Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lincoln plans on going back to his own dimension.] The screen splits diagonally, revealing Linka on the bottom. -Yep, thanks to your brother.-The cashier answered.-None of my siblings would've ever done for me, what he just did for you, you better not forget just how good he is to you. - I thought you were going to Detroid. - Lana said - You're more playful than him. - Why Weo? after this meeting Leo will meet other aliens A Walk Through The Park | A Loud Sisters Fanfiction - Luan laughed, - I don't get it. Lynn opens the door and sees the empty room and empty bed. This episode is available on the "It Gets Louder", "The Complete First Season", "Tempte la maison", and "Intgrale de la Saison 1" DVDs. - Leni replied - When you couldn't sleep, had bad dreams, feared thunders or simply felt lonely. Rita took Leopold to her room. - I do remember. -You don't have to be scared anymore girls.-Lincoln told them.-Here you go. Both of them were fascinated. -I don't think I'm gonna go inside.-Luan replied. I believe in you! Her cacophony made Lynn lose consciousness. - Lincoln, why are you so sad? The kids begin eating, but eventually a food fight ensues. - Rita put her hand on his mouth - I spent 15 minutes to make him sleep. Luna opens the door and sees a white haired boy with an orange polo shirt, and luggage surrounding him. Collin Dean is not credited for voicing Linka. Lincoln finally accepts that he doesn't exist anymore. I know it's out of your usual behaviour but play quiet. Lincoln walks into Lisa's room to see her frantically cleaning. Show him his eyes. The Loud brothers notice this and fix themselves in response. In panic mode, Lincoln tries to stop his brothers from approaching the portal, pushing them like boxes. - Lana complained - Spooking is Lucy's job. - Luna told me this once. - Lily asked sadly- Do you wove me no mowe? - Did I really say this? - Lincoln said - You're not alone with this problem. In other words, in the context of this episode, Lincoln having ten brothers is the same as having ten Lynns. With five minutes left on the clock, Lincoln looks through the garbage can where he threw the watch away, but Lexx has found it and decides to play "Keep Away" with the watch, to which the nine other brothers join in. - Lincoln replied - I waited 12 years for him. At home Rita was exhausted and immadiatelly went into her bed. So be patient. - Lincoln rubbed Leo and took him, - Bah! ["Holy moly!"] -I put it on.-Lincoln answered.-There was some boring guy just speaking on the rock station. The bus drives off, and the girls wake up a few hours later. - Lincoln? - So now we're both middle children. -Thanks little bro!-Lori told him.-I won't forget this. - Lily said smiling and kissed Lincoln in cheek. He then attempts to stick the same finger back into the jar, but Lola notices this, and scolds Lincoln, telling him to have some class. - Luna said smiled and patting Lincoln's head, - Gender doesn't matter I will have a new playing partner. The Loud House Fanon Wikia Explore Luna's voice actress did not work in this episode (although the Polish and Italian voice actors did), but Lucy's voice actress did already work in it due to voicing Lynn and their gender-swapped counterparts (although not for the Brazilian Portuguese dub). - Right, with more siblings she has more responsibilities. - Lincoln said. -But we think there's a monster downstairs.-Lana continued. - Did I just hear two cryings? She grabbed him and took him to her room. -In a family as big as mine, you can't go a single day without anyone being mad at each other.-Lincoln told the audience.-In fact, it's average to have about six of us mad at each other a day! without fighting, which hasn't happened to them for 4 yrs. - Lincoln approached his baby sister - I know how it is to be the youngest no more. - I'm glad my audience enjoyed this. Mom and dad focused most of their attention on her. Of course he won't be in his room, there is no reason for him to stay in the house. Self Insert OC story. - Leni said - Leo also will love you. -Get out of here you foolish human!-Lisa commanded. - Ignore her. -Sure!-Luna answered.-But I'll also be listening to the radio if you don't mind. - Leni suggested smiling - I always like when you acompany me. You may see this as I have fun with her but only she has fun when I suffer. - You should have been there to see this. - No, I haven't. - Two crying babies are too much. - Oh. It is shown in this episode that Lori has a habit of having "health food-kicks". - Lincoln asked - Did you bathe me like him? - Ok. Leo, you can play but don't take him to mouth. LUCY'S FLASHBACK FROM 3 YEARS AGO BEGINS. Lori's male counterpart, Loki does not come up with an excuse for his farts, whereas Lori herself denies her farts. - Lincoln replied - I wish that's a boy but I'll love our newest sibling regardless of gender. Loki charges his brothers to the portal. - Lisa commented - I didn't cry then and I learned how to speak before reaching my first year. - At least I'm not alone with my hopes. Lynn Jr. showed Leo how to play basketball at her room. It won't take long. - Clyde commented - Can I still come in? Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the fridge for something to eat. - Um - Leo touched Luna's face with curiocity, - Bleh, I need to bathe you to get rid of Lynn's odor. Not-So-Little Brothers Return!: Ray finds an abnormalitythough not -I don't mind at all!-Lincoln replied happily.-I just need someone to talk to. They brought her to parents to show them she can speak. Meanwhile Lynn and Lucy are moping around in their room. - Lynn Sr. interrupted - Now what your mom needs right now is peace and relative silence otherwise the birth may go wrong. - Luna commented. !-Lori said absolutely shocked. - Luna asked - I feel like I returned 12 years back in time. Linka: Uh oh. -Hey, mom and dad are gone for the week and wanted me to tell you that they'd be gone.-Lincoln said to them. - Lucy agreed. -That one is from the year Lynn was born.-Luna said. You still have your 10 older siblings who care about you. - Listen to your brother. I doubt that. When Lincoln asked Clyde if he was imagining Lori on the beach again, there was a jar in the fridge that was labeled "DO NOT OPEN - LISA". - Normally I would accept it but I want to form a strong bond with my only brother. - Rita said giving Leopold to her arms - Now rub his back and gently pat him. After Lincoln explained his girlfriend everything all Loud siblings agreed for making a name family photo with Leo. - Lana asked - I'm OK with this smell. Maybe I know the solution. - Lynn Sr. whispered. - Listen up, kids! She has no sense of fun. - Leo giggled when Leni was measuring him. -Can we talk?-Lincoln asked.-I've had a terrible day. - Lynn Sr. said, - Yeah! - Do you remember Lincoln's first words? - Leni asked confused - It's Lori. - Leni asked, - I don't have time nor desire. - Lincoln admitted - She wanted me to be her best friend and instead I made her feel lonely. Loud House Fanfiction - Second Loud Brother - DeviantArt - It's not about this. -Woah.-Lisa whispered.-I seemed to have given the power of levitation to my baby sister. She put him in basket and suddenly Lynn Sr. came into. Lincoln assures them that he's fine and expresses his thankfulness on having sisters instead of brothers (confusing them until he claims that he was talking about nuns). - Poor, naive Leni. It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. - He has fun with you and rest of my sisters and when I try to play with him he simply cries. - Now you tell a joke. - Leni replied. Lincoln heads downstairs, and pretends to find a monster and beat it up. - Lori said entering Lincoln's room, - Lucy, please leave this book and come. Lincoln tries to convince Leon (Lily) to kiss his "boo-boo" to make it better, but instead responds by biting it, making the brothers laugh even harder. Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lisa describes the watch.] -Every time I tried to talk to our sisters,I messed up something and they got mad.-Lincoln answered. - Luna said disgusted, - Baths are fun, you'll see. -All because they were missing, their white haired bro. - Lisa commented - Probability of the baby to be a boy was 50/50. Lincoln is ecstatic at this and to his surprise, they all want to go to Dairyland (with the brothers saying that it was Lincoln's idea). - From today I will entertain both of you. - Lucy asked confused. - Rita said - Because his zodiac is Leo we call him Leopold. - Lucy asked, - Aww. !-Lana yelled.-I'll never find all of them! Lincoln leaves the room and finishes what he was saying. - Lucy, what's with you? - Luna, I do remember. - Lincoln replied - I liked when she was singing for me. - You're wonderful, son. It's a miracle when I find a common interest with them. But I hope it's our new brother because then he'll accept my hobby. -Nope.-Lucy answered.-The spirits talk to me, but they're all busy haunting other people. -Maybe alone, but it's not when you've got a partner!-Luan told them.-Thanks again for that Lincoln. Calm him down. - I was kidding. -Luce?-Lynn said.