I will even use a coupon at Sonic for a free chocolate milkshake if I've got one. Know the sources of your food and youll cover a lot of these bases quickly! We'll bust out the bubbly and some fancy appetizers and invite friends or family to come and mingle while French Cafe' plays in the background. The first morning, after their departure, I woke up to make a coffee all my own. I know now that it was because of this. And after six months of waiting for the build of our custom range, and paying an astronomical amount to get the propane piped into the kitchen, Madame Lacanche was finally settled into the kitchen in all her glory. And I believe there are valid arguments for such. You both are soooootalented/gifted of the Lord . - Shaye Elliott Pipe Smoking & 'Phood Pharisees'. She also sleeps with a loaded pistol next to her bed for 1) cougars or coyotes who may happen to find their way onto the property and 2) people who sneak into her house at night. We can learn to savor these blessings. And without guilt. There is a balance. Somewhere in the word it mentions something like this: if Im with someone who doesnt eat meat make them lamboh wait that is from some Greek movie. What has changed is how the law is observed. We too do without a lot of things to save for what matters most to us. He releases into them and he enjoys bringing mental images to life. And as experience is the best teacher, Im here to share with you how to bake better bread at home. About the pipe smoking: One of my fondest memories of my uncle is going to his house when I was very young, and after dinner hed smoke a pipe that had cherry tobaccowhile I never liked the smell of cigarette smoke (had to grow up with it) I thought the cherry pipe smoke smelled heavenly. Pastel-colored eggs were piled high in a wooden bucket. Weve had people think we were crazy and yes, weve thought that about others as well. Yes and yes! Sorry I am OT, but it makes me sad to see that people feed their kids such things. Thanks for bringing a smile to this wifes face , SO true Shaye! And as experience is the best teacher, Im here to share with you how to bake better bread at home. and wine? Ive got my work cut out for me to teach moderation and apologize for going full steam ahead. I'm not being dramatic. Your email address will not be published. They look so real, like a glimpse through your eyes, the perfect moment captured. So we don't over consume. On our small farm, we have a dairy cow (Cecelia), a flock of laying hens, duck, sheep, a lot of produce growing in our gardens, and fruit ripening on our trees. Love this, great post! And that's a good thing. He's hardworking. I think Ill share the link on my FB page . Cooking and Baking is pure relaxation to me and good wholesome food is my passion. SE: Nature. Here is an excellent teaching called Does God care about what we Eat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcHukVMPC88 May Yahs blessing be upon you . On the bad side,I wish my Dad was like your husband, if he was, our family could have been together until now. I totally get the trade offs,they are so worth it in the end. The trees, leaves, bugs, fruit, flavors, smells, texturesI need them like I need air. He has to travel for work a fair bit so, salt, Im somewhat accustomed to him being gone. You raise some interesting points. Reality Check: Sometimes I want to take the books and slam them up against the wall. My husband almost spit out his espresso (just almost though because the man doesn't dare waste good espresso) when I told him the price of our Lacanche range. It is sad that healthy food is the expensive food. Stuart is an amazing guitar player like, seriously, amazing. Just about anything on Gods green earth can and I believe was intended to be enjoyed in moderation. Shaye Elliott is the founder of the blog "The Elliott Homestead," which she began in 2010 when her farm was but a dream. Maybe I should grab a tamborine. My goodness, theyre beautiful:-). Weekend Supper | Homestead Table | Food Network There are lots of differing opinions about coffee not even foodies can agree on it. Hey Stuart and Shaye! It doesn't have to be either/or. Rainy, but wonderful. Stuart is helping me with every aspect of the book before we ship it off to the printer in December. I wouldnt trade that site of my grandma or that smell of tobacco that has so many memories with it! Rom 14:1 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. My LaCanche Range in Amour. There were no four year old hobbits begging me for a sip, nor a nearly six year old wishfully requesting a cup full of maple syrup for breakfast. Who My Husband Really Is - Shaye Elliott - The Elliott Homestead Paste: What do you think of the recent farm to table trend? Over-consumption is not a good thing, my friends. See also. The passage you may be referring to is Romans 14 and continuing to chapter 15. Welcome. I wholeheartedly believe that. Theres an overarching lesson here: youre not the center of the world. I just hosted some family members for the weekend and fed them a great deal of top-quality food, much of it locally sourced. Stay connected to our journey and stories by subscribing, where new posts and recipes can land in your inbox! They share the land with their dairy cow, bees, and large organic gardens. It reminds me of the wonderful times I had with my favorite man. November 2, 2020 - 34 Comments My husband almost spit out his espresso (just almost though because the man doesn't dare waste good espresso) when I told him the price of our Lacanche range. One of my favorites is the black and white pencil drawing he did of J.R.R. 2023 Paste Media Group. My husband and I have only been married for five years. Most days, after supper, our home is filled with tunes as the children run around like monkeys. Keep up the good work on all fronts . She and her husband, Stuart, are now developing their own little farm in the Pacific Northwest with their quiver of children, Georgia, Owen, William, and Juliette. Girl? Whole grains. Click to read The Elliott Homestead Newsletter, by Shaye Elliott, a Substack publication with thousands of readers. If we were drinking eighteen beers a day, well, not so much. My biggest bill is my food billand that is with us raising about half of our food on our little farm. But their mind is lost in a much denser place. Were a full time family, making our living right here at home, so theyre a part of it all. Id rather go without other luxuries before Id sacrifice our health and happiness. and root beer? I am totally on team Shaye! We toast you with our Cabernet Sauvignon and Butternut Burley Cavendish Blend, whilst placing my coaster on my copy of Calvins Institutes. But seriously, this fact is important in knowing Stuart. You don't have to. Maybe I don't actually know how the other half lives). 