Others are just plain lazy. Tattoos are also going to fade over time. It's absolutely ridiculous. Quite a different time today unfortunately and nothing at all like the good old days were. There are these weird stretchy spandex dresses women wear that look so terrible. Women need to start wearing appropriate clothing as well. On that related note, I don't get anyone that wears shorts in the winter. Obviously they pay money for all of it! There isn't much if any emphasis on style these days. I take after my father and still enjoy wearing a suit even when it is not required and I run the risk of being overdressed. Disgusting. We've received your submission. Like someone commented above, its sad that you would be looked at funny for wearing a suit with a fedora because you like to look nice.
The Slice: Young and old alike dress like slobs So I'm thinking that now even dining out has been monopolized completely by technology. I don't think so!" As for ankle pants--what happens when winter hits? I should add I agree with the poster who commented on the excessive tattoos. The fashion industry doesn't help by encouraging with the "rags" it comes out with. It's quite repulsive. Shortages of drugs like Adderall are growing in the United States, and experts see no clear path to resolving them. Who are they trying to impress if anyone? Today, I still go out in public wearing decent-looking clothes. This was in the beginning of the 2000s. I couldn't agree with you more Pam. I came out to the parking lot after buying groceries, and a big white new SUV slowly backs into a space. They have ruined their otherwise good looks. However, I continually wonder what the hell has happened to our country, with its sham "values" and its embrace of the ugly and hideous, whether it be in fashion, bodies, attitude, politics (don't get me started about Trump!) Some might say I'm being snooty, superficial, judgmental--and maybe even a bully for having this opinion. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). "if you're counting on your appearance to carry the day, it's doubtful you have the chops to compete any other way. If I've used a photo, video, etc in one of my posts it means I really dig it! Yet, given enough time there may be a reaction to all this boorish behavior and sloppiness masquerading as fashion. I've talked about this before but it's just getting worse as the year goes on. Just look at how trim the general American public was in the 20th century. Atom George W. Bush later made blue the power tie of choice. Dirty shoes and unwashed hair and these are females!Has anyone noticed these DAY GLOW yellow t shirts? In a society like ours where half of the people are either overweight or obese, it doesn't help for the fashion magazines to portray unrealistically thin models wearing the latest spaghetti thin garments. Whatever happened to company dress codes?
12 Celebs That Love To Dress Like Hobos | TheTalko I see plenty of people who should know better. I dont wear clothing that's torn up in any way. In the winter I wear simple jackets or coats. I see so much women whos breast are ready to fall out and leggings to tight. And the folly of it all is that in the longrun these cheapskate tactics don't save the business money, but actually lose them customers like me, who'll want to shop at a place where we feel our business is appreciated. I saw a guy I'm a red basketball jersey (sick a sickening garment that needs to stop being worn by non athletes) and lime green shorts. Even working class people (which I am) used to take pains to dress as best they could for special occasions, such as church or going out to dinner. Good for you. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. It seems sadly apparent that the average "american male" has been bereft of a culture in which fathers would show their sons how to at least form a necktie. Style, low budget and comfort arent mutually exclusive. I go for the traditional, timeless look that has now become passe. Its okay to be heavy now, even if that weight gain resulted from a bad diet. I'm still waiting to see if it will. Speaking of America, what ever happened to clothes being manufactured in America? One does'nt have to 'dress up' per se,but they can certainly try to dress decently/nice. Esquire went so far as to proclaim this the Summer of Sleaze, pointing to celebs dressing like high-school drug dealers. Harsh but fair. The celebrities don't help any. Someone on Facebook (not a fan of the blog's page, but another page who shared it) took offense at the post and said people don't have enough money to afford food with this economy, let alone proper clothing. There appears to be no common sense of what is appropriate, compared with what is trashy and disrespectful. Sweat pants, yoga pants for women, t shirts - it's pathetic. A suggestion in one of the European books was to save all your worn-out, stained, threadbare clothes for your big European vacation, and then throw out each item after it was worn - that way, there would be ever-increasing space in your suitcase for souvenirs. Obesity is a problem (latest report out said -- SURPRISE -- it's increased among American adults AGAIN) but if anyone says they are only physically attracted to someone their own size they get attacked. That way, the professors know who I am and that I'm serious.
