NjJhMDc5ODE4NzU3Zjg1Mjg3OTYxZjFkMjBiNDNmMDRkY2M0MmY4MGJiMGJm Sometimes I used dried fresh comfrey leaf. There's a reason people compare garbled voicemails to listening to someone talk underwaterour ears just aren't built for a watery world. A.) Now, new research is highlighting just how marine mammals evolved to listen underwater. He decided to give it a try. For every 4 ounces (by weight) of oil, add 1 T. beeswax pastilles. When they removed the cast the doctor couldn't believe how fast she was healing. In these species the jaw joint is also called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Comfrey leaves can be cooked like spinach. Besides broken bones, these externally poulticed leaves and roots are also used for cuts, bruises and sprains.". "I knew it was special then," he says. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. Metaphysical Properties: Whale Ear Bones have been used in healing rituals by (B, C, E, and F) Detail of the cochlea in medial (B and E), ventral (C), and antero-ventral (F) views. I expected it to hurt bad, but nothing happened until a few hours later and then it started swelling and hurting real bad. This is an update on my fall in front of Penn Station in New York in early June. That is rubbish about it being toxic to the liver. Thank you. Please understand that use of DMSO will result in you getting garlic odor. Talking Orca Learns To Mimic Human Speech, Forbes (link). By Jane J. LeeNational Geographic Published Two weeks later I was cleared to ride my motorcycle. 2010. About 3 months ago she broke her neck vertebrae C2. Want the full story? Of mice, moles and guinea pigs: functional morphology of the middle ear in living mammals. https://www.hairguard.com/benefits-bamboo-extract/. ZTNhZGI0ZTYzODJlYTVmOTVmZDI3ZWYxYzQ4YjZhZDYwYjMyNGIwMjE4MTc5 Pour the salve into a clean jar. MjY2NTExOGY1YjQ2NGJlMzlkMjgxZjZmOGU3NThlZjFhMGY0MmU2NGFlOWRh Crosses represent Oligocene (pink), Miocene (magenta), and more recent (purple) odontocetes. The fact that the bone can grow up to 7 meters-large raises questions However, in reordering, I found that using Majestic Mountain Sage in a Google search produced a string of websites for other suppliers, none of which was Majestic Mountain Sage. Some scientists believe that the toothed whales have ear channels that are open and filled with sea water. Unique Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Whale Ear We thought we knew turtles. Whale Evolution Comfrey speeds the process of cell regeneration, making it a superiorhealer to burns and wounds. The strongest pieces of evidence for this hypothesis, Geisler explains, are cavities at the base of the snout and on top of the skull that probably held air sinuses. Its flavor is not strong and can be enjoyed a number of different ways. I ordered some comfrey leaf plantain leaf tea from someone on etsy and comfrey leaf tablets and took them three times a day and drank a pot of tea daily. It's known to heal wounds extremely fast as well (I use a pre-made ointment of comfrey and aloe on scratches and minor wounds and they disappear overnight). (Credit: Gabriel Barathieu / CC BY-SA 2.0), Hautier 2016 / doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.061). How to see the Lyrid meteor shower at its peak, The Stone of Destiny has a mysterious past beyond British coronations, Ultimate Italy: 14 ways to see the country in a new light, 6 unforgettable Italy hotels, from Lake Como to Rome, A taste of Rioja, from crispy croquettas to piquillo peppers, Trek through this stunning European wilderness, Land of the lemurs: the race to save Madagascar's sacred forests, Photograph by Wolcott Henry, Nat Geo Image Collection. It's referred to as knit bone. She hops around pretty well though. We also studied the amino acid composition of the cetacean involucrum relative to that of other skeletal bone. So after the cast was removed she continued to give her the capsules and applied the salve on the arm around the broken area. One reason that whales hear so well is that they have three to five times more brain cells dedicated to hearing than humans do. The swelling evidently served me well as a cast. In 2003, they got their opportunity when a young fin whale beached on Sunset Beach in Orange County, California. