Toxic and Nontoxic Plants for Animals Natal Plant Edible banana Candle plant Aregelia Please note: While these plants wont harm your birds, your birds could harm these plants with continuous chewing. Daylily richomanoides Pampus grass Dancing Doll Orchid (Oncidium flexuosum) Which of These 9 Autumn Plants and Items Are Toxic for Dogs? Purple baby tears Washington hawthorn Easter cattleya California Pitcher Plant Dogwood Palatability/nutritional value: Johnsongrass is moderately palatable and nutritious [47,49]. There is no simple answer to this question as it depends on the species of bird and the specific plant in question. Arabian gentian Balsam Pear Schefflera A common name for this plant is AcokantheraFirethorn/PyracanthaOak (acorns, foliage). Ragwort While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. vine maple or Japanese maple, etc., is fine. Beech Babys Breath, or Gypsophila elegans, causes gastrointestinal distress in birds. Blooming sally Crape myrtle All parts of the plant can cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting, diarrhea, weakness/depression, and anorexia if birds ingest it. Also, be aware that some rhododendron plants may be classified as Azaleas. They carry a substance called resin that can cause cardiac failure, breathing problems, and severe weakness that leads to death. Spider or Airplane Plant Snowdrop Thimble cactus Another popular holiday plant, mistletoe also can be deadly to pet birds. Elderberry If you suspect your bird has been poisoned, you should take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Elks Horn, Meaning, the bark in itself is not deemed a problem. Silver bell Gwaltney-Brant, Sharon M. Chapter 39 - Christmastime Plants. If your pet chews on a pothos leaf, he may also have difficulty swallowing. A bird thats eaten avocado will often fluff its feathers and may also experience labored breathing. Autumn crocusrry Identification and determination of ergot alkaloids in Morning Glory cultivars. Callistemon citrinus Sorrel Dichorisandra reginae Yes, it is. Cornell University: Grape hyacinth Because of the parasites on the flowers, it is likely that birds will eat them. Holligold Since it is better to be safe than sorry, bird owners should avoid feeding any kind of avocado to their birds. The digestive fluids the plants secrete are not poisonous, and nothing will happen if the fluid makes contact with your skin. Prayer Plant Night blooming cereus Areca, Butterfly Cane Garden marigold Household Hazards for Pet Birds. If you suspect that your bird has ingested a toxic plant, call your veterinarian or the poison control center immediately. Eucalyptus Avocado is fatal to birds, but most especially to smaller breeds. Peppermint If your cat enjoys the taste of the leaves, it could be that he or she enjoys it enough to eat your plants. Plantanus orientalis Polystichum falcatum Fan tufted palm The symptoms across species are similar, although the severity of the reaction depends on the amount eaten relative to the animals size. Malabar gourd Bamboo While not all species of avocados are toxic to birds, many species are. Fan, I included the website where this list came from. There are two theories. Dinteranthus vanzylii Trailing peperomia Please note: While these plants wont harm your birds, your birds could harm these plants with continuous chewing. Looking for a convenient way to access your pets health records, refill prescriptions, view upcoming appointments and more? Mistletoe cactus Remember that any plant eaten in excess may be harmful or, at minimum, cause gastrointestinal upset. Hollyhock The daffodil contains all of the toxic components found in birds. Thistle Plants Scarlet Orchid (Epidendrum tampense) Tobacco Moss agate Nothing not explicitly considered safe. When in doubt, keep all plants out of reach of birds. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Depending on the size of the bird and how much of the plant the bird ingests, a toxic plant can cause anything from mild illness, such as temporary digestive upset, to sudden death. African Daisy These plants can cause gastrointestinal upset, heart arrhythmias, and even death in birds. Saunders, 2013, Pages 499-511. doi:10.1016/B978-1-4557-0717-1.00039-9, Kretzing, Sascha. Mary-bud Lilies. A common house plant that birds can also consume is the Philodendron and/or Dieffenbachia (also known as dumb cane). Claw Cactus Muscari spp. Cirrhopetalum Updates? These cause vomiting, diarrhea, and irritation of the eyes and face. Some birds will chew on and possibly consume plants out of curiosity or during play. English hawthorn Where there are bird feeders full of food, wild birds pay close attention to them. Creeping pilea Chlorophytum bechetii Magnolia Tiger orchid Painted lady glandulosa) plains of Texas, Heermans kangaroo rat and Great Basin pocket mouse used Johnsongrass frequently (6.7% volume, 61% frequency; and 5.9% volume, 36% frequency, respectively) [2]. Prostrate coleus Morning Glory Still, Im taking your advice and that of others. Toxic and Safe Plants for Birds Ash Paula, Tomatoes were considered toxic due to oxalic acid. Purple Velvet Tailed orchid If your pet ingests amaryllis, it could experience: All parts of the Christmas Cherry plant are toxic to birds. Babys tears Plants Toxic to Animals Grape Ivy Poisons and Toxins Texas sage Milkweed Dracaena Pignut hickory Cantebury-bell These flowers contain the chemical lycorine, which can be highly toxic or even deadly depending on the amount ingested. It can cause severe gastrointestinal issues and seizures in birds and other animals. Lantana Plumbago larpentiae Kentia, Pigmy date palm European Fan, Owners should be aware of which plants are toxic to birds. Pony Tail, In addition, they are not harmful to dogs or cats. Alphachloralose These are used to control pigeons in urban areas. Fig Creeping/Weeping, California Holly Davallia bullata mariessi Gibasis geniculata Summer hyacinth Pink starlite Lobelia Thurlow Queens spiderwort Hemlock Birds can become ill from any part of the castor bean plant. It has been difficult to determine the true median lethal dose (LD50) for many years. The body is then digested by enzymes secreted within the leaf. You can also call the Pet Poison Hotline 24/7 at 855-764-7661. Shellbark hickory Poinsettias not only are poisonous to birdscausing gastrointestinal issues, blistering, excess salivation, skin irritation, and other serious health problemsbut they can make other pets and people sick, too. Scientific Name: Darlingtonia californica. Lemon Balm subterraneum), Subterranean/Sub clover (ssp. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Mountain camellia Even the most well-intentioned pet owner is vulnerable to an accidental exposure to poisonous plants, which may occur as a result of a lack of general awareness of birds toxic properties. Canada / Carolina Hemlock Toxic Plants Thimble cactus Silver pink vine Cottonwood, Hi am a little perplexed as to Eucalyptus being added to the toxic plants as it is a common plant used here in Australia for perches in aviaries and many Australian finches live in the wild in areas that have Eucalyptus trees. The family Cephalotaceae features only one genus with a single species, the Western Australian pitcher plant (Cephalotus follicularis). The treatment for plant poisonings is generally symptomatic. Given its limited range and the threat of habitat loss, the species is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Chamaedorean Achira Citrus (all) Grape vines Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses. Rubber plant, baby Pignut Silver table fern, May Apple Eugenia Cottonwood This plant is commonly found in the work environment, households, and in the tropics. Holly. Thank you for any help, much appreciated. Elephants Ear Water hickory Large Lady Palm Plants Most plants are not poisonous to birds. Columnar Grow as: Shrub or tree. Hi Members of this family commonly inhabit bogs, swamps, wet or sandy meadows, and savannas where the soils are water-saturated, acidic, and deficient in nutrients. Thanks for asking. Pitcher plants are found in a wide range of habitats with poor soil conditions, from pine barrens to sandy coastal swamps, and rely on carnivory to obtain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Birds Antirrhinum multiflorum Butterfly Bush Avocado is fatal to birds, but most especially to smaller breeds. Ive been a bird owner since 1981, ranging from bird breeder to bird rescue. Peperomia hederifolia Virgina Creeper Plush plant Violet Willow Lilies. Lace orchid Family: Sarraceniaceae. I have a large cage on my patio and would like pink jasmine to canopy over my ceiling and the cage. Mushrooms University of Illinois: Striped blushing Birds use a variety of techniques to determine whether a piece of food is edible. During mating season, the great bustards (Otis tarda) eat toxic blister beetles to prove their toughness and health. Arbutus A few pitcher plants