Venus Saturn aspects are typically associated with feeling unloved, especially by the father or other symbols of patriarchy. Because Saturn rules your 7th, your relationships gains support from having a Venus conjunction. Take care of the small things and the big things will follow. Seen as a charismatic embodiment of the ideals you share with others, you also have the potential to grow into an inspirational leader in your chosen field of interest. This combination makes one particularly competitive since the planet Venus wants to be adored above all others. Or that loving someone or something is a matter of duty and honor, not necessarily enjoyment or reciprocity. Venus Conjunction Saturn also shows Andy has discipline when it comes to his art. The affairs regarding the first start of relationships will be psychologically hot and perhaps feisty. Person A has natal Venus conjunct Saturn/Uranus in Sagittarius, which is conjunct Person B's natal Saturn/Uranus in synastry, opposite Person B's in Gemini- so it's a DW. With Venus sextile Saturn, you also have the opportunity to develop a sense of security with your finances. I love myself too. Venus-Saturn Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary Remember that this will not last for a long time. Dont expect to gain wealth overnight. The last two blog posts about Venus and Pluto, respectively Venus and Mars in synastry proved to be quite popular, so I decided to move the needle a little bit, towards an area less spectacular, but nevertheless extremely important: the Venus Saturn synastry.. It's about the connection between Venus - our sense of beauty and harmony, our social approach and perception of love - and . And usually, the part of you that they dont like is the mask that you put on. You may also want to create a plan to pay off debts and increase your income in the future. The lesson is to learn the value of money and how to keep enough of it to live on. I have Saturn 5 degrees Taurus conjunct my Venus at 9 degrees Taurus. This aspect gives a cold chill, when faced with love, to the native or relationship and any harmonious compatibility that may be present just adds to the chill factor. Im also having Pluto conjunct my moon so it wont make things easier. You struggle to know your ownvalue with Venus opposition Saturn, but this translates to other areas of your life, too. While you long for love and affection, you struggle with intimacy. The Venus person's love nature is at odds with the Jupiter partner's philosophical views, attitudes, and beliefs in this aspect. Also and most importantly on moving forward,give up masterbating and watching porn. Due to your capacity for overcoming obstacles and achieving your aspirations, it will be important to get clear about yourauthentic values, as separate from the norms and values of your dominant culture. This is something you must teach yourself. To know you deserve love and respect brings with it a healthy level of self-esteem which allows you to say yes to what you want in life and no to what you don't want. Your relationship is based on commitment, responsibility and seriousness. Oh my JamieI was going to meet a new guy this day and I just cancelled on reading this post!! You probably experience power struggles in your relationships. These people will work their hardest to get into the VIP lounge, through being the very best in their profession. Anyone with Venus conjunct Saturn natal can be incredibly successful! A secure relationship will only grow stronger through these trials. . mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. When Venus transits your natal Saturnor Saturn transits your natal Venus, you will learn lessons in the areas of love, finance, and self-worth. Who wants to seek any of them? We are both Virgosand I have never dated onenor him. I harmed many assholes in that lifeand now this life has been a an circus of assholes torturing me. Again, its spot on and his natal Venus is retrograde. Otherwise, you could risk losing touch with your true ideals in order to appear accomplished according to external, societal standards. However, if you were to look at my birth chart, all of my other placements and aspects are very positive. Sara, that is too wide to be classed as a conjunction, for me anyhow. Even though these are early days, is this a good sign? Venus is also the planet of money after all. With Venus trine Saturn, love flows into your life at a steady pace. Check your Moon void periods. Will keep unto themselves until they are safe. You have Timothy McVeigh, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Kurt Cobainpsychopaths, narcissists, and suicide casesand none of them even has this conjunction nearly as exactly as I do (within a 2-minute orb). Saturn is conjunct my Sun for the moment so im a bit anxious what it will give now on relationshiplevel. There is a kind of luck that happens with Venus-Saturn aspects, since Venus (along with Jupiter) is a good luck planet. In between there were some flings with younger ones though. It feels worse because it is love that most people want in this life, and you are deprived of that for some time. Lastly,give up thoughts of sex and companionship. I have Venus at 13 Sag, by the way, Im a Capricorn, this is obviously my Venus return too and its a hard one. In some cases, this will be necessary, at other times you may have to balance your need for boundaries with the necessity of maintaining a difficult relationship. Do what you like, what makes your heart sing, and you will slowly find love and wealth. The more you learn to accept and love yourself, the more you can express your love and affection. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. You may develop an attraction to or relationship with a significantly older person or someone with established status and maturity. This can lead to some mistakes and an attempt to hold onto something or someone far longer than is healthy. With Venus in Libra conjunct Saturn (September 28-30), either option is possible, as the planet of reality, boundaries and structure meets up with the planet of love and romance. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! You may have gotten hurt when younger but no one was there to explain to you how predators work. This conjunction in synastry charts reveals the capacity of long-distance, wide age gap, and interracial relationships. The pair should become visible from New York City around 5:18 p.m . However, itdoesmean that you arent afraid to try, to show up to work every day. Venus zodiac sign ruler is Libra and it is represented by the 7th house of relationships and partnerships. I think i need to have a serious talk with my girlfriend. Karma is real. If you want to live in la la land, the person with Saturn associated with Venus is going to mess you up big time. This can cause you to repress your inner feelings and emotions, leading to resentment and loneliness. This is the higher octave of Saturn: putting the work in to create depth and value rather than staying in your own limitations. The Manifestation of Value: the Venus Saturn Connection Venus conjunct Neptune may have something to do with talented dancers as well ive seen it in the charts of a number of them Nureyev had it with an orb of 027 in Aries 10th housealong with Sun in Pisces conjunct MC. What happens when; Venus/Saturn conjuncts in a composite chart, and square or opposition in synastry? You should be extra careful in how you address relationships and finances right now so that nothing blows up in your face. The bringer of pain, restriction, doubt, denial, hard work (and great bone structure and good teeth.) I met someone new on the day of the Venus-Saturn conjunction. This aspect, in particular, can be prone towards angerto quite an extent, although it might not necessarily become violent and dangerous. Whether this means that youre often committed to very serious relationships or that you rarely enter relationships without thinking through the commitment clearly, youre definitely a bit reserved. This can help maintain balance and harmony. One thing about Saturn though, it does get better with age. And the more you learn to value and love yourself, the more love you will receive from others. If youre already in a relationship, this might be a good time to make it official, perhaps by picking a wedding date. Figure out how to bring balance and bring satisfaction into your life. Thank you for your help! Uranus is the planet of change, the sudden, and the unexpected. Transiting Venus conjunct natal Saturn. You might also build up walls when things get too realor emotional even though in reality you are desirous of connection and intimacy. Some people think design means how it looks. Indeed, this is a very commitment-friendly transit because you tend to think long-term when it comes to your relationships. Venus Saturn aspects are serious about aesthetics and often women with these aspects need validation that they are beautiful. Venus Square Neptune - Delusion In Love - Part Two | ElsaElsa Greetings, Micha ** Love and all the best wishes to ELSA in this difficult time ** (actually quite like in the text above! Much will depend on associated planetary aspects or fixed star conjunction. I am jobless, homeless and clueless since Jan 2018. It might be time to take a break and rest your mind and body so that you can heal and recover. I have Venus opposite Saturn in my chart. You might find that its difficult to show love or even general affection during this time. March 6, 2026 A conjunction means the planets are in the same position in the zodiac, and they amplify energy. On the other hand, Saturn represents hard work, commitment, limitations, and sacrifices. You see these things as security, but it isntreal: its just the construct in your mind. I was the younger partner and my natal Venus is square Saturn, so I attract the older partners. This synastry aspect colors the relationship with love and sweetness, but it is not necessary an indicator of longevity. We both are blown away daily by bizarre events that seem to indicate something very meaningful is happening, though neither of us knows what that might be, apart from our obvious desire to be with each other. Mars Trine Uranus In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry, Sun Sextile Moon In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry. This is not an easy road, but its yours to create. This can be a powerful time to engage in self-reflective practices such as journaling and meditationanything that helps you open your awareness to unconscious feelings in need of healing. Meanwhile, a less secure relationship may come to a close, though there would need to be other major aspects present as well (this is not common). The project's livestream of the conjunction of Venus and Saturn will begin at 11:00 am EST (1600 GMT) on Sunday (Jan. 22) and will be available to watch online for free courtesy of the project's . We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. It might not only become difficult for you to express your own feelings and love freely but might also make people around you more cautious of expressing themselves around you. Its been