Except for fields, paths and tracks, all other recreational facilities such as recreation buildings, courts, exercise equipment, gazebos or shelters, skating ramps, bike racks and playground equipment, shall remain closed for use by the public. All CDC guidelines on COVID-19 can be accessed at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html. Testing will be conducted Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., by appointment only. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Por ahora, las pruebas diarias estn disponibles en este sitio para 300 personas. In addition, members of the public may hear the meeting live through telephonic conferencing. Following the 14-day period, workers would receive a benefit from their employers that will be at least two-thirds of their normal pay rate. This Emergency Order shall be strictly adhered to at all times while the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect and enforceable pursuant to Florida law. Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing special treatment. 7. Several COVID-19 testing centers are up and running in South Florida, with more expected to open in coming weeks. Intente limitar las personas en su vehculo a las que necesitan pruebas. NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETINGOF THE CITY OF HIALEAH CHARTER SCHOOL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Exceptions to the curfew order for residents to be aware of: Additionally, the following are permitted: La Ciudad de Hialeah impondr un toque de queda nocturno a partir de hoy, lunes 30 de marzo, en un esfuerzo por frenar la propagacin de persona a persona del coronavirus COVID-19. Debido a la situacion actual con el COVID-19 el Departamento de Planificacion y Zonificacion se encuentra cerrado al publico. 3. You must have it to be tested. WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale, Mount Sinai Medical Center implements policy change for emergency centers amid rise in COVID cases, Local business owners react to new CDC guideline recommending indoor mask wearing, Daughter of Buccaneers LB Shaqil Barrett drowns in family pool, Crash injuring 2 in Davie leads to road closures, air rescue helicopter landing, Panthers oust record-setting Bruins 4-3 in OT in Game 7, Lithuanian man arrives in Miami after rowing solo across Atlantic Ocean from Spain, Suspected car thief who led police on cross-county chase captured south of Sunrise Blvd. For now, daily testing is available at this site for 300 people. Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2020, all retail and commercial establishments and any other establishment or facility permitted to open as authorized by Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 23-20 shall comply with the mandatory general and industry specific safety guidelines as set forth in the New Normal Handbook subject to the following more restrictive provisions: a. Food and drinks will be prohibited at the gaming tables or slot machine, The New Normal- A Guide for Residents and Commercial Establishments, AMENDMENT NO. In response to the impending risk to the life, health, safety and welfare posed by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to our citizenry and pursuant to the authority set forth in Florida Statutes 252.38 and in furtherance of all national, state, county and local emergency orders issued to date; 1. To make an appointment, call 954-400-0472. $61 Million to facilitate the development and review, both pre-market and post-market, of medical countermeasures, devices, therapies, and vaccines to combat COVID-19. Todas las bibliotecas pblicas de Hialeah estarn cerradas a partir del viernes 20 de marzo de 2020, hasta nuevo aviso. Le recomendamos que presente su solicitud lo ms rpido posible porque hay un lmite de financiacin. The Office of the City Clerk can also email a copy of the agenda to anyone who requests a copy by telephone at (305) 883-5820 or by email at cityclerk@hialeahfl.gov. El perdn se basa en que el empleador mantiene o recontrata rpidamente a los empleados y mantiene los niveles salariales. Free rapid COVID testing (for everyone, and without a specific reason) were discontinued in Germany from June 30, 2022. Miami-Dade 4 hours ago Among other provisions, Emergency Order 28-20 allows indoor dining restaurants to operate at 50 percent capacity, with six people maximum at a table, social distancing and facial coverings. *Please note, permits or plans pick up will not be provided & process numbers will not be issued at the moment nor will an upfront fee be collected at that time. Among five of the biggest drive-thru testing sites in Miami-Dade County Hard Rock, Marlins Park, South Dade Government Center in Cutler Bay, the Youth Fair at Tamiami Park and Amelia Earhart . The provisions of this order shall serve as minimum standards. Reasonable efforts may include, but are not limited to, marking floors at appropriate intervals or providing other visible systems to allow persons to maintain proper social distancing.
New Covid Testing and Treatment Sites Open in Hialeah Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2020, the curfew restricting movement of persons in the city between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following morning is hereby lifted and orders imposing the curfew COVID-19-COH-EO 4, as amended by COVID-19COH-EO-4A and 4B, are hereby rescinded and of no further effect. On Wednesday morning, Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo and former Florida State Senator Rene Garcia announced a free testing site will open at Amelia Earhart Park, located at 401 E. 65th St. Switchboard: (305) 751-6692 Full-time employees would receive 80 hours of sick leave under the new emergency leave program and part-time workers would be granted time off that is equivalent to their scheduled or normal work hours in a two-week period. 8. Food service business establishments shall require all customers using walk-up service windows for the purposes allowed and in the manner mandated by this Order to wear masks. Is the total household income from ALL ADULTS in your household at or below 120% of the Median Income? Notice of Virtual Special Public Meeting of the Board of Directors of the City of Hialeah Education Academy, INC.
