Consult the procedures applicable to your aircraft and operation. a deicing truck after beginning a premature taxi. The first step in all thorough aircraft towing procedures is ensuring you're using the proper ground support equipment (GSE). Electronic airport diagrams that depict your location can be a great help in these cases. Can weight and balance information
Do I call ground before starting the engine? hb````| Bl@Q>[50j1M*]VS::QySgWz~\. 0000152353 00000 n
We welcome your comments on Not so obvious is how handling may be affected by deicing fluids. Its never a good idea to use a taxiway as a runway (though its happened plenty of times). 0000101315 00000 n
This version represents a major rewrite. The possibility of fire, especially during engine starting. Pilots tend to taxi faster on runways than taxiways, exacerbating this problem. Definition. For general aviation, however, insufficient or improper ground deicing/anti-icing continues to cause several fatalities a year. Some aircraft are equipped with chart holder "clipboards"
190 91
Taxiing in snow, slush, or ice presents several hazards. No doubt these problems could be minimized if crews
Write an essay about the evidence for, and the consequences of, global warming. While its good to perform a brake check as part of your initial taxi, try your best to keep ahead of the airplane and use your brakes sparingly on the taxiway.
While it's good to perform a brake check as part of your initial taxi, try your best to keep ahead of the airplane and use your brakes sparingly on the taxiway. Sometimes
The AC now addresses aircraft being taxied . Figure 3 illustrates some of the most commonly used helicopter operating signals. Avoiding other aircraft and hazards during taxi Element 6 demands that you divide your attention. 0000005618 00000 n
Here are the top 5 mistakes I see routinely at our home airport. Because runway surfaces
Multiple infractions should be considered grounds for suspension of airside driving privileges. Taxi and take-off in icing conditions present several unique hazards. Investigation process: Transportation Safety Board, Investigations: Transportation Safety Board, Annual Report to Parliament 2016-17: Transportation Safety Board, Aviation occurrence statistics: Transportation Safety Board, Aviation occurrence and aircraft data (January 2004present): Transportation Safety Board, Air transportation safety concerns and advisories, Responses to aviation safety recommendations, transportation-related measures and guidance. In order to maintain a respectful environment, we ask that all comments be on-topic, respectful and spam-free. has increased since 1988.
Deicing for Safe Taxiing - Flight Safety Foundation Reported one pilot: And in another incident, an air carrier
All taxiing operations are performed in accordance with applicable local regulations. Whether you're using aircraft recovery dollies or towbarless tugs, it's important to use the right GSE (with the right towing capacity) for the job. "For an A320 with 3 take-off per day from Paris Roissy . A couple of ASRS reports illustrate
Perhaps a study of the airport diagram prior to landing would help here by increasing
report revealed: Here are a few suggestions that can
It refers to the lean mixture performance number (or octane rating) of the fuel. 0000002942 00000 n
Deicing guidelines can be found in the FSAT, under "FAA Approved Deicing Program", and from the fluid manufacturer. Air transportation safety concerns and advisories. Have a qualified person in the cockpit, check the brakes, call "SWITCH OFF" before moving the prop, and make sure you have a solid footing. Training at a pilot-controlled airport and then flying to a towered field (or vice versa) can lead to communication confusion. ASRS reports reveal that some precautions
Vehicle operators - It is imperative that vehicle operators be properly trained, tested and authorised for ramp and taxiway operations. Operators should: ensure daily inspection for their vehicle is complete and that beacon/hazard lights are operating when the vehicle is airside, operate their vehicle safely and in accordance with all company and airport rules, obey all "rules of the road" inclusive of speed limits, stop signs and right-of-way guidance. pilots to call station operations to report "on the ground" after
These accidents and incidents can lead to property damage, injuries, and even death. Spray the aircraft with heated water if the temperature is -3C (27F) or warmer, immediately followed by a second anti-icing treatment of heated Type I fluid heated to nominally 60C (140F) at the nozzle.
