African traditional medicine is a form of holistic health care system organized into three levels of specialty, namely divination, spiritualism, and herbalism. DOI: Cooley J. (2006). 2 months ago; United States of America, All Countries ( Other than India ) Apart from the lack of adequate access and the fear of expired or fake drugs, the prohibitive cost of western medicine makes traditional medicine attractive. It can cause allergic reactions. Also, degree-awarding traditional medical schools now train and graduate traditional medical doctors. Many of these plants are somewhere between 3 and 4, according to Wilson. Use of echinacea in medicine. On the other hand, increased awareness and understanding have equally decreased the mysticism and gimmicks associated with the curative properties of herbs. Chemical components or phytochemicals found in plants that are responsible for the various therapeutic effects include alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, acids, coumarins, sterols, phenols, etc. In 2023, Stella Din-Jacob rose to the top, becoming the most powerful woman in journalism in Nigeria. Libation: Libation involves pouring of some liquid, mostly local gin on the ground or sometimes on objects followed by the chanting or reciting of words. Studies that are available on this oil tend to be all over the map, but there are studies that are stronger than others. Exorcism may be accompanied by dancing to the beating of drums, singing, and sometimes flogging the individual or touching him/her with strange objects such as animal tails and other objects to chase out the spirit. Last medically reviewed on February 28, 2019. Traditional medical practitioner (TMP), however, seems to be a modern acceptable concept agreed on by the Scientific Technical and Research Commission (STRC) of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which is now African Union (AU). The results of many literature reviews suggest that the reported adverse drug reactions of herbal remedies are often due to a lack of understanding of their preparation and appropriate use. The tea tree, which is native to Australia, produces an oil thats long been thought to be beneficial for skin conditions, including mild acne, athletes foot, small wounds, dandruff, insect bites, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Grapeseed extract contains the same antioxidants found in wine. ARE NEAR YOU AND YOU ARE STILL BREATHING AIR, THEN YOUR PROBLEMS OF LIFE WILL BE BYGONE. This may rely on past experience and observations handed down from generation to generation either verbally, frequently in the form of stories, or spiritually by ancestors or, in modern times, in writing [6]. Thus, the treatment of an ill person involves not only aiding his/her physical being but may also involve the spiritual, moral, and social components of being as well. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. Many of the traditional communities believe that illness, especially mental illness, is mostly caused by evil spirits. It is the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today. Safety increases when ingested as an herb in cooking or tea. Effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil on acute inflammatory response. However, only plant muti is considered a sustainable source of medicines. The mixture is applied to the entire body for a number of days, especially in the case of skin diseases. Evening primrose oil reducing serum lithium concentration. Plants have been the primary source of most medicines in the world, and they still continue to provide mankind with new remedies. Potash may be added to aid extraction and as preservative. Despite the widespread use of herbal medicines globally and their reported benefits, they are not completely harmless. Recently, its been discovered that lavender carries anti-inflammatory benefits as well. stream Its proven to be soothing in a study conducted among dental patients, while another study confirmed that lavender can directly impact mood and cognitive performance. Impotency DOI: Wiltgen A, et al. The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being is commonly referred to as the health triangle. This in turn would reduce the cost of imported medicines and increase the countries revenue and employment opportunities in both industry and medical practice. In oral interviews with two modern traditional medicine practitioners, Dr. Anselm Okonkwo of Saint Ritas Ethnomedical Research Center, Enugu, Nigeria, a Veterinary doctor, and Mr. Uche Omengoli of CGP Herba-Medical Consultancy and Research, Enugu, Nigeria, a medical laboratory technologist, both revealed that their knowledge and gift of medical practice were handed down by aged relatives who were also in the practice by both tutelage and supernatural means. However, there was a resurgence of interest in plant medicines in more recent years, as synthetic drugs became less effective due to high levels of resistance and also due to higher toxicity and cost. However, many herbs and teas offer harmless subtle ways to improve your health. 