The M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle emerged as a result of a threat and capabilities assessment, designed to ensure that the Infantry can overmatch the threat on the future Force XXI battlefield. EGI hits the ground running | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore Its four primary The thermal imaging DRS Technologies drivers vision enhancer (DVE), ANVAS-5, uses a 320240 uncooled ferroelectric scanning array. The TDS moves the weapon and stabilizes the weapon systems. CORPORATE PRIME DEVELOPER: United It cannot do so whenIf obstructions exist between the satellite and the antenna, . Pre-mission and preventive maintenance checks and services are built into software to make it easier for the operator to maintain the system. When equipped with upgraded Bradleys, mechanized infantry units will be able to share battlefield data with M1A2 SEP-equipped armor units. carries. What information is found in fashion and trade publications? terrain. Upgrades include advanced technology in the areas of command and control, lethality, survivability, mobility, and sustainability required to defeat current and future threat forces while remaining operationally compatible with the Abrams main battle tank. %PDF-1.4 % Lock Since 1981, 6,720 vehicles of both types have been fielded. Three 25-mm ammunition boxes. armor. Many of the participants in today's exercise are officers participating in accordance with the U.S. Army Officer Professional Development Program, a program designed to improve team building and soldiery. An official website of the United States government. The A3 upgrade to the Armys Bradley fighting vehicle system is a major component of the Army digitization initiative, designed both to complement the capabilities provided by the M1A2 SEP and to incorporate needed enhancements identified during the Gulf War. 07-07-2011 02:46:12 ZULU, Weight, engagements. Malfunctions are to be displayed on the commander's tactical display to alert the crew of potentially dangerous faults. Predictions for Patton: Using AI for Maintenance of the Bradley Enhancement Package-equipped force. 10/31/2016. Tactical Navigation System. Halon fixed fire extinguisher systems in engine and personnel compartments. This manual tells you how to use and maintain: the hull (TM 9-2350-439-10-1) the turret (TM 9-2350-439-10-2) on the Fighting Vehicle A3 BFIST w/FS3 and Bradley Fire Support M7 SA vehicle. Design and protection Cummins VTA-903T M6-ST M6 Linebacker Sustainment Training. M2A3 and M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS Bradley M2A3 IFV tracked armored infantry fighting vehicle pictures Not doing so is a costly mistake that can kill the batteries. An M240C 7.62mm machine gun is mounted coaxially to right of the Bushmaster. PDF (familiarization), Commander's Tactical Display, Improved Bradley The A3 has segregated electrical power control. It will be employed in Combined Arms units alongside the M1A1 D and M1A2 SEP tank. M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier | Presently, the TALIN/sup TM/ INS is baselined on the Bradley M2A3, the Bradley Fire Support Team (BFIST/XM7) Vehicle, the STRIKER Fire Support Vehicle, the Mortar Fire Control System, the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle, and the Crusader Howitzer. Electrical power to the A3 is segregated such that many of the components in the A3 can continue to operate despite the failure of other components. 107 Army Pentagon PDF Technical Manual A combat identification system is being installed. Prior to FUE the M2A3 will undergo a complete set of 50,000 lbs. the ability to acquire, identify and engage over the M2A2, in The gunner is equipped with a Raytheon integrated sight unit (ISU) which includes a day / thermal sight of magnification 4 and 12. This M2A3 BFV has relatively unrestricted mobility in total darkness, in any weather conditions, and in degraded visibility conditions. Army Publishing Directorate The CIV allows improved coverage in close neither effective nor suitable and it did not contribute to the operational effectiveness of the M2A3/M1A2 System Instruction on Platoon and Company level M2A3 employment and TTPs. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Other sets by this creator. PDF Q&a | - Leader Development for Army Professionals (GEN II FLIR, improved fire control, Force XXI command and Official websites use .mil Also, the manual safe switch will now travel approximately 30 percent beyond center when placed in the fire position to prevent the switch from jumping back to the safe mode when firing a weapon. friendly and enemy positions. In August 2006, a follow on contract was awarded for 96 vehicles (57 M2A3, 16 A3 BFIST and 22 A2 ODS BFIST) and, in November 2006, for 610 vehicles (490 A3 and 120 A2ODS). Official websites use .mil 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458 Target Acquisition. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); If you see the engine, transmission, final drives or right-angle fan drive needs oil, add some just like the -10 TM says. The squad navigation capability and their ability to pinpoint and identify A locked padlock SUPERSEDURE NOTICE: This manual supersedes TM 9-2350-293-10 dated November 1994, including all changes. useful knowledge, through embedded digitization, enhanced The Bradley is a sophisticated weapons platform capable of providing tremendous firepower in direct support of the Infantry it carries. It possesses sufficient cross-country mobility to keep up with the Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle on the battlefield, and is adequately armored to protect the crew from artillery and small arms threats. Is Chinas Korla laser ASAT site hacking Western satellites? vehicle, section, and platoon level, have already been completed. The central periscope can be replaced with the Northrop Grumman (formerly Litton) AN/VVS-2 drivers night viewer with a 25mm second-generation image intensifier. FBCB2 is a digital battle command information system, which provides enhanced interoperability and situation awareness from brigade to individual soldier that will be used in conjunction with the Armys tactical internet. Bradley M2A3, the latest development program, incorporates improvements including enhancements intended to improve lethality, mobility, survivability, and sustainability. pub/form number: tm 9-2350-406-23&p-2: pub/form date: 01/31/2017: pub/form title: technical manual field maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools list for fighting vehicle, infantry, operation desert storm, situational awareness (ods sa) (nsn 2350-01-565-3460) (eic ap2) bradley fire support team vehicle, situational awareness (m7 bfist sa w/fs3) (nsn 2350-01-572-5988) (eic . Training and execution of Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) gunnery skills tasks and stabilized gunnery up to a modified Table IV. Despite this, the M2A3 was able to demonstrate an overall improved level of This means that many of its components can keep working when others fail. 2000. In June 1997, the Army approved the first LRIP for 35 systems with an FY98 option for an additional 18 systems, and low-rate production began in July 1997. High tempo operations are ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The Bradley enters in service with the U.S. Army in April 2000. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 The M2 carries a commander, gunner and driver, plus six fully equipped infantry men. GPS, and LRF allow rapid, accurate calls for fire. The first low-rate initial production M2A3 / M3A3 Bradley was delivered in November 1998 and entered service in April 2000. The M2A3 and M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) are improved versions of the M2A2 and M3A2 BFVS. In March 1994, the United States Army awarded a contract to United Defense, Limited Partnership, to begin the engineering and manufacturing development phase. These modes are: Integrated GPS/INU/VMS; GPS only (INU sensor failure); INU/VMS (the GPS receiver fails to acquire satellite signal or shows signs of damage); GPS/INU (VMS failure); and INU-only mode (in case the unit has neither a GPS receiver nor a VMS). U.S. Army Bradley Family of Vehicles Home Page. Additional armored vehicle capability arrives in Northeast Syria IBAS & GEN II FLIR eliminate sensing round for M2 and M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) - HVTT7XT>~ EAQDmh) %:F 10 terms. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle is a fully armored, fully tracked vehicle designed to carry Mechanized Infantry into close contact with the enemy. The engines provide a maximum speed of 66km/h. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. We are continuing to find that the TALIN/sup TM/ unit is ideally suited for a broad range of . Missile Countermeasure Device. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Upgrades include advanced technology in the areas of command and control, lethality, survivability, mobility, and sustainability required to defeat current and future threat forces while remaining operationally compatible with the Abrams main battle tank. . And dont forget you can damage the electrical system if you turn off the MASTER POWER switch while the engines still running. A further $270m contract was awarded for the conversion of 245 ODS-SA vehicles in October 2011. Gas Particulate Filter Units (GPFU) NBC system. Infantry. Provide fires to suppress or destroy enemy Power will be supplied by a 400-ampere voltage and current-regulated generator connected to six hull batteries and one 24-volt turret battery. While that makes it faster and easier to get to the batteries, loose battery box covers tend to bounce around during operations. Under contracts placed in October 2008, BUSK also included fire detection/suppression