etymology - Meaning and origin of "dressed like a slob" - English One goes to the grocery store and can use the self-checkout lane, yet human labor is still needed to oversee that we can, ironically, do it ourselves and not cheat or steal while doing so. Im 50 now, many say i look 35. Well, it seems that while the masses are eager and salivating to spend $1,000 on the newest Iphone, they are reluctant to clothe themselves properly, or don't care or know how! What the hell happened? I love to dress casually myself and it would be pretty ridiculous to don a dress and gloves to pick up milk and bread, like they did in the 1950s. our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. Going to the grocery store especially when I'm inundated with foul dress. She walks with her "family" into the store. April 26, 2023. And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? I personally don't like it but to each their own. When I was a boy, I remember my mother once telling me she couldn't go to the store until she took the curlers from her hair. As John Wayne said, "Life is hard enough but it's even harder when you're stupid." Cleavage poured out of T-shirts bearing vulgar messages. Justin Bieber in all of his tattooed, T-shirted and untamed hair glory earlier this month . That way they could develop a sloppy style that could be made for very little money and sell clothes for a lot of money. I'm optimistic for the 2020s to see if we will see a fashion renaissance. It's been going on now for years and does absolutely nothing to ensure the average American will get noticed for their sense of style and sophistication. when running errands, by the way. And no,I am not by any means rich or well off. Distribution and use of this material are governed by Extreme? To fit in you have to look like your from a homeless shelter over here. I've noticed that Pam hasn't had the need to update this posting in the last five years. A good appearance doesnt just earn you respect, its a way of respecting yourself and boosting your confidence, which is something lots of people would benefit from. I noticed how scruffy everyone was when I was over there. But, after looking through the shops, I can offer one reason (among a few) for why people look so terrible--I went looking for dress slacks or chinos for work, and couldn't find one thing. Some women wear way too big/baggy/frumpy clothing as well. I once went to a Meetup event after work once that was held in the downstairs lounge of a nice local restaurant. Adult couples wearing raggedy t-shirts with some ugly nonsense graphic on it. Who dresses down to go to the doctors office? You are growing up with your decision to look good. It was a privilege to wear jeans on Fridays, but now it seems we've gone to the other extreme, and in many offices the dress code is too lax ornonexistent. When I do see someone dressed nicely, theyve usually added some touch thats supposed to be quirky and cool but is actually unflattering or just looks stupid. Pam it is interesting you said that "everyone has their own idea of what is esthetically pleasing." I first wrote about the downfall of Victoria's Secret here a good 5 or 6 years ago, but the topic is worth revisiting. The rise of casual style. Well don't just attack guys. And to make my point, all one has to do is watch the Oscars and see how the celebrities turn up at the awards, with their goofy outfits, or with some men wearing SNEAKERS with their tuxedos. Where do women and girls get off thinking that if they're 50 pounds overweight, that squeezing dumpy bodies into hideous yoga pants is not obscene? I went to my local grocery store which is now in a somewhat run-down shopping center in what used to be a better area of the "Dump." It's a society of disrespect through obnoxious clothing choices, ignorance, and a "screw you I'll be as offensive as I want attitude." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Just my 2^2/3 cents worth. Also, what's up with this new trend of people now wearing pajama pants out in public. For me, part of the appeal of going to such a restaurant (or other similar places, like the symphony) is the opportunity to dress up. During my childhood in the 1950s, the manner of dress was much more formal than it is today.
Slob Nation: Why Do So Many People Today Dress Like Hobos in Public? Said restaurant now has little, brightly lit computer monitors obtrusively placed on every table. Not many slobs, are there? About tattoos and piercingsI have a lady friend in Ukraine, and we've both noticed that the younger women in Eastern Europe are now following the American trend of covering themselves with tattoos and getting piercings (nose, lips, etc.) Yes to the ugly tats. I don't really like the modern styling and choices of men's suits, since they are almost made only for those who look like some kind of GQ model with a perfect body. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. To me, it's not a question of bullying but of having respect for oneself and others when out in public to dress in a way so that we're not subjecting innocent bystanders to seeing a body part where normally the sun doesn't shine. It is also reflective of a society that imitiates anything it sees its "celebrities" doing (on TV of course!). Every damn time I go to a restaurant, there are numerous bozos who sit there with their idiotic caps on their hollow heads. It's laziness and stupidity not money issue. I do wear a hat (usually a "unit cap" from when I was in the Navy) when I'm outside, but as soon as I enter a building, it comes off and is promptly tucked under my arm. What does "dress like kids" even mean in this context? It's interesting what you noted about necktie supplies Nice column, Pam.
