Is that bad now too? WebJennas Punishment Spanking (Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage #1) During a disagreement, Jenna storms out of the house without telling her husband where she's going. We met through church but I dont know what his family background was. They are, after all, of their father the devil who is known as the accuser of the brethren. I found out that the Pastor spoke to her husband and so he had the pastor and his wife come over for dinner and then told her the pastor talked to him about her attitude and she was getting a spanking after dinner. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Wacky science isnt fooling anyone, even if people are not always able to verbalize it, they feel within themselves that something is wrong and this autism makes them explode at some point. When Jamin came home with a new laptop and never mentioned it to her she was trying to keep him accountable. But just like a chocolate addict will eat carob in moments of dire necessity. Some men have apparently abused their authority, therefore any men having authority is bad. It doesnt follow. Any marriage in which one partner is exerting control over the other IMHO is wrong. Which only shows exactly where your heart and mind are at. Christian Domestic Discipline Spiritual Sounding Board Despite what you think, domestic discipline is not some sort of mindless activity done by brutal men and victimized women. Let me start at the beginning. Your testimonial will be added to this blog so that other people can benefit from and be inspired by your experiences with Christian Domestic Discipline. Male headship is followed all over the world.. Even praying to be able to forgive is a start. 10 Things Every Christian Husband MustUnlearn, Give Your Husband the Gift He Actually Wants forChristmas. Christian Domestic Discipline Spiritual Sounding Board This tendency you have to talk about people practicing it as if they were some sort of deranged people or animals inferior to you. Nope, A Lone Voice, Im not going there with you. Im only part way through the rather long article, which was suggested by Lydia, but from what I have read so far, I can suggest that might be worth a look see. So, a wife divorcing her husband unless she was independently wealthy was quite possibly a death sentence. If you didnt, you wouldnt have your job for very long, would you?! You are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you. Webchristian domestic discipline; Corset Waist Training; Deep Thoughts; Exercise and Chocolate; Fiction; maintenance; marriage; my submissiveness; Orgasm Control; Pierced Nipples; Punishment; Spanking; Submission; swingers Here is the link: No woman is squelched by wanting her man to take up his God-given authority and actually lead. You cannot say you respect and love an adult when you treat them like a child and all these women who are letting their husbands hit them you cant love yourself. What a heartless bunch. Were you homeschooled or was homeschooling prominent in your church? Sometimes Ben thinks I need to be spanked everyday, when I forget that I am supposed to be the submissive one. Instead, they wanted to know what I had done wrong to need to be punished and felt that I had abandoned my wedding vows when I left him. My suggestion that the word forgiveness gets employed as an F word equivalent is not original to me. And what did that one do while he was seeking a godly offspring? Dont just say my position is not Biblical, argue it, prove it from scripture, of course. They told me that I needed to do a better job of obeying and not being disrespectful or difficult and told me I needed to pray more to be a better wife. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. But he is a wonderful, loving husband and father, a great provider and well, being in charge just suits him. Did you even read the post? Im afraid were wasting our time attempting to engage somebody who justifies the abuse of women. (Daisy, it is my hope and prayer, by the way, that in the cases I disagree with you, I do so without being disagreeableblessings to you, and my apologies for when I fail in this). Ben at first thought I was joking, but when I took him to the scripture and showed him, and had my pastor sit him down and teach him about CDD, he saw the light, reluctantly, and agreed to be the HOH of our home. Now, I am not condoning what happened to Lauren, because it appears she was not consenting. Thats their thing. Our church is now my original church, and my bottom is now sore when ever it is needed to be. @Mark You are convinced that a woman can only be tricked into that kind of relationship, and you have decided to be quite closed minded with this regard to the extent that you think that people who think otherwise are sick. There are in fact right wingers and conservative Christians who take the Bible literally yet who also reject the gender complementarian position (which is what you are advocating). Months later, I finally reported on the topic of wife spanking in this article:The Christian Patriarchy Movements Dark Secret of WifeSpanking. I remember saying There is NO WAY Im going to be some mans slave and