I just wanted to let you know the logic might not be working as intended. The system will continue to operate normally B. And when envoy_reader reads its data from the "eim" section shouldn't that be done for each phase separately and then summed to get totals for all 3 phases? I have read through everything yet but I want to point out that when polling uses the /api/v1/production page the envoy appears to only update it every 15mins. I would like some input from @jesserizzo and others. please contact Enphase Technical Support. Manual: Add an extra parameter e.g. &pLlV y*Hv. All measurements are in Watt hours. 0000154623 00000 n There are 1000 millimeters in a meter. Yes, I do want and think the values for both inverters and eim should be accessible if available. endobj @gtdiehl Here is low light at the end of the day. If your system has AC Batteries: Some batteries havent charged or discharged recently. I'll look through the code and see what it might take to implement. Or atleast get reporting working for all attributes for each hardware platform. Envoy S Production data is not read when not using current transformers which renders reported Production data useless. The output suggests there are four data sources production from the inverters, and then a type "eim" reporting production, a type "eim" reporting "total consumption", and a type "eim" reporting "net consumption". @lnlp Thanks! D`TR2 (P@$D j+C"qa7%A]4(uWP7T! You may pass a limit parameter to the request, which sets the page size for that request. "Metered Production data not available for your Envoy device." 0000375185 00000 n Production CT Installation on sites with multiple solar systems. Automatic: When CT's are not enabled this is shown on the envoy/home page so it should be possible to automatically scrape the status of whether CT's are enabled or not. 0000017430 00000 n & Correct me if I'm wrong, without CT metering, Also, If state was kept and easily accessible in either envoy_reader (or Home Assistant), today's WH production and the last seven days of WH production could be determined from tracking the, If CT metering isn't turned on, and the user wants to see the Envoy's inverter totals for today and the last seven days, then. @gtdiehl Here is my current production.json from my IQ D5.0.49 (77afa8) with CT metering turned off. 'active' : 'js-change-currency' ?> //= plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . Sign in metered_consumption wNow: 0.836 (gets truncated to 0). You can check the systems status in the meta attribute of the response to determine when the system last reported and whether it has communication or production problems. When this condition is detected, the response code is 500 and the response body is: Each meter interval includes the following: Returns performance statistics for the specified system as reported by microinverters installed on the system. I'm producing 1-5 kWh/day and I see almost the exact daily amount reducing my consistent 7 kwh daily usage. I have tested your latest envoy_reader.py. My /api/v1/production/inverters inverter data is already properly read and output by envoy_reader (I can see the values in Home Assistant). Can you confirm that you can get this without any authentication? I would also prefer if the timestamp of when the values were updated can be added, e.g. WebThe IQ Envoy uses readings from CTs to report measurement data for energy production and energy consumption. If the system has both production and consumption CTs installed, you can see which meter is affected by checking the meter status on the Devices screen. Please note that the Enlighten Systems API does not provide performance data at a panel or microinverter level. That may be a clue. 3.48 kW of SolarWorld panels and Enphase IQ7 micros. All times are GMT-5. 0000013432 00000 n Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed. I currently check the /api/v1/production data in a browser and refresh manually. I really like to give the user all of the data and let them figure out what they want to use. trailer <]/Prev 1017858/XRefStm 2698>> startxref 0 %%EOF 907 0 obj <>stream So I've had my envoy setup for 5 years now no issues. Though this time I had someone add my PR to the list of PRs that should be included in 2020.12.1. 0000004049 00000 n @OllemGit If ct_metering_consumption is false then the. Envoy-S or IQ running D5.0.49 without Metering Enabled, Envoy-S or IQ running D5.0.49 with Metering Enabled, Envoy-S running D5.0.49 without Metering Enabled and the /production.json page does not contain Production or Consumption keys. That's one line changed on the Home Assistant side and as long as the reviewer is okay with the API side change log the updated API will be included in the next Home Assistant release. 