How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? | SHARPER IRON In the 90s you had the start of the grunge rockers and the leftover crazy look of 80s punks, then you got into the whole gangster look from rap and hip hop. (Polo ralph Lauren being one of them). "Why?" I asked. I just don't get the whole "grunge" look. or "Why are you dressed up?" I thought I was the only who even noticed and am very glad for your article. My grandfather used to say that the "pendulum swings." Shudder. The woman he was with had on shorts, tank-top, an un-zipped hooded sweat jacket and tenni-runners. However, the sad part is that we are now supposed to believe that such public obscenities are to be humored, or accept them for what they choose to be. P.S. It's sad -- seems like there's a plan for these businesses to separate us from other humans and save some money in the process. You know, wearing tennis shoes and stretch elastic pants with old shirts that look like they were off the rack from the 80s. Why are so many people looking like this? Unless you have a personal tailor, probably at least 99% of clothing sold in what was once middle class retail stores is cheaply mass produced in some chinese sweat factory. A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. But high culture isnt the only victim. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference. I've copped a few comments about trying too hard and things like that which i just let wash over my head. Classy, wouldn't you say? I am a former French Foreign Legionnaire, born in Norway to Norse parents, but moved to the UK after serving 15 years as a legionnaire, and noticed that the poor self admin was apparent, not only in US civilians, but also its military while I was serving in Afghanistan. Showing up on time, looking nice, and sitting in the front attentive and off your phone ought to go a long way!Lastly, let's talk about body shapes. As if to shame me for caring what I look like. And then it happened: There I was in head-to-toe white everything bought at deep discounts online and suddenly I wasnt just playing tennis anymore. "Dress for success" is a true statement. Can we judge an entire country by its clothing choices? That trend sounds like the "Jonah Hex" or "Two-Face" look - why make yourself look like a comic book character? I am sure there is some blame to be put on the top fashion designers who dictate what should be in fashion but come on, bring back real clothing.All this from Canada, I might add. Every roll, jiggle and bump is on display. (Side note: I am not laying all of the blame on men here. All will look ridiculous at 70 when everything is sagging and wrinkled. Its not just younger people. I know I'm late. Keep that in mind if youre older than 12. Im in my twenties, female, and a student. These people are an eyesore and they're getting worse! I couldn't agree with you more. Ridiculous! It matches nothing of course. I hope sometimes that I DO make people feel uncomfortable for being under-dressed. This is dangerous for blood circulation.
Dress well: get crap from people Dress like a slob: no one cares Female athletes haven't. Now in winter everyone looks the same with the same over the knee length cheap looking mass production made coats and jackets. America definitely needs a renaissance not just in fashion but in general. I get turned off by the ugliness of tattoos and poorly and slovenly dressed people every time I go out. If you want any confirmation as to how ugly things have gotten, aside from looking at who occupies the White House now, just go to the grocery store (Wal Mart) and see the modern day equivalent of a freak show in action. Large women in ugly t-shirts with vulgar sayings, "my other friend is a slut too," political or just idiocy. But then they still wouldn't care. She's right, by the way. So did Kurt Vonnegut and Gore Vidal, all whom I miss, with their varied works that satirized the foibles of We the People and the hideous and incompetent "leaders" we "elect.". Different strokes and all that. This is what "American culture" has given to today's world, and people eat it up like candy because they want to be like these people. When I go to the store now and look at the tags on the clothes, all I see is a lot of made in china but not enough of made in America. Kylie Jenner may have been wearing a classy Eat Me Out T-shirt, but at least she wasnt at the theater. Apparel is being displaced by travel, eating out and activitieswhat's routinely lumped together as "experiences"which have grown to 18 percent of purchases. So much more profanity, sloppy appearances, uncouth behavior, tattoos, piercings, "Dr. Seuss" hair styles, and people just being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. Whatever happened to taking off one's hat when sitting at a restaurant table that is being waited on? I have a challenge for people who read this. The same store today has nothing to speak of anymore, which is a pity. Sadly, it's probably because things haven't gotten any better, but have instead become worse. LOL. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. I find it off putting and want to tell these Hollywood and U.K. guys to spruce up and look like a successfully civilized person, not a digital age Neanderthal Man. It's sad that people find flipping through Instagram more important than there own appearance. I know, Pam. The only people that I know who dress acceptable are the elderly. Its a signal leaving the house in a yellowing stained tshirt with some threadbare too small black leggings and its not a good one. Who designed such crap is beyond me. What kind of a standard is that? Today I saw what had to be the world's ugliest lesbo walking into my local grocery store. Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? Respect has to be earned,it's not an entitlement. In re J D Lowe's post, there was a popular series of travel guides published back in the 1960s and 1970s with titles like "Europe on $10 a Day" or "New York on $5 a Day." Large breasts swinging to and fro makes for an ugly site from gals who are not attractive in any way. If there is any question that the masses of "God's Country" have been dumbed down to idiocy, then one only need look, if you are able to, at the hideous way most people are "dressing." Especially if its in an office building in New York city we see all the people going to and from and dressed perfectly. Women should never wear leggings - if only they can see how awful they look in it, or maybe they know but it is what the stores want you to buy so they all buy the same crap. what happened to nice variety of long and short woolen coats? I found this by accident and wanted to contribute too. I think now fashion has reached its lowest point in a great while. Consider a recent story in the news about Mitchell Casado--a. working for uFly--who was fired for not dressing professionally enough.
