Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is not responsible for the design and content of these Web pages. Alpha Kappa Alpha 90th NARC Weinvite you and your organization to explore the enclosed Corporate Sponsorship Packetthat outlines the opportunities and levels of sponsorship, along with the correspondingbenefits available.For further information and to discuss tailoring a sponsorship opportunity that suitsyour needs, please contact Regenia Moore-Lee via [emailprotected] or at973-457-0818.Respectfully,Mary Bentley LaMarNorth Atlantic RegionRegional DirectorRegenia Moore-LeeNorth Atlantic RegionCorporate Sponsorship Chair Baltimore, MD | 4A8 pril 21-24, 2022The North Atlantic Region Mary Bentley LaMar, North Atlantic Regional Director91st North Atlantic Regional Conference April 21-24, 2022 Baltimore, MD | April 21-24, 2022 49 ABOUT OUR INTERNATIONAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONABOUT ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATEDAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (AKA) is an international service organization that wasfounded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1908. Check your ride. Registration Set6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. AV Set For Plenary12:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. For the Rededication Ceremony, an appropriate seasonal dress or skirt suit, appropriate shoes and hosiery are required. [CDATA[ Arrive on time for meetings and events. Box 2612 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 You must have an email account in order to use the online registration system. Send an email to for any technical assistance. Pleaseremit payment in the form of a money order or chapter check, made payable to AKA North Atlantic Region. Upcoming Conferences in Chicago 2023 | Conference Next Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated | South Eastern Region Visit the NARC registration site 'Upcoming Events' on to access the online registration site. The other aspects of the 2020 Boule will be delayed until 2021 to allow more time for health experts to determine an effective way to address the coronavirus so that large groups can safely assemble once again. The North Atlantic Region will lead with a high note as we virtually . Pants, sandals and boots are unacceptable. Our Supreme Basileus applauds the Regional Directors, regional conference planning teams, and Corporate Office Staff and Executive Team for their commitment and determination to ensure that the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha is carried out even in the midst of a . Terminal A: Exit the terminal to the streetside curb, and board any Airport Shuttle bus. Any additional medical attention you require should be indicated on yourSpecial Needs Form, available here: 41Workshops continuedWK03: FinanceManaging Chapter Financial Operations Using the Fiscal Fitness Guide for ChapterFinancial OperationsThis interactive workshop provides participants with information on chapter financialprocedures and operations. Awards Gala (After Party follows)7:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Undergraduate Party9:00 p.m. Sunday, April 24, 20228:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. NARC Office8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Ivy Beyond The Wall Ceremony9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4th Plenary Session11:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. Ecumenical Service9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Voting delegates must wear delegate identification and arrive early for proper seating.VERY SPECIAL GUESTS (VSGs) Sorors should stand for the procession of dais members. AKA - Far Western Region Events | Eventbrite AKA - Far Western Region Contact The Far Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. consists of chapters in nine states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington). 7:30 a.m. Just Because Walk (Part 2)6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. There will be no onsite registration. Chicago, USA 28 Apr International Conference on Yeast Chromosome Biology and Cell Cycle Chicago, USA 28 Apr International Conference on Islamic Banking, Finance and Investment Chicago, USA 28 Apr International Conference on Human Rights Law and Substantive Rights Chicago, USA 02 May Global Biotechnology Summit Chicago, USA 02 May 91st North Atlantic Regional Conference Registration Guide. It is geared toward sororityundergraduate and graduate students looking for financial support for college expenses.Attendees will receive step-by-step instructions to apply for scholarships with the EAF anduseful tips and suggestions to be successful.F02 Finance ForumAll conference participants are invited to the Finance forum to receive information regardingthe sororitys proposed budgets for 2023 and 2024. No reservations are neededto access our services. 46Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedAPRIL 21-24,2022 | BALTIMORE, MDAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated NORTH ATLANTIC REGION MARY BENTLEY LAMAR, NORTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR North Atlantic Regional ConferenceDear Prospective Sponsor,I am writing to request your support and participation in the 91st North AtlanticRegional Conference (NARC) sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporatedto be held April 21-24, 2022 in Baltimore, Maryland.The North Atlantic region is the birthplace of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporatedand home to over 146 graduate and undergraduate chapters in Massachusetts, EasternNew York, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, DC,Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.We are a region comprised of over 14,500 active, college-educated, diverse women whoare Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service under the leadership of ourInternational President & CEO Glenda Glover.I hope you will consider supporting the 91st NARC. PHOTOS 2021. FINANCIAL OFFICERS CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE Berna Greer, ChairmanTanya Coats Angela M. Friall Lula Hicks LaTreece Langston Shayla Johnson MountSouth Eastern South Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Western South Atlantic 452022 Name: __________________________________ Financial #:_____________Graduate Address: ________________________________________________Advisors City and State: __________________________________ ZIP:_________Certification