2. Walking their dogs within 250 feet of their residences. 5. Esta Orden de toque de queda de emergencia se cumplir estrictamente en todo momento y ser exigible de conformidad con la ley de Florida. A portion of Amelia Earhart Park is currently being utilized as a drive-in COVID-19 testing site. 7. Casinos will also be allowed to re-open, following the same rules they previously followed, but adding the restriction that consumption of food and beverages can only take place in areas designated for eating. WSVN-TVSunbeam Television Corp All content Copyright 2000 - 2023 WSVN-TV. 5. Esta Orden de Emergencia se cumplir estrictamente en todo momento mientras la declaracin de emergencia de la Ciudad permanezca vigente y ejecutable de conformidad con la ley de Florida. No person shall be or remain in any city park except during these hours whether a physical barrier to entry on the park exists or not. found all over Stuttgart usually offer only rapid (antigen) tests . These Procedures shall take effect concurrent with the execution of this Order and remain in effect until this Order is rescinded. These walk-up COVID-19 testing centers are open: Harris Field. Hialeah is not planning to slow down the progress and lives of our residents by shutting down. The White House and CDC have also published the following informational webpage in English and in Spanish. New COVID-19 testing and monoclonal antibody treatment sites are now open in Hialeah ahead of the holiday rush sparked by the spike in cases. ; All ID Card Holders: Can pick up an Antigen Test from the Pharmacy between 0800-1000. Returning directly to their homes from work at essential establishments or going directly to work at essential establishments from their homes;c. Making deliveries from essential establishments; andd. The only times that we will have a change of time will be on: Benny Babcock Park- 651 East 4TH Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33010 (Allied Health), Bucky Dent Park- 2250 West 60 Street, Hialeah, FL 33016 (Allied Health). City of Hialeah City Hall will be closed to the public starting on Monday, March 30th, 2020, until further notice. This Emergency Order shall be strictly adhered to at all times while the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect and enforceable pursuant to Florida law. 4. El perdn se reducir si disminuye el personal a tiempo completo, o si los sueldos y salarios disminuyen. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. The waiver would begin the first full month after the bill is enacted and terminate at the end of the first full month after a federal coronavirus-related emergency declaration is lifted. How can I find the closest bus route/stop? Miami-Dade Amelia Earhart Park 401 E 65th Street, Hialeah, FL 33054 Drive . The curfew runs from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. nightly until further notice. The opening of the testing site at Amelia Earhart Park comes just one day after Gov. 3. In collaboration with Commissioner Esteban Bovo, Jr. and Former Senator Ren Garca, a free Coronavirus testing site is opening April 2, 2020 at 9:00am in Amelia Earhart Park (401 E 65th St, Hialeah, FL 33013).This location is for Northwest Dade residents aged 65 or older who are experiencing symptoms of the Coronavirus. An appointment will be needed there too and can be made by. Starting April 3, 2020, small businesses and sole proprietorships can apply. El perodo de solicitud comienza hoy, 17 de marzo de 2020 y se extiende hasta el 8 de mayo de 2020. Our office is operating internally with on-site reduced staff and tele-working staff. Amelia Earhart Park is located at 401 East 65th Street, Hialeah, FL 33013. Todos los programas de Parques y Recreacin han sido pospuestos hasta nuevo aviso. Floridas Price Gouging Hotline has been activated. ", Emergency Order Clarifying Requirement to Use a Mask in the City of Hialeah, ORDER NUMBERING ALL EMERGENCY ORDERS ISSUED BY THE CITY OF HIALEAH IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 FOR EASE OF REFERENCE, THEREFORE, to facilitate the publics understanding and our law enforcement officers reference to each City emergency order issued and any future emergency order and to distinguish emergency orders from those issued by the County or the State. HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - The minimum age requirement to get tested for COVID-19 at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah has been lowered to 18 years old. Por el momento, se continuarn procesando planos al igual que se las inspecciones.
