Hence the look of huka (snow) that covered an extensive area. I use the word design deliberately, as, after the demise of the tohunga, or priests of the whare-kura, the common people acquired the whakapapa, and played havoc with them from their propensity to claim seniority of descent, and manipulating the genealogical lines to prove such seniority, however fictitious they may be. On the evidence it must be concluded that the accepted version is condemned. There are versions in Waikato which make Kumaramaoa the first husband of Tuparahaki. Ngti Wairere - Senior High Space Names/Meanings - Quizlet Ngati Pare, residing at Whangapoua. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Shortland sent it to Captain William Symonds on 13 March 1840 to gather signatures from chiefs around and to the south of the Manukau Harbour. Through the intermixing of Tmakis earliest inhabitants and people from the some of the significant migratory waka, like Tainui, came the Ngti Poutkeka people. Originally named Tuututru-aa-Papa, Kamutu was added after the practice of Maakutu ceased. (Ngati Paoa, Ngati Maru). Whakapapa is about people, it is a link to tpuna, to heritage, to identity. An ancestor of mine, the Pkeh-Mori John Cowell, noted that even in 1832, there was a noticeable lack of human habitation in Tmaki. Parehikitanga & husband had three children, Te Urumahue a daughter, Ttemahurangi & Te Moke. Collecting resources, like fish, is an exercise of mana within an area. Following the death of Poutkeka, the ariki position (highest-ranking leader) was bestowed on his son Poutkeka II. [25] Inland Patea Genealogies., PIDDINGTON, Ralph, 1951. Rice Ltd, Hamilton Soft Covers, First Edition - Archway Books", "War in Waikato - War in Waikato - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Manukau-Kwhia treaty copy - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Te Kopua Block (Wesleyan Mission Station), Waipa District - NZETC", "Wharauroa Block, Whaingaroa District - NZETC", "P and pits on old dune country near Aotea Harbour - NZETC", http://www.methodist.org.nz/files/docs/waikato%20waiariki/kawhia%20pilgrimage.pdf, "The Provision of Education Services to Maori in Te Rohe Potae, 1840-2010", "NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. Mana is not only about ancestral rights, it is also about exercising rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga across successive generations. News of the death of Tahu-mhina spread & reached the ears of Tautini-moko, who had fled to Whanganui, and hearing that peace had been made, he returned with the sacred Patu & dogskin Korowai cloak & occupied the pa Te Rau-o-te-huia, not far distant from Raorao-kauere. Source: Hooker, Isabel. Sao Paulo | History, Population, & Facts | Britannica NGATI RAKAIATANE / NGATI ONEONE HAPU O TE AITANGA-A-HAUITI - Issuu Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Based on a paper read before the Anthropological Section Seventh Science Congress, Christchurch, May, 1951. Wesleyan missionaries James Wallis and John Whiteley(Hone Waitere to Kawhia Maori) gathered 10 more signatures at Kawhia between April and September 1840. Waiharapepe married Matakore, brother of Maniapoto. Ko Arekahnara tku haona kaha Ko Kemureti tku oko horoi Ko Ngruawhia tku trangawaewae. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere sold land at Te Kopua in the Waipa for the Wesleyan's to teach their people to read and grow new food from countries afar. Ngati-Huarere and Ngati-Hako met them in battle at Te Rae-o-te-kowhai, south of Coromandel (between Manaia - 39 and Waikawau, also called Te Motu-kowhai=clump of Kowhai trees). Ko Piipiiwharauroa,