0000026874 00000 n You can sign up to be notified by email if your system experiences either type of production issue. The review process is greater. stream rmsCurrent and rmsVoltage if only single instances reported for these instead of separately per phase? Are all three phases wired to your Envoy power connector_(most-left connector on the Envoy)_? 0000232378 00000 n Here is the output of envoy_reader from various Envoys. Envoy reader doesn't have the flexibility to allow the user to override envoy reader's assumption and specify which data items or sources you'd like to track in Home Assistant. 0000140307 00000 n 0000452724 00000 n I'm still looking over the code and the different paths taken and the different types of envoy devices with and without features. The code currently does a check to see if the attributes of production and consumption exist in the web page. meter_issue One or more meters on the system are reporting unusual 0000410990 00000 n All dates are in the timezone of the requested system. So far, I haven't seen a flag from the Envoy API that indicates whether it is using the inverter measurements or the CTs, but maybe I haven't looked deeply enough. Attributes that are times are named accordingly (e.g., operational_at, last_report_at, start_at, end_at). IF you require further technical clarification for your installationplease contact Enphase Technical Support. 0000033107 00000 n With all of the typical tight connections I don't have a way to measure volts and compare to expected IQ6+ performance. The circuit passing through the production CT includes AC Batteries. In general, a Meter Issue indicates a system where on-site maintenance may be required. Data from /stream/meter (updates every second) shows the data separately for each phase but unfortunately this requires installer permissions. The Enlighten Systems API returns JSON. This means that we need separate 'CT Metering' parameters for production and for consumption. Each system element includes the following: Return values for status include the following, and are listed in priority order: Returns a listing of active devices on the given system. 0000003706 00000 n Here are the possible messages that may be displayed: Some microinverters have stopped reporting. When CT metering is off you have to look at /api/v1/production for the WH accumulation (today, 7 day) totals. In general, a Meter Issue indicates a system where on-site maintenance may be required. The production or consumption measurements received by the Enphase Cloud are negative. If the system has both production and consumption CTs installed, you can see which meter is affected by checking the meter status on the Devices screen. You have your consumption meter set to "load with solar production" or "load only"? Examples include asking for stats starting at a time that is later than the systems last reported interval, or asking for stats before a system has started production. So if the Envoy has Metering enabled values will be retrieved from /production.json and if Metering is not enabled values will be retrieved from /api/v1/production. 0000011207 00000 n However, each request must include them both. tvd`x]6d=WY fj0A2! 0000017877 00000 n The rationale is so that the Home Assistant sensor monitored_conditions does not have to change which ultimately does not create a breaking change or force users to change their environment. 0000339393 00000 n The CT (current transformers) are used for measuring current. Returns the energy production of the system for the month starting on the given date. /api/v1/production/inverters (serial numbers have been obfuscated): /api/v1/production "wattsNow": 2236 It only reads envoy/production.json. 3.48 kW of SolarWorld panels and Enphase IQ7 micros. the blue wire goes to a splice pack under the carpet under Remote problem-solving The Envoy lets you pinpoint performance issues instantly and resolve them remotely, before they get in the way of system performance. 2 0 obj Unrecognized parameters are ignored. hQILSQ=S?H)B) B$4 0000013177 00000 n When I look into the error, it was not apparent to me the problem. I'm a bit puzzled here because I have a 3-phase system with no CT's installed, and (only) a single "eim" production section shows up where a single rmsVoltage (and rmsCurrent) are specified while each phase has its own different voltage (which my smart electricity meter shows). The darkish overcast looked like possible little snow storm coming. Envoy reader makes an assumption depending on the type of Envoy whether CT metering is being used. My guess is that data from /stream/meter on your envoy will report realistric (true) voltages for all three of data/production/ph-a/v, data/production/ph-b/v and data/production/ph-c/v. About API v4. An Enphase team member may follow up with you about your feedback. As a result the reported Production values are either 0 or some bogus value. What about 3-phase systems? Enlighten supports up to two versions of the API at any given time. New releases (due to incompatible changes) are communicated well in advance of removing the older one. Model: Consumption Production Consumption Consumption Clamp Quantity Error: Failed to fetch Details It wouldn't make a difference inititially when just measuring solar since solar generation is balanced. An alternative to polling /api/v1/production is to use production.json type == inverter whLifeTime and compute the delta locally, either within envoy reader, or Home Assistant. 