So if she did end up receiving her license, and went to a gun store and filled out this form answering NO to the above question, then shed be breaking federal law. In 2016 there was a home invasion in my home . Can they access our medical records? Any recommendations? To become a CO you need to obtain a LTC. Good luck! I held a MA LTC for 18 years and then moved to Ohio for 7 years. This was back in 2009. The Personal Protection Outside the Home is an NRA course. The procedure may be different. Hello Richard. MIRCS is a computer based application used to manage, process and monitor firearms licensing statewide. Now another question I served probation and was not incarcerated would that make a difference because it was not a violence, oui, or drug offense, Oh I forgot to mention my probation that I served was over almost 10 years ago and I have had no trouble since. LTC Application Process File Paper Application with BFS Training Certificate (if new application)/Application Fee - (this starts the 40 days) Applicant demographic information entered into MIRCS - applicant interview (if required) - prints & picture taken via MIRCS PD submits query to Dept. In MA, a guilty conviction on a DUI is a dis-qualifier when you apply for the license. I was arrested for a felony but the case was dropped and sealed. Do I assume that unrestricted means all of these categories? Call your local police department and see what they need you to do to set up an appointment with your licensing officer. This sounds very involved. Is that correct? I talked to a couple lawyers. He recently submitted his completed paperwork to the local MA PD for processing. Ron I do not but simply explain in reasonable and logical terms why you wish to carry a concealed firearm and you will be good to go. Dont worry too much about it! You can just put down All lawful purposes as the reason for getting the license. Ive had my NH pistol permit for 28 years, since I was 18. Can I just use my maiden name and not mention I was married. I have no arrests since then. So long ago how can I correct this I have no felonies or mistermeaniors I just misunderstood the question. However, I'm not sure what to expect from their version of the interviewing process other than fingerprinting. Good luck. It's just that some animals are more equal. Would that have any bearing on my application. If I have a good lawyer do I stand a chance at winning an appeal? I honest to friggin GOD hope it takes 91 days. You simply want to make yourself appear to be a reasonable and responsible person. Hopefully it takes less than 90. Ive never had an issue whatsoever with the law nor with my LTC and I take pride in being a responsible gun owner. Thanks. Or do my past MA LTC and my OH CCW training cover me? I am an active duty service member currently stationed in Chicopee. I live in a red city and was wondering if I should wait and attend more safety courses that apply to a LTC to avoid getting a restricted LTC as I would much rather obtain an unrestricted LTC. I contacted the Barnstable Police Department Records division around 04/24/21, and they told me it was still on the sergeants desk for background check. I was advised I could email the sergeant directly, which I did. No. What this means for applicants: Is this legal to refuse to do the steps needed for me to get a gun. Hello Lyn. Hello. In 2012 i dropped my app off and the ladies took my fingerprints and photo. Possibly. If you did, then you have to disclose that on the license application. No idea if that is the case in your town. No need to dress up. I know one to be Tramadol 4 times a day. JavaScript is disabled. What to expect in my firearms license interview : r/massachusetts - Reddit References should be from friends or other associates. Is this accurate. That way you can find out if theyll move forward. Can you offer any suggestions for things they should or should not say in their recommendation? I asked a simple question and get attacked. So what do I do now I never had any record at all in my life I keep to myself and theres no reason whatsoever to keep it from me but they are and I dont know what to do. It will look something like this: Once your class is complete you can now head down to your local police department and apply for your license to carry! They said I needed to take a Personal Protection Outside the Home course, then apply. A very nice lady came out from behind the glass, took my paperwork and went in the back for about 5 mintues and then came back out and brought me into a room where I was photographed. Long Term Care Survey Process | We shoot REAL guns in all of our classes NOT simulators. Hello. Not even a speeding ticket). I live in Burlington ma. And I hope his take like..forever! Was in and out in less than an hour and it was my wife and I at the same time. Hello. Also, I am 22 years old and was wondering if you think they will hold my age against me when applying? The beauty of this post is you are getting information directly from me a full time police officer. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The certificates technically dont expire, but if the PD wants to they can ask you to retake the course. I was a security officer for 10 years after high school. I assume that, if I was denied, I would be notified. Thank you. The paperwork required includes a completed application form, a copy of your license from your home state (if your state issues them) and proof of training. Can i reapply? If you took the course with us, and need a replacement certificate or class, just reach out to us directly and well get you squared away. Her friends just buy the Marijuana & Candies for her. The Gun Owners Action League has a good article about how the non-resident process works. Unrestricted includes all those categories, as well as concealed carry. You should be good to go for the re-application as long as youre not a disqualified person based on your background. When I read and signed the "Acknowledgement of Limits on the Use of Deadly Force" nonsense the licensing officer was the witness. This class will Use of Force Home Defense Concealed Carry,,them, Use of Force / Home Defense / Concealed Carry 4/30/23 9AM, Use of Force / Home Defense / Concealed Carry 5/21/23 1PM, Range Etiquette: Safety Tips and Rules to Follow at the Shooting Range. But, the smoking doesnt stop. Thats right, the shotgun. Hi , That casual environment made me feel more comfortable and we had a great talk about my background and very focused of what I wanted to do in my career development. Thanks. I have a copy of the CORI report showing the dismissal. There isnt really anything that can be done to speed up the process itself. If we are in a car together I would never allow her to drive. Witness actually means that the person signing that is attesting to the fact that he/she witnessed you sign the form. If I receive a restricted LTC, does that prevent me from using a firearm for self-defense? Will that disqualify me from obtaining a license? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That doesnt make any sense from our perspective. Could you confirm that as I havent been able to find a definitive answer. I used to live in NH and had a license to carry there. The information and resources provided below may assist Massachusetts long term care facilities in preparation for the new survey process. However, I'm not sure what to expect from their version of the interviewing process other than fingerprinting. Should I Wear Headphones While at a Shooting Range? Good luck! I hope this helps you with your predicament. Otherwise, you may be required to take a MA Gun Safety Course like the one offered on our site. Would that make a difference? If its different, you may want to ask the Police Department you are applying with if theyll need proof of your address when you apply. Can anyone from the town provide some insight on this? And if the case ended up with you being a convicted felon, you will not be able to get a license. Fact Sheet: U.S. Government Announces Sweeping New Actions to Manage Good morning. Id recommend reaching out to your local PD and seeing what they say since theyll likely be the ones decide the approval. Not your town but the questions will be the same (page 5-8). You could try going through a lawyer, but it is likely you will denied with that charge in your background. young and took the license to carry course with Boston Firearms w/ live fire. Hello Good luck. Since you were never convicted, it is unlikely that you would be disqualified from getting the license. Some people have reported that the LO was "another gun guy" and the "interview" consisted of mutually geeking out about guns. I checked again with Records last week; total silence. To apply/upgrade/renew for License to Carry/Firearms Identification Card, you must contact the Firearms Record Bureau at 978-674-1879 between the hours of 7am-3pm M-F to schedule an interview. On the federal firearms purchasing paperwork, it does ask if you used marijuana or any other status-altering medication. what would be my best recourse to get the LTC ? The record may be sealed but the denial will still be on the record and theyll need an explanation. What Type of Gun is Best for Long Distance Hunting? I am relocating to the area (from a state where I currently have a CCW permit) for a job. Good evening! My brother-in-law got his LTC in late March. It might just be taking a while. Is there another organization that can deny it? Its dependent upon the town as to how long things will take. I have two questions: 1 I took and completed a firearms safety course 12/2018. 25 years have passed and I have not had any problems. Plus, she has a temper like you wouldnt believe. J. Hello. Good luck! and our Is it possible they messed up and looked at the wrong person. It depends on how your town will treat the charge. Good luck. MA LTC Interview | Forums I live in Spencer MA, Thank you But I have never been arrested or appeared in court other than a divorce. As for a "witness" that is someone who watches you sign to verify it is your signature. Typical waiting times these days can range from a few weeks to a few months. He went to the FLRB board, it's not a town issued LTC. I was a former Police Officer on 2 Departments and always had a Class A Large Capacity LTC. Maybe see if you could get a phone number for the Sgt and try that. If not, I would try to have the recruiter that you went through for the Army write a letter documenting that you never shipped to boot camp. Yes, a hunting license is separate from a concealed carry license. Very efficient! What happens after I submit my application and the city police chief says he sees no issue. I said you know what , Ill take it just because I need protection in my home again , and I never carried