Email:__________________________________ Phone:_________________Training Graduate Advisor certification expiration date (if applicable): ______________Application Choose Certification Level Level l or Level ll 2022 ________________ Regional Conference (insert name of region)Who is eligible to take 2022 AFFIRMATION STATEMENT REGARDING SORORITY SANCTION:Graduate Advisor Training? On the checkout screen of the online registration system: In the payment information field select Purchase Order In the purchase Order field: enter Chapter Check or Money Order All payments by chapter check/money order must be postmarked by March 4, 2022 and received by March 14, 2022. Celebrating 100 Years: An Explosion of Excellence Delegate: Soror Tiffany Nicole Lockette Delta Theta Omega Chapter Delegate Report Plenary Session I April 9, 2021 9:00 a.m. Only one (1) reservation per soror/per credit card isallowed. The committee will reviewmembership tools introduced during the Excellence administration and how those tools shouldbe integrated to support chapter reclamation, reactivation, and retention initiatives.WK05: MIP GraduateExpanding the Sisterhood through MIP Excellence: Modified MIP Best PracticesThis workshop will focus on Modified MIP Best Practices implemented during the pandemicand how to expand the sisterhood using technology and sisterly relationship engagements byway of a virtual platform.WK16 Connection and Social ActionAKAs L.E.A.D. The programs of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority are administered locally by chapters in cities throughout the nation and parts of the world. Energized. African American Baltimoreans stood at the forefront of the Civil RightsMovement, built lasting civic and religious institutions, and made transformative contributions to arts andculture. Passengers arrange service online, typically using asmartphone app. 11:30 a.m. NARC Registration8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Service Project Collection 9:00 p.m. Introduction to 2021 Virtual Conference. Call at: 410.859.1100. To contact Penn Station, please call 410-291-4165 32TRANSPORTATION continued;Ground Transportation From Ronald Reagan Washington National AirportMETRORAIL(Take the METRORAIL to Union Station and then proceed with steps under AMTRAK orMARC). The following are the list of Boul conferences which were held by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated: Number Location Dates Additional Information Refs 1 st: Howard University Washington, D.C. December 1918: 2 nd: . Welcome to the 90th North Atlantic Regional Conference. All attendees must be vaccinated and adhere to COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols.Any soror or chapter that waits until the registration deadline to leave amessage runs the risk of either paying a late fee or ultimately not being able to register for the conference. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. * Omega Eta Omega Chapter * P.O. No a webcam is not required in order to participate. PDF Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated 89th South Eastern Regional Programs remain the heart of AKA. Using electronic devices to record business meetings (audio, photo, or video) is prohibited. Do not miss theopportunity to be recognized for your 2018 2022 accomplishments.WK08: Protocol IExemplifying Excellence in Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol IThis interactive workshop will include the study of basic protocol for all sorors. The Alpha Kappa Alpha badge should be worn over the heart on the outer garment of clothing nearest the body. These include fostering support forHistorically Black Colleges. // Aka 91st south central regional conference 2023 Led by International President & CEO Dr. Glenda Glover, Alpha KappaAlpha is often hailed as Americas premier Greek-letter organization for African-American women. Foradditional information please visit EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT FOUNDATIONEstablished in 1980, the mission of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation is topromote life-long learning. I thank you in advance for joining me and the Host Sorors of Cluster II as we all blend our voices to achieve Perfect Pitch in Philly! We encourage you to participate, register early and showcaseyour outstanding service to our communities on behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Each chapter is a part of a regional organization. Alpha Kappa Alpha is comprisedof 300,000 members in 1,037 graduate and undergraduate chapters in the United States, Liberia, theBahamas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Germany, South Korea, Bermuda, Japan, Canada, South Africa, Nigeriaand the United Arab Emirates. Recorded Webinar. Taxicabs are on site waiting for you at the curb just outside of thebaggage claim areas. Requests to cancel or transfer registration should be emailed to: [emailprotected] Unused /non-transferred credit(s) expire on April 24, 2023 (one (1) year from the date of the conclusion of the 91st NARC). We are preparingNicola F. Kennedy for this amazing experience for you in Baltimore,Psi Epsilon Omega Maryland on April 21-24, 2022. The North Atlantic region is the birthplace of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. I am writing to request your support and participation in the 91st North Atlantic. Your badge, tickets and receipts for merchandise will print automaticallyA Registration Committee designee will be available to: Check your photo identification and financial card. No registration materials will be distributed to other members. Confirm and your printed documents are accurate and received. Issue your kit and any pre-purchased merchandise. You will R.E.A.C.H. From Terminal A, proceed out the exit doors at baggage claim and turn right. I, (insert name) _______________________, DO HEREBY SWEAR OR Candidates for advisor to an AFFIRM THE FOLLOWING: undergraduate chapter I have been a member of (insert graduate chapter) Members of the chapters _________________________________ Chapter for at least two Graduate Advisory Committee consecutive years [24 months of active membership as defined by Corporate Office] immediately as of February 1, 2022; I have never been Sorors in chapter leadership suspended for hazing; I attended the 2021 Boule, or 2020 or 2021 Regional positions (Optional) Conference. The. Upon receipt of theChapter Exhibits and Displays Registration Form and the required payment, your space, including one six-foot (6ft.)
Ang Pamana Simbolismo, Duke University West Campus Map, Articles A