For each application, Sims will need to pay an application fee and complete a personal statement, tour, interview, and final evaluation. This mod (with a lengthy name) has a couple built-in failsafes and two variations, too. A Sim graduates high school upon aging up to a young adult. You can invite zero guests or other graduates, and NPCs will be auto-invited to fill the job. Someone goes out of their way to Prompose to you, and even if you adore it, you can forcefully make your Sim over the moon with their partner's efforts. Custom assignments are also addedthese work like the assignments in the Parenthood game pack, where they're randomly assigned. Under the Career menu on the phone, you can now find the options to Join School or Quit School for your sims. With this simple mod, your teen sims can get employed just like a regular adult sim. It has a cooldown. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. Theres another mod for that! Best part? Sims with grade A start on level 3. This is an A+ mod that deserves all the love in the world. If aging is on, teen Sims will age up to an adult after their graduation ceremony. The Sims 4 Graduation Ceremony Click to enlarge The graduation ceremony for High School Years does not have goals or challenges to complete. 8. After canceling the interaction, Sims can be withdrawn from boarding school via the social menu, after which they can attend regular public school, or enroll in another specialty school. Sims 4 Better School Mod Improve Schools! In Education Overhaul, snow days are most common in the Winter, but they can also happen in Fall and Spring, as long as theres snow on the ground. First, your sim will want to work on their degree relative skills to get accepted for specific degrees. this education overhaul mod gives us so many new things for school and it's so realistic! You will also get custom interactions. Pranks and sneaking out after dark can have consequences, so be careful you dont get caught. Just like in real life, your sim will need to write semester papers. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. The distinguished degrees at Britechester includeArt History, Communications, Culinary Arts, Drama, Fine Arts, History, and Language and Literature. If you need assistance on a mod visit my Discord here or fill out my Report Errors and Questions Form Here. Once they get their acceptance letter, they can choose from their qualified degrees and schools. In The Sims, there are mods for almost anything. Wow! Sims now do not have uniforms for their roles at the thrift shop. Play with life. Choose to break a pact you made with someone, and go to prom with someone else. So its not as extensive as Telfords, but its not as straightforward or barebones as azoresmans either. **Conditions and restrictions apply. This is still an experimental feature, but new boarding school options allow Sims to attend school away from their households. The Sims 4: New Update! This mod will allow you to generate the photo you typically get upon your Sim's graduation, and you can even choose whether or not they're wearing a cap. You can drop out and follow some other path. For the record, he or she does not need to be one. Modders even continue to work on The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, adding and polishing new features in yearsor decades-old games. This mod allows more student sims to be present at high school lots. To remove one of these Traits, simply put a minus "-" in front of the "100" in the code. And then shakes hands with them with congratulations. And I love it. Wrapping up this list with yet another cool mod from Zero. src:'', The 1st first and last name is the name of the Sim you are currently in control of, and the 2nd first and last name is the name of the Sim you are wanting to modify your relationship with. Now they can, with this cool little mod from, once again, creator Ilkavelle. At boarding school, Sims can learn and gain most major skills and will gain skills and character values faster than they would in regular public school. Full details of what this mod does (and possible requirements youll need to prepare your game for) it can be found in the creators extensive download description. This mod by Kiarasims has long existed even before The Sims 4: High School Years was launched. This was created to address the issue of there just being not enough time for Teens. So to not be able to sit my teen friendship groups together at lunchtime was a bit of a pain. Different degrees are beneficial for their relative career types. This version has more details in the back. This mod is available for download on this page. These cap and gown are a conversion from the Sims 3. The first part of the event is the ceremony. Install. Boarding school requires an application, like the other new schools. Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), Intel Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz (2 cores, 4 threads) or better, Support for Metal. This closes off some interactions for them, but it definitely opens up more in terms of a career. Never Too Old to Learn (Focused +2): Get this buff when visiting student commons. All Rights Reserved. Then type "testingcheats on" to enable cheats. I sometimes think the other age groups in TS4 dont get as much love as Young Adults (and Adults) do. And when a real fix comes through Ill just discontinue this mod. download :'t forget to subscribe to become a member of the FANTACORN FAMILY and hit the BELL so you'll never miss another video!Join this channel to get access to perks can find all my creations on the gallery under my Origin ID FantayziaYT or under the hashtag #fantayzia---------------------------------------------------DOWNLOAD MY CC CREATIONS HERE WEBSITE MY LINKS SECOND GAMING CHANNEL SERVER MY TWITCH STREAM REPLAYS HERE ID: FantayziaYT---------------------------------------------------SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER : INSTAGRAM : YOUTUBE CONTENT ONLY INSTAGRAM : ALPHA TUMBLR : MAXIS MATCH TUMBLR : What mic do you use? Rode Podcaster- What editing program do you use? Filmora- What computer do you have? Check the about section on my channel page for details on that-What default eyes do you use? Adore Eyes : What default skin do you use? Halo Skin : What eyelashes do you use? Kijiko 3D Lashes : How do you raise your sims needs by clicking them? No more. The first is a little more selective, the second rewards hard work. They can basically hang around the house as they please with no fear of repercussion or penalty until their birthday. Base Game. So, we collected the best TS4 mods for school and teens that we think youd like! All news about the The Sims 5 and Sims 4 news and guides, Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? Internet connection required for product activation. Last July 2022, The Sims 4: High School Years was officially launched. From boarding school to new careers, Education Overhaul has something for every young Sim looking for knowledge. High School More Class Mates by Aramiteus. I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. So, if you want it, visit this page. There are specific days and hours for the activities selected. NEXT: The Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About MissyHissy's Hobby Mod. They wont be enrolled in school once they age up just to later drop out, and they wont be pressured to start a job or a career. After the ceremony is over, your sim will show up outside of the stadium with other grads. All about The Sims. Feel underwhelmed by inputting this code. Memories of Graduation (Happy +1): Get this buff when visiting the university. In the latter, your sims can join afterschool activities in cheerleading, chess, computer, and football. Simply enable cheats (by typing testingcheats true into the command bar) and then click on the Teen (while holding down the Shift key). These cheats allow you to add/remove certain Sentiments attached to your character that were introduced in this latest expansion pack. How else could I have learned how to burn water? I use the Add To Group feature all the time in my gameplay, to encourage groups of friends to sit together at University, to guiding families to the same location at the beach. Now, kids and teens can enjoy a lot of momentous events at home or celebrate their holidays with family because of this really generous vacation system. and start the Event their via phone or calendar. Or until you actually want them to get an education. Posts will be deleted if you do. Sims are automatically enrolled in public school, as they are in the vanilla game. Continue reading to learn all about Sims 4 Graduation! With the Seasons expansion pack installed, Sims can sometimes get snow days. In the middle of the event, graduates will throw their caps into the air and graduate! Essentially the really hefty, extensive get-out-of-school mod and the simple, straightforward get-out-of-school mod. The Smarter Homework Mod allows students to build skills while doing their assignments. You need to impress them via successful social interactions, lots of boasting, and a game of chess. We are not EA. Its a great concept thats executed beautifully in this multi-part download of which there are, essentially, three major aspects: Like I said, hefty. But instead of a mod that rewrites the whole educational system, this introduces a new Event that your parent Sim can plan. There are 3 all in all (from Buckingham High): If your Teen is neither a Genius nor a High School A student, they can still apply for the program. Now you have to live with the guilt, you monster. One day after their final class, your sim student will get a notification that they have passed all their classes. Please make sure you read all mod descriptions and requirements before downloading mods. Its worth noting that if they are not enrolled, they wont be able to throw one. These poses are perfect for pictures to commemorate the big day for your Sim! It allows after-school activities, provides a new Popularity System for our teens, gives them all-new social groups, and allows added in-game events for teens, such as Hookups, Group Dates, College Fairs, etc! A lousy school performance, on the other hand, pretty much kills their chances. image: { Zero made a mod that allows your teen to enrol in uni early if their grades are good. The creator, Rex, created this mod to prevent the game from generating random classmates each given day in High School classes. Make sure your sim