He was a Professor of Language Education and the Dean and Head of School of the School of Education from May 2012 to February 2016, before leaving to assume the position of Dean of the Arts Faculty at the University of Zululand. John was highly intelligent, erudite, witty and brilliant company especially if you shared his devotion to his beloved Manchester United. He received an honorary doctorate (LLD Doctor of Laws) in 1996. After three years he graduated and gained a scholarship at Columbia University, New York, before returning to Britain in 1966 then starting at Lancaster University as one of the first research students in Environmental Sciences. He was particularly fond of mathematics and classics, areas in which he continued to read long after his retirement. Lancashire Evening Post He was there during the collapse of Yugoslavia and the years of war, engaged and commentating in news media and policy circles. Malcolm joined the staff of the university on 24 August 1964 as a Graduate Assistant, and he was thus one of the elite group who worked in Bailrigg Mansion before the university was officially open. He took this flair with him when he moved to Caf 21 in InfoLab21. He made a huge contribution to the Department and the profession of Operational Research, in which he was particularly noted for his developments of computer simulation. The wider low-temperature community has responded to this loss with many messages of support from around the world. Paul was a real character with the biggest heart and a great big smile and he will always be remembered fondly by all of his university friends. Lancaster University main obituaries page, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/nov/24/david-craig-obituary, Jill's full obituary and tributes (Internal news), Tributes from former colleagues (internal news. As the school starting age was higher in South Africa, it was only after much persuasion that Andie was allowed to continue at school allowing her mother, a doctor, to continue to practise to the benefit local women. WebProbate & Trustee Announcements of estate and settlements due to death Read more Contract & Tender Information regarding contracts and opportunities to tender Read ), Mark Easterby-Smith passed away on 15 April 2020.Mark spent most of his career at Lancaster University Management School, which he joined in 1978, the then School of Management and Organisational Studies. In 1964, when he had the chance to start the Department of Operational Research (OR) at Lancaster with Pat Rivett and Mike Simpson, he could not resist the challenge of seeking to bridge the gap between industry and a University. Death Notices | funeral-notices.co.uk Doctors from general practice in Lancaster attended by rotation, and there were nine beds and two resident nursing sisters. Judith started a successful career in public relations with Manchester University Press before moving to Thorsons Publishers in Wellingborough as publicity manager, eventually becoming publicity director. He published about a dozen books focusing on race and ethnicity, including Ethnicity and Nationalism in Post-Imperial Britain (1991) and Race Relations in Britain since 1945 (1998); a few were co-authored with others, such as Caribbean Families in the Atlantic World (2000, with Mary Chamberlain). He enjoyed the sense of being at the centre of University life and working productively with colleagues and students across the campus to develop Lancasters reputation as a student-friendly institution. He wrote and co-authored several geography textbooks and his peers have often wondered whether the subject of field-work was ever covered in these. In 1998 he was awarded the Charles Vernon Boys Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics for a distinguished early research career in low-temperature physics He has a long list of research firsts to his name but will be best remembered for his discovery of quantum turbulence in superfluid helium-three at microkelvin temperatures (previously thought impossible). He served under five Lancaster Vice-Chancellors during more than forty years of service for the University. The result of his intervention was that I knew how to write very good university essays and academic articles and from that intervention, a fortunate career of 40 years followed. A librarian by trade, Chris worked in many types of libraries, including children's libraries before moving to the Highlands direct from helping to establish a university library in rural Africa. Cliff made a huge contribution to the fledgeling department, and will be remembered fondly by former colleagues and many students, particularly those he supervised on Master's projects. Although probably a Chelsea man by heart he maintained his love of sport, but was loyal to his adopted county in being a season ticket holder for Norwich FC. Aaron