[24] On April 24, Parma and Reggio Emilia were liberated by the partisans.[23]. This was accompanied by a pay form that explained that the money in question was two days' ration allowance for escorting a prisoner back to Darlington from a jail in Lincoln! Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. IV Corps had continued its northwards advance and reached the Po river at San Benedetto on April 22. Many old Partisans find it hard to condemn the killings. http://www.tergeste.net/PzSAntonioJ.htm. As I peeped out of the window to see what was going on I actually saw them take the photo. The Piemonte Cavalleria was supported by the II Self-propelled Field Artillery Group in Banne, which was part of the 8th Self-propelled Field Artillery Regiment of the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" brigade. I cant find any information about The British Army was stationed here and that's why our village is an example of a location shared by two national armies cooperating in war operations. Progress was difficult - the rugged terrain of the Apennines, the numerous canals and rivers with destroyed bridges in the low-lying east, and the mud that accompanied winter's driving rain restricted the mobility of the Div. During the same reform the Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli" was split and the Regiment "Piemonte Cavalleria" (2nd) was used to form the new Armored Brigade "Vittorio Veneto", which took over the defense of the area between Trieste and the Timavo river. The website has a lot of material from all of these camps. We arrived at San The British plans were prepared under the direction of Brigadier General JHV Crowe, assisted in Italy by the British Military Mission, Italian staff officers and representatives of the British and Italian . eric721. A fair number of German-speakers are native After the reform the Trieste Troops Command consisted of the following units: The command stored and maintained the materiel for the 43rd Motorized Infantry Battalion "Forl" and 255th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Veneto", which in case of war would have been activated and filled with reservists from Trieste and the surrounding area. Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Detail, View of a path through the park with a tablet made of stone from the Karst, The park was built in the. Of course I was able to fit some time in at home, and the dinner itself, held at the Connaught Rooms in Holborn, with Winston Churchill in attendance, was quite an experience. When Field Marshal Sir John Dill, the head of the British Mission in Washington, D.C., died on November 5, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson was appointed his replacement. The photos in my album capture it all. [23] On all fronts, the German defense continued to be strong and effective, but Bondeno was captured on April 23. to find that this was the welcome for those who, like myself, had given up An amphibious operation across the lake and parachute drop would bring pressure to bear on the flank and help to break the Argenta position. The river was crossed the next day and they advanced north to Verona which they entered on April 26. By clicking on the series links (for example,WO 269) you will arrive on the respective series description pages from where you can search the series, using dates/years and keywords, such as: Series description pages also provide information on the arrangement of the records and sometimes some of the historical context in which they were created, as well as suggesting related series you could explore. They were interesting days, indeed, and it's nice to hear from someone who shared that experience. ostensibly to revisit their families, but always raising the possibility 'Loopy', or to give him his full title, Lieutenant Colonel Sir George Arnold Ford Kennard, 3rd Baronet, was quite a character then, and even now and his biography entitled simply 'Loopy' makes very good reading. By Tara Isabella Burton. As a matter of interest, the US 5th Army landed on the 9 th September 1943 against heavy German resistance at Salerno in operation "Avalanche". There are only a few of us ready to investigate this dispassionately.''. 1/21/06 Hi, Olga ), with hundreds of other refugees who came streaming The 4th Indian Infantry Division had been sent to Greece and the British 4th Infantry Division had followed them in November along with the 139th Brigade of the British 46th Infantry Division. Many Slovenes in Trieste at the time, ecstatic at the downfall of Italian Fascism, greeted the Partisans as liberators and assisted in manhunts by the Yugoslav secret police. The German Army surrendered to New Zealand army on May 2. International pressure made the Yugoslavs leave the city on June 12. For the next nine years, Trieste was under a British and American military government, becoming one of the front-line cities of the cold war. In support of the New Zealand operations, 28 Churchill Crocodiles and 127 Wasp flamethrower vehicles were deployed along the front. Jevtic went on to spend four years in Trieste before emigrating to Quebec (Canada) via France. Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. Click on the following series references to search for records within each respective series using keywords and dates. Among the cultural treats available in Trieste was an old Roman Castle named Castello San Giusto. In 1948-51, my mother worked in several camps in Austria and Trieste and brought with her to Australia photographs, monthly reports, refugee art and handcraft. In Phase II, the Eighth Army was to drive northwest to capture Ferrara and Bondeno, blocking routes of potential retreat across the Po. grim-looking stone structure, dating back to the Hapsburg period, that the They were left alone.''