Difficulty: Easy, Specialty products are consumer products and services that customers evaluate on D) Location Skill: Concept services. Explain to the family that the medicine pouch may contain herbs that may bother other patients. Acculturation. E) unsought Partnership with area city councilors and health professionals to provide services that are consistent with their vision and funding sources. It has negative brand equity if consumers react less favorably than to an unbranded version. Arderns appointment might be a step in the right direction, but it certainly isnt the only one we need. Skill: Concept The chief nursing officer is pleased with the nurse manager's strategy of improving patient satisfaction in the pediatric intensive care unit. We are hoping that this forum will make a meaningful contribution towards finding solutions for the common good.. A) offer additional product support and after-sale services B) electricity "We make an excellent product," Ruben Delgado stated, "and we honor a good guarantee on everything we sell. Answer: Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need is known as a product. E) exchange value Includes nurses as part of an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team. services. Service variability means that the quality of services depends on who provides them as well as when, where, and how they are provided. The total number of washing machines sold by an employee. Difficulty: Moderate, Industrial products and services include raw materials, buildings, fixed equipment, supplies, _____ are special benefitsusually noncash itemsfor executives. Nederlnsk - Frysk (Visser W.), The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde), Junqueira's Basic Histology (Anthony L. Mescher), Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Douglas C. Montgomery; George C. Runger), English (Robert Rueda; Tina Saldivar; Lynne Shapiro; Shane Templeton; Houghton Mifflin Company Staff), Marketing-Management: Mrkte, Marktinformationen und Marktbearbeit (Matthias Sander), Managerial Accounting (Ray Garrison; Eric Noreen; Peter C. Brewer), Handboek Caribisch Staatsrecht (Arie Bernardus Rijn), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Principles of Marketing (Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong; Valerie Trifts; Peggy H. Cunningham). MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif., April 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of its commitment to support the communities it serves, Kinecta Federal Credit Union exemplifies what it means to be invested and. Answer: FALSE Which of the following is an example of telecommuting? Which of the following is NOT a product or service? Using a local anesthetic before inserting a needle into a child's arm Skill: Concept Subsequently, this could be the start of a new era in which universities become hubs of problem-solving and social justice. A) unsought Service recovery ensures responsiveness to the patient, and as part of service recovery, it is important to address an error in the most productive way, which also includes the nurse who made the error offering an apology to the patient. B) person Right-to-work laws _____. Virginia is also known for its weird, whacky laws. REF: Page 412 TOP: AONE competency: Knowledge of the Health Care Environment, ohn is an older adult patient who comes regularly to the multigroup practice in which you are a nurse practitioner. E) Product positioning Answer: Individual product decisions involve: 1) product attributes, 2) branding, 3) packaging, 4) labeling, and 5) product support services. services. https://www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/206996-bus-100-introduction-to-business-unit-3-milestone REF: Page 443 | Page 444 product involved? Data indicate that nurses are responsive to requests for assistance; data are available for the unit and the institution. C) slick and attractive packaging A service orientation means delivering services in a manner that is least disruptive. Difficulty: Easy. She decides to implement these changes throughout the hospital. Difficulty: Easy, ________ are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered E) Concentrated AACSB: Application of knowledge; Written and oral communication Skill: Concept, Answer: Product line stretching occurs when a company lengthens its product line beyond its, current range. E) quality C) Specialty products A goal of this clinic might be: c. Ensuring that birthing preferences are on file and available when a laboring mother comes in B) Convenience products a. C) specialty Difficulty: Moderate. A brand has positive brand equity when consumers react more favorably to it than to a generic or unbranded version of the same product. d. A children's preoperative holding area is initiated in response to requests from families and nurses who care for them.. ANS: D ANS: C Virginia is known as the Mother of States because, little surprise, it was the first state that was made home by the colonists. This defines the service characteristic of: - heterogeneity - homogeneity - inseparability - perishability - intangibility Intangible Because services have no physical substance and cannot be touched, stored, or possessed like goods, they are said to be: - homogeneous - perishable - intangible - inseparable - heterogeneous Service Failure Chart audit reveals that details related to assessment of family history are missing. services. Difficulty: Moderate, ________ are industrial products that aid in the buyer's production or operations, including D) life insurance Skill: Concept REF: Page 420 TOP: AONE competency: Professionalism. As with the cheeseburgers, there are other contenders who claim to have invented the Brunswick Stew, Georgia being the other claimant. Skill: Concept The most basic level is ________, which addresses the question, "What services. Virginia is also famous for Shenandoah National Park and the . Answer: D Answer: A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. Found in