0000303679 00000 n From this perspective it is not required to connect all 3 phases to the power connector. In cases such as these, the response code is 422 and the response body includes an error reason as well as the parameters used to process the request. These come from mainly 3 pages (excluding Envoy running <3.9 firmware), I would propose removing the original consumption parameters and adding additional parameters (lets prepend them in this example with metered_*. 'lqgs:~>_A,XJNBPyF^h@~.]:XUaSeJmi*`L6Aj$FaLQPzi_~l[U66RO57YYZA/O3](8LLIFAZrsf/=qNe~^sjW9f+L`l7?d A 5K When using Envoy S without having CT's enabled then production data in envoy/production.json is NOT updated. The inverters and the CTs dont report the same values and Envoy reader can make an incorrect assumption about whether CT metering is being used. I suggest to use the term 'CT Metering' (or 'CT Metering Enabled') instead of "Metering (CT) Status". In other words, if you explicitly want to access that data for the inverters whether or not metering is on, production[0] is the place to get it. 0000078331 00000 n Copyright 2023 Enphase Energy. If your system has stopped reporting data, youll see a problem message like this: Learn what you can do if your system stops reporting data. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 Enphase Energy. If your application does not allow for you to include an image, you must include the text Powered by Enphase Energy. Note: I've got production and consumption metering turned off (activeCount == 0). If these are zero than poll data from the other production page. Yes the original bug in envoy_reader has been fixed. Solar Production CT MUST measure all solar circuits on site. Going down this path means renaming 4 monitored_conditions and adding 4 or5 new ones will appear for each new Envoy sensor added to Home Assistant. It does show in the HTML output, but scraping should be avoided. For a Net metering arrangement (load with solar), the Consumption CT must be positioned to measure the site loads AND all of the solar export. %PDF-1.5 0000196664 00000 n I am just grasping at straws here. So it looks like you need to join with /ivp/meters based on eid to know what you are looking at and whether it is enabled. You can check the systems status in the meta attribute of the response to determine when the system last reported and whether it has communication or metering problems. @gtdiehl - Here's my Envoy IQ (metering turned off) output using your change_polling_pages branch: I originally had the metered values not being returned when metering is disabled (activeCount == 0), but then I thought someone might want these values or some other reason. Webmeter There is a communication problem between an Envoy and a revenue-grade meter on the system. The CTs accommodate conductors up to 4/0 RHW, 350MCM THWN, Recently my meter box was moved and the sparkie put the consumption CT backwards. WebThe use of any other type of CT will result in incorrect power measurements, and may permanently damage the WattNode meter. 0000007176 00000 n privacy statement. Regarding measurements for each phase, he Envoy has a URL that deliveries a stream of measurements -. 0000063893 00000 n And for the nice to have wishlist: All API requests require your API key and a user_id. Details about my Envoy: When I run envoy_reader from a command prompt, the 4 production values shown are 0. 0000012600 00000 n The fix was merged into the dev branch yesterday, which usually means it will make it into the next release (2021.01.0). The heating system is just resistance heaters on that car so it's like a giant toaster oven. (latter number is lower but 'R' looks higher/newer than 'D'), Can you please add the following parameters for reading timestamps? I know not a perfect solution but through small changes eventually we will get to a release that meets the needs of Envoy users across all firmwares . period_start and period_end tell you when the minute (in this case) started and when it will end. So I swapped the leads on the Envoy for the consumption CT's and have been monitoring all day and the data looks good. The start date must be at least one month ago. I'll have to look into this one a bit. I have read through everything yet but I want to point out that when polling uses the /api/v1/production page the envoy appears to only update it every 15mins. If you are upgrading with Enphase microinverters to an existing string inverter installation, follow one of these options: All solar AC cables must pass through the Production CT. 9 kW solar, 42kWh LFP storage. I hope you get the help you need. I wonder if they can tweek low light efficiency for me? Examples in this document exclude the callback parameter for clarity. @gtdiehl - I think the only cases where you'd want to use /api/v1/production are: I don't have code changes that are worth submitting. dsmr-reader . Exactly: I have only CT's installed for measuring Consumption "CT's" is plural but consumption/eim/activeCount only shows 1. 