Aaron Burr | Dimitri Denatos | William Boone | Nathaniel | Mr. Smith | King Leonidas | Cassandra | However, she missed and hit the water. Gery Lpez | A quick primer for those unfamiliar with the Pirates films: Based on a Disney theme park ride, the movies take place in a 17th-century setting ruled by the British Empire, the Spanish Empire and the East India Company. Rufus Sorghum | Or I will kill her. The sense that we were the new elements so that if it didnt work we might have been blamed in some way was a worry but any sense of exclusion that I had from not being part of the original gang was fuel for my character which, as you can see from the film, has no place in the gang. Evanora | Ronno | Scar | Bennett Hoenicker | Razoul | Captain Salazar, Spanish pirate hunter and the captain of the Silent Mary, wishes to kill every pirate at sea, including old rival Captain Jack Sparrow. Angelica Buzz | Butch the Bulldog | Varian | Outsiders (Nuka & Vitani) | Eventually, Angelica performed an advanced swordfighting technique and then pointed her sword at Jack, who immediately realized who the impostor was shortly before countering her move and dragging her in before the two shared a kiss. Blackbeard [6], While Angelica journeyed with Blackbeard and his crew through the jungles, the captured mermaid was carried in a glass tank filled with sea water. "In the last movie, there were . The nuns would tell young Angelica that her pappy was a fine sea captain, away across the ocean on important business, and that he loved her very much. After a while, the mermaids began to attack the onshore crew by using ropes of seaweed to pull them into the sea. Angelica with Blackbeard at the Jungle Pools. Shere Khan (2016) | It takes a couple of days to get used to it., But finally you have to remember youre going to have an octopus growing out of your chin and one of your legs is a crab leg and one of your hands is a claw. Behold, gentlemen! With the help of Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner must save the love of his life, Elizabeth Swann, who was captured by Captain Barbossa and his crew. Thugs (Fidget & Felicia) | Maleficent | Beast (2017) | Tal Hajus | Dobbs | : Jesters | Frollo's Soldiers (Captain Phoebus, Brutish Captain, Oafish Guard, Pierrat Torturue & Henriet Cousin) | Chester Hoenicker | King George III | Vane | Diane Amara | Huntsman | Monsieur Molay | Angelica had Jack taken aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, where the quest for the legendary spring continued.[6]. Makoos | Pom-Pom | Omar | " Blackbeard's Daughter " is a musical theme composed by Hans Zimmer for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Jadis' Secret Police (Maugrim & Vardan) | Peter Thorndyke | Jack, I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going. Angelica, Blackbeard's daughter in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, was originally played by Penelope Cruz. The mermaids, after a few minutes of hesitation, attacked the boats and their crews. Lion | Upon learning of this, using her knowledge of the Profane Ritual, Angelica wanted to help Blackbeard in finding the Fountain. Female Chacha | It was great. Bob the Viking | Jafar (2019) | Angelica tells Jack the Profane Ritual during their dance. Bradley Uppercrust III | All Rights Reserved. J.P. Stiles | As the years passed, Angelica still lived in the Spanish convent and grew into a beautiful young woman. Cousin Zeke | Brett Willis | Blackbeard seemed touched that his daughter would go to such lengths to save him. Pramod Kadam | The two had a love-hate relationship. : East India Trading Company (King George ll, Lord Cutler Beckett, Mr. Mercer, Greitzer, Theodore Groves & Endeavour Officer) | This figure overlays another repeat of the British and Barbossa's theme, before ending with the exploration theme entwined with the On Stranger Tides theme. Miss Hannigan | Troll | Is it the cast? Dead end! Mr. Snoops | Jones also controls the Kraken, a sea monster that destroys ships at sea. Hector Barbossa | Through unknown circumstances, Angelica would be reunited with her father, Blackbeard. Alec Frost | Angelica carried a number of items about her person, including her sword, a well-polished rapier. Cad Lackey | Judge Doom | Professor Siles | Shoot. Mina Loveberry | The Black Pearl was ultimately captured by Blackbeard, though Barbossa managed to escape. Pap Finn | Von Talon | Soldiers, Live-Action Films 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Nizam | Ivy DeVil | The Collector (The Owl House) | Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) | Angelica : Jack, I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going. Mad Jacks | Blackbeard praised him for capturing the creature and ordered to sail for a protective cove. Patton Sr. | Henry Villanova | The King (2017) | Although Jack Sparrow attempted to make her see otherwise, she seemed to have difficulty understanding the depth of her father's evilness and his complete disinterest in saving his own soul, even after he attempted to sacrifice her life to save his own at the Fountain. Sweet Pete | [6], Realizing her secret was out, Angelica returned the greeting before she and Jack had a brief reunion, conversing on Angelica's actions of impersonating Jack, with Jack disapproving that he wasn't being impersonated as captain. The Devil (Goddess of Spring) | [8] Angelica was tricky and quick witted, as befitting any pirate, although her sense of faith and disapproval of her father's methods imply a compassionate side. Brad Buttowski | Jack kicked the Chalices out of Scrum's hands over to the other side of the Fountain. As the two scramble ashore, Jack learned that Angelica knew about the Profane Ritual. Tad White | [6], Seeing that Jack ultimately followed what her father asked, she complimented Blackbeard's attempt, saying that he did know which pistols were loaded. Borra | Dark | King Stefan (2014) | Mizrabel | Cattlemen | Natalya | Crew of the Black Pearl (Bo'sun, Scratch, Pintel & Ragetti) | Princess Mombi | Capture Jack Sparrow so her father Blackbeard would use him to find the Fountain of Youth, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Angelica as Blackbeard dies before her eyes. Mary Sanderson | Charles Olympus | Richfield, Mr. Ashland, Winston & Elliot) | Evil Manta | Angelicawas born to Blackbeard and an unknown female. Duke Sigmund Igthorn | Gender Zarina | Angelica and Jack had the upper hand by slicing open barrels, ale spraying at the guards. Ursula | Duke of Weselton | Mr. Sir | The only thing she would do in her spare time was to sit alone on the rocks to gaze at the waves. Blackbeard (father)Angelica's mother (mother) Peg Leg Pete | The Bay turned into a battlefield, where mermaids attempted to kill all of the men in the boats. : The Witch | Nathaniel Flint | Hnup Wan | Ajax Gorilla | Beauty Smith | Baron Von Steamer | Thantos DuBaer | Though it looked that Blackbeard's attack was a failure, with all mermaids on the shore dead, Philip Swift managed to capture one mermaid, stabbing the end of her tail with his cutlass. Emilia | Krakken | Infinity Ultron | Captain Gantu | On Stranger Tides : Angelica tells Jack that she needs those years of the victim for Blackbeard, revealing that she truly was his daughter, stating she lied by telling the truth, which impressed Sparrow. Kronk | When filming, Nighy wore a gray suit and makeup but his physical appearance is entirely 3D generated by computers. Priscila Ferr | Andrei Strasser | Doug & Gordon | Once a novice in a Spanish convent, Angelica was ready to take her vows until she discovered love through her affair with the notorious pirate Jack Sparrow. Bori Khan | Buldeo | Kramer | Mark Jennings | Hamish Ascot | The Phantom | Zira | General Otmin | Vicky Robinson | Smith & Wesson | Aunt Sponge | Penelope | Vidia | His crew is comprised of dying sailors who are promised to live again after 100 years of working on the Flying Dutchman. Henry Burke | : Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. Marlon the Gator | Cloak & Dagger | Beast | Tabaqui (1994) | Dawn Buckets | Mr. Pain and Panic | Druun | Brutus & Nero | Anti-Recess Legion (Kojak, Fenwick, Anti-Recess Agents, Anti-Recess Ninjas, Anti-Recess Scientists, Agent Henderson, Agent Smithson, Agent Underville, Agent Franklin, Agent Morrisey, Agent Goodman, Dr. Rosenthal, Dr. Lazenby & Dr. Steinheimer) | Xerxes | Madison | Dr. Drakken | Little Hans | [4] Angelica then revealed the ritual to Jack: water from the Fountain, a mermaid's tear, and the Silver Chalices of Ponce de Len. Black Thing | Cyd Ripley | Take a look at the top-grossing movies of all time, including, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Davy Jones is the captain of ghostly ship the Flying Dutchman. Over the years, Blackbeard encountered the Black Pearl, captained by Hector Barbossa. Maestro Forte | Angelica's wound immediately healed as the flowing waters of the Fountain rushed towards Blackbeard. Penlope CruzMnica Cruz (double in OST). Hades | Angelica fights the mutineers aboard the Revenge. Realizing that Syrena would remain strong, Blackbeard had the Quartermaster kill Philip, although in reality he only sedated him with a voodoo dart. I am an admin of this site. Penny Lent | Blackbeard, or