-Can I ask you 2 questions? Lynn Sr. tried to calm him down because Rita was already sleeping. Then you were afraid of being different. - I don't understand. - Here you are. - Lucy commented with tearly eyes - I'm happy to have 2 brothers now. - Luan said and began doing funny faces. - Lincoln asked - You are more crafty with your every new thing. Being an older sibling is both joyful and troublesome. - You still have me. Once you mistook Lori's bed with mine, she was mad at for this. - Luna said - I'm Luna, your other sister. - Leni answered and all made a facepalm, - We start counting from one not zero. Linka: It's O.K . Lincoln lands in the hallway, but doesn't see any noticeable changes. - Oh, my baby brother is ticklish. -Really Lincoln? - Leni commented - I envied Luna this idea because thanks to this Lincoln wanted to hang out with her over me. - Lynn! -And I thought having in a habitat for them was bad!-Lola griped.-Now we share our room with a bunch of stupid lizards! - Lincoln said - I have to be first otherwise my sisters will do it. I promised myself to not be like this for my younger sisters. - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. You just said my name! - Luan said - Look, it's a flamingo. Later, while getting ready for a date with Ronnie Anne, Lincoln sees Leif and Lexx (Lana and Lola) wearing his shirts. -Well, it looks like you're getting everything you wished for girls.-Lincoln said boarding a bus. - Aaah! - Lincoln said - Lucy, please help me. - It already happened earlier. He was especially touched when Luna called Leopold "Baby bro". She breathed in deeply, bringing her balled fist up and knocked the door a few times. . !-Lincoln asked.-There's only one trophy in there, so why is it so hard to find?! - Do you remember when she came to us? - Listen up, kids. -I brought home souvenirs from Hazeltucky, as my way of saying sorry about last week. -Yes you are son.-Mr.Loud answered.-Tell the girls your mother and I left for a business trip, and we'll be back in a week. - I used to share room with her before I received my own. She put it back on her table. Fanfiction: One of the Females - The Loud House Encyclopedia When siblings tried to hold him he cried because they were strangers to him. Having second thoughts living in this world, Lincoln decides to head back to his own world. - Lincoln said and let his sisters listen to recorded dialogue with Lily much to their joy and surprise . - Hypocrite, you yell at me. - Lynn Sr. asked - I remembered he used to live with Lynn Jr. in one room. - Lincoln replied - We can read this manga further. - Take care of him. - Leni commented - Luan liked to entertain you with her puppets. - Lincoln said - But for now have your rest. - Lana said annoyed patting Leopold to calm him down. Is that all you said? Loud Stories - Wattpad Credit to Harburton81 for the title. - Lucy appearedd spooking Lincoln and Leopold - Have you forgotten about the promice you made for me? Don't worry I still love you. She commented "Why my two closest siblings have to be so weird?". - But you are a good brother and we all love you. - Lynn should have heard this. -Attention.-Lucy called to her siblings, while Luna and Leni stood behind her.-We would like to perform a little song for you. -Lincoln.-The twins called him.-Can we come in? - Lincoln asked, - For you always, my little brother. -Look!-Lincoln exclaimed.-We topped the game's leader board! - Leo pushed Lincoln's face with his small hands as a sign of dismissing, - What's with you? Lincoln types LL & LL into the game and presses enter. -Hey Lynn!-Lincoln said to her in his dream.-Hey Lucy! -And my last words to him where that I wished he didn't exist!-Luna continued.-I feel like the worst sister ever. - Lori said annoyed and entered her room, - I guess she's just tired because of this stress she gets by taking care of all of us. what awakened both Luna and Leo. - Meh, Lincoln prayed too often. -When the girls mistreated him, mistreated him so. - Newborn babies don't digest chocolate yet. - I felt so very much of famliy warmth then. - Lola yelled - You annoy me and it makes me as ugly as you! - Lucy said - Leo, there is nothing to be afraid of me. -I believe he really is somewhere, trying to get back to us.-Lucy answered.-But there's no telling if he's ok or not. - Luan replied - Puppetery is for boys and girls. ? Just listen to this recording. On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. - Lincoln catched Leo who began crying - Lily! - Lynn asked rethorically, - We were quiet. - What's happening, Rita? -The house went silent, the girls spirits sank low. Luna lifts her blindfold, and sees she's standing right in front of an arcade. He's not yours, he wants to play with me! - Lincoln took a handtowel, Leo splashed on him much to his disgust - So you want a hard way. Don't blame me for being smart enough to plan recording things that happen only once. - Dang it! Long Lost Loud (Fanfic) - TV Tropes ? -It's a good thing Lily is asleep, the room has never been quieter.-Lisa whispered. -You guys, quit joking!-Lincoln said.