, also known by the Greeks as Zoroaster. Ahuras divine spirits of light, emanations of Ahura Mazda, protectors and defenders of humanity; also known as ahuranis. The soul was then called to cross a dark river to the land of the dead during which good souls were separated from bad ones (a process known as the Crossing of the Separator). In some myths, he is the first king, in others Yima (Yama) is the first king and, in still others, Gaya Maretan and Haoshyangha follows after. Related Content Vourukasha Sea the primordial sea from which all other waters flow on earth. (2019, December 10). Haoma god of the harvest, health, strength, and vitality; personification of the haoma plant whose juices brought enlightenment and of which Gaokerena was the greatest and largest. Their enemies are the daevas, evil spirits of darkness. Gandareva is said to guard the sacred haoma plant and tried to keep it and its many benefits for himself. God splits heaven from earth, darkness and light, night and day, evening and morning, water and sky, sets of . Persian MythologyPersian Mythology in ContextPersian mythology developed in what is now Iran around 1500 bce. Mithra's heroic qualities formed the basis for the central figure of the Roman mystery religion known as the Cult of Mithras, but the two deities are not the same. She is also associated with causing women's menstrual cycle but, as this is also said to have been instituted by Ahura Mazda and a natural occurrence, it is more likely she causes painful or difficult periods. Guardian of the winter solstice. In Persian mythology and folklore, Jamshid is described as the fourth and greatest king of the epigraphically unattested Pishdadian . Last modified January 16, 2020. License. It was the first of the seven regions created by Ahura Mazda. The gods, creatures, and heroes who made up these early stories of ancient Persian mythology are therefore scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism and later collections of myth and fable. Islamic legends is the body of legends associated with Islam and the Quran.Islam is a religion that is more concerned with social order and law than with religious ritual or myths. Zal albino, the white-haired hero born to the king Sam and father of the champion Rustum. In their time, however, they would have served the same basic purpose as the scripture of any religion does in modern times: to teach important spiritual and cultural values and assure people of order and meaning in the face of an often chaotic and frightening world. . Whether one or the other, the natural and supernatural forces the figures represent were recognized as quite real and steps were taken to defend against the malevolent and give proper respect to those who wished only the best for humanity. Her name means offering and she presided over and encouraged sacrifice to the gods. The Arabian NightsK.C. Iran almanac and book of facts 19641965. The Al were invisible unless they wanted to be seen, so only their effects made people aware of their existence. The gods, creatures, & heroes who made up the early stories are scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism & later collections of myth & fable. Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures The most plausible hypothesis seems to be that Roman Mithraism was practically a new creation, wrought by a religious genius who may have lived as late as . Owing to the first couple's acceptance of the lie, however, paradise has been lost and humans will now live in strife with the natural world and each other. The Avesta gives no origin for this entity and seems to assume a prior knowledge among its audience of Angra Mainyu's existence and beginnings. Mark, Joshua J.. "Ancient Persian Mythology." Its horn was said to have healing powers. It was probably compiled in the eighth and ninth centuries, though it reflects ancient Zorastrian (and pre-Zorastrian) teachings. He reigned for 300 years and then divided his kingdom between his sons Salm (West Asia, roughly), Tur (Central Asia, Kingdom of Turan), and Iraj (who received Iran). House of Song the bright realm of paradise after death where the justified souls who had served Ahura Mazda were welcomed. Rashnu angel of judgment and divine judge of the dead at the Chinvat Bridge. The tale of King Yama is of particular interest to religious historians, as it can be seen as a potential inspiration . Retrieved from He is, like Tishtrya, depicted as a white horse battling the demon Apaosha (shown as a black horse). tell our story about the . The effort of firing his great bow such a long distance killed him, but his spirit remains and continues to encourage others, especially those who are in danger of losing their way. If one chose to follow Ahura Mazda, one would live a good and productive life in harmony with others and one's environment; if one chose Angra Mainyu, one lived in opposition to the truth and became a source of confusion and strife. Zarich the demon of ageing and decrepitude. Genesis Myths, Mesopotamian Mythology - CAIS @ SOAS No matter how many times they were beheaded, new heads grew on them to guard him. The Zoroastrian Story of Creation || Ancient Persian Mythology || Afro Ancient Persian Mythology - World History Encyclopedia Peri a small, beautiful, winged female spirit better known as a faerie. The stories were passed down orally over the centuries until they were written down as part of the religious tradition of Zoroastrianism in the Avesta (Zoroastrian scripture) during the Sassanian Period (224-651 CE) in the reigns of the kings Shapur II (309-379 CE) and Kosrau I (531-579 CE) and then were fully addressed by the Persian poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi (l. 940-1020 CE) in his epic work Shahnameh (The Book of Kings) written between 977-1010 CE. Cats although there is myth associating the creation of the cat with the hero Rustum, cats were generally regarded with suspicion or outright fear because they were associated with the physical manifestation of the demons known as khrafstra who appeared as frogs, lizards, wasps, but also as animals such