stay at home and cook and clean for him! It was not until I sat through a Bible study on the book of Ephesians that I truly understood submission. Under our Resources tab at A Cry For Justice we have a page with links for Hotlines: (the link to their blog is currently on the upper left hand side of the page): When you first commented on here, I was prepared to hear you out I know someone personally who has fetishes, and hes admitted to me that can be a struggle for him in his marriage. My husband and I would be considered rather boring by most people. And if it wasnt enough, beyond this exceptional event its pretty clear that mockery is absolutely not the normal approached followed by preachers, teachers and prophets recorded in the Bible. maybe a directory of churches and communities, that still get it, would help . I WASNT SCARED!!!! Am I Enabling My Cheating Husbands Sin by Staying withHim? (also known as gender complementarianism, biblical womanhood, patriarchy) Jamin wanted me to take a look at his finger nails because he was said his finger nails were too short to leave any marks. Are you insisting that your reading of these passages is the only possible correct one? However, since it would not be good to, myself, come across as as condescending, I will not do that. This posthas been very difficult for me emotionally. As a Christian, Im not trying to nullify the Bible by my experiences, or anyone elses. I started going to their church and before long was a very active member. Here is a challenge for you that will expose your hypocrisy: your argue that a woman can only be tricked into that kind of relationship. Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. This is a tool among others, people do not hit as a substitute for talking unlike what you suggest. Do you have any children? I never heard or suspected anything growing up. We left and started the long drive to my parents house and after about an hour I started again. It was not required (since I know lots of kids in my youth groups were in regular schools) but home-schooling was definitely pushed. But I do not want a day when people wake up confused because women rights have been flushed down the toilets. Such as, not seeing them alone, only meeting in public, and if you need overnight accommodations to see them, NEVER stay at their place or let them stay at yours. Doesnt look like 50 Shades of Grey is going to be well-received around here! Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. Guided Wife A blog on my desire to be virtuous and submissive What kinds of reactions can he expect from his wife as he introduces this into his marriage and how should he respond to his wifes reactions? What does that actually mean? Christian Domestic Discipline Reading this comment section is like reading a handbook of how liberal thinkers (and do not assume that I am a conservative), go about turning people who think differently than them into mentally sick people. So if not understanding DD is not understanding justice then you are already acknowledging that DD is non-consensual. I dont expect you to see it. TIL hitting your spouse is the key to making relationships work. Im about the only one here who actually quotes scripture. To say that I consented to be spanked, or to say that even an adult woman consents to being spanked simply because she remains in that situation is to make a mockery of the word consent. Just chalk it up to your personal preference and call it a day. It is not because you happen to discover it now that it is new thing. I have believed for many years that this is actually biblical, and the husband should spank his wife. Does the power differential matter? Debate is fine. But I do reinterpret it in light of those experiences, and the light of common sense and human decency. It really is that good. I was engaged to a man for several years. Jennas Punishment Spanking (Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage #1) During a disagreement, Jenna storms out of the house without telling her husband where she's going. This new way has made us loving, more loving than ever before. Uh oh. Serving Kids: Lets get this straight. Really, if you get off on spanking your wife (or are a wife who gets off on being spanked by her man), just chalk it up to your personal choice and stop trying to find biblical proof texts for it. And the whole of the Christian Far East. I want any other women reading this to know that your (Lone Voices) position is NOT biblical, and God created women to lead and teach men if he gifted them in those areas, and God created women to be equals with men in marriage. He did it in front of his children as they watched and cried, saying that mommies get spanked for bad behavior, too. Thanks, Gary. I remember being mortified our wedding night and wanted to find something sexy that would make me feel good (and I thought he would like, too). what happens if your HOH does something?, And if you havent yet started following our blog A Cry For Justice, we encourage you to do so. I suggested you start with an interlinear to see how the Greek is worded just for starters but I keep forgetting you need phallic permission. You are not