-I still exist! - Lincoln explained - But you are a human like me. It's Halloween, and the kids are heading into a haunted house, with the exception of the twins and Lisa. Let's make a blood bond. - Leni replied - Lynn often played with you in boucning ball and in wrestling she loved this very much. When Lincoln came out of the portal after leaving the brother dimension, his silhouette shows that he has his normal hairstyle instead of his Linka hairstyle. - Lincoln yelled, - Win-con wove Weo mo-we dan Wi-Wy. - Why does he live alone? I hope I'll share my hobby with him because with my sisters I share only genes. - Somehow sharing pain with someone else doesn't make me feel better. Lincoln organized her test tubes, separated chemicals, vacuumed the floor, and combed Lisa's normally shaggy hair. [The brothers appear.] Lincoln only had to tell Luna, and he was actually looking forward to it, because she was the least likely to get mad at him. - Lynn commented. - Lana tried to calm Leo down. ["Pile on Romeo!"] Loud house ( 2 boy +10 girls+ 1 alien) 16 pages June 24, 2021 Yuu Adventure Fantasy Fanfiction Loud House Lonard Loud is a young inventor of the family. While the majority of the girls are peacefully sleeping, one of them is a wide awake in the living room, staring at a notification on her phone that read "Hello my followers on HeadNovel, I just wanted you to know, that my DayDream tour has been cancelled because my dear mom is ill, and I'm going to be taking care of her the whole year, instead of touring. - Lincoln commented. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. - I just realized I'm the middle child now. She was so angry at both of you because you made her skirt dirty. The rest of the genderbent Loud siblings are voiced by the same people who voice their respective counterparts. The Loud House Fanfiction Stories | Quotev by xXZexyZaneXx 27.7K 298 16 Lucy and Lincoln Loud are siblings with a very good and, apparently, more than intimate relationship. - He-wo-ow. - Lori joined - Mom did her best to calm Leo down. The Loud House - Wild Card by zdforrest 7.8K 154 17 Ten years have passed since Lincoln's disappearance, leaving his family broken beyond repair. The older roommate was surprised by the younger one's new hair. Lincoln puts $2.50 with the rest of Leni's cash. Rita's nurse summoned her family to her room. -Oh yeah!-Lisa said skeptically.-Then why are the bed and drawers still here? - Exacly. -And all our family got to be in the photo!-Luna said happily. - Lucy asked - Ahh, don't pull my hair! But now she just gives me rough time and pulls stinky pranks. Gentheatre. Later a "werewolf" howled at them, but they didn't even notice, and they kept walking forward. - Aah. However, the dimension with Linka Loud seems to be more or less exactly the same as Lincoln's original dimension, as the brothers are shown to be just as caring and protective of their sister as the sisters are of Lincoln. The machine tells them to chose from easy, normal or hard. - Lori complained. - Say "hello" to your younger sibling. - I'll make a pj for you. - Leni complained - Lincoln, give him to me. You stopped crying when Luna took you and sang for you. I'll make sure you will be as fascinated with sport as me. - Lucy commented - I guess I'll have to wear headband when I'm near Leo. A pact made between three sisters, don't pursue Lincoln. The Loud House (Cartoon), The Stanley Parable, Steven Universe (Cartoon), The Amazing World of Gumball, Bendy and the Ink Machine, The silent age. I along with Luna, Luan and Lynn had to constantly remind you to not yell at him. - I enjoyed your theatre but Leo is a boy so he needs to play with tomboys. Lincoln chased her when the other sisters were enjoying birth of Leopold. We used to take bath together. ? - Lynn explained angry. - Lincoln explained - I can hand you down all 27 tomes. - Lana said - This one is Izzy and that's El Diablo and - Don't be afraid. Lori's Redemption (Hiatus) - Ch276Zj - Wattpad -You have to!-Lincoln said.-Come on, it'll be fun! -Ooh!-The 13 year old Leni squealed.-The new limited edition Floral Pumps, and this is the last pair! - Children, this is your new brother. If that doesn't show that we messed up, I don't know what does! I was gonna to summon you but you came to me instead. - Lisa observed - He's afraid of noise and smells. Albert Einstein. The siblings kept playing with Lily and each of them wanted her to say their names. -Well, we did already walk this far.-Luna said.-Of course I do! - Whatever, take him and yourself out of my sight! As soon as Lincoln declares that he's staying with the Loud brothers, the dimension immediately stops being nice to him. - Get out you two! - Lincoln commented, crying out of joy. - Lucy asked annoyed, - So be it. Lincoln starts to leave the room when he stands on a ball and rolls into Lana's lizard habit, setting them free. Steven Lucas in The Loud House: One of the Boys (FANFIC) - Leni commented - Now you know. Give your sister Lucy another chance. - Please, be gentle to him. - Lucy said and took Lily - I'll play with you, my little sis. -We took that yesterday?