Never Yet Melted Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs It appears to me, in my humble opinion, at least, that our society has given up apsiring and has accepted these debasements, and doesn't care about "keeping up appearances" at least for the sake of one's self respect. Looking around the restaurant I noticed one woman who was at table with a Bluetooth in her ear. Also, I've never understood the appeal of bulky hooded sweatshirts, particularly on women. To wit, Notre Dame professor Linda Przybyszewski teaches . EGADS! Hi Pam, I just came across your page and the "class" part is spot on.
Most Americans dress like absolute slobs and should be ashamed of Also, you can't go wrong with Macy's -- I get coupons from them all of the time that are often good on top of sale prices. Very neat and put together. Casino clientele today is definitely not the way they look in the movies!redc1c4 - I suppose you've never heard of the saying "dress the part"? The status marker . It was a little unimpressive. I think all the excessive tattooing which has apparently become "mainstream" is indicative of an ill society that is in a sad stage of deterioration. It has to do with self respect. At least my friend agrees whole-hardheartedly that it's a disgusting trend (she only has a single piercing on each earlobe for an earring and no tattoos; I myself have no tattoos or piercings--don't want any). It does not look pleasant. This is a lot like what happened to the car industry in America during the 70s. People go out these days looking as if they've never spent more than $10 on an article of clothing. American guys hate slender pants, by the way -- they say this style looks "gay"; I say it looks way more flattering than baggy pants (though part of the reason the slim pant trend will never catch on here is because of men's weight issues, which is another blog post entirely.). Gene - first of all, from a fellow Pole to another, dzien dobry! It also comes from a defiant attitude of I will be comfortable at all times no matter what, and f-you if you dont like it. I have posted them purely for entertainment purposes only. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time I noticed it. I'm sure you've noticed how customer service is non-existent these days in just about every field? No wonder everybody from Patti LuPone on down is complaining that nobody knows how to behave anymore: If you dress like a child, chances are you're going to act like one. The sleeves of tattoos looks so gross, not artsy and cool. I am male and am of the larger variety. Up here in the interior of Alaska, at least people have to wear appropriately warm clothing during a portion of the year to keep from getting 3rd degree frostbite within seconds, so one doesn't see bare body parts hanging out, unlike down in the lower 48. Then again, the rationale is: why should one much bother to wear a suit when most people will show up to the party looking like schlubs?
The Real Reasons So Few Men Dress Well I have written a few comments here about it, and I fear that I am starting to sound like a broken record. I've gotten rather tired seeing ordinary people out in public places looking as though they were either refugees, or inhabitants of homeless encampments. Even when I search the internet for garments made from real wool with classic patterns, I am more and more at a loss to find what I want. Lose weight and you too can fit into nice suits. Maybe so, but it also sums up the decadence and lack of self-respect and confusion of mores that our society is experiencing these sad days. Apparently, the youngest of the millenial generation will work for minimum wage and be exploited, but is happy so long as they get to express themselves by looking vulgar and unprofessional. Yeah great makes me want to ask them out! The same thing happened when I wanted to buy a white dress shirt, with mop buttons, but couldn't find any What I want to say is, that even if you want to maintain a classic style for yourself, then you are most probably doomed because there is not the demand for classic clothes as it once used to be. People seem to have no thought about etiquette anymore, and go out as they are and think nothing of it. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. I'm pretty sure that the wait staff probably doesn't like the idea of shortcutting the traditional process, because it could lose them tip money, which is what they are really relying on, since they don't get a high hourly wage. I think it ridiculous when I see a woman who has an oversized derrier that she feels she can stuff into a pair of tight jeans.
