Chris Allen Published: March 4, 2021. As for her Instagram videos: Thats 100% me, she said. Sharon graduated from Morgan Park High School in 1965 and from an Occupational Therapy Assistant program in 1967. I knew moving back here, I was going to be leaving the classroom, and that was a tradeoff I was willing to make. DULUTH, MN. CNN . Categories: Duluth / Superior News, Featured. Christopher McMahon currently lives in Duluth, MN; in the past Christopher has also lived in Silver Spring MD and Rockville MD. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 1107350400025 . Obituary of Louis B. Markel Louis B. Markel, Jr., age 90, of White Bear Lake MN passed away on April 21, 2023 at Keystone Place at LaValle Fields. Hers is a small team composed of a longtime employee, a publicist, a web designer, and theyll soon be hiring one more. ", "That we want you to loudly condemn this if you're against it. With your commitment to understanding the truth, youll gain confidence as you consume media and share information with loved ones. Entertainment. MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- If you want straight-laced and serious, Sharon McMahon's . Sharon McMahon, a Duluth, Minn.,-based former history teacher, went viral last year she now has over 700,000 followers on Instagram when she began producing informative videos debunking . DULUTH, Minn. - A Duluth woman is using her background as a former U.S. government studies teacher to not only educate her large Instagram following, but to do some good as well. Read More. @SharonSaysSo, WATCH THE INTERVIEW: Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. My goal is to provide you with fact-based, nonpartisan information, so you can form your own educated opinions, she said. Some of the money stayed locally to Duluth, some of it went to people all over the country, McMahon said. My straightforward approach has helped me reach hundreds of thousands of followers, fellow Governerdswho are looking for truth and peace in a political climate that is often fraught with lies and divisive rhetoric. She doesn't pull any punches, she posts only the truth and has built her reputation on it. They have also lived in Cass Lake, MN and Nevis, MN. Im Sharon McMahon, a former high school government and law teacher on a mission to combat political misinformationby sharing non-partisan facts about the US government and democracy. Hannah Davis is the Area Editor at the Forest Lake Times. Sign in. (Northern News Now) - A Duluth woman will attend President Biden's State of the Union address on Tuesday. Shes grown a very large following on Instagram the past few years more than 776-thousand, at last count by sharing facts about current events, history and government. My goal is never to get people to think like I think. Then he gives the real story for us to decide what to do with it what we want. Today, shes responding to timely topics minimum wage or the proposed stimulus bill as well as inquiries about basic functions of government. I break down tough-to-follow political headlines and events through daily news briefings, thought-provoking conversations, historical context, and humor. . Former government teacher Sharon McMahon appeared on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Monday, sharing why she started her fact-based Instagram account @sharonsaysso and explaining how she separates fact from conspiracy, breaking down the difference between a lie and bias.. You can contact her at or (763)233-0709. In the runup to the 2020 election, McMahon noticed an influx of misinformation about how the government works, what the Electoral College does and more. With over a decade of experience in government and law education, Im committed to using nonpartisan facts as my guide. Together, we can bring unity and truth to the conversation surrounding our nations politics. Later, she breaks into a King Arthur accent. I was the kid paying for Newsweek subscriptions with my own babysitting money, she said. (In one of her clips, McMahon encourages viewers to search sites that end in .edu.), Her page presents an opportunity for a one-on-one, judgment-free interaction where people can ask a real person and get an honest response, she said. Filed Under: Duluth MN. She answers direct questions and hosts virtual workshops and it all comes with character. Political science related to American government has been a long-lived passion for McMahon. McMahon has since set up a podcast and virtual classes for people to learn more about other areas of our nations politics. Those who subscribe to it believe a group of satanic child traffickers control world governments and the media. Nothing keeps you humble like adolescent children, McMahon said with a laugh. In a video illustrating presidential vs. congressional power, she uses a tiny stuffed sheep and rabbit. I am anti Trump. She was a caring, generous, and loving person who, wholeheartedly, gave her life to serving others. More than 10,000 people signed up for her workshops in February. @SharonSaysSo Get Sharon Mcmahon's contact information, age, background check, white pages, email, criminal records, photos, relatives & social networks . Apple