Questions tended to focus on matters of texture, form, harmonic structure, articulation, style and affect. Candidates were also invited to submit a recording of a shortrecital. 463 applicants identified as international for fee-paying purposes submitted complete applications for 2023 entry. New additions We are working on making Admission Report more accurate and complete Data Improvements - 12 Oct 2022 Imperial Undergraduate Data Updated Imperial undergraduate numbers for the last three academic years have been added. The colleges use various procedures in a coordinated effort to ensure that the strongest applicants are admitted across the University irrespective of the college considering their application. The majority of candidates who applied were called for interview. Applicants to joint degrees typically have separate interviews in the two disciplines. TSA resultswill be available online from early January. Prospective applicants may be interested in the suggestions on how to prepare for the admissions process available on the Physics Department website. We do not ascribe equal weighting to all sections of BMAT. State school: 103 (50%) As in 2021, we used a contextualised measure of BMAT performance in the first stage of our shortlisting process in the 2022 admissions round. Each interview is marked out of 10 based on the academic judgement of the interviewing tutors. Each applicant had a first-assigned College. Most colleges will have a minimum of two interviewers per interview. Reallocation: In order to maintain the even ration of candidates per place, 15 candidates were reallocated from over-subscribed to under-subscribed colleges prior to the interview stage. Law aims to interview around 2 candidates for every place available.
Oxford Annual Admissions Report Released | New College The purpose of reallocation is to give worthwhile candidates the chance of interview. As a result, 17 applicants were offered a place at a college that had not interviewed them at all, either as first or second college. After first-stage shortlisting was completed, all non-shortlisted applicants were reviewed by tutors to identify any candidates whose applications gave them cause to believe that the algorithmic process had underestimated their academic potential; at this stage, special considerations information received from CAAT was available to tutors alongside candidates GCSE record and all other information on the UCAS form. This article explains it in more detail.
Summary of the 2021/22 University of Oxford Admissions Where an applicant for a joint honours degree has performed strongly in one of their subjects but will not be made an offer for the joint degree, tutors may consider offering them a place for a relevant single honours degree. 5For applicants taking three or more A-levels/pre-U. In 2021, this decision was taken (following advice from the University Admissions and Outreach team) in the best interests of widening participation given the absence of a metric which would allow us to compare GCSE performance between schools fairly. Most applicants sat it in their school or in another registered test centre, with a small number sitting the test via remote invigilation. As with December 2021, the principal determinant for shortlisting this year was the C-score, which pre-interview equals the PAT mark. Reallocation has been practised by the University for many years, assuring that all strong applicants have the same chance of obtaining places at Oxford, although possibly not at their first-choice college. We see many talented and promising candidates each year but are constrained by the number of places we can offer. It is Faculty policy for shortlisted applicants receive two interviews, each around twenty minutes in length; often these will be arranged to allow candidates to demonstrate different skills. trailer
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37.7% of offers were made by colleges other than the college of preference (or allocation). Candidates received at least one additional interview at this second stage in order to enable tutors to compare candidates fully. For Philosophy, all candidates were presented with a very short exercise designed to test their ability to assess, evaluate and criticise arguments, as well as to think through philosophical problems systematically and rigorously. All candidates above the upper threshold were recommended to be shortlisted, and candidates below the lower threshold were recommended not to be shortlisted, except in the case of exceptional circumstances. Applications are assessed against our criteria for selection, details of which arepublished on the Faculty website. The results were released on 10 January 2022 and you can find more information about this at:
ANNUAL ADMISSIONS STATISTICAL REPORT Standard conditions apply to those taking A-levels, the International Baccalaureate or Scottish Highers; for other applicants, tutors will seek advice from the subject coordinator or the colleges admissions tutor in determining a comparable set of conditions. They are ranked according to a reallocation score which is based on TSA section 1 results and contextualised GCSE data where available. Opportunity Oxford Offers: 19 Therefore, in accordance with University guidance, we use a range of contextual data to help us to better understand students achievements in the context of their individual background. It is important to remember that shortlisting takes place in a highly competitive environment; virtually all candidates are predicted 'A' or 'A*' grades in all of their final examinations (or equivalent qualifications), so a strong academic record in itself does not guarantee an interview. Unless otherwise noted, the data presented comes from the universities and is generally reliable. There was an increase in applications this year, which meant that some applicants who might have been shortlisted in previous years were not shortlisted this year. The assessment of candidates at the pre-interview stage is based on the following six criteria: It is important to note that weakness in one of these areas may be compensated by exceptional strength elsewhere, as well as by extenuating circumstances (medical conditions, recent bereavements, etc.). Candidates were selected usingstandard selection criteria for History and the relevant joint schools. 