also utilize leaf litter or animal feces as a source of nutrients. Marijuana Poplar Episcia spp. Monkey Plant Hibiscus Bleach Paint (lead based) The cobra plant (Darlingtonia californica) is the only species of its genus and is native to swamps in mountain areas of northern California and southern Oregon. Both the leaves and the berries of the holly plant are poisonous to Are there any that I should stay away from? Marigold Since the bird cannot escape, it will eventually be digested by the plant. Crimson bottlebush Although Babys Breath is poisonous to birds, it is not to cats, dogs, or horses. Arbutus I have them in my a iries currently. Bindweed is an extremely persistent, invasive, perennial, noxious weed. These are part of the same species and will have the same effects if ingested. Caterpillars Larval moths and butterflies are big and its hard to miss the ragged, chewed holes in the leaves. Cowslip Miniature date palm I have found all your advice extremely helpful in making some improvements . Pansy orchid Common Plants That Are Toxic to Birds Molluscicides These are used to control garden and agricultural pests (slugs and snails) and the vectors of many helminth infections. A few pitcher plants also utilize Safe Aviary Plants SAFE PLANTS Abelia Acacia Achira Acorn squash African Daisy African violets Alfalfa Boxwood The parrot pitcher plant (S. psittacina) has small, fat, red-veined leaves that are topped by beaklike lids and bears dark red flowers. Comfry Cornflower Ossifragi vase Iris Lilies cause a severe reaction in birds, irritating the mouth and the 2. If your bird consumes plants that you are unsure about, consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Learn how your comment data is processed. More bird-friendly plants can be found on the ASPCA website. Red hawthorne WebBelow is a list of the safe variety of plants indoor and outdoor which have been reported as having no adverse affects on animals. Lilac Caterpillars Larval moths and butterflies are big and its hard to miss the ragged, chewed holes in the leaves. It is a popular house plant, and owners often let their birds play in its big leaves, not realizing how dangerous it is. Maroon And what about cypress and lavender? Please reference the handout Plants That Are Toxic to Birds, as well. Plants are instinctually chewed by parrots Plants that pose a threat to humans. Elephant-Ear Begonia Willow, TOXIC PLANTS Coleus Some of the most popular include: sunflowers, hibiscus, impatiens, daffodils, and marigolds. If you suspect that your bird has ingested a toxic plant, call your veterinarian or the poison control center immediately. 15 Plants That Are Poisonous to Birds (Explained) 1. Dwarf Rose-Stripe Star Ice plant Pets and Toxic Plants Hookera pulchella Celosia globosa Euopean fan Pine Dichelostemma Cigarette Smoke Scented Candles The largest of the pitcher plants is known as Nepenthes, and this plant does capture small vermin and lizards in its pitchers (or cupped leaves). Cardenolides, which are uncharacterized neurotoxins, are the primary toxicants, affecting the heart and nervous system. Because the toxin persin is present in all of the avocados components the leaf, bark, meat, and seed it can be fatal to birds. King and queen fern, In honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. WebThe most commonly observed sign of poisonous plant ingestion in birds is some form of gastric or intestinal upset, e.g., vomiting and/or diarrhea. amara) - see notes, Black bean tree (Castanospermum australe) - see notes, Buckthorn, Alder Buckthorn (Cascara) - see notes, Calendula, Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis), Calliandra, Powder puff plant (Calliandra calothyrsus), Candlenut tree (Aleurites rockinghamensis), Cereals - organic, unsalted, unsweetened, unfortified, China Berry Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree (Melia), Christmas Cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum), Citrus(Lime, Kumquat, Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon), Datura Stramonium, Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia), Dooder (Cuscuta europaea, Cassytha ciliolata), Dried fruits (containing sulfides or sulphates), Epazote, wormseed (Chenopodium ambrosioides), Giant shivery grass, quaking grass (Briza maxima), Golden wonder tree / Senna pendular var glabrata, Grass- Broom, Corn, Johnson, Sorghum, and Sudan, Heath - Andromeda, Azalea, Black Laurel, Kalmia, Leucotho, Mountain Laurel, Peires, and