making any case, you are simply asserting that your personal religious views are better and therefore should be turned into laws. When I read you, I see sincere people suffering sort of post-traumatic disorder. We were not married until I turned 19 though. I was also grounded for a month. I just dont have the time or energy to debate people like A Lone Voice. Finally, Daisy be more Christ-like; keep your nose out of my bedroom. When it comes to being intimate its only Ben , it would be a bad sin with anyone else. Just 3% of those (thats 0.1% of Americans) went to Africa and Eastern Europe isnt even mentioned:. Which is another reason that role playing is dangerousOK, Im not good enough for you, but if I dress up as Kim Kardashian, thats OK now?. In an abusive home, children do not have a sense of a normal healthy marriage, so thismodeling of abusive behaviorcould affect generations. His mother had passed away long ago and his father died shortly after our wedding and I never got to talk to him much. [redacted] said in a counseling session Jamin has admitted to using anger as a teaching tool for [redacted] like you would train a dog. We need to be aware of the existence of this atrocity in our churches and be bold in calling it out when we see it. You take it up with him. In the case you need to discipline your wife while on a voyage, you know you can do so without attracting attention. Bike Bubba How else can we understand what we havent gone through, or learn to avoid causing needless suffering to those around us? Seriously, Lone, as our gracious hostess notes, there are many disagreements on this site, which is why this thread has over 100 comments. I was moving from one bad relationship to another, so she invited me to a prayer group she went to. Even Satan quoted scripture. I have always made a point of emphasizing how much I love and respect him for being our HOH and not falling into the trap that other men do. In the case you need to discipline your wife while on a voyage, you know you can do so without attracting attention. Its not right. IMO. Here is a tasty quote AGAINST wife-spanking: Jim Alsdurf, a forensic psychologist who evaluates and treats sexual psychopaths and is the author of a book on abuse in Christian homes, says CDD isnt about religionits an outlet for emotionally disturbed men with intimacy deficits. All you have to do is go along with it. Kirsten,, 2. Wait? Each jurisdiction has its own laws and its own policies for how law enforcement deal with domestic abuse. Why isnt child spanking just as abusive as wife spanking? Im wondering what their thoughts were on it? Men are not the loving protectors that some claim that they should be under sexist teachings such as gender complementarianism.. Ben is a very strict HOH, and I love him very much because of it. Elijah did not begin by being arrogant, dogmatic, self-congratulating and dismissive (like you have been in this discussion). Then my dad and my husband had coffee while I stood in the corner and dad talked to my husband about being head of household. As for other men, besides the father to spank her, that isnt right. Although it is still a hot topic between parents throughout the web. I saw my mom get dads strap many times growing up and Mom always said that Dad was a good leader and that he did what God required him to do to raise us to be good Christians, my brothers to be good servant leaders and us girls to be obedient and submissive to those who God puts over us. Women werent squelched when they were told to TELL MEN that Jesus had resurrected. When you get to point of saying that none of these can be Christian women and if they are, they jolly well need to repent of their sin, then you are straining at gnats. 1. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Only to find out that my husband has talked to my father about this lifestyle and has his blessing. No woman wants to be slapped around, and certainly not because it has anything to do with not being able to find a macho man to date. You are in error. He teaches us that God made women because our husbands needed a obedient helpmate , God made women to serve and obey without question our husbands. Rock, if you want to read about domestic violence, read about Jamin Wright, a good-ole boy from Doug Wilsons church in Moscow ID. Its brilliant. If you find a bad doctor you dont rubbish the whole of medicine. There are millions of non christians practicing domestic discipline, and millions of Christians practicing it too. Send in your testimonials! Have they been able to escape and at what cost? 1986)., Yeah, it even helps to read an interlinear every now and then and do a bit of Greek/Hebrew study. We are commanded to submit to them. Retha I missed Dark Childs comment. So the real question is, do you want to be shortsighted, or do you want to position the cause your serve in a way that will allow it to pass the test of time. It contains articles on spanking in marriage, as well as advice on leading the home. Christian Domestic Discipline This, to me, is a strong leader. I personally do not support enforcing religious views by law because I believe in God-given freewill. You have also