Having the Orange Goo Detector upgrade will make your life much easier but for the ones hidden in obscure and hard to reach places, see this video by Gaming with Abyss: If you don't want to use the video and just want to figure things out for yourself, then buy the Orange Goo Detector upgrade when it becomes available (which you have to do anyway for the The $600 Man trophy). 1 before the Cragclaw fight in Normal mode and 1 before the Teratomo fight in Old Game Minus mode . Because aiming is for chumps! Use the teleporter to return to the Fungi of Si'ned VII area. The first Crystal Shard is located in the Tentareed/Tentaweed patch at the base of the tower just northeast of the Alien Teleporter - watch out for the Jellywaft Prime patrolling around this area. Scan/Slap one of these for Kindex Card [Floopsnoot - 24/37]. JOURNEY TO THE SAVAGE PLANET - KAPYENA (WIDOW) LOCATION Saphro Spirits 51 subscribers Subscribe 55 Share 10K views 2 years ago Journey to The Savage Planet - PS4 version Location of. Festering Chasm teleporter - The Bombegranate upgrade isn't required, you can just throw one up to the cracked wall from below, there is one bomb plant just to the right. Let's Bounce: Kill 5 creatures with a single Charge Shot. To start a Co-Op game, go: Cooperative => Select Save Slot => Invite Player. Notes: This can't be done until after you have done the mission to retrieve the Shock Fruit Stabilizer upgrade and also obtained the Shock Fruit Booster upgrade. Regardless, I'll get it re-added in a bit . It's ok. You will find this Alien Pumpjack on the western side of the platform. You can do all of the Co-Op trophies in under 10mins if you have a friend with 2 saves in the right places i.e. Good luck! At the northern end of this platform there is a Silicon Vein. Here's the full list of available video messages: - tweed_celebration.kov - I'm not sure how to make this one appear, because it appeared during my second playthrough but not my first. After dispatching the first Kapyena, two more will show up. In the distance, you should be able to spot an Alien Teleporter. Don't forget to post in the Guide Updates thread here: Updates Needed on a Main Site Trophy Guide or Roadmap? Aluminum Vein Amber Armour Bellowbulb Big Ol' Nut Blight bomb plant Blight bomb . PDF Cite Share. Kill 5 creatures with a single Charged Shot. one quick question, does it have free roam later after finishing story? Complete the first set of Science Experiments.
Journey to the Savage Planet - Walkthrough - Part 5 - YouTube One of which will be a speed run.
Up Up and Away - Journey to the Savage Planet Walkthrough Upon reaching the second pool of water, we will need to use Grapple Seeds on the nearby Grapple Barnacle growth to reach the next platform above. Kill the glowing insect (or the hive) to disperse the group. Again, you will need to clear the platform of Jellywafts and a Prime Jellywaft. However, Planet AR-Y 26 is more than meets the eye, are you truly alone on this distant world? From the edge of this platform look down to spot another smaller ledge below. Note: The name of this trophy is misspelt and should say "Open Sesame". Not me.
Journey to The Savage Planet - Kapyena (Widow) Location Journey to the Savage Planet All Kindex Entries Upon landing on AR-Y 26 your primary objective is to survey the planet and scan, well, pretty much everything to flesh out your Kindex. Hop on down and grab it. Momma, I'm coming home! At the end of the area you'll see a larger island with two zones on it - the lower right hand section of the island has a Sproutlook (noticeable by its laser eye) whilst the higher up, left hand island has a new type of fish-like creature flying around above a Bulwark Bush. Sign up for a new account in our community. Journey to the Savage Planet is what you get if you put the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Red Dwarf, No Man's Sky and some LSD into a blender then turn it on with the lid off - it's that nuts! Note: You must have the 1.08 or higher patch installed, for this trick to work. Make your way back to the room with the Floopsnoots. Co-op. Jump to the next platform and loot the Silicon Vein. See this video by AchievementSquad: Some of the Alien Alloys are story related but most are tied to optional side missions and the rest are off the beaten track so will require the Alien Alloy Detector upgrade to locate them. Updates Needed on a Main Site Trophy Guide or Roadmap? See this video by AchievementSquad: There is a certain amount of luck involved with this, because it's dependant on how many Pufferbirds decide to spawn in. To reach the second, from the smaller floating islands between the Shrine platform and the Jellywaft Prime platform, use the Grapple Flowers to reach the large raised island to the south of the Shrine platform. Huh. Credit to Meoricin for this information. Onward to adventure! You will again need to use a Blight Bomb (on the platform with the pump this time!) This is best done when going for Rank 4: Field Explorer so please see the relevant video in the The $600 Man walkthrough. You're like some kind of arachnid-man. After unlocking the Proton Tether upgrade, teleport to the Towering Crystals Teleporter then use the Proton Tether to climb up to the top of the indicated cliffs. It's best to combine this with No Refunds so see that for details. Flora, or plants, make up many of the things the player needs to scan to complete the Kindex. Return to the Javelin and craft the Launch Boosters to continue your investigation of the tower, Things Journey to the Savage Planet Doesn't Tell You, While jumping to this area you will be able to scan a grapple rail behind you, which will give you the mission Rollercoaster Rails, which is also necessary to continue Investigating the Tower. If you want to continue, skip down past the box below. Use this to return to the Javelin Habitat. Also, see these tips by Totterbart93 and Spaceknight42: I just tossed a Bombgranate at a bunch of Schnozos and the trophy popped, not really much skill needed that way.