Rododendron, Honey Locust - thornless (Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis), Horsebrush (Tetradymia glabrata, T. canescens), Ivory Curl Flower (Buckinghamia celsissima), Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) - see notes, Marshmallow, small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora), Monkshood - Aconitum, aconite, or wolfsbane, Natal plums (roots, leaves, stems) - see notes, Nightshade - Bittersweet, Black Garden, Cherry, Deadly, Eggplant, Jerusalem, and Woody - see notes, Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonii), Olea paniculata, Queensland native olive leaf & fruit, Passion flowers (Passifloraceae Passiflora), Pineapple Guava, Feijoa (Acca sellowiana), Pingue or Colorado Rubberweed (Hymenoxys richardsoni), Plantago major - broadleaf plantain, white man's foot, or greater plantain, Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo or Cucurbita mixta), Rayless Goldenrod (Haplopappus heterophyllus), Redwood, Sequoia (Sequiadendron, Metasequoia), Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica) - see notes, Slender rice flower (Pimelea linifolia ssp linifolia), Snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae, G. microcephala), Spiky Wattle, Acacia genistifolia (note spiky leaves). Shagbark hickory Watermelon peperomia Coreopsis Platinum peperomia Scientific Name: Darlingtonia californica. Linden The pitcher plant creates a substance that coats the inside of its pitchers. Gastrointestinal upset is a common sign that your bird ate something toxic is, and a poisoning can easily turn fatal. Rodents also graze Johnsongrass. Fortunately, there are several houseplants bird owners can enjoy without having to worry about their pets. You can check with your local extension office also. Thanksgiving Cactus yanninicum), Threadleaf, Riddells Groundsels (Senecio longilobus and S. riddellii), Wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia bipartita, A. richardsonii), Wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia caespitosa), Wattle (Coast Myall and Deane's Wattle) - see notes, Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) - see notes, Wild Cucumber (Echinocystis lobata) or Balsam Apple, Prickly Cucumber, Wild Balsam Apple), How I made perch trees for our aviaries. The leaves, stems, and sap of poinsettia plants are toxic because they contain phorbol esters. Cliff brake Mistletoe, holly, yews, lilies, amaryllis, daffodils, and hyacinths are just a few of the toxic plants that are available. Berries: Red, yellow, blue or black berries appear in fall. This is due to many biological differences, including the difference in size between birds and these other animals. Larch China root Total dry matter per 100 lbs. Avocado is poisonous to birds, and it is frequently fed to them by people on a natural diet. Aspen Molluscicides These are used to control garden and agricultural pests (slugs and snails) and the vectors of many helminth infections. Tulip poplar The throat of the pitcher, just below the lip, is very smooth and sends the animal tumbling down into the liquid pool at the bottom of the pitcher, where it drowns. Viburnum- The addition of fern to your home improves the appearance of the room and filters out pollutants. Additional Common Names: Cobra Orchid, Cobra Plant, Cobra Lily, Chrysamphora. All parts of the plant are toxic and can cause serious irritation to a bird's mouth, difficulty swallowing and breathing, and vomiting, among other symptoms. Which Plants Are Safe To Have Around Birds? Oleander Cinnamon The treatment for plant poisonings is generally symptomatic. Cherry If ingested, castor bean plants will cause vomiting and sometimes bloody diarrhea, similar to the effects of ingesting small foreign objects. Small songbirds are especially susceptible to severe reactions because of their size. Honesuckle Chenille plant California pitcher plant Orange star Queensland arrowroot Nerve plant New silver and bronze Papaya Vine Cypress and lavender is safe. Star plant Peony The severity of your birds reaction will be determined by the size and amount of the plant it consumes. Maple Tulip tree Dose-dependent emetic effects of the Amaryllidaceous alkaloid lycorine in beagle dogs. Carica Ficus, Haws apple Coral bells It is also possible that the birds are attempting to eliminate parasites. Once trapped, insects fall into a sort of soup at the bottom of each pitcher, and its nutrients are digested and absorbed into the plant.