Captain Edward Teach, is the main villain in the fourth installment, titled Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Angelica would have had a relationship with Jack, which he would admit to having "stirrings" in terms of his feelings for her. Iago (2019) | Rinzler | Prince Achmed | Shadow Blot | Character summary. Phillium Benedict | Jadis the White Witch | Pirate favorites face off against new villains in the latest film of the franchise, which hits theaters May 26. Marky412 | Nigel Snyder | Bigfoot Mason | Dawn Bellwether | Captain of the Black Pearl and legendary pirate of the Seven Seas, Captain Jack Sparrow is the irreverent trickster of the Caribbean. Prince Joachim | You're killing her. Feral Predator, Other Animated Movies Elliot T. Jindraike | She was portrayed by Penlope Cruz, who also portrayed Rhonda George in The Brothers Grimsby. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES is a terrific popcorn movie with a deep redemptive meaning. Myra Santelli | Morgana le Fay | A woman who tells lies that are truths and truths that are lies, Angelica was the daughter of the infamous pirate Blackbeard. Dr. Calico | Jimmy the Polar Bear | Blackbeard : Bring the mermaid! Atticus Thorn | In her service aboard, Angelica proved to be a well-trusted ally to Blackbeard, though they have different views on punishment. Angelica, played by Penlope Cruz in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, is the daughter of Blackbeard and a former love interest of Jack Sparrow's. She first met Jack just before she was to take a vow of celibacy in a Spanish convent; she later blames Jack for her corruption, although Jack counters this argument citing . Supreme Leader Snoke | Hydra | DeSilvo | They clashed swords again before Jack chased Angelica all the way up to the ceiling. Robert Callaghan | Because Blackbeard could not bear to raise their child alone himself, he entrusted her to the nuns for a proper upbringing. Devon & Rex | : Watch the official "Blackbeard's Introduction" clip for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, an adventure movie starring Johnny Depp, Penlope Cruz a. The King and the Duke | Men before the mast, taking the ship for themselves. : Yeti (Expedition Everest) | Wynnchel & Duncan | Lucifer | Emperor Kuzco | Before the search for the Fountain of Youth could continue, Angelica and Blackbeard needed to find Jack Sparrow, someone whom they heard had been to the Fountain. The two then worked together to fight off the guards of King George, after Jack escaped from their custody. The crew later found the Jungle Pools, where mermaids had previously been tied up and left to die. Aye, mutiny. Vikings | The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Disney Pirates: The Definitive Collector's Anthology, Pirates of the Caribbean Official Website, Official Pirates of the Caribbean Facebook, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Wiki, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, Pirates of the Caribbean: Gods and Ghosts M, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (junior novelization), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, Angelica's backstory from Disney Second Screen, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides New Stills Feature Queen Annes Revenge, Character Descriptions, Packing for two, Penelope? Popov | Lady Caine | Before Blackbeard had a chance to kill Philip, Angelica stopped him, as she didn't want him to kill a man of God. Jasper and Horace | Man | Zeus | Behind the scenes Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Eli Squinch | Hardlight | Jack Sparrow : It's not the destination so much as the journey, they say. Si & Am | So the size of your performance and the tone of your performance is informed by that. Reed Thimple | Ginarrbrik | Lyle Tiberius Rourke | Jack was bewildered by that claim, but Angelica was able to make Jack believe she was conning Blackbeard. Tom, Dick, Stanley & Walter | Beagle Boys | Professor Nefarious | Globby | Her plea was ignored, and Blackbeard then orders his men to fire the Greek fire cannons. Jafar | Winifred Sanderson | Ian the Gator | Angelica later escaped her cabin and joined the fight, which began well for Jack and his co-conspirators. Hans Reinhardt | The two Chalices of Cartagena, the other important item needed for the ritual, were hidden aboard the ship. Earl Raymond | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Tom Lucitor | Titans (Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos & Arges) | Jimmy the Polar Bear | Jacob Marley |
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