(UUM-25814), VFX Graph: Fixed errors in the console when undoing changes from gizmo in some specific conditions. c) Assign them back to the mesh. This fix is available for Unity 2021.3.9f1 or newer. files. HDRP: Fixed and issue where High Quality Line instances were not being drawn in back to front order. (UUM-31173) Fixed in 2023.1.0b14. Scripting: Added: Added AwaitableCompletionSource implementation as well as Methods to switch to main/background threads. Editor: Fixed an issue where RunFinished callbacks sometimes would not be executed before the editor quits in batchmode. See https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.memoryprofiler@1.0/manual/index.html for more information. (UUM-26264), UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView itemsRemoved event being invoked after the items were removed from the serializedObjectList, they are now removed after the callback. Universal RP: Improved visual quality of FXAA so it no longer introduces structured noise and blurring. (UUM-27045), Editor: Fixed crash of profiler opened in standalone process. Editor: Fixed an issue where GameObjectChangeTracker was not able to detect GameObject sibling order change. HDRP: Added Screen Space Lens Flare feature. The characters would be reported multiple times. (UUM-7851), Universal RP: Fixed Render Targets being released each frame. I had something similar happen recently on a project where multiple user Shadergraph: Addressed various issues with the Swizzle node. (UUM-11988), Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity. First seen in 2023.1.0b10. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of a supported type such as RenderPipeline.StandardRequest. The original behaviour can be restored with the keepAnimatorStateOnDisable variable. IMGUI: Removed dependency on Legacy Text stack for IMGUI so that IMGUI now renders and calculates its metrics using TextCore. Editor: Fixed Editor version is added to a bundle when using RecompressAssetBundleAsync after it's been stripped with AssetBundleStripUnityVersion. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? Package Manager: Extended support for specifying optional path and revision to Git URLs in SCP format. Visual Scripting: Generated AOTStubs for all nodes regardless of whether they represent a runtime or editor member. IL2CPP: Removed boxing for more cases of comparisons to null in value type generic instances. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. Textures are missing or show black/magenta default appearance when running a compiled build of the game. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. HDRP: Enabled Progressive Exposure Adaptation in scene view. (UUM-29202), IL2CPP: Projects created prior to 2021.3 and opened in 2021.3 or newer could have their Managed Stripping Level incorrectly migrated to the new default value of Minimal when the old default of Low should have been retained. For skinned meshes, the vertex data can also (UUM-11308), Editor: Fixed Gradle file search when looking for Play library dependencies on 2023.1 to use RegEx, which identifies dependencies included with both double or single quotes. How to import obj file with multiple textures? Android: Added build_fingerprint information to Android builds. That sound like a uv map issue. IMGUI: IMGUI now use TextCore to deal with Ellipsis. Editor: Fixed SpeedTree shadergraph shaders so they now multiply the Smoothness and Metallic slider values with the values from the ExtraTexture when the texture is provided. URP: Disabled support for using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android due to crashes. (UUM-20917), IL2CPP: Improved stability of generated field names. Editor: Animation Events are now organized into sub-menus in the inspector. See documentation on Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) for more information. Editor: Added: Added EditorApplication.consoleLogsChanged event. (UUM-23038), Editor: Fixed that when using Entities that some type of gizmos for components in subscenes were not rendered in the Scene view. Graphics: Added safeguards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail. I have a problem in Unity where the mesh is appearing completely black. (1423212), Editor: Fixed null reference exception in the FreeCamera component when there is no keyboard. I work in a research project of psychoacoustics in VR environment. (UUM-28726) Graphics: BatchRendererGroup: Remove asset subscribers from Mesh & Materials upon deletion. Physics 2D: Added: Added CompositeCollider2D.GetCompositeColliders() method. Texture does not scale correctly on a mesh, suddenly, mesh modified by perlin noise is symmetric. Rigidbody2D.OverlapCollider is now Rigidbody2D.Overlap (UUM-20797) Fixed in 2023.1.0b14. Editor: Fixed the globally shared Allocator.Temp atomic safety handle issue. (UUM-29660). Serialization: Improved performance of restoring managed objects during a domain reload. (UUM-5942), IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect code generation for references to void* pointers. (UUM-1921), URP: Fixed XR vsync is disabled when focus is lost. It has predefined Transform values in Imported Object setting in the Inspector. Shadergraph: Fixed issue where nodes