[8], On November 5, 2019, the BBC News listed The Outsiders on its list of the 100 most influential novels. Whether in the form of a book or a movie, the message of The Outsidersclearly resonates with teens. Because the reader does not know which specific city the story is set in, the story is more relatable. Though the book does not directly state the year in which the story takes place, it is evident that the story takes place in the 1960s. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Official Trailer Release! In most fiction you read in middle school, like The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, theres a clear bad guy and a good guy. I think The Outsidersstill feels original because it doesnt pretend that good and evil are such distinct categoriesthe real villain in The Outsiders is the socioeconomic disparity that divides the Socs and the Greasers in the first place. She won the Margaret Alexander Edwards Award in 1988. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. With the help of friends, the Oklahoma Film and Music Office, the City Council, local business and individuals who volunteered the restoration started. Sixteen years aint gonna be long enough.'. The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time In almost every chapter, someone is crying or on the verge of tears. Using colors, Hinton allows the reader to visualize the extremes and then mix them together to show that there is a middle ground. Few books come steeped in an aura as rich as S. E. Hinton's novel "The Outsiders," which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Whatare thedifferences and similarities between the Socs and greasers in The Outsiders. It is told in a first-person narration style, with the narrator being a 14-year-old boy. In 1982, Disney Studios released Tex, and Hinton agreed to the movie deal with the condition that her horse got to play the lead horse in the movie. The time period is apparent, but it is not central to the story. Sodapop and Darry come to the hospital; Darry breaks down and cries. The Outsiders, first published in 1967, tells the story of class conflict between the greasers, a group of low-class youths, and the Socs (short for Socials), a group of privileged rich kids who live on the wealthy West Side of town. 1197 Words5 Pages. Hinton | Death & Characteristics. Johnny and Ponyboy find the abandoned church and Johnny buys supplies. Ms. Hinton fields daily questions on Twitter from fans who ask, What do you think when people say Stay golden instead of Stay gold? (Answer: It makes her cringe. This story deals with issues that are very close to the hearts of teens, whether in the 1960s when this book was written or today. No matter that the book is 50 years old, or that the movie was filmed in this part of town more than three decades ago. Hinton, The Outsiders by S.E. Refine any search. The Outsiders: Literary Context & Devices, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, The Outsiders Vocabulary & Slang Words Flashcards, CLEP Analyzing & Interpreting Literature: Study Guide & Test Prep Course, Technical Writing Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, American Literature Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Study.com SAT Reading Test Section: Review & Practice, AP English Literature Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Study.com SAT Writing & Language Test Section: Review & Practice, 11th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Johnny Cade in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Sodapop in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, The Socs drive cars such as Corvairs and Mustangs, The Socs like the Beatles while the Greasers like Elvis, Teenagers spend their evenings at at the drive-in movie theater, where a movie costs a quarter, Ponyboy watches a Paul Newman movie at the matinee. Search all of SparkNotes Search. Hinton, its teenage author, was graduating from her high school in Oklahoma. Hinton's young adult novel about greasers in Oklahoma still resonates with readers over 50 years later, Right-Wing Media and Anti-Trans Groups Welcome Kiss' Paul Stanley to the Cause, Inside the Big Battle to Save One Small TV Show, CIA Director, Noam Chomsky Named in Epstein's Private Calendar: Report, Drake, Will Arnett Celebrate Toronto Maple Leafs' (Long-Awaited) Postseason Triumph, Meet the YouTube Creator Busting Crypto Scams, Academy Slaps Down New Rules After Andrea Riseborough, Tom Cruise, Michelle Yeoh Controversies, Stagecoach 2023: Lainey Wilson, Chris Stapleton, and Nostalgia Dominate Countrys California Fest, Ed Sheeran Plays Van Morrison Song as Proof He Didn't Steal From Marvin Gaye in Copyright Trial, Chance the Rapper 'Would've Died' From Xanax Use If He Didn't Have His 'Spirit Tugged On'. The Outsiders was published in 1967, when Hinton was only 17 years old and attending Will Rogers High School. Although the other Greasers see the Curtis house as a haven, Ponyboy says that he is embarrassed for the kids at school to see how they live. Though Hinton does not refer directly to any historical or political events in her work, the book seeks to elevate public awareness of marginalized groups and to validate the voices and experiences of young people. Themes in The Outsiders. After some heated talk, Ponyboy spits at the Socs, prompting them to attempt to drown him in a nearby fountain, but Johnny stabs Bob, killing him and dispersing the rest. Two-Bit tells him that he isn't like the rest of them and that he shouldn't try to get tough. As they attempt to leave, they notice the church has caught fire and several local schoolchildren have become trapped inside. Most of the literature handed down for high school students to read had, in Hintons estimation, nothing to do with the lived experiences of teenagers in her hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its possible that this new shift is simply an additional sign that The Outsiders continues to influence young readers. