17/04/23 - 23/04/23; 10/04/23 - 16/04/23; 03/04/23 - 09/04/23; March. Two storey side extension, replacement of doors and windows, conversion of and extension to outbuilding at 14 The Crescent, Northwich, Cheshire. Discharge of conditions 4, parts B & C (remediation and enabling works) and 6 (garden validation reports) of planning permission 19/02557/REM at Land at Cromwell Road, Ellesmere Port. The full list of planning applications can be seen below. The register consists of the application form, accompanying plans and drawings, consultation responses and the. Development. Conifer - Fell as it is of low amenity value and too close to the property at 9 Highfield Place, Northwich, Cheshire. Repair, clean and redecorate the iron gates. Comments of a personal or offensive nature are removed and not considered. Single storey rear conservatory at 22 King George Avenue, Northwich, Cheshire. Installation of a 200kw ASHP by CLADE within a compound area on a concrete base situated to the rear of an existing car park set away from the existing building at Christleton Sports Centre, Village Road, Christleton, Chester, Cheshire. Floating holiday lodges on Tattenhall Marina are among the latest planning applications submitted to Cheshire West and Chester council. Problems arising from the construction period of any works, eg noise, dust, construction vehicles, hours of work etc. Detached ancillary building at 1 Lime Avenue, Frodsham, Cheshire. FRODSHAM: Mr and Mrs Gordon have submitted a planning application to erect a single storey rear extension at 6 Station Terrace, Station Road, Sutton, Frodsham. You can search by address, or see all applications made between two dates. Cheshire East Planning Applications Weekly List; Job 136087 Type; Longwick-Cum-Ilmer Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2033; . Felling of 5 Leylandi trees. Planning application search tool : Lake District National Park Discharge of Condition 1 - 9 of 20/01811/FUL at Barton Lodge, Barton Road, Barton, Malpas. Multi limb removal on Ash tree (T2) on other side of the fence adjacent to garden, to improve health of the trees and safety to property at 4 Lock View, Rudheath, Northwich. Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension at 62 Somerville Crescent, Ellesmere Port. This comprises the planning register. Enlargement of the dwelling consisting of a rear roof dormer, and rooflights to front and side at 130 Liverpool Road, Upton, Chester, Cheshire. Search and comment on planning applications Comments on applications are put onto the Councils website and are open to public scrutiny. Search and comment on Planning applications - Denbighshire The consultation was presented to Strategic Planning Board and subsequently confirmed by the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Regeneration. These applications are deliberated upon by planning authorities across Cheshire West and Chester and are either approved, rejected or deferred for more information and clarity. Cheshire East's 'slow-moving' planning system slammed Homes. We need 4 working days to validate and register new planning applications. Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) of 20/03885/LBC at Allostock Hall, Holmes Chapel Road, Allostock, Northwich, Cheshire. The Council has a statutory duty to consider the provisions of the Local Plan and any other "material considerations". CHESTER: Application submitted for the removal of cement-based rendering from front elevation to restore to the original brickwork of a listed property on 45 Egerton Street, Chester. The gates will be taken away off site, a temporary set of gates will be installed. Planning Application Details Cheshire East Planning Consultants - obtaining approval for your project. You'll be able to comment on current applications too. Single storey rear extension at 38 Selkirk Road, Chester, Cheshire. Find out about new and previous applications that have been made and ones that we're still making a decision . What's Holding Back the Cheshire East Planning Applications Weekly List If you require any information from between 1948 and 1974 please contact us using our enquiry form: Only matters relevant to planning control can be taken into account reaching a decision, for example: We cannot normally consider the following matters: the appearance and character of the area or street, including the design and materials of buildings. CHESTER: Planning application has been submitted by Mr Darren Jewsbury for a single storey rear extension with dual pitch roof and gable facing rear garden on Sutton Drive, Chester. Single storey extension to rear and part conversion of half of garage at 6 Monarch Drive, Northwich, Cheshire. Single storey rear extension at 17 Greenway, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire. Installation of 408 solar panels at at Northgate Arena Leisure Centre, Victoria Road, Chester, Cheshire. Change of use of existing agricultural building to class D2 (assembly and leisure) swimming pool at Whitley Pool Farm, Raddel Lane, Whitley, Northwich. Planning applications Planning applications View and comment on a planning application Weekly lists Making a planning application Do you need planning permission? Single storey side extension at 29 Watling Crescent, Chester, Cheshire. Planning Application Advanced Search The advanced search allows you to search for additional criteria to the basic search. Expert planning services from Planning Permission to Appeals. Discharge of conditions 7 (landscape details) and 15 parts C and D (remediation and enabling works) of planning permission 14/00041/OUT at Land at Cromwell Road, Ellesmere Port. Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 (section 47). Oak - Cut back branches due to excessive shading of garden, blocking sunlight and grass being unable to grow at 2 Hillsdown Way, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port. First floor rear extension at 1 Heathcote Gardens, Rudheath, Northwich, Cheshire. Replacement dormer window and associated works at 335 Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich. and 129 No. NESTON: Application to build white render to front elevation of listed property at 2 Liverpool Road, Neston and Raby Road side elevation painted white. Single storey rear extension (part retrospective) at 34 Totland Grove, Chester, Cheshire. Installation of Installation of air source heat pump at Northgate Arena Leisure Centre, Victoria Road, Chester, Cheshire. Compliance with conditions for all obligations request in relation to the section 106 agreement reference 13/02760/OUT dated January 21, 2015 (between Geoffrey Thompson and David Peter Mountfield and The Richborough Estates Partnership LLP and Cyril Johnson and Joyce Johnson and Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council) at 53 Redwing Street, Winsford. Each CheshireLive bulletin delivers the latest breaking news, what's on events and the hottest talking points straight to your inbox. You will also be able to make more precise searches for the information. PDF SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Main issues - Cheshire East The Online Planning Register provides details of planning applications, related documents, plans and the progress of all planning applications. Demolition of existing side extension, erection of single storey side/rear extension at 6 Langford Road, Lostock, Gralam, Northwich, Cheshire. Get all the latest news, updates, things to do and more from Chester's dedicated InYourArea feed. Installation of a 250kw Mitsubishi AHU within a new compound area on a concrete ground slab at Ellesmere Port Catholic High School, Capenhurst Lane, Whitby, Ellesmere Port. Single storey side/rear extension and front porch at 3 Red Cottages, Mill Lane, Willaston, Neston. Installation of 40kw ASHP's within a compound on a concrete slab situated within an external plant compound to the rear at Crematorium, Blacon Avenue, Chester, Cheshire. Searching by address is not case sensitive. Construction of single storey outbuilding at 25 Earle Drive, Parkgate, Neston, Cheshire. Sycamore tree - sever the ivy growth on the tree, carry out crown thinning, remove any overhanging and weak growth from the tree at 5 Mealors Weint, Parkgate, Neston. . Extension to existing kennel building and erection of outside exercise pens at Timadon Farm, Delamere Road, Ashton, Hayes, Chester. NORTHWICH: Mr Fletcher has applied for a single storey rear extension with pitched roof at Ferndown, Willington Road, Delamere, Northwich. Single-storey front and side extension at 9 Arradon Court, Chester, Cheshire. Single storey rear extension at 58 Hooton Road, Willaston, Neston. cheshire east planning applications weekly list You can view and comment on any Macclesfield on Cheshire East planning application here. The Planning Portal will calculate fees for you or you can see the full list of planning fees (PDF, 69KB). CHESTER: An amendment has gone in for a listed building consent on St Johns Road, Chester. This thinning will allow more light through the canopy into the gardens at 15 Valley Lane, Cuddington, Northwich, Cheshire. Search a regularly updated list of applications that have been validated and decided each week (weekly list). You will also be able to make more precise searches for the information you want. Compliance with conditions for all obligations - The Buyer wants a copy of the Section 106 Agreement at Woodlands, Dunkirk Lane, Capenhurst, Chester, Cheshire. Live tables on planning application statistics - GOV.UK CHESTER: Request from Mr and Mrs Cheetham to build a single storey rear extension and erection of rear outbuilding at 42, Greenbank Road, Chester. You'll be able to comment on current applications too. . The advanced search allows you to search for additional criteria to the basic search. Draft general validation checklist (MS Word, 88KB), Draft householder validation checklist (MS Word, 80KB), Draft minerals validation checklist (MS Word, 87KB), Draft waste validation checklist (MS Word, 84KB), Draft validation requirements matrix (MS Word, 123KB), Draft validation requirements justification (MS Word, 123KB), SPB draft validation lists final (MS Word, 123KB). documents and plans related to a planning application, applications submitted to the former Borough and County Council, include a comma after the house number or name or not, include a comma at the end of the street name or not, include a street name with the town or not, use street or st, road or rd, avenue or ave, close or cl, drive or dr, place or pl, crescent or cres, square or sq, lane or ln, use postcode on its own or with other parts of the address. Any representation on planning applications will be retained as part of that register. TARPORLEY: Rear single storey extension at Luddington Hill Cottage, Luddington Hill, Utkinton, Tarporley. View and comment on a planning application - Pendle Our office locations and opening hours are on the Contact Planning page. As reported recently by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, complaints against the planning . FRODSHAM: Mr Purcell has submitted an application to build a new two-storey dwelling and garage to the side of