-Lincoln asked himself confused. Everything is new for him. I hope you'll enjoy hanging our with your older brother. - Lincoln suggested. His name is Leopold. - Alright. ", The four eldest Loud brothers are voiced by the same men who voice the. You can observe. -Lincoln honey!-Mrs.Loud called for him.-We got you into summer camp, the bus will be here for you tomorrow morning! - Lincoln said - Do not give your younger brother or sister a rough time like Lynn does to me. - What are you saying, silly? We were playing with balls and once I idolised her. - Leni commented - You were so identical then. Much to his surprise, Luna hugged him tightly before bringing him in for the rest of the girls to hug him. Lana: PILE ON MOM! Lincoln walks out and is mocked by his brothers because of this. Outside Luna met Lori and the both returned home for lunch time. - I don't get it. Linka sits up and yawns, stretching. Lynn is competing in a basketball game with a tie game, when an opponent trips her hurting her knee. ? - You want a spit bond? - Leo is so tiny and so adorable. - Lori said - Can you take him? I thought you love my sisters so much that you don't need me. - That's unexpected. She was holding her newborn baby, it was a brown-haired tiny boy. You were getting close. - Lucy commented, - Wanna read manga with me? - Luna grabbed Leo. Luna was approaching bathroom, carrying Leo. Angst. Realizing he has been called a girl's name, "Lincoln" discovers that his room is all girly, and upon seeing his reflection on the mirror, "Lincoln" soon realizes that he's now in a dimension where he's the only sister, named Linka, in a family with ten brothers. - Lincoln said to Lily - You don't have to be worried about making any noise. Luna realizes they're not listening to rock and roll. - Lincoln asked surprised, - Yeah! Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 1 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - I actually care about the recording. LUNA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE IS STILL LOOKING AT HER PHONE. - Instead of studying him, help me calm him down! [8] You know what's funny? - Lana commented, - Can I just look at him? - Lola asked, - You know Lori and Lincoln aren't best friends. Your reaction was immidiate. - Luna said - He doesn't know what's right and what's wrong yet. - Leo stopped crying after Leni hugged him again, - Now I'll finish your pijama. The baby cried again because his sleeping was interrupted. - The most important is you not feeling lonely again. Fanfiction: Louds of Two Worlds | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - I thought there was a mirror back then. -They wished him away, and away he did go. loud house brothers fanfiction lake turkana massacre The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies A-Loud Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Published: Jul 22, 2021 56 Favourites 19 Comments 20.7K Views (Caution: This story may contain violence and severe bullying that may be disturbing to some readers, viewer description is advised and read at your own risk) Lincoln is asleep in his room when Lana and Lola knock on his door, waking him up. -So why has your day been awful?-Luna asked. The pain of silence (and the beauty of loud noise) - Chapter 3 - Leni said confused, - Now this house has 14 family members. Waking up to the usual chaos done by his sisters, and enjoying his life being their brother. When they walk out of the house they see the other five girls with looks of terror on their faces. Disclaimer: The Loud house is owned by Nick Savino and Nickelodeon. -Ooh!-Luan said.-Look, mom and dad framed the picture we took yesterday. Lincoln heard this what made him tearly-eyed because it was nostalgic for him. -We're thirsty and we want some water from downstairs.-Lola answered. -It's just that this story is really sad, don't you know. Get out you brat! Alternate Universe. - Lincoln commented - Did you see this? - I wonder how I'll forge my bond with Leo. - Hihi-haha. To celebrate their closer and stronger relationship Lucy and Lincoln painted their hair, Lucy in white vertical stripes and Lincoln in black horizontal ones. - Lana complained. - Lucy commented - Strange that he no longer cries in your arms. Hope Never Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery (Obama Biden Mysteries) - Leni commented - Now I need to measure you. -No Lincoln to buy that stuff, no stuff.-Lana continued. - Lynn said entering her room, - Sigh. - Lily, I will never stop loving you.