You're a solo pilot getting ready to take off from a busy airport. involve accidents, but the potential for a catastrophe accompanies each and
Some specific accident prevention strategies are as follows: The following accidents and incidents involve collision or near collision between two aircraft, an aircraft and a vehicle, or an aircraft and a stationary object. 0000261155 00000 n
Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by galaxystar7766 Terms in this set (32) Whats the definition of taxiing? 0000011457 00000 n
Aircraft performance, ground and flight visibility, and friction between aircraft tires and airport surfaces can be severely reduced. we hope to offer a few practical suggestions towards eliminating future taxi-related
The marking requirements for oil tank filler openings are specified by FAR 23.1157. All comments made here are public and may be republished by Flying. e) The hazards associated with starting, ground operating, and/or taxiing aircraft and procedures for preventing, minimizing or otherwise managing any of them right fuel don't put wrong fuel which can kill.airplane grounded and to the truck. Well-developed ground deicing/anti-icing methodologies and procedures have been established for the airlines. et@ dfcd1@ Weathervaning of tailwheel aircraft. The student had left the flaps down after pre-flight and taxied to the runup area without retracting them. Adherence to these procedures has led to an accident free record for large aircraft commercial operations since the early 1990s. aircraft, vehicle, pedestrian, or other object while taxiing is about three
For information on COVID-19 updates, please visit
Chapter 13 - Ground Handling and Servicing Flashcards | Quizlet hazards associated with beginning taxi without obtaining the "all clear"
Jet inlets while engines are operating. Therefore
Read reports on Transportation Safety Board investigations into specific aviation safety issues. By enabling aircraft to turn off their engines during taxiing operations, the vehicle allows a reduction of noise emission and a reduction of fuel-burn and CO2 emissions up to 85% while improving air quality around airports as well. 0000139405 00000 n
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The standard position for a signalman is slightly ahead of and in line with the aircrafts left wingtip. 0000249139 00000 n
[Figure 2] The signalman must stay far enough ahead of the wingtip to remain in the pilots field of vision.
Chapter 10 Solutions Pilots - Transport Canada 0000194210 00000 n
can arise when pilots turn off onto another runway after landing. 0000247519 00000 n
involving taxi.". Its normally the pilot who requested a quick turn from the FBO after jamming on the brakes to make the mid-field turn off. 0000249260 00000 n
While this might seem hard when you first try it, you will soon get used to the feeling and be able to anticipate the momentum of the airplane. that 1977 accident. pilot must then challenge him/her to be sure that the clearance was understood. Always taxi with your nosewheel on the centerline of the taxiway. Air carriers, canadian airport, passenger screening, security measures. Finally, it's suggested that the
Copyright 2023 Flying Media. Wildlife hazards during approach and landing should be treated like any other flight safety hazardif any doubt exists concerning safety, delay your landing until conditions are right. Type IV fluids are designed for aircraft with take-off rotation speeds of 100-110 knots or more, and may be applied when substantial time is anticipated between deicing and take-off. Even though most of the hazards associated with flying at night have been known in the aviation industry for many years, these types of accidents continue to occur, which would indicate that pilots' knowledge or awareness of these hazards is still very low. Let's review some of the things which
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the Airmen's Information Manual states that when clearing a runway after landing,
0000012934 00000 n
percent were pilot-caused. Foreign object debris. Type IV fluids offer the best protection against refreezing. If you cannot get through, please contact us by email. What is the cause of hydraulic lock in large radial engines? An increased chance of engine damage due to detonation, loss of engine power, and an increased probability of overheating. that sometimes the First Officer calls for the taxi clearance while the Captain
Damaged or defective equipment is dangerous, often resulting in injuries to personnel or damage to equipment and aircraft, so all equipment used for towing aircraft should undergo regular maintenance and, crucially, it should be inspected at the beginning of each shift. at Tenerife, Canary Islands. You might sound weird, but it beats getting a verbal lashing from the tower. shall require, nor may any flight crewmember perform, any duties during a
Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. IF: You detect ice on your aircraft during the preflight inspection. <<1AF4B2B9BBFFB44AAB3E066EEEC6E7A1>]/Prev 308566/XRefStm 2565>>
