All Rights Reserved. Central Offices 2809 Lincoln Way Northwest Massillon, OH 44647 Phone: 330-833-6898 Very Rev. Copyright 2023 Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. Bulletin. Religious Education Application Payment Plan 2022-2023. Saint Barbara Catholic Church 2813 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, OH 44647 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL - 4:00 pm at St. Joseph SUNDAY - 8:00 am at St. Mary 11:00 am at St. Barbara HOLY DAY: See Bulletin WEEKDAY - Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9:00 am RECONCILIATION - SATURDAY 3:00 pm at St. Joseph St. Mary's Church Campus, Send Us Your Prayer Request 322 3rd Street South East Massillon, Ohio 44646 St. Mary Church (Worship Site) Website | Email. April 16, 1979. Saturday Sept 10th is the reservation Deadline for the Celebrate Life Dinner on September 17th at St. Barbara's (see bulletin for details) Sunday Sept. 11th - Children's Faith Formation starts Sunday from 9:15-10:30am at St . 3 0 obj Located in Northeast Ohio, the diocese includes six counties; Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull. Bulletin & Liturgical Assignments | St. Mary Catholic Church endobj 83 0 obj <> endobj 103 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7147D24E40824930DC781FF002051E68><0D1547FF73944743B06CB1CFAE3A5177>]/Index[83 51]/Info 82 0 R/Length 104/Prev 592168/Root 84 0 R/Size 134/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream St. Mary Catholic School- Massillon - Home - Facebook 4 0 obj hbbd```b`` "A$V,,0; 2`<0jGA+~{@ 2HW:^! "ZABi "m$# 2 St. Mary. Bulletins - divine mercy massillon passed away on June 5, 2020. divine mercy massillon %PDF-1.5 % 2a`0LEr -"`200obi+FmLL;,9 N{?M8@ >@ {% endstream endobj 84 0 obj <> endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <>stream Enter our site here to learn more about: 2023. 4 fe-hwKiK`6-T>85%{(1CRq@aV^gwrzW8oepJe&WC'gp\ist2-|o[SF2]ET@MAQk%M]i/" . /SA true @DF|6wAho>yIw8M!lvD !TIc{^BiZ[_Mz?OtD> ~)?7t1f%A8VE`>1. St. Mary ParishWeekly Bulletins | St. Mary Parish 8 . Sunday ~ 8:00am. Student Support Staff are witnesses to the tenets of the Catholic Faith, instill a sense of Christ's mission, charity and service to others; draw the school. Mass of Ordination and Installation for Bishop Bonnar, Letter From the Diocese of Youngstown: Coronavirus Update, Students participate in 2020 Ohio Youth and Government Conference, Letter From the President: Regarding Athletics & Extracurricular Activities, Fr. ])efZ)1.UJV1VJHRr# WELCOME TO DIVINE MERCY PARISH IN MASSILLON, Very Rev. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Saint Mary Campus 206 Cherry Road NE Massillon, Ohio 44646 . :`;hcVIWQ9BtuGN. hbbd```b``z"~ DHI`"0{/`B0[DrHHD:JHh e endstream endobj 100 0 obj <> endobj 101 0 obj <> endobj 102 0 obj <>stream 0 January, April, July, October, Friday ~ 9:00am Notre Dame Chapel. Sacramental records are always kept intact in the new parish or at the Diocesan Archives. hko8*?VH=TCmNUw 8i(Vxg!{F@ 843$Y%qZ(paPpC ru } hbbd```b``"A$~D$e`RLg@$W@$$ "%Adt$d Some worship sites have merged under a new name or closed. David J. Bonnar named the next Bishop of Youngstown Diocese, Central Catholic Girls and Boys Golf Team Celebrate Winning Season, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto has long history, group hopes to restore 80-year-old shrine, St. Mary Serves 22,835 Meals in the Community, Letter from the President: St. Mary to Open this Fall, St. Mary School Provides 14,000 Meals During COVID-19 School Closure, Class of 2020 Eighth-Grade Graduation Video,, Spring Spotlight: Central Catholic, and St. Mary alum, Austin Beck, St. Mary alumni named recipients of Eagle of the Cross Award, Central Catholic's Claire Eberhardt, SMB Alum, commits to John Carroll, SMB alum, Austin Beck, included in Repositorys Baseball 20 to watch in 2020, Central students use 3D printer to create and donate PPE, At-Home Learning Extended Through End of School Year, Central Catholics Vinny DiRuzza signs with Case Western Reserve University, Updated Information about COVID-19 School Closure, Malone University Teen of the Month: Erin Watters, Central Catholic, From the President: A 'Thank You' to SCCS staff, Pope calls for March 19, 4 p.m., Rosary for protection of our families, Letter from the Catholic Conference of Ohio Addressing COVID-19, Letter from the Diocese of Youngstown Addressing the Coronavirus, Letter from the President: Addressing the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Action Needed: Share Your