Their presence feels very young and light. The walk of a Taurus Rising is slow, persistent and sure; it has its own special rythm. Because their power derives from their ability to observe and examine through seeing other peoples habits and gestures, theyre very well-known for having a magnetic presence and deep eyes. Pisces Rising people present themselves much like dissolving clouds in the air. dissolved and diluted. separate us from everything else; no identity. Neptune/11th house: a colossal tidal wave rises suddenly in the horizon, destroying everything in its path; after many years, societies have rebuilt themselves for the better. This specific moment is represented in the cusp of the 1st house, also Magnetic and mysterious, sensual and compelling is their natural gift. Dealing with exchanges and shopping is also effortless. A Libra stellium would indicate success through partnership. This Moon is competitive and loves to lead and command over others emotional matters. ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. being granted a physical form, we were one with the universe, dissolved in its starry, Often you will see the persons career show up in the sign their stellium is in. Translating emotional information into mental codes is a challenging task. house, then, is a symbolic representation of the moment we receive something to is who I am now; this is what makes me unique!. They project themselves this way and experience their individuality best when theyre able to distinguish themselves from others through their ability to demonstrate their talents and skills. If a Leo stellium shows up, things will be different. identity is often linked to that of somebody elses. Theres an instinctual need to be disciplined and to be ready to serve anothers problems. Emotional security and social stability go hand-in-hand. Also, because of Jupiters dimensions and nature, this planets blessings upon ones body may produce someone whos spacious or roomy. Theyre observant of others presentation and adapt themselves to better present their personality for the ones theyre talking to (this doesnt mean theyre always fake!) Death. This is someone who loves being in touch with different and unexpected people, always learning knew things through their relationships. Being considered by others as intelligent and well-informed is what makes them feel them. What does it mean if someone's uranus, neptune and pluto is the same as yours. The drive are focused on the self: bold attitudes. imagination. to feel secure before applying all of its energy into something. As a Leo rising, you're ruled by fire, and your ruling planet is the sun, the planet of ego, identity and personality. This is someone whos very optimistic, ready for anything and well-known for their ability to distribute knowledge and feelings of hope. roses, flags and concepts. This . This is someone who seems to be available and willing to help and share ones knowledge and talents. "Benjamin Disraeli, Marilyn Monroe, Neptune in Leo conjunct the Ascendant. One of the most remarkable traits of the ascendant in Leo physical appearance is the luscious, strong, thick hair. They see life and the human experience in general through bright sunny lenses: they seem confident, joyful, light-hearted and carefree on the outside. in their everyday life. are amazed by the infinite information that world has to offer. This is someone whos trying to understand and improve themselves through crisis in order to better act upon the world they wish to change. The 1st houses physical limits are partially dissolved by Neptunes Cancers water pool glitters and shines with Sagittarius piercing arrows of light. Deals a lot with its own Moon/12th house: a water elf kneels by a small blue lake, quietly receiving the blessings of the Moon before parting on a journey; fish dance calmly in the rippling water. The first decan is between 0-10 degrees. Just because someone has a fifth house stellium does not automatically mean they are an artistic, theater-type person. Theres a strong appetite for communicating ones thoughts and ideas. Regardless, the basic essence of the sign on the Ascendant will still be there. ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. There may be restlessness and some indecision between acting immediately according to ones individual opinion and actually waiting to weigh everyones sides before coming to a conclusion. Physical Appearance By Rising Sign, According To Jensen This Sun is polite and popular. Moon/4th house: a skilled swimmer sits calmy at the very bottom of a deep swimming pool, looking up to the surface that is twisting with light. Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. Absolute power. This Moon may be constantly called to tend to other peoples affairs and material matters. Being spontaneous might be hard, for Saturn draws clear Mars/6th house: a watchful strategist. Inexplicable tendencies of drawing attention wherever one goes. and loyalty, favouring the transmission of ones knowledge. They acquire admiration by working in large groups and commanding big projects, specially those related to the arts. For the most part, they dont like being identified, defined or limited by other peoples impressions and opinions. Personal power is exerted through ones ability to communicate and organize abstract ideas into material results. into his mind; words of celestial music reverberate from the deep starlit sky. And, in this context, to describe is also to draw limits, and to draw limits is to discriminate. Mercury/8th house: a young apprentice draws ten tarot cards for a Seeker and speaks their intuition and hidden meanings from the cards. This Sun likes giving advices about how to live life happily and would love to have children of their own. sheer presence may be felt by others as restless. The eyebrows may be thick and well-formed. Because of that, those with Taurus on the Ascendant are felt as very patient and steady people. The ability to focus one's energy on a quest for one's objectives is boosted. Sun/7th house: a counselor bends to a delicately dressed aristocrat and whispers watchful advices to their ears before the final decision is made; the court waits in deep silence. Theres something about this special someone. Mars/3rd house: a curious soldier moving around excitedly. Gemini stellium in the fifth house will show someone who creates through writing or through public speaking/communication. Mercury/9th house: an exchange student considers a fascinating monument, thinking of the history behind it. Blessings from Neptune favour Impacts of this Mars attitudes are not felt immediately; things radiance that proudly illuminates the dark. Libra Risings tend to maintain an aligned pose; they walk gracefully about, lightweight. It is important to remember that any of these potential manifestations can be altered by the charts overall conditions. Jupiter/3rd house: a person stands among their interessed friends, talking delightfully of their religious beliefs. I'm an aries moon and rising w leo venus and a scorpio lilith (+ I'm a virgo sun) which is a chart idk how to style.. . This Mercury is an idealist, speaks many languages, is more attentive to details and deep meanings than other Mercury positions. Again, there is one exception - Sagittarius stellium in the third house will create a weird opposition here where communication might be a little tricky. Theres much effort put into being successful in ones career with the objective to project ones family into society. Feelings are effortlessly expressed and communicated. Ferociously proud and somewhat vain, you like to be impressive and to be seen as somebody special. instinctive experience within their own mind, and this is easily perceived by Fair and honourable, they stand for their beliefs, but wait until theyve heard everyones opinions before getting to a verdict. child-birth. Moon/8th house: a water sprite lives in the very depths of a black cold lake; the surface is covered in thick sheets of glittering ice. This can also be applicable to ones mental and spiritual values. Expansion of ones business and wealth is favoured by ones ability to foresee financial situations and opportunities. This is someone who excels at dealing with the needs of groups of people and charms the crowds because of their interest in others troubles and anxieties. Those with Cancer on the Ascendant see the world through gleaming water lenses. Libra Risings will try to find a balance between this two energies until they actually find it and, when they do, they finally experience their true selves. Rounded eyes tend to give a moony or dreamy expression. faith. Scorpio Risings try to answer these questions by quietly analyzing anything and anyone around them, unveiling secrets and penetrating sheets of reality. This Moon is great at seeing the truth behind peoples motives, but hardly reacts aggressively, even if these motives have an evil tone to it. 6th house -You often see sixth house stelliums in the charts of service industry types, like doctors, nurses, etc (this is especially true if the moon is part of the stellium). Here the Mars/9th house: an idealist fighting for their Being so socially disciplined and responsible may produce personal tension considering Sagittarius adventurous impulses there in the first house. This is someone whose opinions and even overall personality may seem to change depending on the values of the people close to them. Clothes and accessories are carefully chosen and tend to harmonize in a wider context. Ascendant in Leo Personality Traits, Physical Appearance, Meaning and courage. change. An Aries stellium, for instance, might be driven to be even more independent, and would perhaps excel in an arena that would bring the native fame. Sun/10th house: a person kneels solemnly in front of the royal family, ready to receive a most noble title for their achievements and contributions to the empire. Scorpio Risings feel, mostly subconsciously, that they cannot trust other people and, in some cases, not even themselves. Leo Rising sign. There may be a constant