Within . If frozen contaminants are present on the aircraft's critical surfaces they must be deiced and anti-iced (as appropriate) on the ground prior to take-off. f) Procedures for refueling and/or defueling aircraft 0000005555 00000 n
are designed for takeoffs and landings, they are not marked for taxiing. Sign up for our FREE email newsletter. 0000101142 00000 n
An airport is a complex interface between the air and the ground environments, where access must be controlled and separation between aircraft or between aircraft and vehicular traffic must be maintained and optimised. What procedure should be followed prior to starting a large radial engine to detect and/or prevent a hydraulic lock in the cylinders? a. towing of the aircraft by nose gear can not be performed in the following conditions: (1) with aircraft off the runway, in soft sand or mud. When ready to start, call "CONTACT" and listen for the reply. If this slush is not cleared prior to take-off, it may freeze in flight. Briefly, the best practices for deicing small general aviation aircraft include: All deicing/anti-icing fluids are designed to shear off during the take-off roll and do not provide protection after take-off. What is the most generally used knot for tying down small aircraft? When applied hot, these fluids exhibit good deicing properties but provide very limited protection against refreezing in precipitation. rushing and "the lack of coordination between the cockpit and ground personnel"
What is air-taxi? - Transportation Safety Board of Canada 0000002565 00000 n
to a runway transgression. 0000050056 00000 n
aircraft taxiing hazards and remedy - Small general aviation aircraft should never use thickened fluids - especially Type II & IV but also Type III in most cases - because their rotation speeds are not high enough to completely shear the fluid off the wing. Recently approved changes to several Annexes of the Chicago Convention introduce harmonised requirements for the implementation and operation of safety management systems (SMS) by aircraft operators and aviation service providers. Riding the brakes while taxiing can lead to excessive wear on the pads and rotors and can generate excessive heat. 0000153250 00000 n
This could affect the handling qualities of your aircraft. in this data set occurred because crews became disoriented while taxiing. And is it really necessary to require
0000152436 00000 n
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Controlled movement of an airplane using its own power while on the ground. 0000026526 00000 n
A primary distinguishing feature is their viscosity, which impacts both the holdover time and rotation speed. 0000250238 00000 n
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7 ways to minimize aircraft towing damage - RTITB Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Whilst all events do not result in collision with an aircraft, the majority of taxiway occurrences involve vehicle operators deviating from a surface movement controller clearance. 0000005441 00000 n
What safety procedures must be observed when hand-propping a small aircraft engine? Keep a constant vigil on the state of your anti-icing protection during ground operations in active freezing precipitation. Continue cranking the engine to start it and suck the fire into the engine. landing? In fact, the worst accident in aviation history occurred due to a runway transgression
To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Issues posing the greatest risk to Canada's transportation system. Being in the exact center of the taxiway might not matter for the wingtips of your Cessna 150 that youre training in, but remember youre preparing for something bigger and faster, right? Same rule goes for taxiing in as taxiing out. Table 1 contains the standard taxi light signals used by control towers to control and expedite the taxiing of aircraft. UNICOM and other aircraft; While taxiing for takeoff, observe and report all wildlife activity; Delay takeoff if birds or mammals are reported or observed . a runway transgression occurred because the Captain did not hear the clearance
The FAA is urging pilots to exercise increased vigilance when issued such clearances. And more than just
Its nothing like driving a car, and can be frustrating zigzagging down the taxiway or making turns too sharp or shallow until youve mastered the skill. Can checklists be rewritten
that he became distracted when a Flight Attendant entered the cockpit to give
Hazard Identification | SKYbrary Aviation Safety A taxi-in runway incursion is one where an aircraft which has just landed and which subsequently enters any active runway en route to parking, whether contrary to or in accordance with ATC clearance. To decrease the risk of collisions, avoid high power settings and increase power slowly.,, Soft Field Takeoff HD Flight Maneuver Spotlight, Slow Flight HD Flight Maneuver Spotlight, Flight Start Helps Student Pilots Choose Their Path, Learn to Fly Month at Sportys begins Monday, May 1, Turns Around a Point Flight Maneuver Spotlight. Flying may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site.