100% We are what we eat. You two are a great team. And memories are being made. As I nursed Juliette, I sat in silence sipping the morning nectar from my mug and contemplating what I would attempt to accomplish that day. But his love for this farm, and for his family, runs deep. Heres how to bake better bread at home. Paste: Is it hard raising and then butchering your meat animals? But we've also been given the liberty to enjoy certain other things as well and in moderation, those are wonderful things. Part of me was glad I had the kids as they kept me busy and my mind off him being gone, but I can relate to locking the house down, having the loaded gun nearby, and loneliness of sleeping alone. Your stove is beautiful! And I think that a guy smoking a pipe is super sexy. But God made other good things and gave us blissful freedom and joyful hearts and I think you were spot on in what you wrote. PREACH!! But his love for this farm, and for his family, runs deep. Sure, a car is helpful when you need to go places, haul groceries, or ya know get to the emergency room or something. But this is a good reminder that priorities vary and to not be so quick to judge. Erry-night. What a lovely piece on your husband and thanks for the chuckle when you are keeping it real. Paste: What was most challenging about your new life when you first started? Because of your blog I bring out the good dishes. My dad smokes a pipe. Heres how to bake better bread at home. My husband Stuart and I, along with our circus of four children, live on a small two acre homestead in Washington State. But the teeniest successes, like our first homegrown onion, made those hurdles somehow worth it. I found your YouTube channel and I am in love with your content! But, as my husband lovingly reminds me (every time), its supposed to be sad. (Honestly, I had a hard time even coming up with that list. But they don't SEE or HEAR you. SE: I absolutely love it! You are a wonderful writer and Im excited for your book to be released. If I had a dependable car, Id save up for her, too! Thanks for the giggles/chuckles! Reality Check: Sometimes I want to take the guitar and slam it up against the wall. She and her husband packed up and left their city life to a five-acre homestead in central Washington where they raise their own dairy cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and turkeys, and grow too many vegetables to count. , Also worth mentioning, we have no idea the finan, I love your priorities to family and food! Oysters. Thanks so much for sharing! Rom. Shaye is a homesteading enthusiast, a published writer, and director at elliotthomestead.com. Vegetables and fruits should be purchased (or grown) as close to our kitchen as possible and we should eat a lot of them. Maybe I should encourage my husband to start. Unfortunately, Im stuck with an electric stove I hate, but life is good otherwise. It will still be a while for me but I want what I want and I wont apologize for it! Consideration and attention being the forebears of moderation. Don't sneak into her house at night. I want to be a part of it all. Weekend Supper. Oops Did I just admit that? I love mothers. Cars will come and go but the meals and memories made on that beautiful stove will live on forever. Don and Ill have to come visit yall at the farm. so, youre saying that even though we have a farm and raise our own food and try to be health conscious that we can go out for pizza? Tolkien. It accentuates his tweed jacket and wrinkles and hangs in our living room. This is, by far, one of the very best posts Ive read on a real food blog (or any blog, for that matter). Totally relate to that hey I can eat whatever I want without him here, but now Im all alone etc feeling. These errands, dates, and weekly church usually means we go to town about four times a week. As you probably know, there are a plethora of verses that exhort New Covenant believers about the continuing validity of the OT law while not requiring observance to it in the same way as in OT Judaism. Aww, so sweet! The wife spends far too many hours watching romantic comedies at night because 1) she can and 2) there's no one to judge her for doing so. All the cheese. I was horrified! And as experience is the best teacher, Im here to share with you how to bake better bread at home. Though its far from perfect or easy this is the life we love. Right on sista! I cant get enough of the amazing views from your home. I would be buying a stove instead of a car. Party on rock stars. Were grateful that our plates are full, the music is loud, the wine glasses are rarely empty, and the fellowship with family and friends is rich. is a reflection of those imbalances. The Elliott Homestead currently reaches over 100,000 unique visitors each month, averaging around 300,000 page views per month. Save yourself years of bad loaves. Shaye Elliott. Shaye Cohn with her Dad, Joe Cohn and Zaid Nasser playing modern jazz. Viva la fancy bras! As I said in this post, where God has not bound our conscience, others are not free to. But when you hear him play, you want to make music with him. You had me cracking up over here in Wisconsin. I know this is an older post, but I am so glad to have read it today.