The Media Unit is the primary point of contact for news organisations. ________________________________________________________________. Efforts by hospitals to increase elective surgery capacity in the first half of 2021 brought the waiting list down to pre-pandemic levels by June, before the Delta wave and subsequent suspension of non-urgent surgery in Sydney hospitals caused it to increase again in metropolitan local health districts. WINNERS ANNOUNCED FOR THE MULTICULTURAL HEALTH COMMUNICATION AWARDS 2022, Boiling point - lock-down: a new radio drama which explores the COVID-19 pandemic for Macedonian speaking community, MULTICULTURAL HEALTH COMMUNICATION AWARDSWINNERS FOR 2021 ANNOUNCED, Talk, Listen and Ask for Better Health in this 2018 Multicultural Health Week, Life Giving Stories inspired Wollongong audiences, Italians urged to be mammoni for mammograms for mothers day. COVID-19. NSW patient survey enquiries:, Celebrating 50 issues of Healthcare Quarterly, Healthcare Quarterly: October to December 2022, NSW public hospital and ambulance services remain very busy, New South Wales and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, Healthcare Quarterly, October to December 2021, Download media release (148 KB, PDF File), Admitted Children and Young Patients Survey, Rural Hospital Adult Admitted Patient Survey, Rural Hospital Emergency Care Patient Survey. The advice follows a Dental Council of NSW and NSW Health investigation of the clinics, which has identified multiple infection control breaches have likely occurred over an extended period. Recent media releases from Ministers and government officials | NSW Government east Home NSW Government Contact a Minister Special Minister of State, Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts Recent media releases from Ministers and government officials Ryan Park, MP >>. . Media Releases 2021 | South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Mr Williams said the theme in 2017 -Womens Journey to Good Healthiscrucial as 27.7 percent of NSW women speak a language other than English at home and a quarter of the states population were born overseas. Phone: +61 2 9464 4444 The Arts in Health Program is being delivered by Health Infrastructure in partnership with Local Health Districts, artists, and communities . Minister Cotsis wrote to icare, the state's workplace injury insurer, late on Friday directing it to limit average premium increase to 8% in each of the next 3 financial years. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please try again latter, Call our Community Care Intake Service on 1800 654 324, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Careers, Government Information - Public Access (GIPA). Successive waves of the pandemic caused fluctuations in health system activity with the severity of the impact on health services varying between metropolitan, and rural and regional NSW, said Dr Watson. 2020 media releases from NSW Health - News - Ministry of Health The results show how community-based health services and their patients adapted to the realities of the pandemic. More media releases from The Hon. Dr Vicky Sheppeard, Director of Communicable Diseases at NSW Health, said measles is highly contagious among people who are not fully immunised. How to subscribe. The theme of Multicultural Health Week 2016 is: Caring for Carers: Supporting people who look after someone. Media Media releases NSW Health The Hon. Ryan Park, MP 2023 Archive Bringing art to the new $24 million Cooma Hospital 19 April 2023 Brad Hazzard, MP 2023 2022 2021 2020 The Hon. News - Ministry of Health ABN: 36 675 085 258, General enquiries: I have no plans to move away from here, I am very content to remain at Young Hospital for the foreseeable future. Ryan Park, MP 2023 Archive 2021 media releases from The Hon. New Registered Nurses Call Young Hospital Home - MLHD Construction starts on Shoalhaven Hospital Redevelopment Contact us for interviews, speakers and special requests. Director, Communications, +61 475 946 065 2022 media releases from NSW Health - News - Ministry of Health The Shoalhaven community is a step closer to having access to an expanded range of world-class health services right on their doorstep, Mr Park said. The division aims to strengthen and promote regionally-based, patient-centred approaches to the delivery of health services in regional NSW. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Thank you for signing up to the latest news. Patient surveys provide a unique perspective on the healthcare system by asking people about their experiences of care. The Health Services Union has called for a royal commission into New South Wales' funding for health and hospitals, claiming in a new report that the system is "at breaking point" because it. At a ceremony in Parliament House, Mrs Skinnersaid thetheme in 2015 -Rights and Responsibilities: Get involved in your health care-is apt when 27% ofNSW people speak a languageother than English at homeand 31% wereborn overseas. Media releases | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Home News and Community Media releases Media releases from the TGA for consumers, health professionals, industry and the community. NSW Govemment, Minister celebrates excellence in multilingual communications, 2013 NSW Multicultural Health Communication Winners, Award-winning multilingual resources available on the new NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service website, Communities encouraged to be medicinewise this Multicultural Health week 2013, MULTICULTURAL HEALTH COMMUNICATION AWARDS, Media Release: Multicultural Health Week 2020 - Safe Use of Medicine, Joint Release - Multicultural Health Week 2014, Press Release Multicultural Health Week 2014 - Health Minister Jillian Skinner, Health Minister Jillian Skinner recognises MHCS' Work with multicultural groups, Multicultural Resources Launched during Responsible gambling Awareness Week, New Online Arabic Tools Press Release - Arabic, New Online Arabic Tools Press Release - English, New Online Chinese Tools Press Release - Chinese, New Online Chinese Tools Press Release - English, New Online Greek Gambling Calculator Survey Press Release - English, New Online Greek Gambling Calculator Survey Press Release - Greek, New Online Italian Gambling Tools Survey Press Release - Italian, New Online Italian Gambling Tools Survey Press Release - English, New Online Vietnamese Gambling Calculator Survey Press Release - English, New Online Vietnamese Gambling Calculator Survey Press Release - Vietnamese, Patient safety at the heart of Multicultural Health Week - Minister Jillian Skinner and Victor Dominello media release, New Arabic Problem Gambling "Help for families and friends" booklet. Get in touch to request embargoed access to reports and information, or to be added to our media release list. New round of funding available for consumer rights and work health and a new rooftop helipad providing direct access to the emergency department and intensive care unit. The Regional Health Division supports the NSW Government's commitment to improving health outcomes and access to health services for people living in regional, rural and remote NSW. Beyond the improved health benefits, this major infrastrcture project will also help drive education and job opportunities throughout construction, providing a huge boost for the local economy, Mrs Butler said. Media Releases - Clinical Excellence Commission - Ministry of Health How to subscribe. Health services across the Shoalhaven region are set to be transformed with construction now underway on the $438 million Shoalhaven Hospital Redevelopment. Healthcare in Focus New South Wales and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 also includes results for emergency departments and admitted patients, along with information regarding COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, breast screening and a range of other measures. We thank the community for their patience while we work to build the new hospital, Mr Park said. The funds are available for community initiatives which align with SafeWork NSW or NSW Fair Trading regulatory priorities. 2021/12 - December This year's 75,000-strong HSC cohort today have a timetable for the written exams which begin on 11 October. The Minister for Work Health and Safety, Sophie Cotsis, has stepped in to save small businesses from being hit with an average 20% insurance premium increase. Contact page owner: NSW Health. 2020 media releases from NSW Health Subscribe to RSS to keep up to date with the latest media releases from NSW Health. /03/2021 - Premier opens St George Hospital Vaccination Hub extending COVID-19 vaccine rollout February. 2023 HSC timetable released - NSW recorded 170 new local coronavirus infections on Friday, at least 42 of which were in the community while infectious. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. How to subscribe . Community urged to vaccinate as flu season begins in NSW [20 April 2023] Please enable scripts and reload this page. Brad Hazzard, MP Subscribe to RSS to keep up to date with the latest media releases from The Hon. SWSLHD - Media Releases - 2020 We are a relatively small team which has helped me to form positive working relationships and lifelong friends with the team at Young Hospital.. Explore recent performance results and trends for your health services. The Commission works with government and the community to secure better mental health and wellbeing for everyone, and availability of appropriate supports in or .
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nsw health media releases 2023