The Hidden Dangers of Taxiing on Runways - FLYING Magazine 0000152886 00000 n
Contamination as small as 80-grit sandpaper can cause a 25% loss of wing lift. This ensures adequate lubrication on initial startup. obtain and read back any ground movement controller clearance prior to entering an area where clearance is required. Continue cranking the engine to start it and suck the fire into the engine. I was alerted to this unwritten rule when a Senior CFI wanted to give a student departing for a long cross country a hard time. 0000138386 00000 n
It is a good practice to perform a foolproof test to be sure the pilot can see all signals. These fluids provide better protection against refreezing than Type I fluids. The use of takeoffs-and-landings/taxi lights is an effective means of illuminating surface hazards during taxi movements at night and alerting all concerned of an aircraft's presence/position in flight . Watch for snow banks; snow piled alongside taxiways may present a collision hazard. These agents enable Type II fluids to remain on the aircraft surface during standing, taxi, and other low speed operations and to rapidly flow off due to wind shearing forces during take-off roll. There are four types of deicing fluids. Several pilots complained that cockpit
0000247736 00000 n
This same procedure should be practiced from after receipt of the clearance for landing until the landing and taxi activities are complete. All will be 12 inches in depth. High noise levels that might cause hearing damage. Read recommendations for advancing aviation safety resulting from Transportation Safety Board investigations. Traction, braking, and directional control are reduced. This ensures redundancy while critical taxi
that could be sucked into the prop or engine. Examples include distractions
{getWidget} $results={3} $label={recent} $type={list1}, Turboprop and Turbofan Engines Starting Procedures.
Aircraft taxiing route planning based on airport hotspots 0000151754 00000 n
A few ASRS reports indicate that
failing to obtain a clearance before entering an area subject to control. clearance to each other.
aircraft taxiing hazards and remedy The filler openings must be marked with the fuel grade and the word "AVGAS". There are four different categories, based on an aircraft's takeoff weight, the type of work being performed and the number of passengers it is configured to carry. Hazard Identification. Now then,
frame works fine. This wake velocity can increase two or three times as the throttles are advanced and the airplane begins to taxi. Air carriers are urged to review
All rights reserved. Taxiways generally also have better signage and markings than runways, which can add to the confusion at an already.
Aviation security - Transport Canada Towards a more sustainable ground traffic management. For anti-icing applications, this fluid is applied undiluted. Jet exhaust or propeller blast. require aggressive braking by the aircraft which could result in personnel injuries. Turning propellers and rotor blades. Each year accidents, incidents, and runway incursions occur involving aircraft, pedestrians, ground vehicle drivers, and personnel taxiing or towing aircraft at airports. We normally accept these special taxi clearances without giving much thought to the safety considerations beyond the obvious one: that an airplane might be about to takeoff or land on a runway weve just been cleared to taxi onto. Speaker's Notes. 0000138093 00000 n
In this section, we discuss the specific issues associated with ground operations in icing conditions.