hard also since none of my family will help me either. How serious is this conjuction which is 9 degrees apart in my 7th house ? Due to delays and limitations in your love life and finances, Venus opposite Saturn transit can make you feel a bit down. I have a natal Venus-Saturn opposition, if that matters. Saturn Square Venus Synastry - An Unlikely Match [2023] MoonsEye Astrology Venus conjunct Saturn *requested* However, the worst part is going through life without anyone around me who is clear-headed enough to understand me and whom I can trust to actually grasp my meaning when I rant about some of these things. Sometimes, this is because of external reasons like physical distance or financial troubles, but most often your relationship will be tested because of a general mismatch of emotions. What happens when Saturn and Venus in same house? Generally, you exercise caution and good judgment in your relationships with others, and you are understanding when others are in need. Once one is able to see the difference between a predator and a socialized person, one can relax. The conjunction is considered to be the most potent aspect in . Yes, same as with most transits of fast moving planets like Venus to slow moving ones like Saturn. Therapy or mantras may be helpful to teach yourself about your own value. With this reading you receive. In your relationships, both of you are concerned about meeting the . I just discovered that during the last venus conjunct saturn in january, my (ex)boyfriend and i seperated. Once you do this, you will realize what holds value for you, whether it be money, relationships, or boundaries. Pholus the catalyst for change and Eros the passionate love. Yes the conjunctions are as follows: Her Saturn 25 degrees and Venus 26 degrees Aries. I am very sorryas I was in that lifeand this gives me patience with the karmic asshole convention that arrives to harm me. Any thoughts? I did.. not knew how to love since I loved based on ideals and not love.. as well as lack of self respect i.e. Support and encouragement will boost your self-esteem along with love. You will also become more aware of hidden parts of yourself that you tend to ignore, such as underlying feelings of insecurity and loneliness. The people surrounding them are either abusive, careless or uncaring. I do it your way. They may not have been taught how to avoid predatory people so to keep oneself safe they remove themselves or avoid relationships. If lord of the 2nd, a change of attitude towards your personal possessions is likely now. The question to ask is, why is this so? You may want to retreat and focus on what value means to you as well as how you valueyourself. However, Venus conjunct Saturnalsomeans that you feel the need to be popular and well-liked. It dosent help that shes a hardcore catholic that is saving her body until after marriage and im a horny son of a gun! Hard work pays off, but it wont happen overnight. Natal Saturn is the sign where your Saturn was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. Its a logical assumption and would be an easy fix, but it simply doesnt apply. Venus square Saturn can cause insecurities about self-worth in relationships. The Venus opposition Saturn means that its difficult for you to experience love in a natural way, especially as a child. This can make your journey straightforward and your discipline can help you bring your dreams to fruition. Thanks for the response, Jamie. Saturn can impose conditions and rules on Venus' love, peace, and aesthetic sensibilities, making us pay a price to have something nice, and continuing to raise the bar on expectations and tightening the screws until we eventually question whether we can afford to have it any longer. I have exactly the same plus with Mercury on Venus. Of course, you might not be totally successful in this area because you struggle to express yourself and appear reserved, but that doesnt mean you dont try. Hahaha.. You must find beauty in the soul of individualsandin yourself. Neptune Conjunct Venus Synastry. January 22, 2023 Whether through the counsel of wisened others, or through the school of experience, Venus-Saturn people can be full of practical wisdom on relationships. As Venus, the planets of art and beauty, comes in conjunction with Saturn, the saturnine planet of restriction, a collision of art of brutality come together which leads Andy to create art that others may find a bit too brutal. But astrology wasn't that accurateand the more she thought about Kate, the less she wanted to believe in its power to prophesy. Can you please help me find the wayout, I am born on 8 Oct 1984, at 9.00 am, in Karad, Maharashtra, India. You want to be seen by those you deem important because that makes that little voice, the one that repeats your insecurities, quiet down for a bit. But of course, if you dig deeper, its really how it works., I think it is all a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is., Art consists of reshaping life, but it does not create life nor cause life., My goal was never to make Facebook cool. Although Jupiter may be overly attached to the free spirit, Venus may be unable to successfully link its partner to the solid and long-term partnership that Venus desires. Would You Marry Someone With Saturn In The 7th House? Venus 00Ari05. The reason may also be karmic, particularly if Venus or Saturn is in a retrograde position. This aspect is offen described as a "love at first sight" aspect as it represents an instant and irresistible chemistry between two people.
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