For the love of God, stop dressing like crap - New York Post Dressing down a culture for refusing to dress up - CBS News Yoga pants in public outside the gym are out. Society needs a generous dose of respectability. Sadly,so many women also do it too. A kewpie doll? They always had a winter coat. If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. Now we have fat slobs&sluts,who enjoy(or at least don't mind)making the list,on 'people of walmart',even if they are'nt IN walmart. Most are males wearing ties and coats. Style is a matter of knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not givng a damn (Gore Vidal). Hmm, interesting points. When people were invited onstage at a recent performance of Penn & Teller on Broadway, many women looked as if they had stepped out of a jazzercise class, while men ambled around in hideous cargo shorts. Of course, anything seems to go nowadays, but it still perturbs me when I see it. The examples go on and on, but it is coming to the point where interactions with other people, even as a customer, are lowering to a nadir. To me it signals low self esteem, laziness and no pride in yourself. A leading question, but I believe that most people today dress less well than the generations before (myself guilty). They are supposed to be rich and glamorous and the last thing that we would expect is that they live like slobs.
How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? - AEI Sadly, you are right, only now we have miraculous technology instead of religion.
What's behind shortages of Adderall, Ozempic and other meds? He would wear dress pants, open neck shirt and sport's jacket and was overdressed compared to everyone else who were in baggy jeans, many torn or frayed, flip flops, shorts, very sloppy looking. Who has lime green shorts? The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". His jacket length was too short in the body, his sleeves also too short. Adobe Stock. This is a nation of slobs, all right, and brainless, too. For my entire life, I have dressed well and spent very little money. People nowadays don't appreciate quality and style. Did you see the recent Academy Awards in HOLLYWEIRD and notice the absurd outfits that the male celebs were sporting, as though they weren't supposed to be ashamed? But now I'm starting to blame the so-called fashion gurus for the problem of people being so poorly and slovenly dressed and having no sense. I have a busy life and chronic pain. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs. Or how about Kim "Kar trashian" and her implanted, hippopotamus-sized ass? For patients, that can mean treatment delays, medication switches and other . When I still worked as an engineer and an I.T. Burlington Coat Factory, Filene's Basement, and Marshall's all have designers clothes marked down to ridiculous prices. First, it was clothing, then came the no shave look. It really is a shame. I see it all. Today's pop culture doesn't help, either. variety. s-a-h-d. Another excellent post! I wish more of us could understand that. My husband and i go out to expensive music performances, some of them classical, and I see older people dressed just as heinously, though. Clean and neat is good. Having said that, I wholeheartedly agree with you; the absolute laziness and sloppiness of people (including, but not limited to, prospective employees) appalls me. As far as tattoos, I did write a post several years ago here about my distaste for them. Thank God I always had a job that required me to dress at the minimum nice business casual, no jeans, and I had to learn how to dress. I dress in accordance with the weather and make sure Im properly covered. Yet, I trust that Pam is continuing to keep up appearances, and hasn't succumbed to the low mindset of looking like them? That training reflected in my life. RARELY do i see a person dressed perfect. People appear in public looking terrible and don't have much pride in their appearances anymore. It is hard to look put together if your hair looks like that in the first place.Hair has been made a political issue, so you can't easily bring a neat hair policy anymore. I just don't understand why some, if not many, lesbians choose to look obscene. Most blokes manage to scrub up well, but, man, do some women take liberties. I had to lead a patrol of mixed Legionnaires, British Royal Marine Commandos and US Marines, and after a heavy contact which took place on ops, I had the men in extended line cleaning their weapons - an essential task to keep your weapon operating efficiently. It's a shame because these people should know better. However, there is such a thing as being too casual. It was especially shocking since I expected casino-goers to be as well dressed as they were depicted in movies and on TV shows.I was wearing business casual -- dress shirt, tie, nice slacks and shoes -- and people stared at me. No, not really. And this also applies to they who are on national television. BTW I had a suit on as well! I personally don't find anything attractive about excessive tats and crazy colored hair on either men or women. Very true article, the men today dress like they just rolled out of bed.The typical male attire is a wrinkled up T-shirt, baggy shorts, no socks and flip flops; pathetic!Truthfully, is it asking too much to wear a clean pair of jeans, a dress shirt and shoes with style?Also make sure to button-up the tunic, wearing a dress shirt with the top unbuttoned is a no-no.