as lions and tigers. The couple cannot conceive for 50 years after their fall and, when Mashyanag finally does give birth, she and Mashya eat the children because they have lost any sense of balance and reason. In the Zoroastrian text Vendidad, it is the mountain in the afterlife on the other side of the Chinvat Bridge, the span between the world of the living and the dead. The first three Fargards contained Zoroastrianism's most ancient tales, some of which date back to the 8th century BC. She comes from the darkness of hell as soon as she hears someone has died and tries to contaminate the corpse before funerary rites are completed. They were later elevated to benevolent spirits by the Muslim Arabs and served the same purpose as angels in bringing messages from the divine. . Sohrab the tragic hero and son of Rustum and the princess Tahmineh in the Shahmaneh. Geus-Tasan god of cattle and their creator. Thus, in the first three centuries, a number of ideas from the ancient Middle East, from Hellenistic and especially from Jewish and Christian traditions . They were generally regarded with suspicion, and amulets were carried by merchants and travelers for protection against them. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Ancient Persian Gods, Heroes, and Creatures - The Complete List. The ancient Persian religious tradition was passed down orally, and the only written texts relating to it come from after the prophet Zoroaster (c. 1500-1000 BCE) initiated the reforms which would become Zoroastrianism. According to Herodotus, a 5th-Century Greek writer and geographer often credited with being the first historian, the Amazons maintained an idyllic all-female existence in modern-day Turkey. Chamrosh is also a protective entity who defends Persians against outside invaders, especially raiders, swooping down upon them and carrying them off. The Persians were initially part of a migratory people who referred to themselves as Aryan, meaning noble or free and having nothing to do with race. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Ahurani wife or daughter of Ahura Mazda, goddess of waters, health, healing energies, wealth, and personal growth/development. Manuchehr initiates the Iranian-Turanian War. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology identifies a number of traditional narratives as "Islamic myths". World History Encyclopedia. The Vendidad text provides insight on how one should practice Zoroastrianism and mentions various entities and rituals which predate the founding of the religion. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. The soul would then cross the bridge which became broad and easy for the justified but narrow and difficult for the condemned soul. 30 Apr 2023. These systems only became designated as mythological after they had been replaced by others which, even so, continued to express the same values emphasizing the forces of good and order over those of evil and chaos. Mithra is depicted riding in a great chariot drawn by white horses, armed with a silver spear, bow, and arrows of gold. Although there are many different mythological creatures in the Persian tales, twelve are representative of the thematic whole: All of these entities influenced human daily life to one degree or another. Guardian of the vernal equinox. Royal Stars the four major stars which influenced or, at times, governed human events. Norse* mythology says that the first man and woman . They bring messages from the gods but might as easily fail to deliver them, or misspeak, as perform their task correctly. Creation began when he cast a beam of his pure light into . Ahura Mazd | Zoroastrian deity | Britannica He was the supreme creator, maker of heaven, earth, animals, humans, and the sacred elements of air, water, earth, and fire which allowed creation to function. Alburz (Mount Hara, Mount Harburz, Hara Berezaiti) the first mountain created in the world whose roots stretch down into the earth and whose peak touches the utmost sky. Now a days the nuber of known followers range from 150- 200,000. Governed the autumnal equinox; known as Watcher of the West. Apam-Napat a water god whose name means child of the waters. He was a god of courage and enlightenment, and led the chariot of the sun across the sky on its daily journey. The following is a list of the various entities of pre-Zoroastrian Persia who appear in some of the most famous myths and legends. (2019, December 09). Arash the archer, great hero who fired his arrow to mark the boundary between Iran and Turan. Dragon-serpents ( azhi) frequently appear in Persian mythology as the embodiment of evil and disorder, and Azhi Dahaka was the most fearsome of them all. Azhi Dahaka. Books Gaymart | Zoroastrianism | Britannica The waters are said to come from the Alburz Mountains through ice-melt and collect in the Vourukasha Sea and, from there, flow outwards to form all the other bodies of water in the world. It struck without warning but, sometimes, would announce itself with a growl like a trumpet. The 2,000-year-old Wonder Women who inspired the comic - BBC Tahmineh mother of the hero Sohrab in the Shahnameh. In some passages, he is the twin brother of Angra Mainyu. The Catholic concept of Purgatory was also earlier imagined by the Persians in their Hamistakan, a place for the souls of . How these deities were venerated by the pre-Zoroastrian Persians is unclear but it is certain that rituals involved fire (considered a divine element and also a god), were conducted outdoors, and elevated the supreme principle of Goodness personified in the being of Ahura Mazda, king of the gods. Many years after this, another set of twins is born who will become the progenitors of humanity. Asto Vidatu the demon of death who, not content with killing a person, then tries to snatch their souls into hell as they cross the Chinvat Bridge after their passing. Spenta Mainyu Holy Spirit, one of the seven Amesha Spentas, the embodiment of the light and goodness of Ahura Mazda. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide.
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