with dynamic vectors would not correctly cache properties for previews. GI: Show timely information in the Editor on lightmaps and probes being baked. (UUM-4752), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with the out of range exception on GPU when multiple spawn context are plugged to the same initialize system. Activities can be implemented in jar files, so Unity is unable to check that. (DANB-125). Graphics: Added foveated rendering support for Metal. (UUM-19235), Editor: Fixed issue where -nographics command line argument was not being forwarded to the Asset Import Workers. VFX Graph: Greatly reduced the import cost of VFX Graph objects, especially when importing many at once. Individually deprecated package versions and Unity packages deprecated for Editor versions will be marked as such in the Package Manager Window. 2D: Simplified the Sprite Meta Data storage. Graphics: Added: Added InvalidImport exception, exception that might potentially raised if the render pipeline resources are not ready. Burst: Fixed managed fallback implementation of Sse4_2.cmpestrs. Shadow softness can be set on shadow casting Light2Ds. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Serialization: When accumulating the fully qualified names for given generic type process all the types involved in the given generic type at once, instead of recursively calling the accumulate method for the type of the generic's parameter. (UUM-28072), HDRP: Path tracing will no longer produce incorrect results when dynamic resolution is enabled. (UUM-19897), Build Pipeline: Fixed null reference errors when loading user scripting objects from ContentFiles. Scene/Game View: Added: Added the ability to display similar tools as a single button in the Tools Overlay, with a fly-out context menu to select the active variant. (UUM-1237). (UUM-21880), IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failure when using Unbox instruction with generic by reference return type. It is however a good starting point for whoever wants to do something similar without any experience. (UUM-12744), 2D: Fixed Stencil so it now works when rendering sprites with GPU instancing on. (UUM-13357), Graphics: Fixed BRG DrawCommands bad sorting. Video: Fixed an issue that the VP8 Video Encoder bitrate is corrected to use bps instead of kbps. Shadergraph: Improved performance of disconnecting nodes in large graphs. So if I have a model that does not have a UVmap, I cannot just add/create one. Returns information about a vertex attribute based on its index. Even if you are using an Asset Store material pack, the model still needs to have UVs. (UUM-5728), Editor: Fixed a crash when stop a playable director and evaluating at the same time in a notification output. Universal RP: Fixed warnings appearing in GlobalIllumination.hlsl regarding gradient instruction used in a loop. Android: Fix mouse scrolling issues by disabling historical values from input events. This format changes automatically depending on which platform you are building for. Editor: Changed: The expected signature of a field decorated with the InspectorUseSetterMethod attribute now only takes a single parameter, of the type of the field to be updated. (Thank you to @DevDunk on the forum for the request!). (UUM-26431), IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type. How about saving the world? Automatically assign hundred of textures to .obj file, 2 Models 1 Cracked How to make both look the same? (UUM-14837). Universal RP: Fixed incorrect light brightness when using SimpleLit shader. This optimization caused too many bugs. Just get to the point of seeing the model texture in Blender isn't enough, Blender can map textures on meshes without UVs but that won't export to most game engines (if not all of them). So you cannot use a Screen Space Overlay Canvas to control the position of a MeshRenderer. GI: Added the range property to the Light Explorer window. (UUM-6174), HDRP: Fixed hard eges on volumetric clouds. Scripting: Fixed Assemblies without any class or structs produces warnings. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). (SGB-278), Shaders: "Invalid pass index" error will no longer appear while a variant is compiling. Editor: Added: IDataModeController is added to handle data mode related functionalities. (UUM-8052), Editor: Fixed BatchRendererGroup performance issues with many draw commands. Burst: Fixed error when calling direct call method from background thread without having previously called a BurstCompiler API from the main thread. (UUM-17756), Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using DrawProcedural with quad primitives. Wrong mesh collider when import FBX from Blender to Unity, Revit to Unity 3D Models and Texture export. Bug Reporter: Added a token representing the Unity ID account that you are currently signed in to the Bug Reporter, if the Hub is running and you are signed in at the time you file a bug report. Graphics: Added: Added a way to obtain the current RenderPipelineGlobalSettings in GraphicsSettings API. This allows you to have one copy of each Texture which you can use in Photoshop, your 3D modelling application, and in Unity. (UUM-14779), Graphics: Fixed GraphicsFenceType so it is now set correctly from