Round Trip - Where to find all 10 Fuel Pods - Journey to the Savage We can use the Grapple Barnacles on the walls outside of the cave to return back to the base of the tower.
Journey to the Savage Planet Trophy Guide & Road Map Grab a Blight Bomb from one of the nearby plants and hit the amber with it to melt it away.
Buy Journey to the Savage Planet from the Humble Store Just before entering this, you should be able to see what looks like a beehive. Complete Mysterious Signals to unclog the shrine and collect the sample. Scan this for Cracked Stone Grate [Alien Tech - 9/14]. There are also a couple of Silicon Veins in this lower area. Flight Risk: Kill 5 ground creatures while they are airborne. 44 7 19. Our goal is to get to the Sproutlook without it spotting us so that we can sneak up and kill it. Locate the Grapple Flower leading up to the higher ledge with the pink crystals. The Kapyenas move at high speed around the area and will usually run in large circles. Word Count: 1290. Behind it you will find an Orange Goo [55/100] and a Silicon Vein. with the Shrine Sample now in our hands, make your way back outside the cave and head for the Alien Teleporter we unlocked previously. To continue, lets head off to get our next piece of gear - Blight Bomb Stabilizer by doing the Fun with Corrosives mission. Journey To The Savage Planet All Orange Goo Locations - Stronger, Faster, Probably Poisonous Trophy Gaming with Abyss 22K views 3 years ago Fighting Mysterious Lava Beasts in Journey To The. After she loses a third of her health, she will open her eye again so blind her for the second time and she will spawn a layer of armour to protect her weakspots. Around this island are a number of other platforms of similar height. There are 100 Orange Goo's on AR-Y 26 (some of which are story related) but you only require approximately 60 of them to max out your Health and Stamina. Do this again to reach a cracked wall we can destroy with a Bombegranate. He and his wife, Hannah, are good . Here's the full Alphabetical list of of all 63 flora (plants) you need to scan: Also, see this video by AchievementSquad but unfortunately it isn't in alphabetical order: Timestamps (credit to Sustained Dissonance for putting them in alphabetical order): Note: To save yourself any unnecessary grief later on with the I Come in Peace trophy, get into the habit of scanning then slapping/kicking (press ) every new creature you encounter but do note that contrary to popular belief, the creatures don't have to be alive for them to count towards either trophy. Safety First: Fall 50 meters and save yourself with Jump thrusters. Throw Blight Bomb on the 3 different Alien Pumpjack to complete the Launch Booster Shrine. Do note that both players must have progressed the story enough to have unlocked the Proton Tether upgrade, else neither of you will be able to reach Cragclaw. Walkthrough Though the main objective of the mission is to explore and catalog all the wildlife on AR-Y26, along the way you will be given several missions to Investigate a very mysterious tower at. Here there are several Infected Pufferbirds wandering around. Destroy the block of amber in the northwest of the platform for an Orange Goo [41/100]. You can find Pufferbirds pretty much anywhere and are the first creature you will encounter but the Maroons are only found in the Elevated Realm. Note: This trophy has to be done locally and won't pop in a friend's world. Planetary Flotsam teleporter - You can get it before obtaining the Advanced Proton Tether upgrade, by tossing 2 Gelatinous Blobs on each of the tether nodes. On the far, western side of this you should be able to make out a Grapple Flower and a Vaultivore atop the support. Approach and interact with the Cartographer to free it. You will fight this boss during the "Investigate The Tower: Find the Planet Seed" mission. The Sproutlook sits atop a smaller floating island hovering above the centre of this platform. Rank 2 of the Science Experiments, involves the following: Also, use your scanner to document at least 25% of the planet's Ecosystem. Shoot the three Vaultivore Pimples (there is one on either side of the support and a third on top) - this will open the Vaultivore - use your Launch Thruster to get into range of the Grapple Flower to grapple up.