PDF AC 00-65 CHG 1 Final3 - Federal Aviation Administration Part 23.973 of the FAA regulations specifies that certain markings must be placed adjacent to fuel filler openings. c. never tow the aircraft without having someone in the flight . 0000042163 00000 n
Maximum danger comes when two aircraft are present on the same active runway at the same time, despite any late awareness of this circumstance on the part of either the controller(s . When a piston comes up on its compression stroke, the incompressible liquid seizes it. These accumulations may refreeze after take-off and impede control or gear movements later. The A/S32A-42 aircraft mid-range tow vehicle is a 4-cylinder, diesel-powered, liquid-cooled, 4-wheel drive vehicle used to move medium aircraft. Hazard identification is the process used to identify hazards.. ICAO Requirements. A jump seat rider observed: Another crew reported that they struck
Captain may not hear or comprehend "hold short" clearances. Place the aircraft in a heated hangar to melt frozen contaminants, followed by anti-icing to prevent refreezing of the melted contaminants when the aircraft is removed from the hangar. Copyright SKYbrary Aviation Safety, 2021-2023. Most instructors teach that the proper speed for a taxi is nothing more than a brisk walk. As pilots upgrade into larger aircraft, taxiing may be accomplished by the use of a tiller, vs. rudder pedals; Still looking for something . aircraft in many precarious situations. Under what conditions should a reciprocating engine be pre-oiled? Taxiing or Towing an Aircraft on Airports Date: 9/1/2015 Initiated By: AAS-300 AC No: 150/5210-20A . Prior to starting a new engine or one that has been preserved for storage. Limited operation may be allowed by the manufacturer. Commercial air services in Canada are defined in Part VII of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). Why should an aircraft technician become familiar with standard light signals? Some taxi-related
What Does a Pilot Require To Remain Current in an Aircraft Requiring a Type Rating? done safely requires planning, coordination, and attention. Spray the aircraft with Type I fluid that is diluted and heated to nominally 60C (140F) at the nozzle. And as
This will affect the promulgation of procedures and the required qualification for those occupying the flight crew seats on the aircraft during the manoeuvre. "non-holding side.". 0000050358 00000 n
Moreover, try to maintain the centerline by only using rudder/steering control and not with the use of differential brakes. distractions contributed to their runway transgression. 0000247480 00000 n
What are some of the possible outcomes of using a lower grade avgas than the specified grade?
Safety, Ground Operations, and Servicing Flashcards | Quizlet We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. xref
In this article
Express the position vector r in Cartesian vector form; then determine its magnitude and coordinate direction angles. Think about what distance it may take to roll to a stop if you were forced to pull the power and adjust your speed so this could be accomplished in a reasonable distance. loading flight management computers. Reported one Captain: There are several reasons why the
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But as you probably know controllers will frequently instruct pilots to do just the opposite that is, use a runway as a taxiway. 0000153136 00000 n
Five hundred and eighty-three souls perished in
0000057526 00000 n
Pull the propeller through by hand for three or four complete revolutions. 0000153829 00000 n
taxi in taxi out aircraft - aircraft taxiing hazards and remedy 0000049258 00000 n
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Light signals may be used when taxiing an airplane without a radio or when a radio becomes inoperative on a tower controlled airport. 0000061214 00000 n
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situational awareness. 0000041909 00000 n
A simulation is conducted based on a practical setting of 9 flights on runway 02L at a central-south airport. If clearance is not understood, ASK! six inches apart. 0000033519 00000 n
Taxiing Technique Taxiing in a crosswind requires additional control inputs to keep the airplane's tires well planted and, in a strong crosswind, to prevent a wing or the tail of the airplane from being lifted by the wind. Continue searching. as: Another air carrier pilot reported
Subpart 703: Air Taxi. Name at least three possible hazards that may be encountered during typical ground operations, such as during engine run-up or taxiing? 0000042407 00000 n
Top 5 taxiing mistakes : Flight Training Central Ground will respond with your instructions: ATC will first specify the runway, issue taxi instructions, and then state any required hold short instructions, ATC is required to issue "hold shorts" or "cleared to cross" on any runway active or not in between you and your destination, Note that closed runways still required a cleared to cross call. Whereas the airlines follow mandated processes for deicing aircraft, general aviation operations tend to have less rigor or support. A laser is not a toy. This prevention is dependant upon appropriate training and testing, compliance with clearances, published procedures and right-of-way rules, maintaining situational awareness and adapting speed of movement to suit the weather and surface conditions. Complete the medical terms based on their meanings and the word parts given. The aircraft may be treated with deicing/anti-icing fluids, placed in a heated hangar then sprayed with anti-icing fluid, or deiced via mechanical means with brooms, rubber scrapers, or forced air.