Explore Amelia Earhart Park In Hialeah Applicants can apply online or in-person by collecting a paper application at John F. Kennedy Library at 8:00 A.M. on May 4, 2020, but they must submit the completed application the Department of Grants and Human Services at 501 Palm Avenue, First Floor, Hialeah, FL 33010. 6. This order does not change or alter any social distancing requirements imposed by any other lawful emergency order promulgated by the State or County pursuant to Florida Statutes *252.46. All persons while outside their homes shall also abide by the most stringent requirement on the use of face masks. (Information Provided by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html, http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html, https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019. Those members of the public wishing to participate in the virtual public meeting by making comments or asking questions may do so by electing to join the meeting live on the Zoom platform. You may qualify for the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Mortgage Assistance Program.
COVID-19 Testing Sites In Miami-Dade County Programming in the parks have also been postponed until further notice. Those who do not meet, the criteria will be turned away. Cannot be a medical facility, office (Law, Real Estate, Clerical), small school, day care, or teaching institution, This opportunity is not available to businesses that are already, receiving assistance from the City of Hialeah, https://zoomgrants.com/gprop.asp?donorid=2295&limited=2381, La ciudad de Hialeah tiene $2 millones disponibles para ayudar a las pequeas empresas afectadas por COVID-19, Proceso de solicitud 100% solo por Internet, Objetivo: Ayudar a 400 empresas con el alquiler por hasta 3 meses o hasta $5,000, Alquiler para 400 negocios en Hialeah Pagamos al proprietario/arrendador del local directamente, Solicitud completada por el dueo del negocio, Identificacin con foto del solicitante del dueo del negocio, Contrato de arrendamiento (el arrendamiento debe ser actua, Es posible que se requieran otros documentos despus de su aprobacin, Debe ser un negocio con fines de lucro en Hialeah, Debe ser una pequea empresa (25 empleados o menos), Debe haber estado activo por ms de un (1) ao. Funds can also be used to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities. Water fountains remain unavailable for use by the public until further order. Sin perjuicio de las disposiciones de los prrafos 1 y 2, todas las personas deben cubrirse la nariz y la boca con una mscara en restaurantes, establecimientos comerciales de servicios de alimentos, farmacias, supermercados, tiendas de comestibles y todos los dems establecimientos comerciales esenciales que venden al pblico en general (a ) alimentos para humanos, alimentos para animales / mascotas, suministros para mascotas o productos de bebidas; (b) materiales de construccin, electrnica de consumo, tecnologa o electrodomsticos, dispositivos de telecomunicaciones; o (c) suministros o productos de oficina. Stay connected, Hialeah. 2. Debido a la situacin actual con COVID-19, el Departamento de Building de la Ciudad de Hialeah estar cerrado al pblico comenzando el 30 de marzo del 2020. If you are NOT sick:You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Ron DeSantis issued an executive stay-at-home order for all Florida residents, which leaders in and out of the state have been pressuring him to do for weeks.
This Order shall be enforced pursuant to Florida law. 1.
Long Lines at Covid-19 Testing Sites Again - NBC 6 South Florida Para los residentes del noroeste de Dade de 65 aos o ms que experimentan sntomas del coronavirus. LOS SIGUIENTES SON MTODOS DE PAGOS ACEPTABLES: Preguntas al servicio al cliente sobre su cuenta pueden ser contestada a trvez del correo electronico: customerservicews@hialeahfl.gov, SMALL BUSINESS PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM (PPP). 7. THEREFORE, in response to the impending risk to the life, health, safety and welfare posed by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to our citizenry and pursuant to the authority set forth in Florida Statutes "252.38 and 252.46 and in furtherance of all national, state, county and local emergency orders issued to date not inconsistent with this order; EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, MAYOR CARLOS HERNANDEZ HEREBY ORDERS: 1. Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. This Order shall remain in effect for the period of time the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect or until rescinded or modified, whichever occurs first. They would have to provide coverage of coronavirus testing without cost sharing and meet other criteria, such as not imposing more stringent eligibility standards or additional premiums. Orden de emergencia del condado de Miami-Dade 16-20 ordena a los centros diurnos para adultos dentro de las reas no incorporadas e incorporadas del Condado que cierren, o de otra manera suspendan todos los programas para brindar servicios personales a los ancianos, a partir del 3 de abril de 2020 a las 11:59 p.m. No obstante, el personal empleado en dichos sitios puede continuar las operaciones comerciales que no implican la entrega de servicios personales a la poblacin de edad avanzada.