. Our mutual friend Frank Mee has just drawn my attention to the fact that Barnard Castle is (and was) in Durham and not Northumberland. To the left of the 8th Indian Division, on the left of the salient, the 2nd New Zealand Division would attack across the river to form a pincer. Twenty men drawn from all ranks were sent home from Italy to be present on the night, and wonder of wonders, I was one of four corporals to travel a total of six days to attend the dinner. A word about Eddy. I have been looking for infomation or countries came under Communist control, they left for Trieste. The barracks we moved into had formerly belonged to an Italian army unit and were quite spacious. Subsequent negotiations led to the signing of the London Memorandum on 5 October 1954 by the foreign ministers of the United States, United Kingdom, Italy and Yugoslavia. I am a minister in the It then rested and refitted after its long period on front-line duty. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites Because the streets of Trieste were not altogether safe after dark, he asked me to escort her to her destination and I was happy to oblige. I was not to be tempted, however, as the delights of London called and I was looking forward to life as a civilian. The Forgotten Army, Italy 1943-1945 Just spotted your reply and send you best wishes from an ex-Triestinian. Many of the records covered in this guide are not available to view online so to see them you will have to either visit usin Kew ororder copies. earlier. As the older and longer-serving members started to leave there was a frantic effort by those of us remaining to get into a reasonable position so that we would not be obliged to take part in the 'demilitarisation' that was taking place. commerce and culture, and lost influenc--however lately It was handed back to Italy in 1954. Find out how you can use this. It was addressed to San Regards Frank. In early January 1945, the British 1st Infantry Division was sent to Palestine and at the end of the month the I Canadian Corps and the British 5th Infantry Division were ordered to north-west Europe. Politics, policy and planning: records of high command, 4. Mindful of the fact that if I lost a prisoner it was a court martial offence I took no chances and we kept him on handcuffs all the way to his house and afterwards all the way back to barracks. moved to another camp, some seven kilometers away called "Opicina," high up on a high overlooking Trieste. Months later, we were I remember, one day a group of American For some years now I have been looking at your website and it has been really helpful to me. Joachim Lemelsen, who had temporarily commanded the 10th Army, returned to command the 14th Army. On May 1, 1945 the Yugoslav army entered Trieste (see Foibe) one day before before the New Zealand army, in a race to decide who would control the city. If this site was helpful to you, please consider making With some of my friends, I also discovered the joys of gracious living. WO 264. I am writing to you as I have just completed a new website which has a lot of photos, reports and information on 5 Displaced Persons Camps, collected by my mother, Clare McMurray/Wositzky. and when it was served, it was awful. Most of the content on this site is created by our users, who are members of the The last three months of my army life was boring to say the least, and I welcomed any chance to do something different. Find out more about the site contributors. We were at a rifle range that took your photograph if you hit the target and, much to our surprise, it actually worked! The 351st Infantry Regiment [4] [5] of the . family lived at San Sabba Annex in Trieste, Italy between 1950-1952. But the best part was yet to come. Being the coward that I am, I took the course, and as a result was promoted to Lance Corporal, then later to Full Corporal. United Kingdom, North Devon Website Design by Really Different. From 1946-1950, quarterly historical records and reports replaced the unit war diaries, which were mostly discontinued after the end of hostilities in 1945. The Eighth Army plan (Operation Buckland) had to deal with the difficult task of getting across the Senio, with its raised artificial banks varying between 6m (20ft) and 12m (40ft) in height and honeycombed with tunnels and bunkers front and rear. The division fought in the battles for the capture of Naples, the Volturno Crossing and the capture of Monte Camino, all under command of X Corps. After a period of confusion, during which the news of Hitler's death arrived, Schulz obtained Kesselring's agreement to the surrender and Vietinghoff was reinstated to see it through. For the first time in my army career I saw officers under the rank of captain being ordered to join snow-clearing parties and issued with spades to do some of the digging themselves! camps of post-World War II Europe. Archives, Open Government Licence very much if you would include "San Sabba DP camp" as one of your many transit It was the best meal we'd had in Military Government (A.M.G. Major General Terence S. Airey was the first Zone Commander and Military Governor, followed by Major General Sir T.J.W. The division entered Austria on 8 May 1945. From 15:20 to 19:10, five heavy artillery barrages were fired each lasting 30 minutes, interspersed with fighter bomber attacks.