also does their homework every day and pays attention in class so that they can get the best grade! The professor calls graduates to the stage and lets them give a valedictory. There are thirteen different degrees your sim can earn, and four different degree types. And in their inventory will be a graduation poster. Sims can also attend one of two private schools, Wintercrest Preparatory Academy, and Simcity Academy. New interactions show up at this stage. School isn't for everyone. With a max level of 5, you can swap out the number at the end of the code for your desired level should you wish. Thankfully, most of these school mods do exactly that: especially for Toddlers to Teens. Zero's mod is based on chance, grades, and whether the sim has the genius trait. The Ultimate Romance Mods for The Sims 4 (2022 Update! The last part is when everyone talks and has fun. You know? Create the tiny, comfy home of your Sims dreams! While working on a related mod I realized that the High School Years hanging clothes, while marked as dressers, are missing the tuning that would make them actually function. Sims can do their homework online using a computer, but homework in the in-game homework book has also changed. Here's a list of all the Sims 4 High School Years Cheats added to the game with this expansion, allowing you to have the ultimate control over your teenage Sims' fates. It doesnt have a cooldown. Goody Two Shoes, Emotional Conduit, Walking Punchline, and Frenzied Rebel are just some of the available trait packs in this mod, which will surely provide you entertainment when it comes to handling your teens. So you dont need to download new CC just to make this school look like it does in the pics. Meanwhile, the Online Schooling mod gives students the opportunity to attend school virtually. The Education Overhaul mod, released by mod creator Adeepindigo, is probably one of the most intricate school mods made for the Sims 4! The reward is not included in the graduation of Fauxbury. Another mod opens up Preschool for overachieving Toddler Sims who just want to learn. So I made this little mod to enable the Add To Group interaction while Sims are in school., In The Sims 4 High School Years, the new Trendi Fashion feature was introduced, but only a limited number of CAS pieces can be used when creating a fashion look. ', Theyre all great. For this Sentiment, at the end of the above cheat code, directly after the "_" you want to input: Want your Sim to feel betrayed by someone who promised to make their prom night wonderful? Sims 4 Not Working since installing High School Years The Sims 4 Story Starter Kit: Cramped Compromise. Combine this mod with Zeros Teens Jump to University mod for an even more realistic and exciting enrollment experience! You should arrive in your graduation gown and cap at the Auditorium automatically, with the option to sit and listen to the speakers. Top 15 Best School Mods For The Sims 4 (All Free) - FandomSpot School for them is now just from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Do note that scheduling the Headmaster visits also deducts 500 from your household funds, and canceling the event wont refund it. Your Sim and other graduates will show up in a graduation robe. After your sim passes all their classes, they can graduate! (Very reminiscent of Headmaster Visits from TS2 SimCity Academy, only theres a Chess Game in place of a House Tour). Attend classes in person, get to know your teachers, hang out in the cafeteria, and even decorate your locker! You can use them as decorative objects or as pose accessories. Just like Zerbus Go to School Mod, Stacies Playable School Events is a pretty exciting mod that allows you to join your Child and Teen Sims as they navigate Elementary and High School. Included is any additional content you will need for special careers which are not in the base game. For general cheats, please see the Cheat Codessection of the wiki. There are also new gameplay add-ons such as writing on journals, gossiping, mental health activities, and more. Its realistic in the sense that the chances of being offered the jump arent very high to begin with (because Universities have standards, okay?). Experience all the ups and downs of high school. On success, theyll get confident, and will perform the cap-throwing thingy. I personally love the concept of this mod, no matter how simple it seems. Your sim will still get their degree, as attendance at the ceremony is optional, but where is the fun in that? If your Sim has enrolled in the university, or they just earned all credits and are waiting for the rabbit hole ceremony, you can plan your Sims 4 Graduation on the calendar or under their Phone Plan Social Event. One popular example is adeepindigo's Education Overhaul mod: not only does it add new elements to the game's education system for everyone from toddlers to teens, but it also introduces its own brand-new features. The premise for this mod is pretty much the same as Telfords Drop Out of High School mod. (April 26th, 2023). Boarding school students will also return home during summer and holiday breaks and after aging up to a teen - if they start boarding school as children. Check them all out! The mod does not yet include CC items (still investigating