Its important to remember that every individual is unique, and not all who resonate with the Moon archetype will experience the same traits or have the same career paths. Lets dive in! The Moon is one of the most spiritually significant cards in the deck. It may also suggest a worsening of emotional turmoil at work, perhaps causing some paranoia and anxiety for you or your colleagues. Moontime App which is more than just a monthly charting app for your phone is amazing, The Major Arcana Card Meanings: The Star. There is one key takeaway from tarot however when looking at other people and their intentions if it costs you your peace, then it costs you too much. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding between the two towers. When The Moon appears in a health reading, it may signify issues around mental health and emotional wellbeing. Its a card of transformation, that can show the way. He is also the guide to the spirit world and can help us access our inner wisdom. The Empress can be used for readings about relationships, self-confidence, creative expression and healing. Some interpretations of the Lovers card suggest that it represents a person who is compassionate and nurturing, but also passionate and sexual. spread to identify a deity Cards count: 5 Cards: 1) Deity gender; 2) Something the deity is known to help with; 3) Deity's attitude; 4) What the deity is known to control; 5) A symbol of the deity. In fact, wizards and witches sacrificed lambs and black dogs to her. You may not be ready to face your emotions, pushing them to the side and pretending as if nothing is wrong. Reversed Moon Meaning. It was represented in the form of baboon and ibis. When the moon tarot card appears in your dreams, it can be a sign that there are hidden truths and subconscious emotions that need to be uncovered. Your email address will not be published. Its full of mystery, and cant be denied. It represents femininity and is considered the sensitive side of the ego, directly affecting nature but above all the rhythms of the womans body compared to the masculinity of the Sun, which has a balanced structure. She is the goddess of Life who regenerates herself, and as such she is a young, impetuous, indomitable goddess, full of strength. The temptation to let yourself be swept away emotionally or psychically is understandable, but it doesn't help you find your balanced center in chaotic times. The Moon Tarot Card Meanings The Moon invites you to observe yourself. As a personality archetype, the Moon is often associated with individuals who are highly emotionally sensitive, creative, and intuitive. You dont have to spend your lifetime feeling the same way. You can use the rest of your deck to pull some additional cards to help specify where to focus your intentions, using The Moon as the centrepiece of your spread. If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out our complete list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings. Card Interpretation: This card placement shares with you that there may be underlying, hidden themes we are not aware of, but the conscientious ever-present aspect from the literal Moon, no matter the phase it is in, lends its support and favor here. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. Or can't find what youre looking for? Deities in the "sphere of Geburah" are any related to the planet Mars. By taking the path of The Moon, you take the internalinitiationto oneself. Something could be hidden beneath the surface, and this card may be a warning to wait and see what is revealed. Hecate was in fact an infernal deity originally from Asia Minor who was then exported to Greece and worshiped in a triad together with Artemis and Demeter, goddess of the earth. He is often associated with strength, might, and courage. Regardless of what you see her as, the High Priestess is an important figure in tarot cards and deserves her own blog section. The Temperance card is all about moderation, but when combined with the Moon it speaks to a need for greater understanding and introspection in order to create a better equilibrium between our inner and outer worlds. The Moon card may also come up if youve been spending money to get a quick dopamine hit, without considering the long-term consequences. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error. She is also known as the queen of cups, because she holds a cup in her hands that symbolizes new beginnings and fertility. So, deities like Mars, Ares, Set, and Nergal all fight into this card within this symbolism. For others, she might represent psychic abilities or intuition. He represents the possibility of change and new beginnings. The Moon represents your fears and illusions and often comes out when you are projecting fear into your present and your future, based on your past experiences. You may try to bury these feelings even deeper within your subconscious so you can avoid your dark shadows. Try keeping a journal by your bed, and take notes about the themes of your dreams, the other elements that surround the moon. Whether upright or reversed, The Moon holds important messages and insights for our spiritual journey. Signifies a deepening of intuitive or spiritual insight, but also warns of the potential for self-deception or delusion. Its a moment of transition to embrace with open hearts and minds, knowing that new beginnings and fresh starts are always within our reach. Sounds good, but sometimes this Tarot card can take on a more sinister meaning. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Congratulations, as thats badass and hard to accomplish! Ultimately, the energy of the Moon invites us to explore the hidden depths of our own psyche and emotions, and to find meaningful work that aligns with our passions and values. Some popular tarot lovers include Cupid and Venus. The name itself comes from the Greek goddess of the moon and death, but it has also been associated with witches. The phases of birth, death, resurrection of the moon personify immortality, perennial regeneration, enlightenment. She also corresponds to the element of water, which signifies her ability to calm and soothe. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. Additionally, poems often use vivid imagery and figurative language, which can help to make the information more interesting and engaging. Indicates a need to confront hidden fears or emotional barriers that are preventing true intimacy or connection. If this card appears in a Tarot spread, it reveals that people and circumstances are not always what they seem. Described occasionally as masculine and feminine energies, the Sun and the Moon speak to a need to reconcile opposing forces or aspects in order to gain clarity. Take the time to understand your financial situation, reflect on your spending habits, and make conscious choices that align with your values and long-term goals. The goddess Selene was traditionally described as a woman of incomparable beauty and a pale face. This is the phase of the moons death, which runs through the world of the underworld in which this divinity reigns. The Tower card speaks to chaos and disruption, but when combined with the Moon it suggests that this is an opportunity for important or necessary changes to take place. Perhaps its time to consider taking on additional responsibility, exploring a new team or role, or seeking out new opportunities altogether. WebArtemis, also known as the Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, Midwifery and Wilderness. Moon There are the areas of Psychology, Rehabilitation, Counselling, and Therapy. Is it maybe some positivity that would make your life flourish as you've never thought it could? Implies a transformation or rebirth that is preceded by a period of emotional upheaval or uncertainty. When The Moon shows up in a reading, its absolutely not calling you a lunatic. They represent the different stages of the heros journey or Fools Journey: our biggest challenges and life lessons, as well as our highest aspirations and greatest potential. Another way of doing this is to look at the overall archetype of "young warrior" as distinct from a King. Whos in your community? This page is part of our comprehensive list of the 22 major arcana tarot cards & their meanings. When the Moon card is reversed, most of the positive aspects of this complex major arcana disappear, leaving nothing but the various artifices used to obfuscate truth and meaning. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Understanding the meanings of each tarot card can help you sharpen your interpretative skills so you can get the most out of your readings. Kabbalists are mystics in a sense. Moon personifies essence, power, vitality, female knowledge, sinking its roots in the ancient symbol of the Great Mother. If you are asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Moon card can be a sign to ask you to take your time on this and ponder. In his Theogony, Hesiod wants her to be the daughter of Perse and Asteria, of the lineage of the Titans, but in the rest of the poetic tradition Hecate is identified as the daughter of Zeus, or of Tartarus or Aristaeus. Hiring a Professional Witch will save you time, money, and frustration! Suggests a conflict between tradition or convention and personal intuition or spiritual exploration. As a personality archetype, the Moon is often associated with individuals who are highly emotionally sensitive, creative, and intuitive. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Hecate is one of the most important cards in the tarot deck. If you are trying to solve a problem you're facing, you should consider hiring a professional witch that cast spells safely for everyone involved. 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