Overall Ngti Waewae employs 28 staff, including 26 who have whakapapa to the group. Whatuturoto typically lived at Te Pane Mataaho but sometimes resided on the coast of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (the Manukau Harbour) from Maungataketake (Ellets Mountain) to Puhinui, an area which includes whatutroto near the famous Ihumtao, . Certain accounts that have been available, . 1835 saw Te Wherowhero lead a group of musket-wielding Ngti Mahuta and Ngti Apakura to settle on the northern Awhitu peninsula. Ngti Wairere - Wikipedia The renaming of the river to Wai (water) kato (to pluck) is in reference to the plucking and sprinkling motion during the rites and rituals performed by his grandfather Kookako. If 16 years per generation is conceded as a possible average over nine generationsand this is straining probability very considerablythe period from Mahanga to Puakirangi cannot be less than 144 years. Ngti Whare - Wikipedia Flashcards. Unlike genealogy, whakapapa is not fixed which allows for connections to seemingly distant people and places. Te Wehi had many small pa sites located around Aotea but his most beautiful was at the peak tops of Matakowhai. 1941. The Raukawa takiw is from Te Wairere, Horohoro, and Phaturoa. After the 1863 Land wars and after the Crown confiscated Ngaati Wairere lands, they resettled at Hukanui, now known as Gordonton where they are today. If it can be assumed that authentic genealogies are in fact accurate, it should be possible to set them out in chronological form, assigning a date of birth to each individual, which will be compatible with the date of birth of every other individual in the same and every other genealogy. Three Ngti Whatua chiefs signed then (Kawau, Tinana and Reweti) but none of the Waikato chiefs. Ttemahurangi begat three known sons, and he married Metiria Waikato a Daughter to Te Riria Whareherehere, one of his sons was Pita Waikato later known as Pita Mahu Waikato of Ngti Te Wehi. | A ritual restriction on a certain area or resource to protect people from dangerous tapu or to protect and conserve a resource. Before rejecting a genealogy out of hand, physiological limits should be stretched to the extent of possibility, bearing in mind that the necessity for extreme limits more than once in the same problem must be considered as straining probability. Figure 17 - Muriwhenua's Pa & Cultivations 15 . KOURA, RURU., Koura=, Korako=Ruru, =Waenganui, Mataumoeawa, Parehiawe, Putuna=Rangihoto, =Hotumauea=, Ngahia=Hikaurua, =Pakaruwakanui, Pareteuaki=, Waitao=Whanui, Tukeria=, Paretewa=Tokohihi, Kahutiari=Irohanga, =Paretaiko, Maungatautari, Parengaope=Te Rauangaanga, Te Kanawa, Te Wherowhero. Ngti Te Ata traces our whakapapa back to these early groups, directly from their namesake ancestors, Some later arrivals in Tmaki came from the Tainui waka, led by Poutkeka son of the wakas leader Hoturoa, . Although whakapapa is often translated as genealogy, this is an oversimplification of a complex concept. Hineaupounamu, Maniapoto (1)=, Matakore=Waiharapepe, Kinohaku, =(1), =(2) Te Kawairirangi (3)=, Maniatakamaiwaho, Tutanumia, =Tumarouru, Rungaterangi, Marungaehe=Tuheao, Tukemata=, Rangipare, Uruhina, Manukipuriore, Maniauruahu=Rangatahi, Te Kawa=, =Urunumia, Ngaere=Hekeiterangi, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Urunumia, Waikohika=Te Kanawa=, =Whaeapare, Tukemata, Hikairo, Whaeapare, Parengaope (2)=, Te Ririorangawhenua, Paretekawa, =Whati, =(2) Ngunu=, Te Wawahanga=Rangimahora, =(1) Hore (2)=, Te Kaahurangi, Akanui, Te Uaki, Peehi Tukorehu, Te Rauangaanga, Te Wherowhero, Te Ngohi, Rewi Maniapoto, Family tree. Paratai, Mahanga, Wharewaiata, Tukotuku, Wairere, Paretahuri, Maramatutahi, Tuteiwi, Waiharapepe, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Kiringaua, Mahuta, Huapiri, Te Tikiorereata, Atutahi, Puakirangi, Family tree. Consequently, our whakapapa deeply connects us not only to Tmaki Makaurau but to the Waikato and her people. Tumainupoo was the son of Kookako a chief from Mataatua waka and Whaeatapoko of Tainui waka. "Loading - Collections Online - Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa", "Mere pounamu - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Chapter XI. Kuku, son of Parekiteiwi, is supposed to be the same Kuku that married Kahuroro and Tomirikura (Chart XIII). Ko Taku Taawharau ngaa whare kaumaatua