21 Dec, 22 1:17 pm Hover for Location individual. It has potent health benefits, including lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and reducing symptoms of poor circulation in the leg veins. Many plants are used in African traditional medicine, but little information is available on their active ingredients/constituents. Her story is one of passion, perseverance, and a commitment to delivering the truth to the people. Toxic components in these herbs such as alkaloids, tannins, oxalates, etc., may likely be responsible for such observed toxicities. Herbal Medicine, Submitted: May 20th, 2017 Reviewed: July 17th, 2018 Published: January 30th, 2019, Total Chapter Downloads on The leaves are used to create capsules, tablets, and extracts, and when dried, can be consumed as a tea. Recover Lost Glory FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH The most powerful herbalist in Nigeria - Facebook Ghanaian Powerful Herbalist Reveals 4 Nigerian Pastors He Is Turmeric has low bioavailability. Table1 shows some selected Nigerian medicinal plants and their uses. The best way to add flax seed is through your diet. In African traditional medicine, the curative, training, promotive, and rehabilitative services are referred to as clinical practices Clinical practice can also be viewed as the process of evaluating conditions of ill-health of an individual and its management. The possessed individual would be somewhat agitated but would only calm down as soon as the spirit is removed from the body. Plants may be used singly or in combination with other plants. Win Court case (2009). Some of the earliest people to use echinacea as a medicinal herb were Native Americans. Commanding Tone Combs D. (2016). Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. The most Several herbal medicines have been reported to have toxic effects. They must also be issued with authentic licenses to be renewed frequently. Thats why, with the help of specialist Debra Rose Wilson, were looking at the most effective and therapeutic plants which have strong scientific evidence to support their safe use. This therefore calls for ensuring that the raw materials should be of high quality, free from contaminations and properly authenticated, and samples deposited in University, National, and Regional herbaria. AshingThe dried parts are incinerated to ash, then sieved and added as such to water or food. The most As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. Similar to modern day Western treatment patterns, African traditional societies also involved herbalism, surgery, dietary therapy, and psychotherapy, in addition to traditional exorcism, rituals, and sacrifice [28]. Oral interviews are sometimes used by some traditional healers to find out the history behind the sickness, where they have been for treatment and how long the person has been in that condition. Thus, health issues are addressed from two major perspectivesspiritual and physical. Your skin could experience an allergic reaction. Although more research needs to be done with human subjects, one study says that flax seed can help prevent colon cancer. German chamomile vs. Roman chamomile: Whats the difference? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity [15, 27] and views health as one of the fundamental rights of every human being. It is also considered to be a lot safer than orthodox medicine, being natural in origin. Herbal spiritualists collectively called bokomowo indulge in occult practices, divinations, and prayers and are common all over the country. People developed unique indigenous healing traditions adapted and defined by their culture, beliefs, and environment, which satisfied the health needs of their communities over centuries [15]. powerful It is a transpersonal technique in which diviners base their knowledge on communication with the spiritual forces, such as the ancestors, spirits, and deities [30]. Powerful (2017). Another constraint to the development of traditional medicine in Tanzania was lack of data on seriously threatened or endangered medicinal plant species [46]. chevron_right Merchandise chevron_right Vehicles chevron_right Housing chevron_right Jobs chevron_right Business chevron_right Services DOI: Cardia GFE, et al. DOI: Srivastava JK, et al. The spirit world is consulted to identify the cause of the disease or to discover whether there was a violation of an established order from the side of the sick person. Very few adverse reactions have been reported for herbal medicines, especially when used concurrently with conventional or orthodox medicines [15]. These trees can live up to 3,000 years. Here are the 7 best elderberry gummies. 10 Common Nigerian Herbs and Their Health Benefits Many carry the same risks and side effects as manufactured medicines. Many modern pharmaceuticals have been modeled on or were originally derived from these chemicals, for example, aspirin is synthesized from salicylic acid derived from the bark of Salix alba and the meadowsweet plant, Filipendula ulmaria. This plays a major role in health care decision making. Here are the top 8. For example, headaches are cured by snuffing or inhaling burning medicines, bitter tonics are used to increase appetite, sedative medicines for depression, vomiting medicines to clean the digestive system, and antibiotic or immune boosting medicines for weakness or infection. <> However, according to WHO [15], at least 80% of people in Africa still rely on medicinal plants for their health care. Sitz baths are used for piles [19, 20]. Exorcism can only be