systems and advanced survivability seats. The M242 has a single barrel with an integrated dual feed mechanism and remote feed selection. A 1,500-mile follow-on production test at The TACNAV system comprises the precision lightweight GPS receiver (PLGR) and the digital compass system (DCS). Washington DC 20310-0107, (This file can be found at the official website located within the footnotes. The upgrade of 120 vehicles (80 M2A3, 29 M3A3 and 11 A3 BFIST fire support) was ordered in February 2005, and in June 2005, a contract for the upgrade of an additional 450 vehicles to A3 standard was placed. The IOT&E for the BFVS-A3 is scheduled for 3/4QFY99. Tm 10 2330 402 13 P - Fill Out and Sign Printable PDF Template | signNow A company level IOT&E is scheduled for May 99 to July 99 at EM 0356. The standard rate of fire is 200 rounds a minute but the gun is optionally converted to 500 rounds a minute. Latest production M2A2/M3A3 Bradleys have an additional layer of applique steel armor, plus explosive-reactive armor. Conduct high tempo operations A daytime sight system for the gunner or commander is provided as backup to the primary sight. 107 Army Pentagon The US Armys requirement is for 2,545 upgraded Bradley A3 vehicles. The Bushmaster is a 25mm autocannon of US origin. Crew: 3 crew, 6-man infantry squad. A M2 Bradley configured for swimming, Fort Benning, June 1983 The M2 was the basic production model, first fielded in 1981. Copyright 2004-2007 Gary W. Cooke Under a contract awarded in January 2008, BAE Systems supplied 952 Bradley urban survivability kits (BUSK). Pub/Form Number. Incorrect lesson learned. Earlier models are equipped with a water barrier, which is fitted by the crew before entering the water. Quick guide on how to complete m2a3 bradley tm pdf Forget about scanning and printing out forms. Range. CHAPTER 8 provides supporting information for the TM. So bolt those covers down. The Bradley Fighting vehicle and the Abrams Tank are the two central components of the dominant maneuver digital force. The M2A3 BFV features an improved Bradley acquisition system (IBAS), which adds an improved target acquisition subsystem and missile control subsystem. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'globalsecurity_org-box-4','ezslot_0',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-globalsecurity_org-box-4-0'); The upgrade will also touch on the troop compartment which will be reconfigured to accommodate 10 soldiers, consisting of a three-man crew and seven dismounts. Maintenance instructions have not yet been added to the M2A4 and M7A4 BFIST Bradley TMs for the 4HN 24V flooded, lead-acid turret battery, NSN 6140-01-390-1968. And if one of the covers comes into contact with a battery terminal, the batteries can short out. TM 9-2350-439-10-1 and -2 - Bradley Fighting Vehicle - Big size The C2 system is The ERA consists of 96 tiles fixed to the sides, turret and front of the vehicle, which enhance protection against a variety of anti-armour munitions including shoulder-launched rocket propelled grenades (RPG). PDF Tm 9-1290-262-10 Turret Drive System. The new system implements digital Command and Control (C2), advanced 2nd Gen FLIR, and other major new features necessary to permit the Bradley-A3 to interoperate on the Army's emerging Digitized Battlefield for Force XXI. In July 2007, a further 172 vehicles (108 A2, 60 A3, four BFIST) were contracted. Provide mobile protected transport of All you have to do is follow the PMCS tables in your Bradleys -10 TM . The full rate production milestone decision is scheduled for 1QFY00. FIELDING PLAN (DCSOPS "Mixed" Division Fielding U.S. Army website Fact File - Bradley. Cummins VTA-903T water-cooled 4 cycle diesel. In the event of a failure which the crew cannot correct, maintenance personnel will no longer have to lug around six boxes of test equipment and a series of more than 13 technical manuals in order to troubleshoot the vehicle. US must overhaul how it co-operates with allies and partners, The time of Arctic exceptionalism is over Lord Ashton, US Army begins Combined Resolve 18 exercise in Germany, French DGA completes first Akeron LP trials aboard Tiger helicopter, Rheinmetall to supply tank ammunition to European customer, Macquarie applaud Australias concern for cybersecurity, Elbit Systems records revenues of $5.511bn for FY22, Rheinmetall sales increase by 13% in fiscal year 2022, Leonardo posts new orders growth of 21% in full year 2022, Why high frequency emergency radio communications network is critical for island nations, How military uses of the IoT for defence applications are expanding, Land platform power packs, engine and transmission, VPT Series DC-DC Converters and Power Accessory Modules, Selecting the Correct Level of DC-DC Converter for Your Application, Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs), Germany, M270 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System), US. First, PMCS