Quite apart from the fact that Mahuta is made to marry the great-granddaughter of his sister, Paretahuri,this is quite possible as a general principleit will be seen that there are nine generations from Mahanga to Puakirangi through Tukotuku and two generations through Atutahi. Western genealogy does not recognise the intrinsic connection between tangata whenua and te taiao. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty, . [12] It would appear that Native Land Court proceedings have frequently been the occasion of establishing mutilated genealogies. In the first there are six intervals; therefore the period from the birth of Rereahu to the birth of Rora must be at least 120 years. Giant Kawharu not satisfied with his one revenge upon Tahu-mhina's warriors, decided to enlist the help of his father-in-law Toa-Rangatira, whose first joint battle with Kawharu beat Te Kanawa after he attacked them, but Toa-Rangatira let Te Kanawa go, to spread their fame as great warriors, the pair with their tribes then won a battle against Tahu-mhina at Te Maika, the latter running to the safety of his Motu-ngaio Pa but then surrounded was ambushed & killed by Toa-Rangatira as he then tried to escaped Motu-ngaio, the names of the battles fought have been handed down to us. It is the foremost industrial centre in Latin America. not less than 20 years for each generation. (2) A single short line with obvious long intervals between some of the generations sets a maximum limit. At first sight this procedure would appear to be one of great magnitude and extreme difficulty, and if the genealogies, or the great majority of them, are not accurate, it can be ruled out as quite hopeless. Many of them have had to shiver out the whole winter in their tattered blankets, in consequence of this, to them, extraordinary effort. In honour of the deathbed request of their former ariki, Ngti Poutkeka was renamed Te Wai Huakaiwaka, also known as Te Waihua, . But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. Collecting resources, like fish, is an exercise of mana within an area. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua. To make Rangitairi mother of Mapau and Waengarangi puts her at the extreme limit of child bearing or beyond. hapu, the Ngati Hinu, somewhere along the west coast. Kngitanga the Mori King movement Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ngti_Te_Wehi&oldid=1145430553, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mokai Kainga Marae and Kote Mokai wharenui on 111 Aotea Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, kapu marae and Te Kotahitanga o Ngti Te Weehi wharenui on 4 Aotea Road in Kwhia, Mtakotako marae and Te hk a Mahuta wharenui on Phillips Road, Te Papatapu (Te Wehi) marae and Pare Whakarukuruku wharenui on Te Papatapu Road, Te Tihi o Moerangi marae and wharenui on Kwhia Road, Maket marae and Auau ki te Rangi wharenui on Kaora Street in Kwhia, Waipapa Marae and Takuhiahia wharenui on 5491 Kawhia Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, ruka marae and Tahaaroa wharenui on ruka Marae Road in Taharoa, Te Kraha marae and Te hk wharenui on Taharoa Road in Taharoa, Waikeri Tangirau marae on Old Taupiri Road, This page was last edited on 19 March 2023, at 03:21. =Tawhao=, Punuiatekore=, =Marutehiakina, Turongo, Whatihua=Ruaputahanga, =Uenukutuwhatu=, Te Kura=Uenukuterangihoka=, Uetapu, Raukawa, Rangitairi=, Tamaaio, Rereahu, Tuatangiroa=Pakurarangi, Pakurarangi, Rangianewa, Hotunui, Waitawake=Tutarawa, Hineaupounamu, Mapau=Huiao=Waengarangi, Maniapoto, Tuirirangi, Paiariki, Te Ariari, Uetarangore, Family tree. Part of the New Zealand Herald obituary for John Cowell. It seems that the rahui-esque abandonment of Tmaki lasted until the mid-1830s. Te Wharekai: Te Mokai Ko Te Mokai translated as meaning a servant, to serve the people. Ngti Toa lines of descent - Te Ara Through reading the roots of the Ngti Te Ata whakapapa tree, from its ancient source through mai r an (the pre-Pkeh time) to the mid-19th-century, we can understand the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty. It is extremely gratifying to see two or three old veterans in barbarous life sitting for hours near the water-wheel; its brisk, rattling noise seems to impart a new life into their warrior hardened souls. Mahanga=Paratai, ?Mahanga=Wharewaiata, Tukotuku, Tuteiwi=Pahoro, Wairere, Hekemaru, Takupu, Maramatutahi=Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Huapiri, Te