2.1.2. Contextual datawere used to assess whether an applicants BMAT score likely reflected an under- or over-performance within the context of the candidates socio-economic and school environment. A key goal of the Oxford admissions process is that the probability of admission should not depend on the applicant's choice of college. All applicants are expected to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test prior to shortlisting. 802 applicants registered as Female on UCAS and 168 applicants registered as Male. Each question is separately double blind-marked (markers focus on individual questions to ensure consistency of approach). All such applicants were over-quota in terms of interview numbers to ensure they did not displace anyone who had sat the original PAT test. Interviewers will be looking for evidence of the candidates potential for development in the following four areas: Understanding:this can be shown in (for example) a candidates ability to listen carefully, to analyse problems, to identify the premises and conclusions of arguments, and to express in their own words someone elses ideas. All candidates receive at least two interviews from their First Choice College. This year 77 applicants were reallocated to a different first choice college at the time of shortlisting. Merton College, UK Registered Charity No. Of these, 95% were taking Further Mathematics as a full A-level. 8 international fee-status applicants received an offer for 2023. 12.6% of applicants taking A-levels were studying Chemistry plus just one more science or maths subject. In all colleges, therefore, candidates at interview will have the same chance of being offered a place. All proposals for not summoning to the interview had to be agreed by the first-choice college with the admissions coordinator and the second choice college and notified to the admissions mailing list. 64 did not meet our requirements for entry (most often because they were too young, did not submit explanation through our extenuating circumstances process as to why they were applying on the basis of a resit, were only sitting one or two A-level exams after receiving teacher-assessed grades this summer rather than three, or did not possess suitable academic credentials). 0000002599 00000 n
Of these 658 (607 last year) applicants were shortlisted for interviews. Guide Score: Assessors will look for evidence of intellectual curiosity and critical engagement. Interviews were academic in nature. If you have met the conditions of your offer, the first status update you should check for on UCAS Track is UF Candidates were selected for shortlisting using theselection criteria for Economics & Management. As guidance, the Admissions Coordinator advises college tutors as to an upper threshold score and a lower threshold score. 0000015023 00000 n
Of the 419 applicants offering A-Levels who were interviewed, 177 (42%) had History. The Faculty additionally operated a coordinated reallocation procedure, in accordance with the Universitys Common Framework for Admissions, designed to ensure that the best candidates stood an equitable chance of being offered an academic place at Oxford, irrespective of their college preference. Male: 126 (61%). All shortlisted Chemistry applicants were interviewed remotely over a two-week period in December. Most candidates admitted will have interview scores above 65. The aim of the whole is to establish each candidates potential for effective learning in a tutorial-based system, and for achieving good examination results in the Faculty of English. WebFind out the acceptance rates to Undergraduate, Masters and PhD programs in the United Kingdom. This year the number of applicants was1864. endstream
There were 114 places available for 2023 entry to the course, meaning there were 6.5 applications per available place. In neither case was any prior knowledge of the material expected; the interviews were not tests of knowledge, but of candidates powers of observation, analysis and enquiry. Each applicant is also associated with a second college chosen randomly with the same aim. As a result of this process, each college can interview between 2.5 and 3 applicants per available place. Applicants for joint degrees are typically given separate interviews in the two subjects. Decisions are not completed until the final admissions meeting after all the candidates have left; when additional interviews are set up, this is to make sure that other colleges to whom candidates have been assigned have a chance to consider them in the context of their own admissions process. This year, the average performance of all applicants in the OxELAT was 44.2/60. It also conducted a preliminary review of the admissions process. The admissions team at Merton considered the above-mentioned six criteria together with the interview performance when making their final decisions. There was an opportunity for candidates to ask questions at the end of the interview, although this did not form part of the formal assessment process. The average score for Oxford applicants answering questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 was: 65.2 (69.5) amongst shortlisted applicants; 71.5 (73.5) amongst successful applicants. Candidates interviewed: 620 Applicant performance was judged according to the admissions criteria. When making shortlisting decisions admissions tutors give the following weighting to the various elements of each application. We are extremely grateful to all schools and test centres for hosting applicants for the PAT test. This year the test was taken on Wednesday 2 November 2022. Undergraduate Programs with at least 15 applications Most Competitive among programs with at least 5 offers Least Competitive
University of Oxford acceptance rates, statistics and All shortlisted applicants were then invited to attend online interviews with each of the two colleges. This was either the College to which they applied or a College assigned by the Admissions Office or by the Admissions Coordinator in such a way as to even out the competition for places across Colleges.