Support For EdChoice, Teacher of the Month: Meet Maria Dick, Central Catholic, Teacher of the Month: Meet Gerald Hudnall, Central Catholic, Stark County Catholic Schools begin second act, Central Catholics passing game clicking on all cylinders, Stark County Catholic Schools Teachers of the Year, Art project immerses St. Mary students in creativity, Readopoly (Literacy Fair): Monday, June 3, SCESA name Harold Ziegler Jr. as Alumnus of the Year, Right to Read week and Scholastic book fair, CCHS Try-out Info: Band, Football, Girls Golf, Volleyball, Elementary Events: Future Cru Baseball/Softball, CCHS graduates earn Eagle Scout & recognize Crusader teachers, CCHS Elementary Events: Cheer, Basketball Partner Nights, Shadows. 206 Cherry Road NE Massillon, Ohio 44646 . !2\5$>k*[\(\dG^Z/1||<0Ki39 ]*sq3m _frw: rsHQ] v&=SthA }?.yGwi8 n>@; ](|c| {dgY# p1_O[6Qg.7`iT(q/* UG6WcyX9l3}?J% # 9}5Np?2.N_LRsq(;89C 9 qE#I%O~#88 Saturday ~ 4:00pm. Crusaders Welcome Cheer Clinic Participants Tonight! St. Mary's Catholic Church (Massillon, Ohio) - Wikipedia EVERY Wednesday 9am. 322 Third St. endobj Friday - 9:00 a.m. - Mass St. Joseph. Since this video was published, Bishop David J. Bonnar was installed as the sixth Bishop of Youngstown on January 21, 2021 after Bishop George V. Murry, S.J. /Height 155 hYo6WqC0HAl|P-G`X(,;:Oq&a 206 Cherry Rd. 322 Third Street, SE Massillon, Ohio 44646. PDF 2813 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, OH 44647 www.saintbarbaraparish hb```a`` Divine Mercy Chaplet. 864.271.8422. If you are a parish representative and would like to learn more about making your weekly bulletins available on, complete the form below and we will followup with you shortly. Office: 2809 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, Ohio 44647 St. Joseph Church (Worship Site) Website | Email. Divine Mercy Parish at St. Mary's Church Massillon Ohio Mp(CqRX,)lddD%--0H@bD)P$&5QgiR(DO )8Xi%_1'1|Ytfq@:%vUT`4v:x:"M6_iRFE7?Kg(h-`;W0^`DVpW0`8[.m4Uzlv3&?*hrV 'WRM?c'l5K%?iXF).Rq. At St. Mary, we are together in faith, excellence and service. Register to Join the Parish. bL@`?W $h endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 149 0 obj <>stream @g` &w endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 133 0 obj <>stream Director of Student Support Services - St. Mary Academy, Sarasota FL. Fire at historic Massillon church damages room that holds national The community of St. Joseph is a parish dedicated to the mission of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 111 Hampton Avenue. l2 (330) 833-8501. \,vg: 9pn%s|eMqn%$?OZQ zioexrbGps@= St ?/o^FRy3M7# *pA>3J}Nm~r82 PDF 2813 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, OH 44647 www.saintbarbaraparish Copyright 2023 divine mercy massillon - All Rights Reserved. HWf` $s?0 /w Our mission is made possible through each and every donation, no matter the amount, and helps us provide excellent education and student experiences. /AIS false Bulletin - St. Mary Parish Bulletin; Local; Fundraisers; Services; Voting Information Center; Groups; Groups Directory; Locations; Page Categories; People; Pages; Q&A; Groups Category Locations; St. Barbara Catholic School in Massillon is closing - Canton Repository Carmel Church343 Via Mount Carmel AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44505, St. Anthony of Padua Church1125 Turin AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44505, St. Matthias Church (Parish Office & Main Worship Site)915 Cornell StreetYoungstown, Ohio 44502, 131 East Wood StreetLowellville, Ohio 44436, St. Catherine Church and Family Center1245 Grandview RoadLake Milton, Ohio 44429, St. James Church and Social Hall50 Rosemont RoadNorth Jackson, Ohio 44451, 2800 Oakwood AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44509, 3165 South Schenley AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44511, 159 West Rayen AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44503, 77 East Lucius AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44507, 300 North Broad StreetCanfield, Ohio 44406, 1420 Oak Hill AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44507, 10143 Main StreetNew Middletown, Ohio 44442, 254 West Madison AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44504, 342 South Chillicothe RoadAurora, Ohio 44202, 10692 Freedom StreetGarrettsville, Ohio 44231, 8894 State Route 14Streetsboro, Ohio 44241, 11045 Saint Joseph BoulevardMantua, Ohio 44255, 313 North DePeyster StreetKent, Ohio 44240, Our Lady of Peace Church833 39th Street North