1)A process by which Cooper centralizes decision-making by its top managers so that excessive spending can be identified, 2)A process by which Cooper creates economies of scale and scope by pursuing rapid growth initiatives, 3)A process by which Cooper standardizes capabilities across all business units and assures that high quality standards are met, 4)A process by which Cooper finds synergy with existing business units and improves operational efficiency, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, m risus ants a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna.
Types of Organizational Structures | Advantages & Disadvantages d. chain of command c. Managers have to find ways to tie different departments. e. moderating manager, Lisa is responsible for coordinating the efforts of several different departments. 5. Planning b. _____ means that each employee is held accountable to only one supervisor. \underline{\text{Interest Income (Expense)}} & (32.4) & (31.8) & (32.0) & (37.0) & (40.9)\\ \text{Earnings per share} & \$0.26 & \$0.08 & \$0.17 & \$0.21 & \$0.29\\ Juan is a top manager at I.F.L., a matrix organization. a. people; the project a. delegate the whole task. It refers to the traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command. The startup culture has introduced flatter organization patterns. Organizational structures can be centralized or decentralized, hierarchical or circular, flat or vertical. c. It flows across the horizontal hierarchy.
Which of the following best describes the organization of the - Toppr Organizational structures are essentially blueprints that reveal how companies are run and managed and how information is passed within the organization. Donec aliquet. b. c. differentiation. a. flexibility; competitiveness Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Question 10 With a matrix organizational structure, there are multiple reporting obligations. Understanding and Writing Contracts and Memoranda of Agreement. e. flexibility; coordination. b. Success criteria, Question 7 Governance Louise works in the manufacturing department at Ice Sculptures. e. Individuals are born with this power. d. Teams Line Organizational culture. d. virtual network structure. d. people; other resources The company produces a high volume of products using standardized production runs. \underline{\text{Debt Issuance (Pay Down)}} & & & 73.3 & 25.3 & \\ d. all of these. c. it works well in a changing environment. Companies, especially at a large scale, use a hybrid approach, where one part of the business is highly centralized, and other parts are, instead, highly decentralized. a. team-based The media committee works to keep children's issues in the news, and includes professionals from the local television stations, radio stations, newspaper, and a marketing professional. Indeed, suppose we identify a corporation or startup as comprised of three main layers (product, business model, and organizational design). Less delegation Goals alignment that makes groups of people work in coordination to achieve common business objectives. An organization's external environment is also referred to as the general environment. The image above is an example of what a traditional line organizational structure looks like. This type of organization still benefits from hierarchies, but it flattens them by generating an adaptable model for organizations. Unity of command and the scalar principle are both closely related to the: Finding the most appropriate organizational structure for a business depends on a number of factors. Gina wishes to transfer authority and responsibility to her subordinates. a. As a result, Louise: _____ is also referred to as work specialization. a. Boundarylessness c. team a functional structure where function is a major step in the firm's value chain a simple structure where all major decisions and oversight are a duty of the central executive a multidivisional structure where each division of the firm is an .
Culture mapping MissMuffinsBakeryVerticalAnalysisofIncomeStatementfortheMonthsEndingJuly31,2012andJuly31,2013, 2013PercentofNetSales2012PercentofNetSales\begin{array}{} c. a temporary Reporting charts to show the relationships among people and groups within the organization The oldest was formed with the goal of eliminating domestic violence about fifteen years ago, when a local woman was killed by her husband. a. virtual network This structure can foster efficiency, teamwork and specialization, but it can also create barriers between the teams if communication isnt prioritized. 1 point b. tangible output. It is the most complex, but it can also be the most productive. Which of the following best describes what is meant by corporate governance? e. Both Boars' Nest's structure is too loose and structure is too horizontal. d. all of these. So how can all of these pieces be put together? Which of the following departments for Carly's Clothes can be considered a line department? \text{Net Income} & 15.0 & 4.3 & 9.6 & 11.8 & 16.2\\ e. twenty, Shoshanna is manager of a customer service firm where she oversees five subordinates. &\text{Gross sales} \\ c. coordination d. Ad-hoc How can project managers navigate organizational culture while working on projects? b. c. matrix, teams Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Which part of a company's culture do these questions help you learn more about? If applicable, include resumes and scope of work for consultants that However, this change disrupts another team members work process: they need to do two additional tasks not related to the projects goal. MissMuffinsBakeryVerticalAnalysisofIncomeStatementfortheMonthsEndingJuly31,2012andJuly31,2013\begin{array}{} \text{Miss Muffins' Bakery}\\ Q. b. centralized at the bottom. Which of the following change management tools are designed to illustrate how the company's values, norms, and employees behavior may be affected by change? It affects the client's project satisfaction.
Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Blueprints on how companies are run and how information is passed within the organization. e. team-based. d. cost leadership \text{Chg. in Accounts Receivable} & 3.9 & 17.0 & 1.3 & (8.1) & (6.8)\\ a. Matrix approach Typically organizational structure can be categorized based on several parameters and priorities. Which answer best describes a Classic organizational structure? Stakeholder availability This means that you should think about structure from the beginning of your organization's life. Makai's Marketing Mix (MMM) does not use its resources wisely. a. delegation e. Span of management, Rebecca works for a company that has clearly defined lines of authority. You should think about structure early in the development of your organization, but be aware that the type that fits best may change as your organization grows. In contrast, his friend Rhonda, a customer service representative for YZ Retailers, has only four levels of management between her and the company CEO. 1 point When budgeting a project, what is the responsibility of a project manager? Launch e. matrix, The biggest advantage to a virtual network approach is _____ and _____ on a global scale. d. tight vertical control e. Span of management. a. reorganization e. team-based, virtual network, Flash Card Inc. recently underwent a significant company-wide change that involved revision of its manufacturing and leadership processes. Are you sure you want to rest your choices? b. line manager e. A vertical structure, A(n) _____ works best in a stable organizational environment. a. Departmentalization a. Cross-functional c. emphasis on overall product and division goals. Each of the task forces has action committees as well. b. delegation Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. New York, NY: Praeger. Theoretically, the organizational structure is critical for several reasons. Which of the following questions can help project managers learn about a company's organizational culture? A matrix structure offers flexibility, enables shared resources and fosters collaboration within the company. 20122016 Financial Statement Data and Stock Price Data With the functional structure, however, employees often communicate with individuals whose control they dont fall immediately under. b. narrow; fewer b. excellent coordination between functions. Which of the following structures works best in an uncertain organizational environment?
Rundown (7AM) | ANC (1 May 2023) | May - Facebook c. easy pinpointing of responsibility for product problems. c. virtual organization \text{Long-term Debt} & 498.9 & 498.9 & 572.2 & 597.5 & 597.5\\ It refers to how a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of the organization relate to one another. The span of management With the advent of the web, many of the dominant organizations were challenged by startups that used a much flatter organizational structure. b. the quality of collaboration across departments. 1 point Running to reduce weight is an example of a(n) _________motivated activity; running because it "feels good" is an example of a(n) _________motivated activity. \text{Income statement} & 2012 & 2013 & 2014 & 2015 & 2016 \\ Then, there is a manager appointed to oversee the team assigned to complete each project. This approach is consistent with a _____ structure. The project-based structure features the best of both the traditional line and functional organizational structures: its simple, with the first tiers answering only to a direct supervisor. Besides whether employees are involved in the decision-making process. e. Span of management, The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions is _____. Human Resources department c. A divisional structure c. fifteen e. results in an efficient use of resources. d. leading Where was the organization founded? e. leadership, _____ refers to a clearly defined line of authority in the organization that includes all employees. Organizational design is a critical puzzle for making a company successful. Performance information may have changed since the time of publication. A functional structure facilitates specialization, scalability and accountability. Module 2: Organizational Structure, by Pathfinder International, is a concise manual describing pros and cons, together with suggestions for how one might change the organizational structure one has. Which of the following is(are) an advantage of team structure? Developing an Organizational Structure for the Initiative, Section 2. Extend the income statement for Miss Muffins' Bakery to include a vertical analysis for 201220122012 and for 201320132013. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. to remain available. c. Scalar principle d. Divisional approach inInventoryChg. b. decentralization. At the same time, its important that the company keeps looking at business model innovation as a long-term survival mechanism. Feedback mechanisms. Productivity via a system meant to use the people part of the organization in the best possible way. c. the competitive global environment. Direction and communication start with the head of the company (in this example, the company is led by the chief executive officer). This employee has accountability in both directions. Employees want to understand their job responsibilities, whom they report to, what decisions they can and should make and how they interact with other people and teams within the company. Organizational culture e. team-based structure. A tight structure d. vertical functional a. economies of scale. Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA), Certified Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWM), Best Organizational Structures for a Business. e. Learning structure. Tick Tock, Inc. has a _____ structure. \text{Inventory} & 33.5 & 32.2 & 27.3 & 30.2 & 35.8\\ e. Specialization, Jacob, a customer service representative for AB Retailers, has seven levels of management between himself and the company's CEO. c. Work specialization When departments are grouped together on the basis of organizational outputs, the organization is using a: More specifically, structure describes how members are accepted, how leadership is chosen, and how decisions are made. c. has a more pronounced division of labor. Classic examples of extremely centralized organizations are represented by Government and bureaucracies in general. Identifying internal strengths and weaknesses involves considering financial, physical, human, and organizational assets. It is important to deal with structure early in the organization's development. e. Geographic-based. An organization strives for internal efficiency with a(n) _____ strategy. Prepare Wilcos December 31, 2012, stockholders equity section. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. d. matrix Members of each have an ongoing dialogue with members of the coordinating council, and also with their action committees. d. differentiation Organizational structure, product, and business model are critical to enabling a company to scale up. d. Kevin has more problems with work specialization. 1 point Another important part of structure is having rules by which the organization operates. Subordinates accept it. Organizational structure is something that is best decided upon internally, through a process of critical thinking and discussion by members of the group. In that case, how these companies structure their organization will also determine their ability to execute their mission. Donec aliquet. \underline{\text{Capital Expenditures}} & (26.6) & (23.8) & (97.5) & (75.4) & (40.0)\\ A circular structure can promote communication and collaboration but can also be confusing, especially for new employees, because there is no clear chain of command. Employees are also aware of the company's reporting structure as well as successive management levels all the way to the top. e. two-boss employee, _____ teams are brought together as a formal department in the organization. e. functional approach, The _____ is an organization structure that divides the major functions of the organization into separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.
10.1 Organizational Structures and Design - OpenStax You estimate it will cost $10,000 up front. a. divisional structure. c. First-level supervisor Please try again later. Discover your next role with the interactive map.