overlooks critical elements of a vehicle's function, such as its internal combustion. The commander dismounts with the infantrymen through the rear. Army Publishing Directorate (Because of its size, each TM is broken down into 2 parts) This book is a "mini" (half the size of a regular sheet of paper) - A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading. The M2A3 fights as a member of the Lock The M2A3/M3A3 model of the Bradley will facilitate enhanced command and control, greater lethality, and provide mobile protected transport of an Infantry squad, and Cavalry crewmen to critical points on the battlefield. The M2A3 will participate in a The U.S. Army's Preventive Maintenance Magazine, After entering a keyword, you must hit or click the, With the migration to Army365, emailsin older articles may still reflect an address. Combined Arms team with the Abrams Tank. Currently, the Army is conducting depot conversion of A0 and A1 Bradleys to the A2 configuration, modifying 1,423 A2s to the A2 ODS configuration, and preparing to upgrade 1,602 A2s to the A3 configuration. The GEN It will be employed in Combined Arms units alongside the M1A1 D and M1A2 SEP tank. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world fires. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle is a combat proven platform that provides outstanding survivability, mobility, and lethality and is an integral part of the U.S. Army's Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT). Page last modified: Secure .mil websites use HTTPS When the user picks a way point as a destination, the receiver can provide steering directions, azimuth, and range information to the destination. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. It also offers real-time command and control information to A3 crews and passengers. Driver's Vision Enhancer. The M2A3 supports 3X9 with 10 seats. Syracuse Research Corporation is supplying CREW-2 electronic warfare systems for 1691 Bradley vehicles. The system was approved for full-rate production in May 2001. 1 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC, 15 January 2002 OPERATOR'S MANUAL AIMING CIRCLE M2 W/E (1290-00-314-0008) AND M2A2 W/E (1290-01-067-0687) TM 9-1290-262-10, 15 April 1981, is changed as follows: 1. The M2A3/M3A3 model of the Bradley will facilitate enhanced command and control, greater lethality, and provide mobile protected transport of an Infantry squad, and Cavalry crewmen to critical points on the battlefield. Second-generation FLIR allows the radley commander or the gunner to identify and acquire targets beyond the range f the vehicle's weapon systems. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT|INFORMATION QUALITY, An official website of the United States government. note this checklist contains checks to be performed before combat to assure vehicle is mission capable. Search and Seizure. It was planned that during initial phase over 2 900 new M1283 series armored vehicles in 5 different versions will be delivered to the US Army to replace the M113 . II FLIR enables earlier detection and engagement at The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 25mm Bushmaster | S. . The imagers are based on a 4804 scanning infrared focal plane array. awareness. . A lock ( The BFVS-A3 includes enhancements intended to improve lethality, mobility, survivability, and sustainability. = + 'px'; Pub/Form Date. The full rate production milestone decision was scheduled for 1QFY00. Most of the modifications to the Bradley take place inside the vehicle and its turret. IFVs and light armor vehicles. the improved Bradley acquisition system (IBAS) and commander's independent viewer, both 2. a position navigation system with GPS receiver to enhance situational awareness. control, commanders independent viewer, and squad integration still existed. Rafael Armament Development Authority, Ordnance Systems, of Haifa, Israel, is sharing 50% of the production. Engineering and manufacturing development of the A3 upgrade will continue through FY 1999. It is also fitted with an engine smoke-generating system. planned to confirm the effectiveness and suitability of this solution. The US Army A3 Bradley upgrade programme includes improvements based on operational experience in the Gulf War. commander. conditions. A total of eight smoke grenade launchers are mounted on the forward part of the turret, four to each side of the main armament. Although the turret of the A3 is smaller than the A2's, additional components and software to be installed increase the A3's ability to "shoot, move, and communicate". The target is tracked using an optical sight, which detects the infrared signal from the back of the missile in flight. The role of the M2 infantry fighting vehicle is to transport infantry on the battlefield, to provide fire cover to dismounted troops, and to suppress enemy tanks and fighting vehicles.