calling to arts or religion in their lives. The opposite will be apparent in Gemini stelliums in the ninth house. These people also tend to have large heads and prominent facial features.. Anyone with a Capricorn stellium in the 4th house will have an opposition of energy, and will tend to reject the idea of nostalgic, Cancerian values that typically comes with a fourth house stellium. How To Guess The Rising Sign - Mars/4th house: a hero fighting for (or against) their Equally, it is about time that you realize the goodness of the people around your surrounding. This is someone who will try to take care of others health and physical appearance through subtle and unusual techniques. Where Aquarius Risings were instinctually trying to make sure they were perceived as exotic, witty and different from everyone else, Pisces Risings act as if to make it impossible for others to tell exactly what theyre all about. I made Luna Lovegoods astrology chart while I ate lunch today. Expressing oneself clearly and assertively can be hard, for the Sun is covered in glittering, loving Pisces mist. Rising Signs - The Decans - Mars/2nd house: a cautious soldier. Mercury/7th house: a charming scholar listens carefully to their two resentful friends and tries to solve their argument. Partnerships are an important point in ones life. They also tend to enjoy spending time sorting their looks before going out, for they worry much about their public appearance. Security is found through knowledge and being useful. Careers related to children or their childish world are favoured. Mars/8th house: a silent investigator. SAGITTARIUS RISING: 0-959 Sagittarius / 10-19 . Extremely expressive features with long limbs compared to the torso even a short cancer rising will often have a lanky look to their arms and legs. Dark hair. One presents themselves as original and eccentric in the way they present We would hardly find an Aries Rising resting, unoccupied or still. This Mercury is more private than the others and is liked by many for their loyalty and humbleness. Personal power is acquired through information and learning and is expressed through the exposition of the accumulated knowledge. The body type is often robust, heroic with broad shoulders and generally a stronger upper body. They are slow, thoughtful and cautious when starting anything new or making any changes. These folks are the most social in the zodiac, and are always on the go. Ones able to slowly charm other people with their shining and sensitive ideas in order to change peoples perspectives. Like a cloud, they seem to have no clear limits and no physical form. At last, the decision is always made following ones sincere heart and true intentions. Virgo ideal partner is someone that can keep a conversation going just as much as them. People see this person as a lighthouse, a reference in religious or philosophical matters. waters. Information is everything. The opposition to the eighth house, Scorpios home, may make someone who seeks security through destruction of the very thing that makes them feel secure. Looks can be deceiving. The skin texture usually is very good and should appear quite healthy. leadership. The first usually regarded as professors of some kind, even if theyre not related to a This may sound contradictory, but its really not. Neptunian energy is strong here. Thus, there may be some confusion regarding this aspect of life. In situations of peril, sadness or deception, this person is able to demonstrate colossal amounts of emotional energy. passions. Your Leo horoscope for May 2023 is equal parts emotionally intense and satisfyingly energizingbut for a cosmic lion like you, taking care of business . with this placement tend to have strong and spontaneous emotional responses to The face most often is straight along the edges so that the forehead/temples are about the same width as the lower jaw. away from the turmoil. Their goal is to serve. Aquarius stelliums will have unique, devils advocate style ideas and will enjoy bucking the social norm as they communicate. Moon/6th house: a fisher looks up to the nightsky and considers surging tides on the horizon. Unconsciously, people deal carefully with this Jupiter, for it tends to overflow with fixed spiritual energy. Graceful, quick movements that resemble the fish that represents their sign are common. this house and its characteristics in general may describe conditions of They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. Mars/11th house: an enlightened volunteer armed with The teeth may be unusually white, well-formed, somewhat large, and evenly spaced. beliefs, always in search for answers. You just need to know your time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth to obtain your chart. A Guide to Rising Signs: What They Mean and How to Find Yours This is someone who is probably popular and has lots of restless emotional energy. Discover more posts about leo moon, cancer moon, virgo rising, aries sun, astrology, taurus moon, and Scorpio Rising. They will stand and move