when I did have the LTC . In an effort to obtain my LTC, can I use this cert or am I better off taking another course, to have a newer one? Thank you. Somebody will say the wrong thing to her some day then its too late. I held a targeting and hunting license in Springfield ma for a few years. My sister and brother-in-law applied about a week or so AFTER I did. If you want to involve a lawyer, you can, but I cannot tell you if it is necessary at this point. If Her ability as a con artist earned her money shed be rich. 1 Answers. LOL. Hello. I am waiting for reply for my ltc I been waiting for three months since fingerprints . I assume my CORI must not be too too bad because I was cleared by the State to care for adults with differing levels of special needs. I used to have my fid witch i got after having my record sealed , since the laws passed i did not keep up with it and now it has since expired. Once you get OKd for a LTC by your local police department, how long does it take to get the actual license? That is all it is in many towns including my own. I live in a high crime area so I am applying for an LTC in Worcester Ma. I heard I cant be a consumer of marijuana and own a gun, but I dont see the question asked on the application. Hello Valerie. in other words you done messed up a few too many times and are on the radar. Wondering what to expect any guidance is appreciated. Rabbi Harold Kushner, who never strayed from answering life's most vexing questions about loss, goodness and God, and by doing so, brought comfort to people across the world, died on Friday while . You can use something like: I am a law abiding citizen and desire to carry a firearm for personal protection. Pretty reasonable reason, plus it says up front that you are looking for an unrestricted license. I guess I just want to be sure that I am providing truthful information. I went and took the classes in 2013 too and pass but never went to the police station to get my license and i know its been 6years of that do i have to go get the classes again? Any DUI/OUI conviction after 1994 is an automatic disqualification from getting a MA LTC. Why would someone want to contact a person youre allegedly afraid of? Its much more involved than an employment background check. Theres technically no expiration date on the certificates, and generally as long as you apply within 2 years the PD wont have an issue with it. They accepted his paperwork, but told him he needed to get a MA driver license or he would be subject to arrest even with the MA LTC permit. I would keep checking in with your local PD maybe every week and seeing if you can get an update. Id recommend contacting your attorney and see what they think about this. My wife and I have taken a few of your classes and really enjoyed them. State law doesnt prohibit someone from getting licenses while holding a medical marijuana card. You dont have to have a specific reason for wanting to carry. If you havent had any communication in a month or so, its worth a call to the police department you applied with. There still might be an issue since its likely left their hands at this point and it at the state for the background check. Id recommend contacting your local department and ask them the question. Then I got a call from the licensing officer to schedule the interview portion. If you have a question about a particular event in your past, ask the licensing officer if it will need to be put down. With the way our gun rights are getting stripped away, Im glad I got my concealed carry permit this year. I do not drink, smoke, or use drugs. Ask them if they have an idea about the turn-around time for licensing with their department. you spend some involuntary time in a psychiatric ward and have mental health issues), You were discharged from the military under other than honorable conditions (OTH, Bad Conduct Discharge, Dishonorably Discharged, etc), There is an arrest warrant for you in any state (I have actually seen folks with warrants show up for a gun license appointment dont be that guy/gal). Hello. Thank you. We use the list at this site: You should be able to present a DD-214 form as proof of training to your local police department so that you can obtain the LTC. See below: e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Good luck. One bullet 2 victims ? Sometimes when something like this happens its because there is someone with a similar name in the system and they have to verify who is applying. In just shy of 4 weeks, the nice lady called and told me to come pick up my LTC any time. Thats really up for you to decide. Hello Patty. Im looking to apply for my Ltc. Hi I recently applied for my LTC in Massachusetts and just found out I was denied. Attaching a copy of the dismissal would be a good idea, since theyll likely ask about it when you put in your application. Obviously triggered you to reply to it. It was a situational incident and was resolved rather quickly. Have held the mass ltc for many years without any issues and currently have a nh non resident license. I would assume the criteria would be somewhat similar. Whats my next step? In 2009 I came back from Iraq and was a little messed up and started drinking too much. 2 of them got in and I had to use my legal firearm to defend our lives . Neutered still the norm or other circumstances for Class A.
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