WestCanton, Ohio 44709, St. Clement Church (Parish Office, Hall & Navarre Worship Site)216 Wooster Street NENavarre, Ohio 44662, St. Therese Church (Brewster Worship Site)512 S. Wabash St.Brewster, Ohio 44613, 2952 Edison Street NWUniontown, Ohio 44685, 663 Fernwood BoulevardAlliance, Ohio 44601, 8277 North Nickelplate Ave. NELouisville, Ohio 44641, 412 High Street NECanal Fulton, Ohio 44614, St. Barbara Church (Parish Office & Worship Site), Church: 2813 Lincoln Way WestMassillon, Ohio 44647, Office: 2809 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, Ohio 44647, 322 3rd Street South EastMassillon, Ohio 44646, 400 West Lisbon StreetWaynesburg, Ohio 44688, 4940 Tuscarawas Street WCanton, Ohio 44708, 2427 Tuscarawas Street WestCanton, Ohio 44708, 12055 Easton Street North EastMaximo, Ohio 44650, 427 East Broadway StreetAlliance, Ohio 44601, 300 North Chapel StreetLouisville, Ohio 44641, St. Benedict Church (Worship Site)2207 Third Street SECanton, Ohio 44707, St. Mary Church (Worship Site & Parish Office)1602 Market Avenue SouthCanton, Ohio 44707, 3430 Saint Michael Boulevard NWCanton, Ohio 44718, 241 South Main StreetNorth Canton, Ohio 44720, 726 Cleveland Avenue NWCanton, Ohio 44702, St. James Church2532 Burton Street South EastWarren, Ohio 44484, 4452 Warren-Sharon RoadVienna, Ohio 44473, 5411 Mahoning Avenue NWWarren, Ohio 44483. PDF 2813 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, OH 44647 www.saintbarbaraparish Massillon, Ohio 44646 - (330) 833-8478 The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 22, 2023 . 9:30am ~ 12:45pm (After Friday Mass) *Mondays Only Rotate Monthly As Shown. Latest e Bulletin. We are centered in the Eucharist and committed to being the Body of Christ in the world around us. Crusader Cheerleading Squad Sees Success at Camp, Central Catholic High School Appoints Assistant Principal, 'The SpongeBob Musical': St. Thomas Aquinas, Central Catholic dazzle young crowd, Central Catholic Hosts Partner Night for Elementary Students, January Teacher of the Month: Christian Campbell, SCCS January 2022 Difference Maker: Tanya Eller, Advent Celebration: Examination of Conscience, CCHS & STA Announce "The SpongeBob Musical", SCCS Teacher of the Month Nominee (October)- Ann Weakland, Crusader Girls Volleyball Win the District Semi-Finals, Crusader Football Advances to the Regional Round 1 Playoff Game, Elementary Alumna on Central Catholic Volleyball Team Win Sectionals, SMB Alumni Recognized as Part of 2021 State Championship 4X800 Relay Team, St. Mary Sixth and Seventh Grade Take on The Scientific Method, Catholic School Education Creates Lifelong Friendships, St. Mary Announces 2021-22 Student Council, Letter From Bishop Bonnar: August 25, 2021, Letter From The Diocese: COVID-19 Mask and Safety Guidance, Stark County Catholic Elementary Schools Band Concert: May 2021, Stark County Catholic Schools Track & Field Championship, Bishop Bonnar Catholic Schools Week 2021 Message. St. Mary Catholic School- Massillon - Facebook Divine Mercy Parish at St Mary's Catholic Church Massillon, Ohio USA Massillon, Ohio 44646 2813 Lincoln Way West Massillon, Ohio 44647-5201 4940 Tuscarawas West Canton, Ohio 44708 216 East Wooster Street Navarre, Ohio 44662 2427 West Tusacarawas Street Canton, Ohio 44708 512 Wabash Ave. South Brewster, Ohio 44613 1386 Henry . %PDF-1.5 % g`c``f@ afV,J-S@X AYZ#6( rFALB}.Sk Enter our site here to learn more about: The support of current families, alumni, and friends of Catholic education make it possible for us to continue thoroughly serving our students and better prepare them to become leaders of tomorrow. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 Time: 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM According to Pope John Paul II, who beatified and canonized St. Faustina, merciful love transforms consciences, puts a stop to evil and can renew the face of the earth. Register for St. Mary School online today. After a few technical hiccups, the eighth-grade virtual graduation video is available for viewing. St. Joseph's Church - Massillon, OH - Google Sites 206 Cherry Road N.E., Massillon, OH 44646. 206 Cherry Road NE Massillon, Ohio 44646. Saint Barbara Catholic Church 2813 Lincoln Way NW, Massillon, OH 44647 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY - 4:30 pm SUNDAY - 8:00 am, 10:30 am HOLY DAY: See Bulletin WEEKDAY - Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9:00 am RECONCILIATION - SATURDAY from 3:30 - 4:20 pm The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