Elm Cottage, Alvanley Road, Helsby, Frodsham. Cheshire East Council is committed to equality and diversity. Filter weekly list Parish Ward Week beginning Show. The simplest way to submit a planning application is online via the Planning Portal. Amendment to 20/02235/FUL to retain the plant room, provision of an external secure metal cycle store to the rear yard, brick up door from plant room to living of Flat 2 and creation of a new front door to the side elevation within existing window opening at 119 Station Road, Ellesmere Port. We have submitted many Cheshire East planning applications including obtaining approval and consent for residential and commercial, house extensions, self-build homes, green belt house . Search for planning applications in the Bournemouth area. You can view our weekly lists of validated planning applications. CHESTER: An planning application has gone in for six floating holiday cottages at Tattenhall Marina on Newton Lane, Newton by Tattenhall, Chester. There may be a delay with comments being published to the website but they will still be received and considered by the planning officer. Cheshire East Council is committed to equality and diversity. Removal of Ash tree (T1) down to ground level at 15 School Lane, Mickle, Trafford, Chester, Cheshire. Single storey rear extension at 8 Lambert Way, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire. You can also search using a map. Weekly List ESBC Printed On 20/06/2016 LIST No: 25/2016 PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED DURING THE PERIOD 13/06/2016 TO 17/06/2016 To access forms and drawings associated with the applications below, please use the following link :- Cheshire East WA16 6AG REFERENCE P/2016/00749 Parish(s):Abbots Bromley Ideal if you want to: Search by . The full list of planning applications can be seen below. Cheshire East Planning Applications Weekly List - DocsLib CHESTER: Plans have gone in for a proposed Garden Room at The Lodge, 299 Parkgate Road, Chester. The Council is obliged to review its Local Validation Checklist for Planning Applications so they are up to date and reflect current planning policies in accordance with National Guidance. Remodelling and refurbishment of the existing Motor Vehicle Workshop to provide a new Multi-Purpose and Digital Teaching Block at West Cheshire College, Eaton Road, Chester, Cheshire. cheshire east planning applications weekly list (T1) Ash tree and (T2) Sycamore tree - Crown reduction of 2-3 metres shortening of branches to bring it back to the same as when last allowed at 33 Grenfell Park, Parkgate, Neston, Cheshire. Head of Planning andHousingDevelopment ManagementPO Box 606Municipal BuildingsCreweCheshireCW1 9HP. Round-up of the latest planning applications submitted to Cheshire West and Chester Council so far this year, Never miss a big story in Warrington again with our daily email. Search for planning applications in the Bournemouth area. Creation of three ponds at Cotton Farm, Platts Lane, Cotton Edmunds, Chester. Mrs Lucy Houghton of E and L Houghton at Mag Lane Farm, Sandbach. NORTHWICH: Two storey extension to side and rear of 128 Shipbrook Road, Rudheath, Northwich. Type all or part of the address. 2x Sycamores and 1x Ash trees require some lopping of uppermost/overhanging branches to avoid damage to cars parked below at Brockleigh, School Lane, Parkgate, Neston. If you are unable to access the information online, planning applications can be viewed at Council offices. 20 Myths About Cheshire East Planning Applications Weekly List: Busted Installation of total 816PV's in 14no arrays over 3no flat roof areas at Ellesmere Port Sports Village, Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port. CHESTER: Planning application submitted for the installation of electronic communications apparatus/development ancillary to radio equipment housing on Tattenhall Road, Newton by Tattenhall, Chester. Planning Applications Granted From 06-02-23 To 12-02-23. ELLESMERE PORT: An application submitted by Mr and Mrs Davidson to demolish an existing sunroom and lean-to and erection of a single storey rear extension on Orchard Road, Whitby, Ellesmere Port. Single storey rear extension at 3 Townfield Villas, School Lane, Elton, Chester, Cheshire. See the Contact Planning page for office locations and opening hours. List of planning applications. To learn more about what is published online and how we handle your personal information please review the Planning Privacy Notice. Installation of solar panels to south facing roof at 5 Picton Barns, Ash Hay Lane, Picton, Chester. He died from his injuries in hospital, University of Chester named one of top five in UK according to students, The university has made the top five in five different categories in the WhatUni Student Choice Awards, Gutsy single mum-of-two defies odds after being given six months to live, Andrea Killeen, 54, has a bucket list which includes doing a skydive and writing a book and a play, Craig Charles and The Real Thing to headline Chester music festival, Capenhurst, near Chester, will play host to the Liverpool music stars in August, Family's world 'falls apart' as grandad, 50, killed by drug driver high on ecstasy, Martin Cunliffe, 37, was found to be 39 times over the drug drive limit following the fatal crash, Dispersal order in Northwich as policestretched dealing with anti-social behaviour, Officers are on patrol in the town centre enforcing the order, which gives them the power to exclude a person from an area for a period of up to 48 hours.
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