Tikiorereata=Atutahi, Puakirangi, HOTUROA, Hotuope, Hotumatapu, Hotuawhio, Motai, Hinetemoa, Ue, Rakamaomao, =Kakati=, =Tawhao=, Punuiatekore=, =Marutehiakina, Turongo, Whatihua=Apakura, Raukawa, Marumahanga, Rereahu, Kurawari, Pikirangi, Maniapoto, Kinohaku, Tutengangana, Te Kawairirangi, Tuawhio, Rungaterangi, Rangipare, Tuheretaniwha, Uruhina, Rangatahi, =Tamatatai=, Taikiterangi, Whakatau, Te Kawa, =Urunumia, Tumarouru, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Te Kanawa, Hikairo, Paeahi=, Parengaope, =Kuiatu, Rangimahora=Te Wawahanga, Te Kaahurangi=Tuata, Tuhianga, Poutama, Haumia, Whataakai, Wharerere=Kurawari, =Whaita=, Huiao, Tuirirangi, Ngutu, Ritaumatangi, Tamaihuhonginoa, Koroki, Mahuripounamu, =Hikamoeawa, Paretaheke, Puhaanga, Putetere=Hinetemoa, Uetihi, Uenoho, Ueraki, Uetapu, Taipu, Punuiatekore Marutehiakina, Tamapoto, Tuheitia, Mahanga, Ruateatea, Wahangaterangi, Te Tauorangiriri, Puruhi, Taakiao, Parewhakahau, Ruru=Korako, Waenganui, Mataumoeawa, Hotumauea, =Pakaruwakanui, Pareteuaki=, Paretewa=Tokohihi, Te Rauangaanga=Parengaope, POTATAU TE WHEROWHERO, Family tree. PDF Whakapapa for Beginners - FamilySearch Mr. Kelly 18 states that Pikiao married a Tainui woman, Rereiao, who lived on the slopes of Pirongia, where Hekemaru was born and spent most of his life. After the 1821 warfare Ngti Mahanga/Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aoturoa Hone Waitere and his Ngti Mahanga/Koura princess Pirihiri moved to Te Waihi on the Aotea peninsular when in 1822 his younger brother was taken by Nga Puhi. Defining whakapapa as a concept Our tipuna Apirana Turupa Ngata in his famous Rauru-Nui-a Toi Lectures ( 1944) opens with an early statement, 'Whakapapa serve many purposes. So Paulo, city, capital of So Paulo estado (state), southeastern Brazil. Wairere means flowing water and Ngaati Wairere is the name of the Waikato - Tainui tribe who lived upon the lands of what is now Hamilton City since the mid to late 16th century. Spell. The . Huakaiwaka also sometimes lived at other p (fortified settlements) within the Ngti Poutkeka rohe, across an area extending east to thuhu and south to Te Manurewa o Tamapahore (Matukutururu, Wiri Mountain). The Aotea Moana iwi all consider Mt Karioi and her Husband Krewa / Gannet Island to be sacred. Hne Waitere, sons born to Marutehiakina II. Aptly named of something that is coming into fruition, growth. But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. [1] Te Totara pa on the south . He and James Hamlin of the Church Missionary Society assembled several chiefs, probably at Awhitu, but failed to get their agreement. Te Ihingarangi - Cambridge Museum Horouta Waka landed in Turanganui A Kiwa (Gisbome) around 1350AD depositing the sacred gods of the voyage in the. Originally from the Hastings area, they moved in the 16th century to the South Island which at the time was already occupied by the Waitaha . Source: Commissioned Drawing One. Te Wehi's mum Koata according to Tainui is of the Ngti Mahanga, Ngti Mahuta & Ngti Mango people. . . These are the genealogies and the waiata. Tapaue was of Ngti Mahuta. Decades later the korowai cloak & Mere were secured in a round-a-bout way by the rightful owners and placed in Ruakuri, one of three famous caves at Waitomo, but when this cave became known to Europeans they were both removed by Te Moerua There would be a very interesting study in the comparison of charts produced independently in different districts, as connections are to be found between all. Upon returning to Tmaki, Ngti Te Ata signed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni. For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. If he refers to the era of Pacific voyages, the example may be apt; bearing in mind, however, that the Polynesians were evolving a systematised method of keeping records, which the successors of the Arthurian people lost, it might be fair to suggest that the traditions of the Polynesian voyages are more closely related to actual happenings than the Arthurian legends. If Professor Piddington's reference was intended to apply to the traditions of the cosmos, the first chapter of Genesis would be a better parallel. Nor does genealogy explain the mana associated with understanding who and where you are from. On 29 January 1844 Gideon Smales landed at Raoraokauere on the northern side of the Aotea Harbour and proceeded to build his mission which he called BEECHAMDALE. Te Wehi or Te Wehi Te Kihi parents are father Pakaue & mother Koata of Ngti Koata, Pakaue is of Ngti T-irirangi/Ngti Wairere. Ko Te Mokai te whare kai