had always been encouraging and supportive. His work involved assisting departments in the selection and procurement of teaching and other material, training students in the use of the Library, overseeing the development of the relevant subject area collections, and helping staff and students gain access to the emerging on-line databases. The changes that took place during his time at Lancaster were immense. He had the rare ability to have exactly the right words for any situation at any time, never spoiling the fun whilst maintaining 100% professionalism. John came to Lancaster after industrial experience in Operational Research with Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd and British European Airways. Lindsay was a scholar librarian with extensive knowledge of her subjects and their bibliographic resources and greatly respected by the departmental staff with whom she worked. Her initial appointment in 1964 was as secretary to the then Finance/Establishment Officer and in 1966 she transferred to the post of Secretary to the Head of Elementary Particle Physics, Professor Arthur Clegg and in 1974 assisted Professor Roger Hadley in setting up what we now know as the Department of Applied Social Science. Alistair arrived in Lancaster as an honorary/visiting Professor in 2007 before being made a Distinguished Professor in 2018. Professor Gregory Kamwendo (MA Language Studies, 1993) passed away on 22 May 2018. Rosanna 'Rosy' Gwynn nee Weatherall (French & Italian Studies, 2001, Pendle) died in December 2013 at the age of 35. Whilst at Lancaster she was a keen member of the drama group and performed in Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" in 1969. Paul lived in Malaysia where he ran his own consulting business, having earlier in his career lectured at Blackpool and Fylde College and then in Singapore. She became a grandmother in 2010 and 2012 before being diagnosed with terminal cancer. He would often be seen on the Spine, selling his newspapers and happily engaging anyone in conversation. Read an obituary written by Greg Myers, Head of Department of Linguistics and English Language. She joined the Saint Michael's Singers at Coventry Cathedral in 1977 and continued to sing with them for the rest of her life. He graduated with a degree in Biomedicine / Biochemistry in 2004 (Bowland) before moving to London. He got to make the real difference when he became political advisor to Paddy Ashdown, the international High Representative in charge of the country. He also worked with Professor David Allsopp on attempts to identify an early diagnostic test for Alzheimers Disease. He returned to Lancaster in 1976 as its second Librarian, succeeding Graham Mackenzie and served until his retirement in September 1994. He was proud to introduce the Council's Internship Scheme in 2010. Michael Waller, founding member of Russian Studies passed away on 24 October 2021. David returned to the UK to take up an academic post at Queens University in Belfast, before moving into industry with SmithKline Beecham in Essex. As the Physics Building is now being extended, Marks oak tree has been moved with care to an area of the campus which is designated as a memorial woodland. She is still very much missed by those who worked with her, and will forever be remembered fondly by many for her kindness, generosity, laughter and enthusiasm, as well as for her love of listening to classical music, sharing wonderful stories of her previous life, weekly updates on her grandchildren, her fell walking, weather updates and so much more. Paul spent the last 30 years of his life living in the Isle of Dogs. An obituary written by Steve Kempster appears on the Lancaster University website. An avid crossword solver completing the puzzle was part of her Saturday morning ritual. 0:53. He eventually developed his career in the insurance field working at Lloyds of London, managing a team, and specialising in contracts. John Stephen Milner (Steve) Environmental Sciences, 1967, Bowlandhas died at the age of 74. His more recent research and consulting interests were in the use of the Internet to support customer and consumer decision making. He was a proud northerner, brought up in Burnley with a second home in Stratford where he retired to in 2010 where he was very much involved in the arts scene. Roger was born and brought up in Birmingham, and studied at Bristol and the London School of Economics, before taking up a post at the University of Manchester. The department was initially based at St Leonards House in Lancaster. In 1977 she was elected to Lancashire County Council and chaired the Education Committee from 1981-91, as well as being chairman of the Council for a year in 1992-93. Next came York Law School before she qualified to practise law then return to Lancaster to join the firm Swainson Son and Reynolds in October 1989 