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Miami-Dade & Broward Counties Para salvaguardar la vida, la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de los residentes de la ciudad de Hialeah; y en un intento por frenar la propagacin y mitigar el impacto potencial de la enfermedad por el coronavirus; A partir de las 10:00 p.m., del Martes 14 de abril de 2020, el alcalde de la ciudad de Hialeah, Carlos Hernndez, ordena: 1. Una empleada del Departamento de Building se contactar con usted por telfono o correo electrnico para hacerle seguimiento a lo entregado. Caleb Center. Individuals under the age of 2 or persons who have trouble breathing due to a chronic pre-existing condition, disability or emergency medical condition are exempt from using the mask when seeking or obtaining essential services. Notice is hereby given that on the date, time indicated above, the City of Hialeah and FOP representatives will meet in a virtual meeting via Zoom to engage in negotiations over the impacts of the Citys use of GPS locators in city vehicles, including vehicles issued to bargaining unit members. Click here for more information and to obtain an application. Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah: Testing available to residents 65 and older with symptoms; call 305-268-4319 to schedule. Use this form to share this article or news release from the Town of Miami Lakes website with a friend. Tanto el conductor como el pasajero sern evaluados. Notice is hereby given that on the date, time indicated above, the City of Hialeah and IAFF Local 1102 representatives will meet in a virtual meeting via Zoom to engage in negotiations over the impacts of the Citys use of GPS locators in city vehicles, including vehicles issued to bargaining unit members. Solo por cita. Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 03-20PDF Download, Miami PDF DownloadMiami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20PDF Download. In order to safeguard the life, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Hialeah; and in an attempt to slow the spread and mitigate the potential impact of Coronavirus Disease; Emergency Order Closing All City Parks in the City of Hialeah, Florida. No se requieren garantas colaterales o personales. Locations to collect unemployment and assistance applications: La Ciudad de Hialeah abrir 4 ubicaciones para proporcionar formularios y asistencia a aquellos que necesiten beneficios de desempleo. This is not a full list of COVID-19 testing locations. The measure also would modify the FMLA to allow individuals to use unpaid leave if they are diagnosed with the virus, caring for a family member, or caring for a child whose school or day care has closed because of a public health emergency through Dec. 31, 2020.
Coronavirus Updates | Opa-Locka, FL 7. Food service business establishments shall not allow social gathering at, near or in the vicinity of the walk-up service window or on the premises of the food service business establishment. You can call 305-499-8767 to make an appointment. 3. For detailed instructions and other information on how to provide public comments or participate in the meeting using any of the options described in this Notice please refer to the guidelines and procedures available on the Citys website at www.hialeahfl.gov. Notwithstanding the provisions of Miami-Dade County Order 23-20 or State of Florida Executive Order 20-122 as amended by Executive Order 20-123, all restaurants and all other food-service establishments in the City of Hialeah shall remain closed for on-premises consumption until Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Continue to send your requests for inspections as usual to inspections@hialeahfl.gov. Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as many as 14 days following exposure. No water fountains or bathroom facilities shall be in use until further order. Emergency Curfew Order for the City of Hialeah. However, the rest of the park is operating business as usual with guests advised to wear masks and maintain six feet of physical distance during their visit. Para mas informacin, por favor pngase en contacto con nosotros por telfono al (305) 883-5825 o por correo electrnico buildingdepartment@hialeahfl.gov. PROGRAMA DE PROTECCIN DE CHEQUES DE PEQUEAS EMPRESAS (PPP). 2. The curfew shall be in effect during the hours of 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. the following day, and each consecutive day thereafter until the curfew is lifted and this Order rescinded. This virtual public meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view on the Citys Facebook page (@CityofHialeah). "Despus de semanas de argumentar a favor de la ciudad de Hialeah, que es la sexta ciudad ms grande del estado de Florida, y su necesidad de un sitio de prueba para atender a sus residentes, especialmente a nuestra poblacin de ancianos, me alegra ver que el gobernador Desantis ha tomado esta decisin .Esto ser de gran ayuda para nuestra ciudad en la lucha contra el coronavirus -Mayor Carlos Hernndez. Los prestamistas tambin deben visitar www.sba.gov o www.coronavirus.gov para obtener ms informacin. Funds are provided in the form of loans that will be fully forgiven when used for payroll costs, interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities (due to likely high subscription, at least 75% of the forgiven amount must have been used for payroll). If approved, we will provide a link to pay for the permit online by credit card (Visa/MasterCard) and email back your approved submittal and permit card. The Office of the City Clerk can also email a copy of the agenda to anyone who requests a copy by telephone at (305) 883-5820 or by email at cityclerk@hialeahfl.gov. 501 Palm Avenue, Hialeah, Florida 33010 > Phone. Paid sick time could be carried over from year to year.