CommandBuffer.CreateGraphicsFence. (XRQA-1060). (UUM-2183). HDRP: Fixed scalarization issues on a console platform. First seen in 2023.1.0a25. iOS: Changed the minimum supported OS version to iOS13. (UUM-25160), UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where an ExposedReference control would not serialize its value. (UUM-23241), Editor: Fixed Edit button status of Tile Palette when editing a GridSelection. rev2023.4.21.43403. (UUM-560), VFX Graph: Removed exception when more than 5 flow inputs are exposed in subgraph. Android: Removed a validation error which checks if activities specified in manifest are present as java files. (UUM-28519), UI Toolkit: Fixed items in animated lists sometimes disappearing. XR: Added XR Core Utilities 2.2.0-pre.1 as a pre-release package. (UUM-18512), Package Manager: Fixed an Keyboard navigation issue in the package manager. UI Toolkit: Window/UIToolkit/UI Toolkit Event Debugger menu item is now only visible when its Project Settings is enabled. I guess it's done in Blender right? It only takes a minute to sign up. Discussion in 'General Graphics' started by doubledashclash, Apr 12, 2020. a) Get vertices The bind pose at each index refers to the bone with the same index. (UUM-29342), Editor: Listen to additive scene be added or removed and update the SceneProvider accordingly. (UUM-6379), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue to avoid file access as much as possible when new assets are imported. Checks the active pipeline whether the given RequestData type is supported. This flattening happens to the imported data in Unity, not to the file itself, so you can continue to save and import your PSD or TIFF files without losing any of your work when using these file types natively. HDRP: Fixed issue introduced by a VFX PR which broke DXR VFX. (UUM-6662), HDRP: Fixed SSGI using garbage outside the frustum. (UUM-16792), HDRP: Fixed water normal redirection factor. URP: Fixed issue where selecting the URP asset could break HDRP blitter when HDRP is the active pipeline. Android: Added: Added UnityEditor.Android.Gradle.Dependencies.GetEngineGradleDependencies which returns the list of dependencies which will be used when producing gradle project. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? An array containing all triangles in the Mesh. (1369562), macOS: Fixed a hang on startup on MacOS 13 when running from Xcode. Thanks you helped me a lot :). No need for trail/error troubleshooting here. Graphics: Fixed present callbacks not being called correctly when the GfxDeviceClient is set to not be serializing (ST threading mode). SRP Core: Added debug view to visualize probe sampling. Android: Changed: Deprecate TouchScreenKeyboard.Android.consumesOutsideTouches API. The first one, is to use the methods OnPreRender and OnPostRender to properly organize what should happens before or after the camera render update. (UUM-607), IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.IsEntered returning true when the monitor was entered on a different thread than the current thread. Graphics: Added: Added RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstances for adding multiple ray tracing instances of a Mesh to the acceleration structure. (UUM-32025) The approach I've decided to go for is to indeed create a mask of the drawn shape, like you suggested, and then use stencil buffer in my shader to render the mask. (UUM-1149), WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck. HDRP: Fixed an issue where the SRP Lens flares occlusion did not work as well as it should. (Material Problems). (UUM-21185), HDRP: Fixed init order that could cause DXR setup to fail after using the HDRP wizard to enable DXR on an existing HDRP project. Editor: Fixed crash when dragging game view in and out of docked view on Linux with Mesa drivers. (UUM-7653), iOS: Fixed freeze on startup when URP is used with memoryless depth backbuffer. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. First seen in 2023.1.0b2. Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to exclude the texture from mipmap limits, ensuring that all mips can get uploaded regardless of the quality settings. What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? But, i may checked wrong, There are a few things that can be going on here, as stated in another answer it could be your tiling. 2D: Added preference option to Tile Palette Preferences for users to choose where they would want to position their mouse cursor when painting on Tilemaps with Z Position. (UUM-8885), IL2CPP: Fixed a potential cpp file name collision when 2 assembly names differ only by a number at the end of their name. Textures are missing or show black/magenta default appearance when running a compiled build of the game. (1423734), SRP Core: Fixed a SerializedObjectNotCreatableException on Volume Component Editors. Display an error and don't crash, if this is not the case. Editor: Improved text on Refraction Models material sample transparency scene to avoid confusion for recursive rendering. Rebuilding was previously scaling badly for projects with many assemblies. Simple vs Advanced Mesh APIThe Mesh class has two sets of methods for assigning data to a Mesh from script. (UUM-17668), Editor: Fixed