Taxiing - AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Recall that holding lines lie perpendicular
Nevertheless, because of their high viscosity, Type II, III, & IV fluids may continue to adhere to some parts of the aircraft during rotation and take-off. Every three weeks our team of flight instructors shares advice and video tips to help you become a safer pilot. Simulation results indicate that total taxiing time is reduced by 243s after optimization and no taxiing conflict occurs. Type III fluids were formulated for use on small commuter-type aircraft with take-off rotation speeds that exceed approximately 60 knots. But stop and consider this: the likelihood of a collision with another
Page updated: September 27, 2016. HGI +n
not be present. Controller: It's important to understand that
on the side window frames. 280 0 obj
When towing an aircraft, should you use the tow vehicle or aircraft brakes to stop the aircraft? What does the number 100 signify in 100LL aviation gasoline? Only if approved by the FAA, usually by the issuance of a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). 2088 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<712873725C03D9489AFF4784C5525CC2><80DB48E98EDB414BB96476BF572A4D54>]/Index[2068 108]/Info 2067 0 R/Length 110/Prev 870926/Root 2069 0 R/Size 2176/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
Become throughly trained. This is a critical safety issue and a legal requirement. lines from the side with the continuous lines a pilot should not cross the holding
0000248258 00000 n Which . In all cases they should: request, readback and comply with an appropriate clearance, taxi at a speed appropriate to the conditions and traffic situation, be vigilant for taxi lane compromise by another aircraft, vehicle or object, not assume that vehicles will yield right-of-way, ICAO Doc 9157 Aerodrome Design Manual Part 4: Visual Aids (4th edition 2004). Describe the important precautions that should be observed when fueling an aircraft. produce significant hazards to flight. b. never tow the aircraft while any of its engines are operating. In fact, more than a few aviation safety incidents or near misses have occurred simply while on the ground during a ground or taxiing procedure. Read recommendations for advancing aviation safety resulting from Transportation Safety Board investigations. If the engine doesn't start and the fire continues to burn, discontinue the start attempt and extinguish the fire with a suitable fire extinguisher. 0000250038 00000 n
0000248773 00000 n
Since movement on an airport's surface involves coordination, While the movement of the aircraft is our primary concern, there remain some, Finally, while taxiing seems straight forward, it can also be an art, with, Once your engine has started you must be aware of what you're doing and keep a visual scan, your "flight" has begun, It may be required initially to tow the aircraft before engines are started to be safe, Steering is accomplished with rudder pedals and brakes, The pilot applies the rudder in the desired direction of turn and use the appropriate power or brake to control the taxi speed, To tighten the turn after full pedal deflection is reached, the brake may be applied as needed, When first beginning to taxi, conduct a check of braking effectiveness, Release the brakes, and add power as required to allow the airplane to begin moving forward, Reduce the power to idle and depress the top portion of one side, then the other, to confirm proper function and reaction of both brakes, Be mindful of the area around you (in front, behind, and to the sides), especially if you're in a congested ramp, Checking brakes individually is ideal, but checking them together, if required, will suffice, Apply pressure sufficiently enough to cause the airplane to abruptly dip, or to a full stop if desired, If unsatisfactory, bring the airplane to a stop and consider taxi maneuvers (such as a loop) to maintain position on the airfield, To verify steering, depress the rudder pedal in the direction of turn desired, Verify that the airplane responds properly to the rudder pedal input, Make sure to check the braking and steering for each position that may need to use them (i.e., both seats), More engine power may be required to start the airplane moving forward, or to start a turn, than is required to keep it moving in any given direction, When using additional power, the throttle should immediately be retarded once the airplane begins moving to prevent excessive