3 0 obj 0000016703 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % WebIf the consumption measurements received by Enlighten do not appear to include storage activity, there are two possible wiring issues that can cause this: The circuit passing While much of the rest of the world uses the metric system of centimeters, meters, and kilometers, US has continued to the English units. production.json eim only shows an aggregated number. I'm not sure what would be a good way to name production Watts data elements to allow referencing either or both of them in Home Assistant's configuration. In that case, the response code is 500 and the response body is. The dark hours on a system are an example of such a gap, because the microinverters do not produce at night. "[}QXD/jD NCrncVa @L*23m rmsCurrent and rmsVoltage could be reported by envoy_reader as well. Note: If a system does not include a given device type, that key is left out of the returned hash. For /api/v1/production the timestamp can be read from production.json "inverters" section. 0000375146 00000 n 0000017403 00000 n I can even see it go lower after that and work much better than it did on the way up. This has recently changed to net metered solar. WebAN_6612_032 Energy Measurement in Split Phase Systems Using 78M6612 Rev. Enphase consumption CT measurement problem. But that is an incorrect assumption because it is only valid when current transformers (CT) are enabled/installed. The installers could have put it on the wrong leg. This page was generated at 03:27 AM. All requests support an optional callback parameter. Maybe I should have been a little clearer but Home Assistant is not letting existing integrations to change their monitored_conditions. While my production meter struggles at PF=0.5-0.7 from 8:30 to 11am in this equinox season, it finally gets to pf=1 as the sun clears the trees with VA=700. The data from my Envoy (3-phase, no CT's) looks like this (pretty-printed): Based on above it appears that /production.json is not going to contain data for each phase separately (in 3-phase system). I see information in /api/v1/procuction and /api/v1/production/inverters being updated every 5 minutes. The production or consumption measurements received by Enlighten are negative. You can include more than one value to search for: returns systems that currently have Envoy or microinverter communication issues. 0000004163 00000 n EIM - Your guess on the meaning of the acronym is 'electrical induction metering' is possibly correct. Well sorry to say but there was a bug in the code. Is D5.0.49 newer than R4.10.35? Here are captures of /api/v1/production, /production.json and /api/v1/production/inverters. Enphase Energy, Inc. Enphase Energy Australia | Lvl 2, 2.26, 100 Collins St Alexandria, NSW 2015, Envoy S Wiring recommendation Subboard Typical 1Phase Net Metering, Envoy S Wiring NSW METERING recommendation 1Phase TWO METERS for Net Metering. Specifically it has to do with the power factor. I The CT direction arrow of each CT, in a Net metering (load with solar) configuration, will always face towards the load circuits of the site. Any link back to Enphase should be follow-able. If you do not want to accept all content types, specify JSON only: Endpoints that receive dates expect the format YYYY-mm-dd. I've got the old (non-IQ) version of the envoy. WebThe split-core consumption CTs open and clamp around an existing conductor or busbar without rewiring. FEMA- Federal Emergency Management Agency If one microinverter in a solar PV system fails, what will occur? In my situation (ct_metering_production is False) the production value is read correctly from the production/inverters section in production.json. So as it stands is your original bug of Production values displaying zero fixed? My Envoy also reports a realistic value for data/xxx-consumption/ph-a/v. From above I derive the conclusion that the reason of the presence of all 3 phases on the 'power input' connector must be to measure the voltage of each phase (as there appears no other plausible reason for wiring all 3 phases on this connector). 0000155287 00000 n Connecting only a single phase to the 'power input' connector (instead of all 3) already makes the system work (but will cause some values to be reported incorrectly). 