an issue with Mac standalone builds where the generated Xcode project did reference .bundle plugins as a single plugin. Editor: Fixed an issue where not all results from the player was processed before shutdown. (UUM-14403), IL2CPP: Fixed syntax error: ')' " when "Faster (smaller) builds" is selected on function pointer call with a return type but no parameters. (UUM-3711), Editor: Ensure the description field in Scene template dialog has the scrollview. Can you check the problem textures/materials to see if their permissions look odd? What is scrcpy OTG mode and how does it work? (UUM-28889). IL2CPP: Fixed Cache shared code used by il2cpp between projects for faster initial compiles. (UUM-4100), Editor: Implemented a domain reload after the preset window closes, to apply settings correctly. Clears all vertex data and all triangle indices. Can I general this code to draw a regular polyhedron? (UUM-22019), Editor: Re-implemented the original fix for case 1393058. Unity-Unity | Unity Conceptually, all vertex data is stored in separate arrays of the same size. Graphics: Fixed mipmap generation for textures larger than 2 GB. Retrieves a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the vertex buffer. (UUM-13295), Scripting: Fixed performance regression of UnityExtensions init. (UUM-28561), Physics 2D: Ensure that both OnTriggerExit2D and OnCollisionExit2D are called when a scene is unloaded if required. (UUM-18188), IL2CPP: Fixe a memory corruption that could happen when the "Faster (smaller) builds" option was used with generic types that had a generic base class with no fields, and a different base class with at least one generic field. (UUM-31643), Visual Effects - Legacy: [Android][Vulkan] Visualisation corruption occurs when rendering Particles to Render Texture Package: Fixed multiple problems with C# objects lifetime and domain reloads. Package Manager: Fixed all delayed fields when editing a package in the inspector. Build Pipeline: Fixed PlayerBuildInterface.ExtraTypesProvider API not working. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? Burst: Fixed ARM vector registers not being highlighted. UI Toolkit: Fixed reorderable ListView not starting a drag operation when its item contains an IMGUIContainer handling pointer events. (UUM-27557), Editor: Fixed elements not wrapping correctly when changing the aspect ratio of the game tab. SRP Core: Changed: Moved HDRP & URP IPostProcessComponent to shared IPostprocessComponent interface under RP Core package in UnityEngine.Rendering namespace. (UUM-11278), Editor: Fixed an issue with missing data for Ray Tracing and Compute events in Frame Debugger. Asset Pipeline: Prevent copying of Asset Import parameters, saving multiple seconds during a clean project import. (UUM-9029), Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't. 2D: Added API to allow Sprite to get and set references to ScriptableObjects. (UUM-12628), Shaders: Fixed shader compilation error when using bit-shift operations to create the destination vector from the scalar source. (UUM-18978), UI Toolkit: Fixed shift+tab not working on Mac. (UUM-19991). The number of sub-meshes inside the Mesh object. Editor: Fixed an issue where an ArgumentNullException could be logged when viewing Entities in hierarchy. GI: Added an option to the lightmap settings which allows you to set a fixed lightmaps resolution. What does the power set mean in the construction of Von Neumann universe? (UUM-31369), Editor: Fixed Folders with the already existing name are moved properly. Editor: Added Enable PlayMode Tooltips toggle to preferences. (UUM-21771), Editor: Enabled AND/OR block to not always be suggested in Query builder mode. (UUM-10473), Editor: Fixed for right click paste in Inspector window and Package Manager. IL2CPP: Fixed missing static initialization calls in static constructors on generic instances that reference different instances of the same generic type. GI: -Fixed [GPU PLM] OpenCL shader loading time in new projects has become significantly slower. Shadergraph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a shader graph asset is imported. (UUM-22494). Turns out I just needed to generate the uvs for my mesh. (UUM-9132), IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to properly handle the unbox opcode when the result is used across IL basic blocks. Gets the base vertex index of the given sub-mesh. For some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. UI Toolkit: Added a Text preview to the UI Builder Inspector. (UUM-5928), HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize Volume before diffusion profile list. (UUM-8131), Editor: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException errors in the ModelImporter Inspector when the imported FBX file contains objects with empty names. Profiler: Improved graphics memory tracking in Memory Profiler. Graphics: Added: New overload for CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam, which allows binding a resource with GraphicsBufferHandle. This functionality is also added to FoldoutGroup and AdditionalPropertiesFoldoutGroup. (UUM-19010), Editor: Fixed shortcut profile delete dialog message overflow in Shortcut Manager.
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