podcasts Christopher Mcmahon in Minnesota. Among the values she brought from the front of the class to social media: My goal was to leave the classroom with students having no idea how I voted. And thats how she runs @SharonSaysSo. Registered Agent: Registered Agents Inc. . Her latest good deed is rallying her followers to write thank-you cards from wherever they are in America to the federal employees who had to clean up the trash, broken glass, and even blood, urine, and feces left all over the U.S. Capitol on January 6th from rioters. Her survivors include: Her wonderful husband Jim; children Jessica (Chris) Bloomquist, Richard (Tammy) Hennes Jr. and Heather Pekkala; step children Kathleen (Joe) Borer, Amy (Steve) Gort, Sharyl and Peter Strohmeier; siblings Nancy (LeRoy) Ullrich, Gladys Eral; brother-in-law, Ed White; grandchildren Whitney Smith, Liam and Samantha Hennes, Alondra Guddeck, Joshua Pekkala, and Grant and Natalie Arntson; step grandkids Sam, Cate and Tony Borer, Jon Briesemaster, Elise and Maya Gort; three great-granddaughters Violet Martin, Scarlett and Ruby Audie and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Chris has 1 job listed on their profile. City of Duluth Is Offering Free Lead Testing Of Homes Drinking Water, Oasis Del Norte Food Truck Is Back Out On The Streets Of Duluth, Visit Duluth Releases Visitors Guide Today, A Duluth Motel Is Going to Be Turned Into Housing For People That Are Homeless, Fireworks Will Be Returning To Duluth This 4th Of July, Flight Attendant Sues Duluth Over A Pothole Injury, Navy: Duluth Commissioning USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul On Hold, Duluths GDC Starts New Downtown Table Talk Series. During Tuesdays class, people logged in from New Orleans, Utah, Maryland and Oregon. DULUTH, Minn. A Duluth woman is using her background as a former U.S. government studies teacher to not only educate her large Instagram following, but to do some good as well. and began teaching Government for Grownups workshops, with topics ranging from how Congress works to Constitution 101. Election officials are under no obligation to count votes quickly, they are under every obligation to count votes accurately, McMahon said. That's where Sharon McMahon steps in. That led to a couple filmed Q&As. You may know me from my viral Instagram account @SharonSaysSo. McMahon said @SharonSaysSo has shown her that the majority of people want similar things. Former Teacher In Duluth Becomes Election Year Instagram Sensation. Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . . Its fun to have a laugh and fun to talk about bald eagles. A Question on Melanoma Monday: Why are More Men Than Women Getting Skin Cancer? The first $10,000 she raised went to Twin Ports organizations. Author email Don'tget caught off guard by the latest current events. A post shared by The Real Sharon McMahon (@sharonsaysso). . . Dana Mcmahon, ~57 Christopher Mcmahon, 59. She later went back to work as the Office Manager of Dr. Kronzers endodontic office until she retired. She told Trevor Noah, "My goal is never to get people to think like I think," shewent on to say"My goal is to provide you with fact-based, nonpartisan information, so you can form your own educated opinions.". She and Klobuchar, a democrat from Minnesota, are pushing for better care for service members and vets exposed to toxic substances. See all Events. Sharon McMahon has used her page to educate followers on how the U.S. government works and to debunk various conspiracy theories. Shes the wife of a former Army helicopter pilot who now has stage four colon cancer. "Sharon Says So" hits No. The second best result is Sharon Kay McMahon age 70s in Akeley, MN. She obtained a Master's degree in Social Work, all while falling in love with Duluth and her partner, Jeff. If you and your significant other both want to go out to dinner, and he or she wants to take the freeway, and you want to take the scenic route, ultimately, you both want the same thing, which is going out to eat. The Instagram site calledSharonSaysSo,and it separates fact from conspiracy and breaks down the difference between a lie and bias. We were able to connect with a group of social workers here in Duluth who were able to nominate some families who needed help.. It really just struck me as these people are doing this job for us. Sharon McMahon, the 45-year-old Instagram star in question, regularly performs what amounts to a magic trick. . On January 1st, 2013 she married her soulmate, Jim Strohmeier and they enjoyed 10 blissful married years together. For her more than 500,000 followers, McMahon posts daily Q&As and summaries of national events. When youre in a classroom, you want to get to know your teacher. CNN Duluth, MN. From understanding the Constitution to headline SCOTUS cases, each workshop is delivered in the style you've come to know and love. It's safe to say that probably every part of the country has their own slang words, terms, or language that they use that's commonly understood among members of the community. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. "But those 10 people are not going to be out there spreading misinformation anymore.". You may know me from my viral Instagram account @SharonSaysSo. SHARON MCMAHON EDUCATION LLC. Death and Crime Junkie.. The Washington Post You know we fought a war against each other over the right to own people, so things have actually been significantly worse than they are today in this moment, and I truly have no reservation about my optimism for America. Right now her page has 550,000 followers, and will soon grow after her appearances on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and CNN. Sharon McMahon has a simple mission: provide non-partisan information about our democracy during these uncertain . America's Government teacher. Misinformation is a threat to our democracy, but together we can combat lies and conspiracy theories with the truth. While her son called with accolades from college, there is, at times, a lukewarm reception at home. In one of her Instagram stories, Cons/libs, McMahon makes space for neutral communication by posing the question with screenshots of the responses: "What is something you wish people who lean right understood? (Northern News Now) - A Duluth woman will attend President Bidens State of the Union address on Tuesday. Duluth-based Sharon McMahon is known as "America's history teacher" due to her viral Instagram account, @SharonSaysSo, where she debunks myths and shares facts about how government works. Sharon is related to Jennifer Kay Quinn and Larry Lyle McMahon as well as 3 additional people. Sharon was a faithful and devoted member of Elim Lutheran Church for close to 50 years, where she taught Sunday school and served on many committees. Her @SharonSaysSo viral Instagram account . 319 North Central Avenue, Duluth, MN, USA MORE INFO. Stauber invites Duluth woman to Bidens State of the Union, The former high school teacher has become a popular online educator, First Alert: Rain and snow will continue through early Monday morning, First Alert: Minnesota will dry up early Monday but snow may last longer for the South Shore, Fatal Crash: One person dies in tractor trailer rollover Saturday near New Independence, Man dies in fatal crash with semi-truck in Superior Saturday, Local group raises money over weekend for Honor Flight Northland, Duluth Lions Club to hold 64th Annual Pancake Day Thursday, Red Flag Warning issued for parts of northwest & west-central MN. Previously cities included Silver Spring MD and Rockville MD. She posted a refresher on the latter to her Instagram account Sept. 11, 2020. A post shared by Sharon McMahon (@sharonsaysso), On Wednesday, her podcast remained in the top 5 along with Dr. In addition to her informational videos, McMahon also posts clips online where she often lambastes misinformation and conspiracy theories that are posted online from vague sources and questionable evidence and positions herself as a counter to random Facebook comments. . Many have anxiety or suspicion about Googling information; some have difficulty plucking out disreputable sources, and many fear asking a question and appearing stupid. A post shared by The Real Sharon McMahon (@sharonsaysso). Representative Pete Stauber invited Sharon McMahon to be his guest for the annual speech, which is set to be held at the nations Capitol at 8 p.m. CT. McMahon is a former high school government and law teacher who made a name for herself on Instagram during the 2020 presidential election. There will be more fundraising in the future, and McMahon is in the process of forming a 501(c)(3). "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah's interview with Duluth's Sharon McMahon aired Monday, Feb. 22. MN 55802 (218) 723 . The cleanup crews had to work lightning-fast so Congress could get back to certifying the election results later that night. Great Duluth Sweat Together; Local Scores; Get Our Newsletter; Twin Ports Area News; THE NORTHLAND'S FAVORITE HITS. The community that has formed, that is perhaps what I am most proud of, McMahon said in On this week's episode of Leader of the Pack, Duluth Pack's CEO, Tom Sega has a Zoom conversation with Sharon McMahon of Sharon Says So - a multi-talented entrepreneur, podcaster, and social influencer.In this podcast episode, Sharon talks us through the varied ventures that she built from the ground up including a hand-dying yarn business, becoming a successful photographer, and her . Those are the stories you can expect to hear on The Sharon Says So Podcast, every single week. She says her goal isn't to influence, it's simply to inform. 