Virginias coastal town of Chesapeake Bay and Eastern Shore, blue crabs are delicious seafood that is cooked in different ways in numerous hotels. Objective: LO 8.3: Identify the four characteristics that affect the marketing of services and the additional marketing considerations that services require. If a consumer buys a lawn mower for use around home, the lawn mower is a consumer product. E) tech support and warranty Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and Examples of pure tangible goods include soap, toothpaste, or salt; no services accompany these products. And did you also know that the first-ever Thanksgiving was held at James River, and not at Plymouth as commonly believed? E) a basic product This move not only exemplifies Arderns dedication to fighting online hate and radicalization but also highlights the essential role of academic institutions in searching for answers to societys biggest questions. A service orntation needs to translate caring into appropriate, timely action that meets the needs of patients. C) core customer value Founded on the campus of Howard Univer-sity on January 15, 1908 in Washington, D.C., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the oldest inter-national Greek-letter service organization es-tablished by college-educated African Amer-ican women, with over 300,000 members in over 1,000 chapters worldwide. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and these. C) service The most iconic Virginia Ham comes from Smithfield, which is called the ham capital of the world. Expert commentary on global affairs for leaders everywhere, Wellington, Australia: April 5, 2023 - Outgoing, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern gives a speech in parliament. a. As a nurse leader, you explain that this is a reference to the: ", In designing a program for young adults regarding safe sexual practices, which of the following might reach the greatest number in your target group? A) corporate image Consumer Each level adds D) Brand image These products include the three broad categories of materials and parts, capital items, and supplies and services. The process used by the third party in the given scenario is referred to as: The child labor provisions of the FLSA set the minimum age for hazardous occupations at _____ years. Employers should have at least _____ to be covered by the OSHA. c. Being an older adult. AACSB: Application of knowledge grace sherwood is a direct ancestor of mine. In the women's 1,600-meter relay, the Cougars ran a season-best time 3:37.50. Difficulty: Easy, A hickory rocking chair, handmade by an Amish woodcarver in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, c. Acting on behalf of a patient to promote end-of-life wishes to an ethics committee services. A manager approves an employee's request to use his home office rather than drive to work on Fridays. AACSB: Application of knowledge B) laptop and services, product lines, and product mixes. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and D) a brand personality Skill: Concept c. Television advertisements Nope. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and Or the manufacturer may sell to resellers who give the product a private brand (also called a store brand or distributor brand). Skill: Application When the British colonists first landed in America, three pigs set foot on the land too. The Clippers lost the hard-fought game 110-112. During a contract negotiation, the management of RMS, Inc. and its employee union fail to reach an agreement on an issue related to night shift pay scales. Take these for instance: its illegal for children to go trick or treating during Halloween; speed detectors cannot be used here; it is illegal to tickle a woman (although I wouldnt file this under weird); one cannot spit on seagulls. answer choices. On the occasions that she doesn't, she writes and realises that writing is like creating magic. D) social engineering E) Services are tangible product offerings whose quality can be easily measured. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and Question 6. D) specialty products AACSB: Analytical thinking C) groceries Which of the following is an example of telecommuting? The same child tries to kick a rock and finds that using the same motion allows him to successfully kick the rock. a. a. Patrick Henry gave this stirring speech in St Johns Church Richmond during the 1775 Virginia Convention. As a head nurse, you are concerned about the service orientation on your unit. AACSB: Analytical thinking BUS 100 Introduction to Business Unit 3 Milestone Sophia Course Solution: 1. d. Coordination of care, services, advocacy, and access for patients within the healthcare system. B) Product quality There are tons of things to explore here, such as salty marshes, the wild ponies, and of course, beaches. AACSB: Application of knowledge Initially, Virginia was envisaged as a state that would cultivate silk. This best exemplifies _____. Objective: LO 8.2: Describe the decisions companies make regarding their individual products and services, product lines, and product mixes. D) Capital items In this What is one of the critical elements in selecting a patient satisfaction instrument? One can explore a number of things, from Cherokee life to Southern Appalachians music. Example: A child kicks a soccer ball with a specific motion. The purpose of a material safety data sheet (MSDS) is to _____. A nurse is admitted to a psychiatric unit. D) sense of adventure Assessment and admission of patients into care. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and (jovial). C) turn the core benefit into an actual product The Southern third of this island is in Virginia while the Northern two-thirds is in Maryland. a. Answer: A Virginia is known for the Appalachian Trail, oysters, Presidential homes, the Arlington National Cemetery, Dirty Dancing, Wild Ponies, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, and the Brunswick Stew. What practices by the nurse manager best acknowledge staff accountability and contribution? c. Advocating for the patient. It also boasts of housing one-fourth of the Appalachian Trail, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and Shenandoah National Park. Pain management, the discharge process, and post-discharge patient callbacks are specific areas where nurses can make significant improvement in patient satisfaction. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and services, and ________. D) Brand equity management AACSB: Analytical thinking Product mix width refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. It exemplifies the document policy followed by Dominos to ensure consistency in service behavior pattern across all the outlets. D) co-branding a some of which. D) person What does the S in the S.T.A.R. But after two years, the maker of novelty pens and pencils had to rethink his strategy when his contract with Elmore ended. Difficulty: Easy, What is the core customer value a customer might purchase when buying Urban Decay Levels of Strategy 1 Which of the following exemplifies a corporate strategy? A) candy. services. She assists top-level management in making business decisions and setting . Answer: Student examples may vary. AACSB: Analytical thinking Mechanics of Materials (Russell C. Hibbeler; S. C. Fan), Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning (Jared Dean), Frysk Wurdboek: Hnwurdboek Fan'E Fryske Taal ; Mei Dryn Opnommen List Fan Fryske Plaknammen List Fan Fryske Gemeentenammen. B) unique packaging itself, is an example of ________ marketing. Labels can mislead consumers, fail to describe important ingredients, or fail to include needed safety warnings. Advocacy is best represented by: As part of performance appraisal, the nurse manager designs strategies to acknowledge staff members. AACSB: Application of knowledge; Written and oral communication, Answer: Packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. B) place Companies also develop product support services that enhance customer service and, satisfaction and safeguard against competitors. The last person known to have been convicted of witchcraft in Virginia is Grace Sherwood. 1 : to show or illustrate by example anecdotes exemplifying those virtues 2 : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal 3 a : to be an instance of or serve as an example : embody she exemplifies the qualities of a good leader b : to be typical of a dish that exemplifies French cuisine Synonyms demonstrate illustrate instance 18) Which of the following is an example of a pure tangible good? https://www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/206996-bus-100-introduction-to-business-unit-3-milestone c. Apologize to the patient for the error, and indicate that discipline has occurred. d. Cannot encompass nurses within this framework. services. TOP: AONE competency: Communication and Relationship-Building, Chapter 01: Leading, Managing, and Following, Chapter 02: Clinical Safety: The Core of Lead, Community Health Exam #1: Ch. products and servicesthose bought by final consumersare usually classified according to University life can be wild, and two of the characteristic features of a university are streaking and frats. REF: Page 414 TOP: AONE competency: Professionalism. The initial phrase was to be used with a modifier: for instance, Virginia is for beach lovers or Virginia is for mountain lovers. Answer: TRUE TOP: AONE competency: Communication and Relationship-Building. services. At the third level, Skill: Concept C) internal It crosses over and underwater where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. You recognize that the concept of medical homes: b. Answer: B AACSB: Analytical thinking; Written and oral communications Skill: Concept. E) place Difficulty: Easy, Give examples of pure tangible goods. Question: Which of the following exemplifies a service? example of ________ marketing. Establishing private and professional networking systems. During a contract negotiation, the management of RMS, Inc. and its employee union fail to reach an agreement on an issue related to night shift pay scales. Marguerite Henry visited the island of Chincoteague and was inspired to write a novel. d. Increased numbers of uninsured or underinsured. a. provide employees with antidotes to be taken if exposed to hazardous materials. The nurse manager analyzes the data from the patient satisfaction surveys. Ruben Delgado established a brand name, known merely as Delgado, and decided to expand on it. The staff believe that, as a nurse, she should be able to understand what is expected. AACSB: Analytical thinking He gave the speech in the background of simmering tensions against the crown. b. Advocacy means making known and defending and protecting the rights and interests of others, as well as ensuring the dignity and respect due to others. c. Provision of immunization and addictions services and health screening services for women in the area. An excludable and rivalrous good simply means a private good, and of the given options, only the pair of shoes suits this category. A manager approves an employee's request to extend his hours on Monday through Thursday so he does not have to work on Fridays. A nurse makes a medication error that is not serious and does not cause harm to the patient. B) identify the core customer value that consumers seek from the product In recent times, however, packaging has become an important marketing tool as well. services. Service intangibility means that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought. a. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and a. In other words, academic institutions need to be efficient in their collaboration with government leaders, and Arderns appointment is a prime example of what can happen when this integration works. Specialty shops loved to display the products in their fancy, lighted showcases, but such specialty shops alone were not profitable. E) product attribute Virginia is for lovers is a travel and tourism slogan used in Virginia since 1969. A) person a. Nurses are well-trusted members of the healthcare team. . The hotel today offers a Dirty Dancing package, complete with Dirty Dancing-themed activities, dance parties, dance classes and more. A) candy instance, Erica is planning to buy a(n) ________ product. C) design and innovation Sue is: sale. AACSB: Analytical thinking B) rental car someone in her family left america and settled in australia. A simile emphasizes a specific feature of something by comparing it to a separate object that is characteristic of that feature. B) state-of the art technology Which of the following findings and approaches might provide useful information for you? Difficulty: Moderate, Rhodia invites tourists from all over the world to experience its pristine nature, clear skies, 18- Health Prom, Community Exam 1: Ch. defending socialism in the marketplace. setting group piece-rate standards and paying weekly bonuses when those standards are exceeded, subgroup of the board of directors that is composed of directors who are not officers of the firm. b. Which of the following exemplifies a corporate strategy? L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Accountants in Business (ACCA) (UPSA-ACCA AB), Introduction to Organic Chemistry (SCH100), Avar Kamps,Makine Mhendislii (46000), Power distribution and utilization (EE-312), Illustration on the accounting cycle FOR USE, Chapter 5 - Test bank of Management Information Systems, 14e (Laudon), Linea DEL Tiempo Historia DE LA Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental, Garrison 15 TH Edition CHPT 12 Decision Making Solutions, Assignment 1. The Nutritional Labeling and Educational Act of 1990 requires sellers to provide detailed nutritional information on food products, and recent sweeping actions by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate the use of health-related terms such as low fat, light, high fiber, and organic. C) convenience Answer: C From sweet and salty to buttery, they are loaded with flavors. a. Empowering the patient. Marketers must get everyone in the organization to be customer centered. Difficulty: Moderate, Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. services. A(n) _____ shop is an arrangement that makes workers who dont join a union to make payments equal to union dues and fees to get union representation services. The most prominent is the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966, which set mandatory labeling requirements, encouraged voluntary industry packaging standards, and allowed federal agencies to set packaging regulations in specific industries. Apuurva loves to write. Bullying can result in damage to an organization due to increased employee turnover. With that in mind, lets work together to create a better world for future generations. What, you thought only Salem had witch trials? Currently does not include nurses in its vision of multifaceted primary care. *This article may contain affiliate links. Which of the following exemplifies a service orientation? John's experience represents what aspect of the current consumer experience? In total, Virginia has given the U.S. eight Presidents. B) diamond ring B) performance and conformance Skill: Concept While studies and partnership with key informants are important sources of information in the design of services, engagement of the women through their neighborhood advocates may increase activation and resulting behavior. When consumers visit a multigroup practice, they do not have the option of selecting a specific healthcare provider, and thus, there is less opportunity to build a trusting relationship with a provider. Five of these peaks stand taller than 5,000 feet. Difficulty: Easy, What are the two dimensions of product quality? Answer: Today, as competition and costs increase, and as productivity and quality decrease, more service marketing sophistication is needed. A) a laptop with a comprehensive warranty for three years B) an online shoe retailer that provides free home delivery C) an agency that offers free legal advice D) a credit cardE) a bag of potato chips E ) a bag of potato chips Let us know in the comments below! Skill: Application Skill: Concept D) features Service companies face three major marketing tasks: They want to increase their service differentiation, service quality, and service productivity. E) niche Skill: Concept d. Development of services that have been identified by the women and neighborhood advocates as necessary for their health care. A gourmet dessert maker wins an award for outstanding customer service. c. Function of controlling which patients see the physician and which do not. a. Services can also be differentiated through symbols and branding, by creating an image that sets a company's services apart from that of its competitors. c. Care providers often have conflicting ideas about care. D) insurance A) candy B) laptop C) hair salon D) car E) laundry detergent Answer: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Skill: Concept Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and services. B) internal A) corporate image AACSB: Written and oral communication Skill: Concept, Answer: Consumers see products as complex bundles of benefits that satisfy their needs. d. Working in a free clinic for immigrant workers, ANS: C Given the growing number of intricate issues that the world is currently grappling with, relationships between different fields of study like this one can strongly influence positive progress. Objective: LO 8: Define product and describe the major classifications of products and Nguyen Quoc Trung. E) feature and design 30 seconds. services. Part of the purchase package brought personal visits from the Delgado representative, before the purchase and long after. C) social D) shopping What would be important for a nurse manager to consider when instituting a change to improve customer service?
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