like trained royalty. CAPRICORN: You may often be struck by cap risings well-modulated, often deep speaking voices. The presence of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn or Neptune in this stellium could make this even more apparent. This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. Thick and fair hair that is often red or blonde, often well kept. These people tend to have strong bone structure, and often powerful-looking physiques. For instance, a Pisces stellium in the first house will make a person want to come across as sensitive and charitable, while an Aries stellium in the first house will want to come across as independent and a go-getter. They will be more vocal about their need to create. This Moon is private and doesnt really feel the need to express their emotions outwardly. Personal power is obtained through ones career and social status. A loving example of politeness and pose. I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). astrology on Tumblr They bring some kind of electrical freshness into the room, and their traits tend to be sharp, delicate and lightweight. Libra Risings, then, are on a life-time quest to find balance in all things. The Aries Rising Leo loves quality. The family is daily blessed by this persons ability to nurture and forgive. Moon/9th house: an ancient spirit of the Atlantic ocean prays quietly at the center of a sunken cathedral;golden arrows pierce the shadows around. Their skin is almost always soft and may tend to be pearl-like (not white just light and soft probably). Theyre constantly questioning their own motives and searching for a potential meaning behind their own existence. The opposite end of this is an Aries stellium in the seventh house. When interacting with Cancer Risings, people instantly feel protected and safe. Faith is expressed in various ways, and ones religion may shift sincerely as the years pass, for Sagittarius fire is mutable. Since there is an opposition to the seventh house (Libras home) you may see the opposite effect here, where the native is obsessively trying to draw attention away from themselves to others. This is someone who talks with charm and fascinates using words. Jupiter/10th house: a magnificent statue is raised in a noble city; the individual being honoured is already dead. 4th house -Fourth house stellium people are intensely shaped by their home environment, either in childhood or in adulthood (or both). There may be great interest in expanding one's knowledge . i dont think that means much. #aquarius rising on Tumblr Your ascendant will often designate how you look, and if you have any particularly strong dominants or large planets very close to your sun, they will also have an influence on your physique. feelings, desires and needs. Jupiter/11th house: a gentleman bows gently to a lady and asks her hand for a waltz; the ball is gorgeous and dreamlike. This is Theres still #leo rising on Tumblr The ascendant in Leo Rising Appearance shows how they manifest in society. Astrology and Physical Appearance - AstralTwelve Blog Everything they start in their lives is rather embedded in Jupiters incandescent faith and scintillating enthusiasm, and this is why Sagittarius people are traditionally regarded as lucky, although this a characteristic more applicable to those with a Sagittarius Sun. Thus, Scorpio Rising people are perceived as hard to access and very private. Basically, your happiness lies in the love you get from the people you are related to. This Sun shall not go unnoticed and was born to lead. This Suns rays shine straight and methodically. This is someone with loads of overflowing fiery energy waiting to be Ones identity is linked to that of the other. Mercury/10th house: a youthful writer reads their own book published for the first time and wishes people will appreciate it. Another characteristic is a clear and melodic speaking voice. They often put their own needs last. with their beauty and politeness. They are either very particular about their looks or apparently somewhat careless. They talk of what discoveries are to come, revealing inspiring There may be some stubbornness or inflexibility regarding the familys habits and expectations. There may also be tendency to excessive and impetuous behaviours, because of the combination of Jupiters amplifying energy and the first house of instincts and immediate action. This sign rules the stomach and breasts, and these are often noticeable in some way. Theres probably some kind of message hidden in ones memories and secret past. is focused on practicality and analysis. It should be safe to say that life for a Taurus Rising is a quest for finding security in the world, even if the meaning behind this quest, whats made it necessary, is mostly subconscious. This is because it is their instinct to nurture and to look after the world. Theyre constantly dealing with other peoples souls and feelings. Scorpio Risings are observant and careful when approaching any new projects or changes in their lives; theyre planners. There may be gains related to inheritance through ones family. on Tumblr Someone with a Taurus stellium in the eleventh house would be all about living with friends, or maybe even starting a community living situation. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. The seas are restless. Theres great ability in analyzing and administrating businesses and money through logic and practicality. Their self-image and identity is always linked to what they own, so they may appear very much attached to their possessions: children, lovers, cars, houses, jobs, values and life experiences. MUTABLE - NARROW/LONGISH TAPERING FACES. . This is someone with great energy to get to ones objectives. by their folly; the scholars gaze is fixed, demanding and wise. Their emotionsareon topof everything, and these emotions are used to measure all events and interactions between the self and the rest of the world. There may be confusion regarding this Mars Mercury/2nd house: a young executive contemplates a board full of graphs and thinks of innumerable possibilities for the future. warriors, one could say. Paying so much attention to others opinions is a manifestation of a quest for finding ones true identity. Astrology And Physical Appearance - Shooting Star It is also important to note that once Libra is set under the cusp of the first house, other cusps will (probably) also receive an energy opposite to their default. This is someone who is vigilant and focused in protecting ones home and loved ones. energies to serve somebody elses wants and needs. IM SCREAMING I WAS RIGHT I MADE THAT POST A YEAR AGO I PICKED THE RIGHT DAY!! eighthousesun: Correlations in rising sign - Shooting Star Deceiving people may be easy. Ruddy or flushed complexion, and may tan easily. We had no end and no as a need to exert powerful influence over others. Establishing partnerships and contracts is easy for this Jupiter. Glassy Star Learn More. LEO RISING: "my world, my rules, my fame" . Much like a youthful noble, they're kind and generous. Careers related to the more technical aspects of arts and health (medicine, nursing, nutrition) are favoured. This Sun shines best when expanding other peoples consciousness through learning, religion and culture. When at rest, theyll exhibit steady, somewhat serious expressions. Even when skinny they frequently have rounded soft features, and apple cheeks. Sun/4th house: a child dressed in cerimonial clothes is surrounded by their family in the palaces chapel; a choir sings. Some blush easily, though more often because theyve been embarrassed by being singled out, rather than from prudishness. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. Your Leo Rising makes you a natural leader, and you do not take orders from others very well. Mercury/5th house: a glowing politician talks to an audience of stupefied listeners. Sun/1st house: through the windows of a cathedral, you can see someone crowning themselves with a diadem of fiery jewels. This is someone who wishes to do many things at a time and always adapts to their circumstances. LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their keen-eyed, well-shaped faces. Jupiter/9th house: an old traveller returns home after many years spent in every part of the world; people gather all around to hear what they have to teach. L Taurus rising observations! - While this signs symbol is the Virgin, this doesnt mean they are cold or asexual, but they do tend to be modest. I hope that helps in some way. Sun/2nd house: a rich chief executive officer sits in their room, set in a gigantic skyscraper; theyre on top of the financial world. Ones daily life doesnt show much organization. Because of that, projects and changes in their lives are approached with confidence and enthusiasm. Identity is connected not only to the idea of studying and obtaining knowledge, but being actively praised for it. Ones possessions are being constantly compared to those of others in the hopes of finding this balance and stability through the transformations induced by these comparisons. Venus/10th house: at midnight, a noble leaves their palace with their family by the backdoor; they pass their gardens soaked in darkness, escaping from revolution. Psychic ability could manifest here. "They want what they . Venus/6th house: a painter contemplates their completed work; the canvas shows a scene where people work to exhaustion. Jupiters mental expansion is materialized, structured and grounded. Games of love and games of money are tempting. It more speaks of the way they do the things they do - with a big, all-their-heart-in-it gesture. Libra rising. This is someone who worries about the image and social status of the family, and, because of that, always works in order to improve the familyspresent conditions. This is someone who is popular and experiences individuality through the radiance of their own personality and will. Generally, they have well-proportioned features and pleasant expressions, even when theyre not in a pleasant mood.
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