acceleration, The rudder pedal should be held in the direction of the turn until just short of the point where the turn is to be stopped, Rudder pressure is then released or opposite pressure is applied as needed, When stopping the airplane, it is advisable to always stop with the nosewheel straight ahead to relieve any side load on the nosewheel and to make it easier to start moving ahead, During crosswind taxiing, even the nosewheel-type airplane has some tendency to weathervane, However, the weathervaning tendency is less than in tailwheel-type airplanes because the main wheels are located behind the airplane's center of gravity, and the nosewheel's ground friction helps to resist the tendency, The nosewheel linkage from the rudder pedals provides adequate steering control for safe and efficient ground handling, and normally, only rudder pressure is necessary to correct for a crosswind, Downwind taxiing usually requires less engine power after the initial ground roll is begun, since the wind is pushing the airplane forward, To avoid overheating the brakes and controlling the airplane's speed when taxiing downwind, the pilot must keep engine power to a minimum, Rather than continuously riding the brakes to control speed, it is appropriate to apply brakes only occasionally, Avoid resting toes on the brakes, resulting in unnecessarily dragging the brakes, Other than sharp turns at low speed, the throttle should always be at idle before the brakes are applied, When taxiing at appropriate speeds in no-wind conditions, the aileron and elevator control surfaces have minimal effect on directional control of the airplane, These controls should not be considered steering devices and should be held in a neutral position, The presence of moderate to strong winds and/or a strong propeller slipstream makes use of the aileron and elevator necessary to maintain control of the aircraft's roll/pitch while taxiing, This becomes apparent when considering the lifting action that may be created on the horizontal tail surfaces by either of those two factors, The elevator control in nosewheel-type airplanes should be held in the neutral position, while in tailwheel-type airplanes, it should be held in the full aft position to hold the tail down, When taxiing with a quartering tailwind, the elevator should be held in the DOWN position, and the upwind aileron, DOWN, Since the wind is striking the airplane from behind, these control positions reduce the tendency of the wind to get under the tail and the wing and to nose the airplane over, When taxiing with a quartering headwind, the wing on the upwind side (the side that the wind is coming from) tends to be lifted by the wind unless the aileron control is held in that direction (upwind aileron UP), Moving the aileron into the UP position reduces the effect of the wind striking that wing, thus reducing the lifting action, This control movement also causes the downwind aileron to be placed in the DOWN position, thus a small amount of lift and drag on the downwind wing, further reducing the tendency of the upwind wing to rise, Clearances are required prior to moving an aircraft or vehicle onto the movement area during the hours an, The movement area is normally described in local bulletins issued by the airport manager or air, These bulletins may be found in FSSs, fixed base operators offices, air carrier offices, and operations offices, A clearance must be obtained prior to taxiing on a runway, taking off, or landing during the hours an Airport Traffic Control Tower is in operation, When assigned a takeoff runway, ATC will first specify the runway, issue taxi instructions, and state any hold short instructions or runway crossing clearances if the taxi route will cross a runway, This does not authorize the aircraft to "enter" or "cross" the assigned departure runway at any point, In order to preclude misunderstandings in radio communications, ATC will not use the word "cleared" in conjunction with authorization for aircraft to taxi, ATC will issue an explicit clearance for all runway crossings, If a pilot is expected to hold short of a runway approach/departure (Runway XX APPCH/Runway XX DEP) hold area or ILS holding position (see FIG 2-3-15, Taxiways Located in Runway Approach Area), ATC will issue instructions, ARTCC clearances are relayed to pilots by airport traffic controllers in the following manner, Normally, an ATC IFR clearance is relayed to a pilot by the ground controller.
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