and where she became a partner in 1996. Simply browse the Lancasters obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. During the 90s Simons Palmer was regarded as one of the UK's most creative advertising agencies working with clients such as Nike, PlayStation, Virgin Atlantic and Wrangler. In later years Dr Betjemann researched the history of the Grand and in time for its bicentenary he wrote the definitive history of the theatre which was published by Lancaster University Press. He also enjoyed the walking and climbing opportunities of the Jura mountains and the Swiss Alps. Dr Cheryl Simmill-Binning passed away following a short illness in May 2021. Greta Bramley was the senior of the two, coming into post with the opening of the Health Centre and staying there until the arrangement came to an end in 1990.The facility was particularly valuable at examination time, when invigilators supervised students who were too ill to be in a formal examination hall taking written examinations. He was always available to clarify and explain particular concepts and methodologies used in economic analysis. After completing his PGCE at St Martins College, Clive spent thirteen years teaching at Verulam School in St Albans, rising to Head of Department in 1984. When Aaron came back to pick up his doctorate certificate in 2014, he shared a lot about his new life in Japan and his passion for teaching. Can I read old copies of the West Australian Newspaper online? Whatever position Max had in a school, he continued to champion Modern Foreign Languages as an examiner and as an adviser At Lancaster, Max was an avid sportsman (still playing and administrating in cricket until his death). Dee and Steve (Chinn) met and married at Lancaster in 1980, and Steve welcomes all who knew Dee to contact him at stevechinn@btinternet.com. ), Tom Clarke (MSc Human Resource & Knowledge Management, 2013, BSc Business Studies, 2012, Grizedale) sadly passed away on the 18 April 2021 following a short illness. Rev Dr Stephen Hunt passed away on 24 February 2022. He was born in Upminster, Essex but spent most of his formative years in Whitley Bay, Northumberland. His love of theatre and particularly the technical side of production stayed with him all his life. A service to remember Lindsey and celebrate his life was held at the Park Wood Crematorium, Park Road, Elland, on Monday 18th January. Robert Lee Weitzel, 80, of Lititz, passed away on Monday, January 24, 2022, at Hospice & Community Care, Mount Joy. Full obituary on the Lancaster University obituaries page. The undergraduate course he set up at Lancaster embodied radical ideas: extensive use of design-build-test projects in place of formal laboratories and a broad start to the course before students chose a specialist field of engineering. He also set up and chaired some forty annual archaeological conferences for the Centre for NW Regional Studies, using his wide range of contacts to attract outstanding speakers on current hot topics. After completing his MA, Paul joined Cadbury Ltd in brand management. In 1989 the Department of Classics was laid down and David and John Creed were warmly welcomed into the Department of History. His engagement activity included being an examiner for the International Stock Exchange and for ICAEW. For several years he was a much loved seminar tutor and supervisor for practical work in Theatre and LICA. David Helme, who ran the Universitys Bailrigg Service Station with his wife, Ann, for 27 years, passed away on 23 August in Royal Lancaster Infirmary after a short illness. She joined Lancaster University in 1995 as one of three founder members of the Medical Statistics Unit within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Tonys hardset principles and strength of character were evident in the office too, crossing the picket line in the late 1980s when his colleagues disputed their wages (believing his own wages to be fair). Carl O'Keeffe, 49, passed away in hospital from his injuries at 3pm on Sunday April 30. He was the centre of any room he entered, a wonderful raconteur, a marvellous conversationist, naturally witty and often uproariously funny. He wrote the authoritative book on Britain and the War for Yugoslavia and was appointed as Official Historian of the Special Operations Executive in Yugoslavia. (Cambridge), PhD (Birmingham), F.Inst.P., C.Phys., peacefully at home in Keynsham on 18 August 2019. He kept up his interest in politics, history and wargaming throughout his life. Martin gave key evidence to The Bichard Enquiry into two child deaths. He is a former Head of the Sociology Department, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and University Dean of Research, and made a significant contribution to the establishment of the Academy of Social Sciences. Arthur Davies, former University Librarian, died on 23 August 2022.