What Does Bulwark Mean? Bible Definition and References Journey To The Savage Planet: The Complete Kindex - Gameranx Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at this later on and see what can be done . There is a Meat Vortex on the wall. Here's what a Maroon looks like: Unfortunately, there's no in-game method of tracking this trophy so you'll have to keep a mental note of how many Pufferbirds and Maroons you have kicked. Note: Despite not being plants, the game classifies many miscellaneous objects as flora. Once you reach the top of the waterfall climb, you will reach a new area. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. Be sure to Slap/Scan one of these creatures for Kindex Card [Insectoid Swarm - 26/37]. With all three Crystal Fragments now returned to the Shrine. Journey To The Savage Planet "WELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! The earliest you can attempt this trophy is when you reach the area where the Repaired Teleporter is located in the Elevated Realm. Interact with the Shrine to re-assemble the crystal. Here's the full list of every left hand tool: Gelatinous Blob - Needed for the Turdball Wizard trophy, Blinding Bile - Needed for part of the Rank 3: Field Explorer experiments, Blight Bomb - Needed for part of the Rank 3: Field Explorer experiments, Shock Fruit - Needed for part of the Rank 4: Field Explorer experiments, Live Sampler - Requires the Live Sampler Upgrade, Glow Shrub - Required for seeing in dark places and is exclusively found in caves (credit to Owenbrink for this). This will take skill and a little bit of luck, because the Schnozos don't hang around for very long before disappearing back into their holes. This time you will be obtaining the Launch Boosters to give your standing jump some more height to reach those extra high places! Credit to Sifferino for confirming this. http://www.playstationtrophies.org/images/guides/guide_stuck_platinum.gif. Complete Mysterious Signals to unclog the shrine and collect the sample. Moles ain't gonna whack themselves. For some reason, this action counts as a death and will generate a loot box at the spot where you quit the game so return there and collect it. From this ledge, look across the gap to the far side of the tree to spot one final higher ledge. There are also a couple of Silicon Veins in this . Science Experiments to reach Explorer Rank 2. The first can be found a few islands back where we encountered our first Jellywaft Prime. February 8, 2020 in Journey to the Savage Planet. As this list copies the Flora section of the Kindex, those objects are included here as well. Rank 4 of the Science Experiments, involves the following: Also, use your scanner to document at least 75% of the planet's Ecosystem. Don't worry, the speed run is actually very easy. Journey To The Savage Planet - Onward to AdventureWELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! Clear all of these enemies to have the Combativore open. Here's the alphabetical and categorized list of all 37 creatures you have to scan and slap/kick: Infected Pufferbird - Possibly glitched and will have to be slapped a few times, for it to count towards I Come in Peace. You will be getting the majority of the misc trophies, along with all of the collectibles and the remaining story related trophies but the big trophy which most of the others lead to, is The $600 Man so going for that one will net you a lot of the other trophies as well.
Walkthrough - Journey to the Savage Planet Wiki Guide - IGN Pillars of Xzorgana teleporter - As shown in the video at 7:05, you don't need the double jump so jump on top of the green pillar to the left before jumping on the ledge. At ground level in this room there are more Infected Pufferbirds. Click on the Trash icon and open all 5 emails you find there, then the trophy will pop. Note: With the Advanced Proton Tether, we can now press the, Journey to the Savage Planet Walkthrough and Guide, Collectible Mop Up 3 - Everything Remaining, Investigate the Tower - Activating the Tower, Metallurgist (All Alien Alloy Locations), Alien Cinema (All Enigmatic Tablet Locations), Lost and Found (All Explorer's Log Locations), Raiders of the Lost Art (All Postcard Locations), Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key. This is important, You will get a mission Mysterious Signals, this will need to be completed to extract the alien sample. Teratomo is no mo'. It was published by 505 Games to the Epic Games, Steam, PS4, and Xbox One on January 28th, 2020. Recent Reviews: Very Positive (58) We get it. Alpha Pufferbirds and regular Pufferbirds. Journey to the Savage Planet Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Slapped your Co-Op partner. Kill them both as well. This will complete the mission. this is my first playthrough, on normal mode so im good! Stun 5 creatures simultaneously with Shock Fruit. Stone cold. Fully decrypt and watch the tower origin transmission. We'll need to climb up the ledges of a waterfall to exit the cave. Around this area we'll also be able to locate a Silicon Vein, Aluminum Vein and Carbon Vein. Fortunately, if you have your scanner active, you will be able to make out a scent trail for each, which if you follow them should lead you right to each of the missing fragments. On the northern end of the room is a cracked wall we can use a Bombegranate to break down. Recklessly and irresponsibly eat every Orange Goo on AR-Y 26. The Guide is now complete and open for constructive feedback . Clear the area of the Jellywafts and Prime Jellywafts. When you reach the Bombodoro, drop down the hole beneath it. [spoiler=CD]You will fight Cragclaw during the mission "Investigate the Tower" but providing you go in with at least 80 health, 10secs of Stamina and all the Lv1 upgrades for your Nomad Pistol, the battle will be an easy one. The save system in this game is purely auto-save based and the only way to force a save is to either teleport somewhere or return to the Javelin. Really excited to sta. As an employee of Kindred Aerospace, which proudly touts its rating as the 4th Best interstellar exploration company, you are dropped onto the planet AR-Y 26, deep in a far away corner of the universe.