Te Wehi has been known to have had 3 wives, but his principle wife was Mariu who bore Te Hauwhangairua, Te Paipai, Tokoreko, Paiaka, Te Whakamaui, Hineketu and Te Rangitauwawaro. The school opened in 1898 and appears to have closed by July 1904, due to sickness of its teachers,[20] though a replacement was appointed in April that year.[21]. Description: Contains a whakapapa chart of Ngati Uenuku, Ngati Hineuru and Ngati Tahinga and also reveals which descendants were 'rebels' during the New Zealand Wars. In honour of the deathbed request of their former ariki, Ngti Poutkeka was renamed Te Wai Huakaiwaka, also known as Te Waihua. Another mission was founded at Moeatoa (on the Waiuku River) in August 1836, . Through reading the roots of the Ngti Te Ata whakapapa tree, from its ancient source through mai r an (the pre-Pkeh time) to the mid-19th-century, we can understand the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki. With the death and destruction of war comes the proliferation of dangerous, even deadly, tapu. It is part of a group of tribes participating in the "treelords" Treaty of Waitangi settlement with the New Zealand government involving Central North Island forestry land and cash.As part of the Ngti Whare Claims Settlement Act 2012 the government signed a co-governance agreement for the Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tne Conservation Park with Ngati Whare. Volume 65 1956 > Volume 65, No. After the support from Wharetiipeti & Tapaue to attack Te Rau-o-te-huia pa, Te Wehi, a very fast runner, chased down his father's assailant off the Aotea harbour peninsula killing him and sercuring Karioi Mutu & Pp Te Wai. According to the 1874 census, Ngati Te Wehi were registered as an iwi. Whatuturoto typically lived at Te Pane Mataaho but sometimes resided on the coast of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (the Manukau Harbour) from Maungataketake (Ellets Mountain) to Puhinui, an area which includes whatutroto near the famous Ihumtao. Raka, Houmea, Whatihua=Apakura, Matuaaiwi, Marumahanga, Rakamahanga, Tokohei, Pikirangi, Raka (II), Raeroa, Tuihu=Ngamuriwai, Tutengangana=Waikauhoe, Pahoro, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Parewaru, Kiringaua=Mahuta, Family ree. Each name has the prefix 'Ko', which is not part of the name and has 'his mark' following the moko or mark. At the same time, Ngti Te Ata had a positive relationship with the burgeoning Kngitanga movement, who the Crown saw as its enemy. Matiu was taken as hostage in 1822, in which after Nga Puhi took him back to Whangarei and he was raised my a Chief there as his own son. "[22], Te Aotroa took the name Hone Waitere in honor of John Whitley[23] (or Hone Waitere to Kawhia Maori) as they were friends but also around New Zealand other Wesleyan Maori were naming themselves or their sons after John Whiteley(Hone Waitere). Tuhianga, Poutama=Panirau, Haumia, Te Kura=Uenukuterangihoka, Mango, Kaihamu, Te Urutira, Raruaioio=Tupahau=, Rueke, Karewa, Karewarewa=Te Ariari, Maniapoto=Hinemania, Tahinga=Potete, =Hineteao, Korokino, Rakaupango, Manukipuriore, Tuhorotini, Koata=Pakaue, Mananaki=Toarangatira=, Kawharu=, Waikohika=Te Kanawa, Kahupake, =Waikauri, =Parehounuku, Rakahuru=Marangaiparoa, =Tirapurua, Te Maunu, Kimihia, Te Haunga=, Werawera, Pikauterangi, Rakaherea=, =Waitohi, Toitoi, Te Rauparaha, Rangihaeata, Te Peehi Kupe, Family tree. The technique to be described provides a means to detect and correct much of this spurious tradition. Have you ever wondered what the name WAIRERE DRIVE- means or refers to? Consequently, our whakapapa deeply connects us not only to Tmaki Makaurau but to the Waikato and her people. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge, Some of the earliest inhabitants of Tmaki Makaurau were the Ng Oho and Ng Iwi peoples, two groups who were closely interrelated, . This timeline traces the whakapapa of the tangata whenua of Maungatautari. Most employees work for its commercial arm, Arahura Holdings, of which Tumahai is chief executive. It will also be noted that Te Manaoterangi married two sisters, Tini and Waipaia, sisters of Kuku, and also generally supposed to be daughters of Parekiteiwi. The few who are studying tribal history at the present time quite obviously find no reason to doubt the reality of the tradition, but a common difficulty is a suitable chronological basis for study. Ko Hukanui te marae, To build a strong Marae whaanau that is: Whakapapa and Whaanau (Relationships), The kawa of Hukanui marae is TAU-UTUUTU and follows the kawa of Waikato, Ko te kotahitanga ki raro i te Kiingitanga, Hukanui Marae holds a traditional annual Poukai with 123 years to date from records dating back to 1898. Ep 105 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngti Wairere - Taringa Podcast I am not aware that there has been a single case either of infanticide or murder, as the consequence of witchcraft, in the circuit, since the beginning of 1844. Ngti Huarere - Wikipedia Annotations indicate that the whakapapa was compiled by F D Fenton "Senior Judge C.C." probably in reference to a claim to the Compensation Court under the New Zealand Settlements . [67] [68] 3 November 23rd - 100 Thieves sign JamezIRL as an assistant coach. Hne Waitere is then remembered living at Te Pahi where their children were born in the late 1830s and 1842, they all lived in peace at their dads residences and his burial place Te Pahi, Aotea Harbour. Change of place names that 'caused anguish' for iwi Mori welcomed by Thus, the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki Makaurau is indisputable. KO NGATI RAUKAWA, NGATIKOROKI, NGATI WAIRERE, NGATI HAUA. That same year some Ngti Te Ata and Ngti Tamaoho moved to Remuwera (Remuera) and Orakei to trade with Pkeh, . Putikitiki references the gully area behind Hamilton East School which was part of the Putikitiki block that Ngati Parekirangi, a subtribe of Ngati Wairere, occupied prior to 1864. On the whole the analytical process strongly vindicates the genuine Tainui traditions, and it is a reasonable assumption that the few versions proved spurious have generally become accepted only in recent times after the demise of the tohunga, and probably very largely as a result of the impact of the pakeha. Te Wehi would not agree, & Kawharu, not wishing to be further involved, collected his people & moved to the shores of Aotea harbour & occupied Raorao-kauere & Manuaiti Pa, while Te Wehi went to live at Matakowhai and the Ngti Toa-Rangatira retained Motu Ngaio Pa until the 1820s before migrating south with Te Rauparaha & Ngti Koata. This reservation applies with equal force to the statistical date, 1350, as it surely would be found that the genealogies used all derived from the few individuals of whom there are records on the canoes. Ngti Te Wehi have tribal holdings in Te Taitokerau, Ngati Maniapoto and Aotea. 2 From very early times the Native Land Court recognised oral traditions as history and was satisfied to base judgments on them. Trade opportunities also came to Ngti Te Ata at Waiuku. It should be added, however, that the date, 1290, can only be given as a late limit. Tuteiwi had Takupu-o-te-rangi, to give him his full name, who had Kiringaua, wife of Mahuta. Figure 16 - Whakapapa of Muriwhenua 14. Through the intermixing of Tmakis earliest inhabitants and people from the some of the significant migratory waka, like Tainui, came the Ngti Poutkeka people. When he announced his intentions however, he received no support, it being contended that peace had been made; but Te Wehi was not to be cheated of his revenge, & set out to Waikato to obtain assistant from that tribe. Consider the following table of descendants of Rereahu:. The interval between father and child may therefore be anything from 20 to 70 or occasionally 80 years. It seems that through these trade interactions, Ngti Te Ata developed a positive, mutually beneficial early relationship with the Crown. Map of Tamaki showing many of the named places from this whakapapa section. The Career of Kawharu - NZETC", "Auckland's 175th anniversary: The place desired by many", "Te Mata - Aotea -- [ District Between Te Mata and Kawhia, Waikato, New Zealand ] by Vernon, R. T. And C. R. Buckeridge: A.O. With trade opportunities came early Crown investment in Ngti Te Ata rohe, who installed a road in the late 1840s, . Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Achieving this by securing back a sacred dog skin war cloak or Kahu Kuri[3] (dog-skin korowai were the most prestigious of Maori cloaks) also a war club or pounamu mere,[4] items that no other local chief could obtain but by the mana(prestige) of his father Pakaue, who got killed for them anyway by Tautini-moko (the son of Tuahu-mhina, the local Kawhia Chief) who was jealous as he was refused the High Chiefly and sacred items. And as if just awakened from the long sleep of barbarism, the sudden turn of civilization appears to impart a vivacity, and cheerfulness to which they have hitherto, been strangers. According to Waharoa Te Puke, the last paramount chief of Ngaati Wairere in the 1950s, Wairere was the peace child between his warring grandfathers, his birth marking the renaming of the river from the ancient name of Te Awanui O Taikehu to Waikato in commemoration of his baptism performed in the river. Many were traders of some sort. They are the principle iwi of the Aotea Harbour iwi, with close ties and connections with Ngati Reko, Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Whawhakia], Ngati Patupo, Ngati Te Uru and Ngati Mahanga. Photo 755-ALB18-23-2 Mount Eden. There are 5 buildings on the marae complex: Wairere was the son of Tamainupoo and Tukotuku. [10], Te Wehi's great grandson Rangitaupopoki of Ngati Paiaka/Ngapuhi and his Ngti Maniapoto princess had 2 warrior sons, Te Moke and a Tutemahurangi, whose sons Pita Mahu Waikato and Te Aotroa Hne Waitere who were in their 20s at the time, would have helped their dad and uncle Te Moke with the battles against Te Rauparaha as he killed Te Uira and a battle to fight for a Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aomrama at Makomako, Aotea harbour. Man - So Paulo - a MICHELIN Guide Restaurant For the sake of uniformity it is an easy matter to apply a correction to the figures in the charts. . But during this time of relative abandonment, some Ngti Te Ata maintained ahi ka in Tmaki. Much like his father, Huakaiwaka occupied Te Pane Mataaho, but he shared his residence between there, Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill) and Maungawhau (Mount Eden). Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Heritage Images, Auckland. Mori gain a deep understanding of who and where we come from through whakapapa. Where parents necessarily fall on different lines, a simple modification should be readily adapted for setting type for printing and should present no more diffi- - 49 culty than setting up the normal genealogical table, except that accuracy in the spacing is essential. | The state reached after a wrong has been corrected through the restoration of relational balance via compensation of some form. The union between Te Ata i Rehia and Tapaue greatly strengthened the bonds of whanaungatanga between Tmaki and Waikato. Mhanga was the ancestor of the Ngti Mhanga people, a major tribe of the Waikato confederation. The takiw shares common interest with many other iwi, whose lives, stories and whakapapa are also interwoven with the landscape. Paratai, Mahanga, Wharewaiata, Tukotuku, Wairere, Paretahuri, Maramatutahi, Tuteiwi, Waiharapepe, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Kiringaua, Mahuta, Huapiri, Te Tikiorereata, Atutahi, Puakirangi . | The exercise of authority by a leader who weaves a group of people together in the process. Ngati-Paiariki lived on the slopes of Pirongia Mountain in the Mangati district adjacent to Ngati-Horotakere.
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