performed by a religious leader or a priest who has the authorities and powers to do so. LAND/CASE COUNT The divining bones that form the large majority of the objects include bones from various animals such as lions, hyenas, ant-eaters, baboons, crocodiles, wild pigs, goats, antelopes, etc. ASICUMPON has published a checklist of medicinal plants of Nigeria and their curative values [19]. First are the herbalists, who use their knowledge and understanding of plant, herb, and animal properties in their work. Some cultures also use palm wine, palm oil, and coconut water, while some others use corn flour mixed with water [38]. Allergic conjunctivitis to chamomile tea. Mixtures are sometimes prepared with more than one plant to give synergistic or potentiating effects of the composite plants. In Nigeria, a number of authors have published a lot of data on plants with their curative values [16, 20, 21]. The Most Powerful Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of a tree thats native to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. For example, information from folklore medicine in Nigeria has it that Rauvolfia vomitoria is used for treating hypertension and other nervous conditions while Ocimum gratissimum is used for treating diarrheal diseases. The plant materials may be used fresh or dry. Gums, exudates, and nectars, which are secreted by plants to deter insects and grazing animals and to seal off wounds, are very useful in the pharmaceutical industries. (2018). Offered by: Herbalist01. These are no doubt more important in developing countries but quite relevant in industrialized world in the sense that pharmaceutical industries have come to consider them as a source or lead in the chemical synthesis of modern pharmaceuticals [24, 58]. A host of plants have barks of high medicinal value. TVCs Stella Din-Jacob becomes Most powerful woman journalist Herbs can also be a way to add a needed nutrient. If the illness is of a physical nature, the following approaches are exploited: Prescription of herbs: Herbs are prescribed to the sick person according to the nature of the illness. For example, some studies have found that evening primrose oil has anti-inflammatory properties. WebFrom this immense reservoir of plants, herbalists in Nigeria source different herbal medicines which are widely used today and surprisingly gaining recognition by government as can be seen by the establishment of the Herbal Medi- The greatest problem still facing herbal medicine in Nigeria is lack of adequate standardization and safety regulations [52]. The best powerful herbalist in Nigeria - YouTube She often counseled patients before administering appropriate healing herbal medicines [48]. Add flaxseed oil to salad dressing. With experience, a particular method is chosen to increase efficiency and decrease toxicity. TubersSwollen fleshy underground structures which form from stems/roots, e.g., potatoes and yams such as Dioscorea dumetorum (ona-(igbo)) for diabetes and Gloriosa superba for cancer. Offered by Priest awolere, Independent, Wed, 05/06/2020 - 19:08, Company, Asokoro Cadastral Zone A04 Contact Advertiser. However, both plants and supplements, which arent regulated by the Food and Drug Administration for safety or quality, can have questionable dosage and might have a risk of contamination. Snuffs are powdered dried plant inhaled through the nostrils. Studies are confirming that regular consumption of grapeseed extract has anticancer effects and seems to halt cancer cell growth. *Address all correspondence to: Turmeric has been used as a medicinal herb for 4,000 years. Ljebu Lgbo Direct Motto, Nigeria. This calls for improved collaboration between traditional practitioners and modern health care professionals, researchers, and drug regulatory authorities. GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHIEF AWOLERE AWONLA HERBALIST SO WARNING TO AVOID ALL THOSE WICKED PEOPLE THAT HAVE MIND TO SCAM CHIEF CONSUMER, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE OF MINE AND GOD WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER AND YOUR GENERATION No SCAM ZONE IF YOU NEED THE BEST POWERFUL SPIRITUAL NATIVE DOCTOR IN NIGERIA CALL CHIEF AWORAWO OLATUNJI HERBALIST +2348156950703 IS KNOWN TO BE, MOST POWERFUL NATIVE DOCTOR FROM THE ANCIENT TIME TILL NOW, CHIEF AWOLERE AWONLA HERBALIST LIVES STRONG AMONG ALL OTHER NATIVE DOCTORS, THERE HAD NEVER BEEN ANY FORM OF IMPOSSIBILITY BEYOND THE CONTROL OF CHIEF AWOLERE AWONLA HERBALIST . In some cases, the healer might require other family members to speak on behalf of the sick person in cases where the patient is not able to express him/herself. NATURAL HEALTH One recent study said that tea tree oil slowed the growth of acne-causing microbes. In other definitions, priestesses, high priests, witch doctors, diviners, midwives, seers or spiritualists, and herbalists are included. Long-term use can potentially cause stomach problems. Khalesi S, et al. Invocation: They first invoke the presence of the almighty God, mother earth, and the ancestors. Flax seed, also available as an oil, is one of the safer choices among plant-based dietary supplements. Both however agreed to the mystic or esoteric power of plants, which they sometimes employ in their diagnosis and treatment.
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