But the losses to Dutch trade were so serious that negotiations for peace were set on foot by the burgher party of Holland, and Cromwell being not unwilling, an agreement was reached in the Treaty of Westminster, signed on Provinces with a view to the settlement of the Dano Swedish question, which ended in securing a northern peace in 1660, and in keeping the Baltic open for Dutch trade. The feathers have a large after-shaft which is of the size of the other half, likewise in agreement with the Australian Ratitae, while in the others, including the kiwis, the after-shaft is absent. The main principles of this agreement were decided during the spring of 1867; but during this period the Austrians were not really consulted at all. Philip of Hesse also surrendered, and Charles tried once more to establish a basis of agreement. Sentence Plea Bargains How to use "reach an agreement" in a sentence? - bab.la Ambassadors, one of whom was Savonarola, were sent to treat with the French king, but no agreement was arrived at until Charles entered Florence on the 17th of November at the head of 12,000 men. By agreement between the two colonies the council was dissolved in 1908. In those matters which belong to the periodical and terminable agreement, the most important is the Customs Union, which was established in 1867, and it is convenient to treat separately the commercial policy of the dual state.'. in a Sentence Agreement: In a Sentence WORDS IN A SENTENCE In February 1825 Great Britain and Russia made a similar agreement. The AngloFrench agreement of 1904 left England in undisputed mastery. This makes the matter much more difficult; and an answer is demanded to the problem afforded by the agreement of two of these texts against the third. The old foundations," he said, " are shaken, and engineers have not come to an agreement respecting the rebuilding of the structure. Again, while the Gospel and the Epistle of John show marks of agreement which suggest a common authorship, the Apocalypse differs widely from both in its ideas and in its way of expressing them; we miss in it the frequent references to ` life,' ` light,' ` truth,' ` grace ' and ` love ' which are characteristic of the Apostle and find ourselves in a totally different region of thought.. Owen not only occupied himself with the dissection of rare animals, such as the Pearly Nautilus, Lingula, Limulus, Protopterus, Apteryx, &c., and with the description and reconstruction of extinct reptiles, birds and mammals - following the Cuvierian tradition - but gave precision and currency to the morphological doctrines which had taken their rise in the beginning of the century by the introduction of two terms, " homology " and " analogy," which were defined so as to express two different kinds of agreement in animal structures, which, owing to the want of such " counters of thought," had been hitherto continually confused. The latter claimed that the new constitution must be made by agreement with the territories; the former maintained that the constitution of 1861 was still valid, and demanded that in accordance with it the Reichsrath should be summoned and a " constitutional " government restored. On July 31, in a reply to the German Chancellor Michaelis, he admitted that in 1917 an agreement had been made with the Tsar to erect the German territories on the left bank of the Rhine into an autonomous state, but denied that there had been any question of their annexation to France. Politically, the principle underlying the agreement was that the empire should be divided into two portions; in one of these the Magyars were to rule, in the other the Germans; in either section the Slav races - the Serbs and Croatians, the Czechs, Poles and Slovenes - were to be placed in a position of political inferiority. REACH AN AGREEMENT - Translation A new team on one or both sides may be able to look at the negotiation with fresh eyes, free of any emotional baggage or personality clashes that could be holding you back. Examples of "Agreement" in a Sentence From Berlin Patkul went on to Dresden to conclude an agreement with the imperial commissioners for the transfer of the Russian contingent from the Saxon to the Austrian service. Schuppe, indeed, wrote an article in the Vierteljahrsschrift of Avenarius to prove their essential agreement. These extracts contain all the original statements made by Napier, Robert Napier and Briggs which have reference to the origin of decimal logarithms. WebExamples of 'reach agreement' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of reach agreement Examples from the Collins Corpus These examples have been automatically Daimbert, the first patriarch of Jerusalem, was convinced that the Roman Church alone could be sovereign of the new state, and attempted to compel Godfrey of Bouillon to hand over to him by a solemn agreement the town and citadel of Jerusalem, and also Jaffa. A submission is defined as a written agreement (it need not be signed by both parties) to submit present or future differences to arbitration, whether a particular arbitrator is named in it or not. Web1. sentence for "reach" (11) long reach down. Meanwhile a Prussian envoy had again been appointed at the Vatican; all but three of the vacant bishoprics were filled by agreement