E&M 2021-22 Admissions Report HT22 - Keble College, Oxford Details of the test and several past papers and specimen papers with solutionscan be found online. 0000027653 00000 n
6 applicantswere offered places through Opportunity Oxford. The average number of 9/8/A*s for shortlisted applicants was 9.2, and for those receiving an offer it was 9.4. We stress that all of these elements in combination form the basis of our difficult decisions, and that underperformance or an excessively good performance at interview is not on its own a decisive factor in them. In light of the competition for places, the purpose of shortlisting is to provide time during the December interview window to interview all shortlisted applicants. The test is set to a defined syllabus and both the content and draft questions are checked by school teachers to ensure that the level is appropriate. Applicants will normally have at least two interviews at their first college, although some colleges may have a single longer interview. 4 withdrew from the application process before shortlisting. 1559 (98.4%)successfully registered to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) by the registration deadline, which was 30 September 2022. Details relating to the MAT, including several past and specimen papers, can be found 2.2.4. For those shortlisted the mean adjusted BMAT score was 65.7% (65.8% in 2021). WebAdmissions Report 2021 Law Faculty Overall picture 1899 applications were received for approximately 232 undergraduate degrees this year (excluding senior status 224 (64.4%) had taken five or more GCSEs. Other partners include Pratt Institute, Pace University, the City University of New York, SUNY Maritime College, The Museum of the City of New York, Brookhaven National Labs and IBM, as well as research institutions such as Georgia Tech, Duke University, Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Oxford. Short-listing is therefore followed by a reallocation process, in which applicants are transferred from first-choice colleges with a large ratio of applicants per place, to colleges with a smaller ratio of applicants per place. 0000005018 00000 n
Applicants are assessed based on the totality of information about the applicant with no one interview, by itself, decisive. This year, the automatic threshold was set at 68%. A small number of applicants were brought back into contention at the request of a College. These were taken into account in making shortlisting and offer decisions. French vs. Russian). Colleges with a lower ratio than the average will be asked to receive candidates. 62.1% of shortlisted applicants were domiciled in the UK; 5.7% were domiciled in the EU; 32.2% were domiciled outside the EU or UK. Final decisions were made after we had carefully taken into account all the information available to us, not just interview performance. The spike at 0 includes applicants who withdrew, applicants who did not register for the PAT test, applicants who were unable to sit the main PAT test (including all affected by the Hong Kong typhoon), and applicants who have to do two years compulsory military service for whom acceptance has been carried over from a previous admissions round. In recent years, a contextualised GCSE(cGCSE) score produced by the University has also been used as part of the shortlisting. Their paper, published today [Thurs] in the journal Antiquity, reports the discovery may be evidence of a probable undocumented military campaign across south east Jordan into Saudi Arabia. Selection process: Candidates could be recommended for de-summoning if their first-choice college believed beyond reasonable doubt that candidates are not qualified to undertake a course in Oxford on the basis of one or more of the following specific grounds: poor results in official examinations; poor results predicted for A level or other impending examinations; negative school report; poor quality of written work; failure to demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to Classical Archaeology and Ancient History. Of these, 7 were interviewed and 5 were offered places. Colleges assign candidates up to three interview scores. Of these, 9 were shortlisted and interviewed, and 1 received an offer of a place for 2024 (compared to 3 last year who were offered deferred places for 2023). This meant that candidates from a number of oversubscribed colleges were reallocated to other colleges for interview. sketches and equations). Places offered for 2024: 11 by Mary C. Dillon for University Communications and Marketing Published 4/18/23 Cody Glaser, wife Morgan, and three boys, Elias, Noah, and Oliver. History aimed to interview 2.5 candidates per place. Shortlisting decisions are reviewed by the subject coordinator in order to ensure consistency between colleges. FSC collectively shortlisted approximately 2.5 applicants per place available on the Law course. Candidates may well be invited for a further interview at another college; as with pre-interview reallocation, this is to ensure that the best candidates gain