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 In Rockstar Vancouver/Rockstar Games' 2006 video game Bully, two factions, The Greasers and the Preppies/Preps, who both have major roles in the game, are based on The Outsiders Greaser and Socs factions respectively. Hinton | Significance & Quotes, Socs in The Outsiders by S.E. and any corresponding bookmarks? This pressure led to a three-year writer's block that ended when she met her husband during her college years and he encouraged her to begin writing again. . Steve Randle: Sodapop's best friend since grade school. [a] Hinton is credited with introducing the YA genre. His English teacher tells him he needs to write his final paper if he wants to pass with a C. Ponyboy has an altercation with some Socs and he threatens them with a broken bottle. Fun Fact: More than 50 years after it was first published, the book still sells 500,000 copies a year. Once youre a fan of The Outsiders, youre always a fan of The Outsiders, which is why when Mr. OConnor posted about the tub on Facebook, it was shared over 220 times. If you want to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please fill out the form below. Hinton | Characteristics & Analysis, The Outsiders Novel | Summary & Characters, Cherry Valance from The Outsiders | The Outsiders by S.E. ), That The Outsiders has permeated the culture so deeply is still somewhat surreal to even Ms. Hinton. (1967). 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. The Curtis house is not large or fancy, but the Curtis boys are welcoming and gracious to their guests. from your Reading List will also remove any Hinton's next book, Tex, published in 1980, is about two delinquent brothers left on their own by a rambling father. Gang membership also means that you are accepted. Nor has the work of popular YA authors like John Green or Woodson shied away from serious adult issues like violence and racism. The church in Windrixville also provides a sanctuary for the boys, away from the social issues of the city. The award winning novel the Outsiders is a true wake up call to society regarding concepts that have been present in society over the years. Book Summary. Twilight Fandom in an Uproar Over New TV Series Announcement, YA Books With Neurodivergent Representation, A Fanfiction Writer is Suing Amazons Rings of Power and The Tolkien Estate, 5 Books By Diverse Multicultural Authors That We Love, 9 Amazing Movies That Are Secretly Shakespearean Classics. Earn respect by giving it. In other words: stay gold. The Outsiders was published under the pen name S. E. Hinton because publishers didn't think readers would believe this story could be written by a woman. Ponyboy and his big brother, Darry, have a fight and Ponyboy storms out of the house. This dichotomy between lack of material wealth and richness in familial support is echoed throughout the book. Hinton ("S.E." stands for Susan Eloise) wrote The Outsiders while she was still in high school. Thats the only way I can deal with it.. During their stay there, Pony cuts and dyes his hair as a disguise, reads Gone with the Wind to Johnny, and, upon viewing a beautiful sunrise, recites the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. She has stated that her biggest compliment was that her greaser friends liked the book. Susan E. Hinton was all of 15 years old when she completed writing her groundsbreaking teen novel, The Outsiders. What are Two-bit's personality traits and physical characteristics? About the Book. The cars, music, movies, and prices all indicate that S.E. Search the internet for stay gold and youll find both the name of a cafe on the Jersey Shore and a Swedish rock bands debut album. The lack of precision with time at the end of the book helps to show that Ponyboy feels like he is coasting through his life in a daze. Hinton | Fight Scene Quotes & Analysis, Burning Church in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was suffering from writer's block, and he forced her to write two pages a day. What may be most remarkable about the greasers is their ability to show great affection and emotion despite the masculine-dominated cultural norm of the 1960s. was published as a cheap, drugstore paperback, in a time before the YA fiction market even existed. 5 chapters | 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. The film is an adaptation of the 1967 novel of the same name by S. E. Hinton and was released on March 25, 1983, in the United States. Hinton's young adult novel about greasers in Oklahoma still resonates with readers over 50 years later By Margaret Eby April 26, 2017 When S.E. Hinton's depiction of the tensions between the lower-income Greasers and the upper-class Socs (an abbreviation of Socials) has become something of a modern classic because of the sensitive way it portrays its characters, especially the relationships among the Curtis brothers, and deals with the social divisions at the heart of the story. Explore ''The Outsiders'' setting. The importance of remaining in school and graduating recurs throughout the novel, but that topic is also not meant to be a primary focus. Sept. 23, 2007. All rights reserved. Johnny dies. The 50 Worst Decisions in Music History Mr. OConnor, who lives in Beverly Hills, Calif., bought the Outsiders House for $15,000 in 2016, determined to turn it into a museum. Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders. Teenagers have that kind of freshness to the world, Lonergan said in a recent New Yorker profile. Rate this book. At the hospital he discovers that he and Dally are not badly injured, but a piece of the church roof fell on Johnny and broke his back. The fact that the character development is so strong in this book plays a crucial part in its power and its enduring relevance, she said. S. E. Hinton recalls that when she published her dbut novel, "The Outsiders," in 1967, "there was no young-adult market . Hinton's novel "The Outsiders" was published in 1967, when Hinton was only 18 years old. Hinton was only 17 years old when she started writing the book, and had it published when she was 18. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. This technique works well because it does not distract readers from the story's action; it encourages critical thought and increases anticipation. So many people say to me after reading it, Im looking at people differently now than I used to, she said. The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel written in 1967 by S. E. Hinton. Hinton does a thorough job of showing the reality of both sides, like when Cherry Valance says, Maybe the two different worlds we live in werent so different. A short summary of S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders. The book was written in 1967 by S.E. bookmarked pages associated with this title. S. E. Hinton has received numerous honors and awards. Hinton was only 15 when she started writing the novel; however, she did most of the work when she was 16 and a junior in high school. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. A dramatic stage adaptation was written by Christopher Sergel and published in 1990. New York: SPEAK. She reveals in an interview for Entertainment Weekly that in middle school she wrote a book about The Civil War, commenting that she has no idea what [she] thought [she] knew about the Civil War. The premise of The Outsiders, though, was something she knew about from her experiences with a divided community that closely paralleled . Anyone can read what you share. The setting of The Outsiders is important because the division of the city into the wealthy West Side and the economically disadvantaged East Side provides a backdrop for the tensions between the social classes. You can see what it should be. The rivalry between two gangs, the poor Greasers and the rich Socs, only heats up when one gang member kills a member of the other. Finding friends who understand their problems and relate to them is paramount for teenagers. Hinton. . Paul Holden: Darry's old friend from high school. Author S.E. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Hinton, a teenager when she wrote The Outsiders, at the bungalow in Tulsa, Okla., that stood in for Ponyboy Curtiss home in the 1983 film adaptation of the novel. A stage musical adaptation with a libretto by Adam Rapp and songs by Jamestown Revival is currently in the works as of 2022.[3]. An author writing today might treat the issue of drinking and driving differently than Hinton did in the 1960s. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. The Greasers live on East Side. A third theme that runs throughout this novel is one of colors in a black and white world. [17][18] After raising funds the house went through extensive renovations to restore it and maintain its authenticity from the film. Greasers and Socs | What are the Gangs in The Outsiders? flashcard sets. 16 years old, who is extremely quiet and lives with his, Dallas "Dally" Winston: A 17-year-old juvenile delinquent, he is the roughest and most volatile of the greasers, but cares more about Johnny than he does anyone else. Ponyboy wakes up and realizes that he will have to go to court and that the court could decide to separate him from his brothers. Bookstr connects books with people. They'll know we're hoods the minute they see us, I thought." He also says that Cherry is willing to testify that Johnny acted in self defense. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Randy Adderson: Bob's best friend and Marcia's boyfriend. Ponyboy has trouble adjusting back to his old life. What school did the greasersgo to in The Outsiders? American Library Association Best Young Adults Books, 1975, Massachusetts Children's Book Award, 1979, American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults, 1971, Massachusetts Children's Book Award, 1978, American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults, 1975, American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults, 1979, New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age, 1980, Sue Hefly Honor Book, Louisiana Association of School Librarians, 1982, California Young Reader Medal Nomination, 1982, Sue Hefly Award, Louisiana Association of School Librarians, 1983. The Outsiders by S.E. After escaping the hospital, Dally shows up just in time for the rumble. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. These issues make the story interesting, and Hinton does a very good job at not preaching at the reader. Rarely is injustice seen equally by all eyes. Well do it for Johnny!), its to be expected. The Socs drive cars that were popular in the 1960s such as Mustangs. from your Reading List will also remove any S.E. [9], Ponyboy Curtis appears in Hinton's later novel That Was Then, This Is Now (1971). At a time when the average young-adult . And yes, she says, her friends were really called Greasers!, I get so many letters from people saying, You changed my life. That scares me.
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