4 followers 4 connections . McMahon told CNN that she started the videos as a response to the amount of misinformation that began to creep up into her social media feeds in the lead up to the 2020 election. Since the News Tribune visited with McMahon in February, she has hosted workshops on abortion in the U.S., gun laws, the judicial process and more and, launched crowdsourcing efforts in collaboration with RIP Medical Debt to help relieve the burden for families. chris sharon mcmahon duluth, mn - christopher brooks obituary march 2019 - christopher brooks obituary march 2019 - . . In each of her videos McMahon, a resident of Duluth, Minn., stresses that shes not taking any sides in the political debate. More From KOOL 101.7. Sharon maintains relationships with many people -- family . Duluth-based Sharon McMahon is known as Sharon Says So on social media. I'll guide you to know the facts, understand what's relevant, and be informed. Sharon Says So with Sharon McMahon is available on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google and Amazon. Sharon was a beautiful loving wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. Since October 2020, former United States government teacher Sharon McMahon has been using social media to give followers a quick lesson in civics covering topics like the constitutionality of a mask mandate to campaign promises politicians make during an election. The third result is Sharon Isabel McMahon . Enter Sharon McMahon. Nearly every day, she posts a question box on her @sharonsaysso Instagram, opening the floor for anyone's questions about current events or the United States government. Most Expensive Neighborhoods in Each State, Rock Legends Daryl Hall and Todd Rundgren Announce Summer Concert in Minnesota. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. Sharon McMahon, a former teacher in Duluth, Minnesota, has been . People asked for a weekly video. 36 followers 10 . We want to take care of old people; we want to take care of the sick. Sharon McMahon Owner, Three Irish Girls Duluth, MN . She worked as an occupational therapist at the Children's Hospital in the Twin Cities and St. Luke's Hospital in . - May 31 - 2023 Awards Celebration at The West Theatre. Sharon also loved rooting for her Minnesota Vikings every year. WE ARE AVAILABLE 24/7CALL Minneapolis(612) 200-2777or duluth(218) 208-0377. When you look at the timeline of when the Capitol building got cleaned up and Congress was able to resume, it was well after normal business hourseverybody just showed up to uphold the Constitution, McMahon said. In each of her videos McMahon goes into detail on a topic, sometimes done at the request of her followers, and debunks the misinformation and conspiracy theories surrounding them. Known as: Sharon L Mcmahon, Sharon . She later taught primarily 10th- through 12th-graders in the San Francisco Bay area and a Maryland suburb of D.C., she said. She plans to launch her podcast, Government for Grownups, in May. If you want to know the difference between Congress and the Senate, I will happily explain.. She amassed more than a million followers by educating people about how the government works. March 2, 2022 2:33 PM. I wrote an article about how Sharon McMahon made it on The Daily Show in 2021 and a whole new group of people discovered her. This fall, the former teacher launched The ultimate goal is the same. Sharon Kay Strohmeier was called home on March 1, 2023. chris mcmahon duluth minnesota. Sharon Kay Strohmeier was called home on March 1, 2023. If there is one group of people I would bet on, it is Americans.. Arresting Agency: DULUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT. And so far, technical and infrastructural challenges are most prevalent managing the demand for access to workshops or the volume of emails and incoming questions. PR Week's Editorial Director Steve Barrett said of Sharon McMahon that she is "someone who upholds the values of fact-based nonpartisan information at a time when this has never been more needed, and we need more of this as we emerge from a torrid time, and business and brands can also play a part in restoring civil discourse to a febrile and fractured society.". Her videos have such an impact that McMahon the news network that she even heard from a handful of people who used to believe in QAnon conspiracy theories until they saw her Instagram page. , a nonprofit that buys medical debt in bulk at a discount to help relieve what people owe. Record Date: Apr 06, 2023. Center director Chris McMahon said he's hired staff and opened a whole new toddler room just to fill the gap. "Mind you, I did not know how to cook." We just have different ideas of the best way to get there. Please verify . Sharon also answers to Sharon L Lemcmahon, Sharon L Mcmahon, Sharon Lindsay Mcmahon and Sharon L Lepine, and perhaps a couple of other names. So many times there have been lies and misinformation put out on the media. Will Snow Chances Linger Into May In The Duluth Area. You want that personal connection, she said. DULUTH Sharon McMahons 18-year-old and his friends watched her on After arriving in #duluthmn during a glorious July, she quickly discovered what life in American Siberia is like from November-May. Her page followers hail from a variety of political beliefs. All rights reserved. She hopes it inspires people to look up the facts for themselves and start to educate themselves on topics that affect their lives. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. 