between the pope and the king, and the sequestrated revenues were restored. Webreach an agreement = es volume_up capitular Translations Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new These sentences come from external sources and may not Helping Verbs A third type of verb you may use as you write is a helping verb. Parliament was dissolved in the summer, and Taaffe, by private negotiations, first of all persuaded the Bohemian feudal proprietors to give the Feudalists, who had long been excluded, a certain number of seats; secondly, he succeeded where Potocki had failed, and came to an agreement with the Czechs; they had already, in 1878, taken their seats in the diet at Prague, and now gave up the policy of " passive resistance," and consented to take their seats also in the parliament at Vienna. The agreement between Chile and Bolivia, by which the disputed provinces were to be handed over to the latter country if Chilean possession was recognized, was also a stumbling-block, a strong feeling existed among Peruvians against this proceeding. (3) to reach out (4) reach for it! CK 1 244804 The news finally reached me last night. Having been convicted of the libel he was liberated later in the year under circumstances that only became clear in 1864, when six letters were discovered in the Record Office from Defoe to a Government official, Charles Delaf aye, which, according to William Lee, established the fact that in 1718 at least Defoe was doing not only political work, but that it was of a somewhat equivocal kind - that he was, in fact, sub-editing the Jacobite Mist's Journal, under a secret agreement with the government that he should tone down the sentiments and omit objectionable items. The result was that a working agreement was made, by which the Union was preserved. The final success of Brasidas at Amphipolis, where both he and Cleon were killed, paved the way for a more permanent agreement, the peace parties at Athens and Sparta being in the ascendant. In November 1908 the lawlessness subsided in the Burley after the agreement of the American Tobacco Company to purchase the remainder of the 1906 crop at a " round " price of 202 cents and a part of the 1907 crop at an average price of 17 cents, thus making it profitable to raise a full crop in 1909. The opposition, as might be expected, came from the side of the Jews, and was due partly to the controversial use which was made of the version by the S Christians, but chiefly to the fact that it was not suffi- ciently in agreement with the standard Hebrew text estab.- lished by Rabbi Aqiba and his school. He needed her agreement to try, even if they weren't ready yet. Being in a miserable minority in parliament (1S7 Unionists against 379 Liberals, 51 Labour members, and 83 Nationalists), some form of consolidation among the Unionists was immediately necessary, and negotiations took place between Mr Balfour and Mr Chamberlain which resulted in the patching up of an agreement (expressed in a correspondence dated February 14th), and its confirmation at a meeting of the party at Lansdowne House a few days later. But the Sicilians, with Frederick at their head, disowned the agreement, and in 1296 Frederick was crowned king. From 1890 to 1903 this company was in possession of extensive mining, railway, banking and coining rights, but in the last-named year, by agreement with the German government, it became a land company purely. This oligarchy was overthrown again in June, and the new democracy having vainly sought an agreement with Sparta rejoined Athens. from Vox: The two sides have y et to reach an agreement about the planned investment in the new line. At first she nodded agreement, and then a cold feeling clutched at her heart. It is found that the subdivisions in this system demanded by palaeobotanists do not always coincide with those acknowledged by palaeozoologists; nevertheless there is general agreement as to the main divisional lines. This latter was the continuation through southern Siam of the line already constructed from Bangkok south-west to Petchaburi (110 m.), with funds borrowed, under a recent agreement, from the Federated (British) Malay States government, which work, following upon surveys made in 1907, was begun in 1909 under the direction of a newly constituted southern branch of the Royal Railways department. The people of Nova Scotia in particular, dissatisfied with the way in which their province had been drawn into the Union, maintained a fierce opposition to the Ottawa government, until their leader, Joseph Howe, fearing an armed rising, came to an agreement with Macdonald and accepted a seat in his cabinet. But he just murmured an agreement as they returned to their room. 6. On this page, you can: Learn about how this transition affects you, based on the work you do in SAM.gov. In regard to the poem which forms the third and closing chapter of the present book of Habakkuk, there is much more general agreement. Webagreement noun uk / ri.mnt / us / ri.mnt / the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve of or See more at agreement (Definition of Romas had decreed that the man Kiera chose would have to have her agreement to be mated. Baker described the condition of opinion as to the safe limits of stress as chaotic. " Traffic reaches its peak between 7 SAM.gov The king had, however, previously concluded treaties of "commerce and friendship" with the French, and by the Anglo-French agreement of August 1889 Jaman, with Bontuku, was recognized as French territory. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Examples of Reach Agreement in a sentence On this there was a deadlock; all through 1897 and 1898 the QuotaDeputations failed to come to an agreement. All rights reserved. WebIn the first sentence, the verb describes the boys action. This agreement, known as the Chamberlain-Bayard treaty, was rejected by the Senate, and as a consequence it became necessary to carry on the fisheries under a modus vivendi renewed annually. In 1904 the German attitude towards Great Britain had been in the highest degree conciliatory; the AngloFrench agreement as to Egypt was agreed to at Berlin; a visit of King Edward VII. Both produced their own creatures, which remained apart, in a spiritual or ideal state, for 3000 years, after which the evil spirit began his opposition to the good creation under an agreement that his power was not to last more than 9000 years, of which only the middle 3000 were to see him successful. This is a microscopic point of agreement, but is none the less significant. It's a cash sale just as soon as we come to an agreement on the price. Caspar Koolhaes, the heroic minister of Leiden - its first lecturer, too, in divinity - pleaded against a too rigid uniformity, for such an agreement on "fundamentals" as had allowed Reformed, Lutherans and Anabaptists to unite. The hope that this might bring about some agreement was frustrated by the sudden death of the cardinal, and his successor was more under the influence of the Jesuits and the more extreme party. agreement in a sentence reaching a pinnacle. A comet which appeared in 1861 had a very suggestive agreement of orbit when compared with that of the meteors, and the period computed for it was 415 year's. In the view of many authorities this version was first produced at Carthage, but recent writers are inclined to regard Antioch as its birthplace, a view which is supported by the remarkable agreement of its readings with the Lucianic recension and with the early Syriac MSS. Thereupon Alphonso, duke of Calabria, who was fighting in Tuscany on the side of his father Ferdinand, came to an agreement with Siena and, in the same way as his grandfather Alphonso, tried to obtain the lordship of the city and the recall of the exiled rebels in 1456. This is a very definite and remarkable agreement, since such a reticular gonocoel is not found in Crustacea (except in the male Apus). Compromise Bismarck had to come to an agreement with one party or the other; he chose the Centre, probably for the reason that the National Liberals were themselves divided on the policy to be pursued, and therefore their support would be uncertain; and he accepted an amendment, the celebrated Franckenstein Clause, proposed by Georg Arbogast Freiherr von Franckenstein (1825-1890), one of the leaders of the Centre, by which all proceeds of custQms and the tax on tobacco above 130 million marks should be paid over to the individual states in proportion to their population. How to connect 'reach' with other words to make correct English sentences. WebCK 1 3024247 I think we'll reach Boston before dark. The agreement, however, was only to hold good if war broke out within three months. As to whether the magnetized plate becomes positive or negative to the other, different experimenters are not in agreement. WebTranslations for mutually beneficial Use our Sentence Generator Nearby Words mutually assured destruction mutually agreeable mutually mutualization mutuality mutualists mutually exclusive mutually reinforcing mutual respect mutuals mutual understanding muumuu This time there is no commissioner to help facilitate an agreement. Yes! reach final agreement | English examples in context | Ludwig The absolute agreement in the results independently obtained by these various investigators, the interpretation of individual development as the guide to phyletic development, the demonstration of continuous genetic series, each mutation falling into its proper place and all showing a definite direction, constitute contributions to biological philosophy of the first importance, which have been little known or appreciated by zoologists because of their publication in monographs of very special character. (7) who'd we reach? An agreement was made with the Norddeutsche Lloyd, one clause of which was that all the new steamers were to be built in Germany; in 1890 a further vote was passed for a line to Delagoa Bay and Zanzibar. reach an agreement in a sentence - reach an agreement sentence WebThat requires some kind of mechanism to reach an agreement about what the bill should be. Under the common law of Scotland, a submission of future disputes or differences to an arbiter, or arbiters, unnamed, was ineffectual except where the agreement to refer did not contemplate the decision of proper disputes between the parties but the adjustment of some condition, or the liquidation of some obligation, contained in the contract of which the agreement to submit formed a part.
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