0000016440 00000 n In that case, where is the total power reported in /production.json ? I am quite sure my problem is based in the start-up voltage and minimum voltage. If a request is rejected because one of these limits has been exceeded, the response includes information about why the request was rejected: period tells you how long to wait. [V6Pq ]_,.7bK~lqq}e~Y4e[./7ew,X*k9IAhR4wgf e EZ%%da'6[kV^n7H"]c$)yRT@S1A| _|w,#G(@!{;? This is the output: This isn't currently accessible via Home Assistant, since at least for my configuration it is polling production.json and using the `eim`` structure which never change, which is the issue being reported here. If the first request does not return a full list, use the next attribute in the response body to request the next page of systems. If a meter or meters are installed on the system, measurements come from the meter; otherwise, measurements come from the microinverters. If you don't see any voltage pulses, replace the sensor. Requests for times that do not fall on the 15-minute marks are rounded down. If the consumption measurements received by Enlighten do not appear to include storage activity, there are two possible wiring issues that can cause this: The Meter Issue status will continue to display until Enlighten receives 24 hours of meter measurements that indicate the problem has been addressed. In metric, 1 meter is 100 centimeters and a kilometer is 1000 meters. The Enlighten Systems API is a JSON-based API that provides access to performance data for a PV system. I have a 3 phase power system, so I also have 3 CT's which each measure 1 fase, but in the Ephase app the value is shown as a single Power consumption parameter. OUTBACK SEALED GRID-TIE INTERACTIVE INVERTERS, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Contact us for availability, pricing and freight quote, Contractor and commercial discounts available, Specials and multi-pallet/container discounts, Complete residential and commercial grid-tie Solar kits, Design assistance, Permit submittals, Schematics, Enphase Monitoring CT Getting Started Guide, Enphase Consumption Monitoring CT-200-Split Installation Guide, Enphase Ensemble Technology System Planning Tech Brief, Envoy requires 2 CTs to connect to terminal block. WIRING EXAMPLE:Envoy S Wiring recommendation Subboard Typical 1Phase Net Metering, WIRING EXAMPLE:Envoy S Wiring NSW METERING recommendation 1Phase TWO METERS for Net Metering. Parameter order does not matter in any request. Here's my output. Other than reducing http calls to the envoy device, is there another benefit to pull the production data from the two pages rather than one? 0000139882 00000 n Then change it so any polling of the original production parameters only come from /api/v1/production. Current Transformers (CTs) are installed to measure Solar (production) and Home Loads (consumption). Depending on if the Envoy is configured as Net or Total Consumption could impact the values you are seeing in Home Assistant. Sometimes a request cannot be processed because the requested dates are invalid for the the system in question. The Envoy can accept 2 x CTs paralleled into the same CT terminal. Question for you or anyone who has CT metering turned on: I believe production.json - production[0].wNow shows the current power from the inverters regardless of whether CT metering is turned on or not. 0000161309 00000 n I does give a way of polling the detailed data from each CT for what looks to be all three phases, whether it is installed or not. Meters are abbreviated using a lower case "m" in measurements. ' ~V8nG~fj# q:D{<=WXm jkZ`Z +\MXH:+5N^;Ll.l_`h'6ys`8r};gV5 >=A,`.hXp~Uj9Pus6[xClEomv`uDM Key Points I discovered that /production.json can also provide per-phase values. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 25 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> I would like some input from @jesserizzo and others before opening a PR to merge this change. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It causes Home Assistant to not update after a couple of polls. 0000452685 00000 n 0000029406 00000 n Active does not imply that the device is currently reporting, producing, or measuring energy. I like the suggestion of using /api/v1/production by default and add the additional metered_* parameters for /production.json. (*) Note: I don't know that production[0].type is always inverters and production[1].type is always eim. You can change this in the. The new version of API (v4) is available at: developer-v4.enphase.com. By providing an optional ct_enabled parameter the user can override it for testing purposes. This status was for me while debugging. Application plans have minute and month limits. Today is medium overcast so that is adding to low production. Too bad, but no need to feel sorry. If the total duration requested is more than one month, returns one month of intervals. Envoy-S Metered and Envoy-S Metered Multiphase (IQ Envoy) are both black but the Envoy-S Metered Multiphase has the cover screw on the right side while the Envoy-S Metered has the cover screw on the left side (like Envoy-S Standard). If you have subscribed to a plan marked Enphase attribution required, you must meet the following requirements as explained in the Enphase API License Agreement. Continue reading for more information about each type of problem. |JU\"K2b 0000139909 00000 n A device is considered active if it has not been retired in Enlighten. Thank you for opening those issues. Unless I'm wrong about that, it would be useful to be able to get wNow (production) for both, so hopefully your naming would also include inverters_production. In 'case A' one may wonder why the phase voltages are reported separately for production, net-consumption and total-consumption. Some batteries have stopped If production or consumption measurements received by Enlighten are negative, there could be a CT Measurement issue. The response includes intervals that have been reported for the requested period. According to the IQ Envoy manual this is possible if the user wants revenue-grade production metering. If some of your AC Batteries have stopped reporting to the Envoy, youll see a message like this: If this occurs, you can follow the same troubleshooting steps for when microinverters have stopped reporting. The time series includes one entry for each day from the start_date to the end_date. If the total duration requested is more than one day, returns one day of intervals. I haven't reached out to Enphase yet. /api/v1/production does not contain "readingTime" but /production.json "type": "inverters" does. Metering requirements (i.e. 0000016000 00000 n Last one. WebEnvoy-S Standard Compatible Microinverter (s) M215, M250 Primary Use Residential & Small Commercial AC Supply 230 VAC, 50 Hz Production Metering 5% accurate microinverter measurements Warranty Length 5 years Designed for an outdoor enclosure Integrated Wi-Fi & Mobile Connect Ready Consumption Monitoring & Storage Ready Immediately to the left of or above the mark, you must display the words Powered by in a clear and conspicuous manner and in a minimum eight-point font. @rct the scraping blog was where I got that URL. The consumption measurements received by Enlighten do not appear to include storage activity. Refer to the Release notes page for any recent changes to the Enlighten API. It appears that this value is probably taken from the same L1 input, but its value differs few-thousand's of a volt. When I investigate the raw numbers from interrogating the envoy direcly it actually shows me the low power factor. Looks like you are checking for not set/zero vs. checking activeCount. At first I seemed to get a 404 for but maybe I didn't get the plurals right though http://envoy.local/ivp/meters/readings. WebWhen you first downloaded and open the app you were prompted to allow permission, if you declined to give that permission you have to go to Settings > Envoy > Camera and I just tested it in Windows Sandbox: No authentication required for both url's. When I modify envoy_reader.phy to explicitly set endpoint_type to "P" then the production values are read from /api/v1/production and are displayed properly. I have assumed it was 'Voltage and Current Metering' using the ohm's law variables (P = EI), so EIM. When this parameter is provided, the returned JSON is wrapped in the callback. I was able to check a couple things this weekend. 0000015247 00000 n <>/Metadata 3482 0 R/ViewerPreferences 3483 0 R>> envoy_reader should handle all these (4) situations correctly. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: @lnlp Would it be possible for you to post a copy of your /production.json? Do you know what the "eim" stands for? When this condition is detected, the response code is 500 and the response body is: Returns a time series of energy consumption as measured by the consumption meter installed on the specified system. If some of your microinverters have stopped reporting to the Envoy, youll see a problem message like this: Click the link in the message to see which microinverters are not reporting and their location in your array: Learn what you can do if some of your microinverters have stopped reporting. String attributes must be URL-encoded. About the Enphase Envoy-S Metered The Enphase Envoy-S Metered communications gateway enables performance monitoring and remote software and firmware updates of an Enphase Microinverter System. An Enphase team member may follow up with you about your feedback. Also would need to check this behavior on newer firmware such as D5.0.49 (77afa8) to see what happens when metering is not setup and if the /production.json page returns valid data or not. I did notice that there was only one solar CT and that may need to be on a particular leg as well. hydraulic clutch conversion kit motorcycle,