obviously been influenced by kinky secular culture, such as books and films that promote S&M. The article was popular with over 600 comments. In Laurens situation, she described her husband as calm and never in anger, yet he referred to her in demeaning terms, little girl, as a father would say to a child. I am therefore by no mean the spokeman of everything thats being done under the sun (and couldnt even if I wanted it). He is the boss. Deborah cursed Barak for not taking his proper male role, and the Apostle Paul, knowing all about Junia, still says a woman may not usurp authority over a man. 1. Rather he actually comes abusing by accusing. I take it that you are a man pretending to be a woman. This 3. Continue reading. No, Im sorry, you are acting heartless. [redacted] said she has become numb to the abuse and did not feel scared, not like in the beginning. I Hate that Thing: The Loop As far as justice is concerned, I do not think that Rock was saying that Domestic Discipline is justice. So anyway, of course God gives our husband and other authority persons who have our husbands permission to punish us. its the samething a guy who punched his wife in the face would say. I will say this. science is wrong on domestic violence because you said so? Ben also has no problem spanking me long after I start to cry. I dont have a man to defend or protect me, I have to defend and protect myself. 1Pet 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Thank you, Serving. (starting with Genesis 2:18 and 3:16 funny how many great verses in the Bible are 3:16, isnt it? The woman you are concerned about is indeed at very high risk. I am not estranged from my parents but I did not get their support. Guide to Implementing Christian Domestic Discipline After everything shes been through at the hands of bible-spouting men, I wouldnt be surprised if shes given up on the faith. As one who is more inclined to the pursuit of justice, which I take to be included as an aspect of righteousness, my potential reward no doubt pales in comparison to the reward awaiting Julie Anne, Serving Kids in Japan, and all the other peacemakers here. Dont just believe what an individual survivor tells you: though survivors have much wisdom based on their own experiences, their own experiences may not be generalisable to others completely, and this applies ESPECIALLY in regards to legal options. Have a great day. The whole verse says: 1Cor 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. And it goes on: 1Cor 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. This practice is about two consenting adults who are free to leave the relationship at any time, period. Sgt. Men do not step up to the plate to defend women. For instance, those who practice domestic discipline often cite scripture that calls for wives to submit to their husbands. Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. . I wonder if we could have the connection. I call it being a polite, persistent, pest. I could never respect any god that would put such sick, stupid, selfish, sexually sadistic men in those positions. What was his response? Wife Spanking, Christian Domestic Discipline, Domestic Violence *** You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Julie Anne can be reached at:, Kathi can be reached at: BDSM is not recommended for all Christians, but safe and responsible BDSM has the potential to enhance intimacy and strengthen marriages. Well I finally got my first Spanking! Did Lauren and her husband have any connections withthe Patriarchy Movement? I do not normally comment on web forums, but I wanted to counter-balance this thread. Send in your testimonials! Wifes getting spanked like being spanked. And then to quote half of 1Cor 7:4! Go back to the word (Luke 4:1-13) and see for yourself. My dad was a PhD and he beat me with a belt without my consent. - Pompous nothing, but nothing. are not healthy in a relationship. It is associated with the ego deflation experienced by one who really, really wishes to say something pointed and clever, but they just cant put their hands on anything of sufficient substance. Youll get prayers and someone standing with you to get rid of the bad stuff and move on. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Christian Domestic Discipline / Spencer Respect and Submission in domestic discipline Respect and Submission are of particular importance in a marriage because the standard marriage vows for the bride always included the phrase to love, honor and obey her husband. What was it like in my Patriarchal home, you ask? They took all her her clothes off in front of everybody and then she got a spanking by the Pastor and her husband with their belts. . It ranged anywhere from a swat or two over my clothing up to him pulling down my pants for episodes that left me bawling. I am amazed to see so much intolerance. Regarding Barak and Deborah: Take heed then to your spirit, and let no one deal treacherously against the wife of your youth., I think youd be surprised at how educated these people are. No, no previous assumptions, just submitting to the plain word of God will do for me.
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