1 on Apple podcasts this week. According to the DNT, other recipients include Feeding America CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, #MeToo movement founder Tarana Burke and Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai Malik. Duluth, MN 55803. On @SharonSaysSo, McMahon talks about the Electoral College by using a wire basket and a wooden bin. Copyright 2023 Northern News Now. She was born on February 27, 1947 in Duluth MN to Charles and Ina McKerrihan, the second of five daughters. "Duluth, like everywhere else, has a . There is a big difference. And its a really good podcast, Stauber said. Sharon McMahon used to be aGovernment Teacher but has become famous lately by just publishing facts on her Instagram site. Thats a good problem to have, she said. The Russian invasion of Ukraine might feel confusing if you dont follow international politics closely. All ten slots filled in less than a week. When we can agree on that goal, we can have much more productive conversations, she said. She is the mom of two beautiful humans who are two years apart (to the exact day-September 21st, 2015 & 2017). , We see that you have javascript disabled. Record Date: Apr 06, 2023; Case Type: Traffic; Offense Code: 171.24.1; Offense Desc: DRIVING . Arresting Agency: MN STATE PATROL - DULUTH; Christopher Mcmahon. McMahon lives in Duluth, Minnesota, but the Governerds live . The Daily Show with Trevor Noah These companies are located in Duluth MN, Erie PA, Memphis TN, North Canton OH, and Sacramento CA. HAS A DEATH OCCURRED? Sharon McMahon used to be a government teacher, but has become famous by disseminating the information so people can understand it without any bias. and on SAVE THE DATE! Meanwhile, Senator Amy Klobuchars State of the Union guest is Amanda Barbosa, from Saint Paul. She worked as an occupational therapist at the Childrens Hospital in the Twin Cities and St. Lukes Hospital in Duluth. Provided by Sharon McMahon, Sharon McMahon made it on The Daily Show in 2021, PR Week's Editorial Director Steve Barrett said, City Of Duluth And YMCA Raise Lifeguard Pay To Attract Qualified Applicants, This Duluth Prairie School Foursquare Features Surprise Extra Living Space, Duluth Police Department Released A Notice Of A High-Risk Predatory Offender Living In Duluth, Red Bull Heavy Metal Street Snowboard Competition Returns To Duluth In January, If Duluth Had A Walk Of Fame, These Would Be Some Of The Stars, Duluth + Superior Firefighters Participate In Joint Training Session. She uses her knowledge of government and explains it in plain language. Former MN teacher going viral for combating political misinformation on Instagram. Along with her half a million followers and a Daily Show interview, McMahon has also appeared in (Screenshot / Comedy Central) . MN 56470 | 218-732-3364 . So does my mom. Sharon McMahon spent years teaching U.S. government studies in different corners of the country and now runs a photography business in Duluth. SHARON MCMAHON EDUCATION LLC is a Minnesota Limited-Liability Company (Domestic) filed on October 3, 2019. Because it's no fun to feel overwhelmed or uninformed. Lived in: 11712 Stonewood Ln, Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 984-0932 2914 Lindell, Silver Spring, MD . Minnesotans have some 'vague' terms that might be open to interpretation from others outside of the state, but have very definitive meanings to natives. Days later, her followers gave $500,000, which buys $50 million in debt. "I was the kid paying for Newsweek subscriptions with my own babysitting money," Sharon McMahon said about her . Jun 16, 2019 . The best partis feeling like you understand what's going on, you know how to engage in a thoughtful discussion, and you feel less anxiety. Comments. 5173 Eagle Lake Rd Duluth, MN 55803 These addresses are known to be associated with Sharon Mcmahon Education LLC however they may be inactive or mailing addresses only. University of Minnesota Duluth, +1 more Kelly McMahon Sales Manager at Clearwater Composites, Co-Founder at CragDog . McMahon aims for her page to not just be super professional 24/7. The kind of story that you want to turn around and tell to all your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors? Right now Christopher is a Manager at Junior Statesmen Foundation. She moved to Duluth in 2005 to attend UMD. Thats dictator level, we dont want that.. Representative Pete Stauber invited Sharon McMahon to be his guest for the annual speech, which is set to be held at the nation's Capitol at 8 p.m. CT. McMahon is a former high school government and law teacher who made a . Louis B. Markel. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue reading local news. , an Instagram account for nonpartisan, fact-based information on the U.S. government. My goal with these nonpartisan videos is to provide you with factual information that does not favor one position over another, she said in her video about the Electoral College. The Registered Agent on file for this company is (Optional) Currently No Agent and is located at 4315 Luverne Street, Duluth, MN 55804. She believed she might be able to raise a few thousand dollars. Sharon for her part explains the information for the same reasons. Minnesota Affected By General Mills Gold Medal Flour Recall, Kingsbury Investigation: Place 'Blue Check' If You Consent To Search, 4 MN Graduate Schools Make U.S. News 2023-24 Ranking, Photos: Iconic Landmarks To Visit Across MN.
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chris sharon mcmahon duluth, mn 2023