places in the University regardless of the competition in particular colleges. The cGCSE score was based on the ability to compare GCSE results between applicants from schools that are contextually similar. An additional 21 applicants unable to take the PAT for good cause (the vast majority from Hong Kong) were interviewed and given a back-up PAT test at the same time of the interviews. The shortlisting criteriaare described on the course website as follows: We only interview those who have a realistic chance of getting in, when judged by past and predicted exam results, school reports, personal statements and the pre-interview test. Candidates were not expected to have studied either subject at A-level, but to have a good general knowledge, and to demonstrate interest in and enthusiasm for studying both business and the economy, to demonstrate logic and critical thinking, and to communicate clearly and effectively. A candidate with interview and test marks consistently below 60 is in a weak position, Interview strongly suggests that the candidate is not suitable. Every year, there are applicants who are excellent physicists who underperform on the PAT and so we do not get a chance to see their excellence at interview. Throughout the process all UCAS forms, contextual information, application and interview grades were easily accessible to all College tutors involved via a web-based database. The test may vary in format from one language to another. This year almost all interviews took place remotely by video call, often using a shared virtual whiteboard. The top 50% of applicants are automatically shortlisted for interview. To even out the chances of admission between Colleges 62 shortlisted applicants had their first-assigned Colleges reallocated and 45 shortlisted applicants had their second-assigned Colleges reallocated. To ensure that the strongest applicants obtain places, all colleges have access to information on all applicants through a central database, and colleges are actively encouraged to flag up strong applicants they will be unable to offer a place to themselves. Of these, 5 were shortlisted and interviewed and a small number were offered places. All A-level applicants must take Chemistry. As with last year it was therefore decided to set a relatively high automatic shortlisting threshold, to allow for a higher fraction of shortlisted applicants with PAT scores below the automatic threshold but where application forms showed other evidence of excellence or mitigating circumstances. These systems worked well. This passage then formed the basis for a discussion in the main part of the interview: we were assessing what candidates found interesting about the passage, how critically they were able to read it, and to what extent we could develop ideas about the text which might be of historical interest. At Merton (as at many other colleges) one of these interviews was with a pair of ancient historians and the other was with a pair of archaeologists.
UCL acceptance rates, statistics and applications All possible information was used for shortlisting and admissions offers. The nominations made were scrutinised further along with the 80 applicants just below the cut-off point. For those with an offer of a place, the mean adjusted BMAT score was 68.3%. An applicants performance is judged according to the admissions criteria and graded on a scale of 1-9 against agreed descriptors. All applicants are expected to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT), or must seek permission in exceptional circumstances from the subject Admissions Coordinator to be exempted from the test. The written language tests last half-an-hour and are taken in schools in November. Compared to 2021, there was a slight decrease in the number of available places, reflecting capacity pressures in colleges following the Covid years. Independent school: 65 (32%) We know that it is disappointing to candidates and their schools that we are not able to offer places to all of the very able young people we see. Available contextual information on candidates is also considered at this stage. In the interview with tutors in Classical Languages and Literature, questions were asked about the texts which candidates had been reading (whether in the context of their taught syllabus or on their own). 61.4% of eligible applicants were female (61.8% in 2021). Around half of the candidates between the two thresholds were shortlisted for interview, resulting in around 3 applicants per place. One part of each interview centred on their broad historical interests, which had often been indicated in their UCAS personal statements, though the interviews were not restricted to the content of these statements. 164 (68.9%) offered A-level Computer Science or Computing. Candidates who withdrew or were not invited for interview: 65 0000004902 00000 n
They take into account all information from the UCAS form and any relevant contextual information such as educational background, socio-economic background, or extenuating circumstances.