how to make this work)., Fixes an issue that prevented player-made teens from spawning at the active high school, and makes it so that the game is equally likely to spawn teens who are assigned to class 1 and class 2. Plus, wearing these new outfits would allow sims to still wear other accessories. This is the last mod with this concept, I promise. Use this mod to prevent that!, I love the prom feature for High School Years, but instead of crowing a Jester, I wanted both winners to be crowned Prom Royalty. In addition to those big moments, Sims can make lifelong friends, be asked out by other teens, participate in after-school activities and teams, and experience the rollercoaster of puberty. The Sims 4 High School Expansion Pack not only adds new Skills and Aspirations to The Sims 4, but a plethora of cheats as well that assist your Sim with their progression through their studies. This mod does exactly what the previous mod (by Zero) does. In other words, it prevents Sims from using their phone when doing the following actions: Walking, running, anything like thatChatting with SimsWatching TV, movies, and the like, Credit: Screenshots taken in Copperdale High School by asislavender on the gallery. It should stop all T-posing from NPCs as that is all I touched in terms of autonomy. All of these codes are practically identical, with the exception of the Sentiment name added on the end. Sims with high grades might graduate with honors or become their class Valedictorian. Almost all of them Steps: How can we find th. Whereas other age groups get stuck behind with limited interactions. Through the release of this twelfth expansion pack for the game, we have been given the opportunity to enter the gates of high school once more, as we join our teen sims in their journey to discover their best lives through the many new features available in the game. These are Foxbury Institute Graduation and UBrite Graduation Ceremony. And you dont even need an expansion pack or game pack for this! And this will prevent you from completing a goal. Inflict that suffering on your Sim, if you're that way inclined. These cheats allow you to alter some of the new Traits introduced in this latest expansion pack. It is created by Mathcope. School is such an exciting time for all our sims! Yes, you can actually have a school cafeteria for your Student Sims to grab some lunch! Boarding school students can still call and text other Sims, but being away for so long can make some Sims homesick; when this happens, their guardians will receive a notification asking whether they want to withdraw the homesick child from boarding school. Though they can often have a hard time being taken seriously. If you have spent your real-life simoleons on the Sims 4 University DLC, your sim will get to experience and enjoy all the fun things that happen at a University. We have another mod by Adeepindigo, which will add color to the lives of our teenage sims and their school adventures! Once your Sim is no longer a Teen and isn't attending school, a 'High School Graduation' event will appear on the calendar, on a Sunday. To install this one, visit this link. Sims with bad enough grades have the chance of failing school (public or private) and being sent to Striker Alternative School. But if youre looking for something a little more straightforward. Please click this link to download this mod. While The Sims franchise has her heart, she also loves any game that could be called cozy. If there is another event such as a birthday, that will take precedence and the graduation icon won't show, but will still be listed. So, keep the microphone close to the entrance. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Which is why I found it pretty frustrating when my University Sims couldnt cook on Housing premises. Anyone who attends a ceremony gets a graduation photo. Walk up in the club like what-up, I got badly randomized CC. For Mac, it's CMD + Shift + C. For the PlayStation 4 and 5 or Xbox One and Series X|S, press all four shoulder buttons at once. Aside from making school a playable event, that same creator made an Education System Bundle Mod that basically adds a whole bunch of beneficial goodies to TS4s current education system. It's a crush! They dress like normal people and not like clowns.. Each school type requires Sims to apply before being enrolled, and application requirements differ for every school. A students get to come home at 1PM (for exemplary performance, probably). This will let them have an option on their phones to Check Todays Events. Feel free to. 1.90.358.1030 What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Whew, what a relief for our non-studious kid sims. The main structure of the cheat you'll use for all of them is as follows: modifyrelationship firstname lastname firstname lastname 100 sentimenttrack_. However, these assignments actually count as homework, so completing them will increase school performance rather than providing extra credit. High School Years is required for all these mods. : Event Mod: Cap and Gown CC: Here to Subscribe for more AMAZING content: Here to Subscribe to my VLOG CHANNEL: MediaVLOG Channel: SpringSimsTwitter: Plus: Series To Check Out Back To School 2016 (Sims Edition): Top Ten Sims 4: Create A Sims: Must See Sims 4 Series: Sims 4: Bohemian Creations: Everyone! At last, Sims with Gold Level or up unlocks a reward trait. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. This Community Lot boasts two beautifully-designed floors with all the rooms you can imagine youd find in a regular school. Click this page to download the School Activities mod. English How often does the bug occur? Once your sim begins their journey, they can also join organizations and even a secret society. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Mod requests 2x more likely to be created. This intuitive mod by Zerbu pretty much follows the same theme. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. Both of which have two variants. The Sheldon L Cooper Program Mod basically adds another scholarship program to the game (for Teenagers). Do you want your sim to be focused on getting from Point A to Point B? UI Cheats Extension : Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: #sims4mods Now this mod adds a new education system, and a new social event that may bring back fond memories for people who played The Sims 2. Here it is! You could have your teen quit school, concentrate on his teen career and then have him rejoin right before he ages up to get the career boost. The event can be held at the corresponding Student Commons, University Housing, Residential Lots and Libraries, Parks, and more. Allow. This set includes four items. But definitely worth it. Please don't necropost in old threads. Now, your sims can feel a better school vibe by getting to brush their elbows with more students around the halls! The Prom Royalty aspiration challenges your sim to become popular and get the prom crown. This mod from Triplis is straightforwardit gives you 8 new packs of traits exclusive for teen sims in the game! Support and engage with artists and creators as they live out their passions! Cement that with another Sim using this cheat. As for this set, it includes five decorative cupcakes. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Education Overhaul adds new away actions (which you can access by clicking on Sims' icons when they're off the lot), increasing or decreasing school performance. The mod has two versions, but you can only install one. So, we made sure to pack a lot of great stuff in this list that will enhance your gameplay and add some much-needed thrill. Sims 4 High School Graduation? The Sims Forums Been burned too many times by townie fashion? Also, we wrote more about this in this article: Sims 4 No School Mod How To Quit School? This cheat allows you to promote or demote your Sim in the Video Game Streamer career path. Adeepindigos Education Overhaul mod could be downloaded here. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! FandomSpot is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any brands or trademarks on this site unless explicitly stated. High School More Classmates at The Sims 4 Nexus - Nexus Mods Created specifically for the previous mod (Zerbus Go To School), this mod adds a fully built and fully furnished Elementary School for your little kiddos to run around in! The graduates will toss their caps in the air in celebration! All Sims 4 High School Years Cheats - The Sims 4 Wiki Guide - IGN And a different mod even adds an Online Schooling option to the game! Pretty pricey in-game, but hey. This lets you capitalize on the success you find within your Simfluencer side hustle. HIGHSCHOOL GRAD, PROM, BOARDING SCHOOL, SUMMER BREAK, FEILD - YouTube Imagine if your teen sims can juggle work and school at the same time, to have the best of both lives! It disables the auto-enroll feature by default. 12. *Additional content requires separate purchase & all base game updates. Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? Locker Overhaul by ChippedSim. For general. Telfords Drop Out of High School mod was aimed specifically at Teens and Careers for Teens, adding additional interactions and unlockables. That means they wont come home with homework to do, they wont have to raise skills to certain levels, and they wont have to maintain grades. Anyway, let us move on to presenting the next 10 social events that are included in this amazing Sims 4 events mod! This mod expands Trendi to generate a list of all CAS items you own (based on the packs you have installed). You'll be able to invite over the private school headmaster and you'll need to convince them to let you into their school. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 15 Ultimate School Mods for Your Teens in the Sims 4 What is more, the mod fixes a lot of clothing limitations in the game, Now, there will not be any more velcro school footwear. This post may contain affiliate links. Kick things off by going to your Sims phone and selecting Schedule Headmaster Visit (500). This can be installed and used by itself. Comments have been enabled on my blog but do not ask for mod assistance in the comments. As the name suggests, installing this will make it so your Sim cannot become a Doctor, Scientist, Detective, Astronaut, or even Style Influencer without the appropriate University Degree. You NEED These Mods to Fix High School Years and Wants & Fears // The Sims 4: Mod Review.