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to use comfrey is in a tea. Highlighted Cochlea (AC) ?Carolinacetus sp. What Is (And Isn't) Scientific About The Multiverse, French National Center for Scientific Research. We compared the dimensions of the tympanic bulla, a conch-shaped ear bone unique to cetaceans, with bizygomatic width-a proxy for cetacean body size. If you have any Idea how I can dissolve them it would be a great blessing. Would you happen to know if your comfrey extract was from comfrey leaf or root? Field site in Kpogame, Togo, where the early whale ear bone fossils were unearthed. Casting It isn't easy to find but there are pdf versions if you hunt them up. It has a mild flavor. MzBhZjZlMzU2NDdlY2YwMDIyOTRiNDdhNGMyMjc5MTNiYTkzNzY2M2E0MWZm James Carew and Mitchell Colgan; (Inset) Carl Buell. If you pour comfrey tea onto sanitary pads, freeze them, and use them instead of regular sanitary pads in days following childbirth, postpartum mothers will experience pain relief and quick healing. Or you can melt in beeswax to make a salve. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. [ref], augmented by the two protocetids from Kpogame, ten land artiodactyls, and data from the literature [ref]. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. (I always should since I have a comfrey plant but I get lazy.). But I usually add in some castor oil since it is good for pain. marine mammal ears are different from ours An official website of the United States government. But archaeology is confirming that Persia's engineering triumph was real. infrasonic sounds. A new problem seems to have developed in my hand now. Inside South Africas skeleton trade. Studies done with the whole plant (rather than with isolated constituents) do not show carcinogenic effects but rather the opposite. "Overall, the description of Cotylocara underscores the need to investigate the inner ear of fossil Oligocene cetaceans in much more detail, because that's where the answer will be," Pyenson says. If you are interested in making it, I will share a recipe. In addition, whale meat in the diet can reduce. However, the risk of genetic damage from these PAs appears to be lowTo minimize potential risk, lengthy internal use is to be discouraged." All of these whales are considered endangered, with the exception of the gray whale, which recently was removed from the endangered species list, Cranford said. How to See What Whales Hear - Woods Hole Oceanographic It can swamp most computers.". The fin whale skull used for their experiment now resides in SDSU's Museum of Biodiversity. 2 hours of sleep? According to Cranford, baleen whales might be particularly susceptible to negative effects from these sounds. (DF) Protocetidae indet. One of my hens hurt her foot and isn't bearing weight on it. It was many years ago and we all use it a lot. Krysl added that we humans experience a version of this phenomenon, too. We compared bioapatites (enamel, dentine, cementum, and skeletal bone) of cetaceans with those of terrestrial artiodactyls and pachyosteosclerotic ribs of manatees (Sirenia). We hypothesize that the mineralogical and amino acid composition of cetacean bullae differs from that of other bone because of (1) functional modifications for underwater sound reception and (2) structural adaptations related to rapid ossification. Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Grapical Abstract: Mourlam and Orliac describe the inner ear of two partly terrestrial early whales [+] (Protocetidae). FACW_GEOL_2014_15375293_Kim_Thewissen_Churchill_Suydam_Ketten_Clementz, Faculty Publication - Geology & Geophysics. Content on this website is for information only. Whale Comfrey salve oil is also amazing for skin rashes, burns, hemorrhoids, and chapped lips. Please note:The prices, weights, and pictures will all change according to the option chosen, the measurements will not. Sperm whales are toothed whales, which [+] hear in the ultrasonic range. She then would make a paste out of it, spread the paste on a cotton cloth, wrap it around her arm, and put elastic bands or safety pins in to secure it. The next morning it didn't look half as bad!!!!!! I use comfrey all the time and absolutely love it. OTlhOGViYmMzNmY2ZWFiOTFiNWIzOGYwM2FiYmU3NzQ1OTEzMTg2YTcxYTYw Isolated ear bones, the periotic and the auditory bulla, are among the most commonly found specimens of Pomatodelphis inaequalis (Figs. Rats invaded paradise. the Node (2015, January 29). -----BEGIN REPORT----- They just want to empty your bank account into theirs. The x-ray revealed that my bone was fractured in two places. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the You have to really drill into the historical documents to find the truth. Dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema can all benefit from comfrey. Comfrey: The Comforting Herb - Earth Clinic Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. "This research has driven home one beautiful principle: Anatomic structure is no accident. How much did I use? Add salt and a dash of hot sauce or vinegar. As my wrist started to heal, I would forget it was sprained because of the lack of pain. Have you tried comfrey for healing? OGYwOWI2ODI3MDkzNGE0ZGI3YjU5NTEzMDRjNDg0ZDM0MWFjZjYxMGVlYjZi YWQwZTNkNTlkN2Y1ZWFjYTJlMTNiNmIxNjBmM2U5Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoi Baleen whales, also known as mysticetes, are the largest animals on earth, and include blue whales, minke whales, right whales, gray whales and fin whales. Anatomical evidence for low frequency sensitivity in an archaeocete whale: comparison of the inner ear of Zygorhiza kochii with that of crown Mysticeti, Journal of Anatomy, 226(1):22-39 | doi:10.1111/joa.12253. FOIA (Hopefully they are eating a lot of ticks! Sign up to keep reading and unlock hundreds of Nat Geo articles for free. I wouldn't suggest using DMSO as a solvent. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted He said to her mother to keep doing what she was. Once they had their scan, the researchers employed a technique known as finite element modeling that breaks up data representing the skull and other parts of the head into millions of tiny elements and tracks their relationships with one another. Call 888-290-3363 today to begin your transformation! (Oil should be -1 inch above the leaves.) Comfrey has a soothing and regulating effect on the digestive system. Ketten is investigating other possible reasons, as well as figuring out what exactly whales can hear. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. I did the above lavishly for about a month until the pain began to subside. WebThis is a fossil whale cervical (neck) vertebrae from the Hawthorn Formation of South Carolina. Comfrey tincture can be applied to old wounds or taken internally for lung issues. NDAzZGFjYjExNGQzNjJmM2IzMzQ5MGQ0NTM2MGM5YTM3NWNlMWUxOTkyZjU1 I awoke in the morning with very little pain. They placed his foot in a "boot" and told him to come back in a week as it was too swollen to place in a cast. I harvest the leaves before I cut the flowers off and this also serves to help stop it spreading, which it would otherwise have a strong tendency to do. Baleen whales rely on [+] infrasonic sounds. A new acoustic portal into the odontocete ear and vibrational analysis of the tympanoperiotic complex. Because low frequency sounds travel so far in the ocean, groups of whales that appear to be extremely far apart might indeed be within "hollerin' distance," as Cranford puts it. (Little granules.) Whale's biological sonar is thought to have evolved only once along the ancestral line leading to today's toothed whales, Geisler notes. It is pretty greasy and not sure if it extracts the comfrey as well as olive or almond.). The powerful symbolism of the whale tale Hi Rita, the best thing that I ever tried for broken bone is taking internally Mummia, mumia, or mmiy (in old Arabic books, where I read about it). Cranford and Krysl were able to obtain the animal's head for their research, placing it in an X-ray CT scanner originally designed for rocket motors. A tiny piece of root will yield a new plant in no time. Pour olive oil over the leaves to cover and a little more. Thanks. He called my husband and I and I told him about comfrey ointment. After you have infused the oil with one of the above methods, use a square of a clean t shirt or sheet that you can part with. If you want to do some actual research (and get behind the smokescreen they have generated - and I have discovered that also includes the "prestigious" Australian CSIRO (which has also a reputation for killing off Peter Andrews wonderful work on regenerating farmland so water is attracted to it)). ZTY1MDU0YzE0NGZiYTY4NjgyNTkzNTAyM2I5Yzk3MjYxYWI3YzZkZDM1MGQy The whole flock of them spend the day running around after bugs. My 90 yr old mom just broke her arm and I'm using a comfrey compress. If too firm, add a little more olive oil. Subscribe to News from Science for full access to breaking news and analysis on research and science policy. Writes Cloe, "The feeling of that compress was heavenly. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. You want them dry but not completely brittle. We show that the most delicate parts of these extra-ossicular connections consist of thin and folded bony sheets which apparently allow compliance in the tympano-periotic bone contacts and enable plate vibration in relation to the periotic bone. Go to marine mammal acoustic article. What is really sweet is that my rooster is very protective of her and my son found him snuggled up with her under the chicken coop last evening! Natural Healing Center | Palmdale, California | Dr. Carson's You can add vitamin e or essential oils to but I rarely do that anymore unless I have a specific purpose in mind. "We have that experience when we submerge entirely in a pool," he said. NWExMmY3YTcxYjkwOTg0ZjAxNmMwNWMyOGNjMGI5NmVmMWVmMDk0YjAzNmZl YjQ2ZjNjZDBlZmQyM2IxZTRiYTZmNjliNzEzY2QyNTc4ZGYxMTczNmY5MzFk Fossil Whale Ear Bone - Miocene Dosages for DMSO mixed with comfrey on a per day basis is estimated to be about 10 drops per day based on mixture I mentioned. Comfrey salve is another alternative for topical use. The defining characteristic of cetaceans is a thick and dense lip (pachyosteosclerotic involucrum) of an ear bone (the tympanic). Update: My friend with the broken collar bone was healed in three weeks. - Berkeley's Whale Evolution article says: "These first whales, such as Pakicetus, were typical land animals." Paleobiologist Mickal Mourlam, a graduate student at the Universit de Montpellier in France, and his dissertation advisor, paleobiologist Maeva Orliac, a researcher at the the French National Center for Scientific Research, unearthed the fossilized ear bones of early whales from deposits that had accumulated between 4643 million years ago. This ancient marvel rivaled Romes intricate network of roads, For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine, Radioactive dogs? Another story: My sister's neck was really scraped up and brush-burned really bad and looked terribleshe was screamingcrying a lot! "At that point, computationally, it's just a simple physics problem," Cranford explained. Comfrey is absolutely amazing! This raises the question that has generated a lot of controversy: when did these hearing differences first begin evolving? Ted from Bangkok correctly pointed out that allantoin is the active ingredient in comfrey. A humpback whale mother and calf swim in the sapphire water around Maui. Early evolution of the ossicular chain in Cetacea: into the middle ear gears of a semi-aquatic protocetid whale. There are two ways sound can reach a whale's tympanoperiotic complex (TPC), an "interlocking bony puzzle" of ear bones that is rigidly attached to the skull. Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac compared nine parameters of the cochlea of terrestrial and semi-aquatic even-toed animals (orange area, Figure 2) to those of the early whales (red area, Figure 2) and to modern whales (Mysticeti: blue area; Odontoceti: pink area, Figure 2): Figure 2. To melt in beeswax, first weigh your oil, then use a double boiler and reheat the infused oil. It would be approximately 2.5 to 5 million years old. ZWM3ZDZlYjIzNWRiYjIyZTFmOTU2OTY1NjVmYTJlN2Q3NzNjMzc1MWQyMDhl Just over a week ago, a young friend had a fall off his motor bike and broke his collar bone. PLoS One. Comfrey made into a tea can relieve diarrhea or irritation in the digestive tract. M2UzMDc4YWExN2IwOWZmODhmMjliN2U2YjY2ZjMzNzgxM2JiOGYyYmU2MTYx If it goes dry you may crack the jar.). I am a biological scientist but not a physician. The tympano-periotic complex forming the ear region consists of a ventral bowl-shaped tympanic bone in direct contact with the surrounding soft tissues and the incident sound, and a dorsal periotic bone containing the inner ear. ScienceDaily, 29 January 2015. You can get around the comfrey problem for internal use as comfrey's active ingredient is allantoin. (A and D) In situ cochlea through a translucent rendering of the petrosal bone presented in ventral view. My mother is 87 years old. Based on those analyses, they could then decipher the hearing abilities of protocetids. For one, ears that "float" inside a whale's head allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater. I cancelled it because my wrist no longer feels detached from my hand, and I took note that my hand is regaining strength with the blessings that the Good Lord has provided for me to use. 2013 Jul;301:4-18. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2012.10.004. Red stars represent the protocetids; red circles represent the other archaeocetes. Now I apply the comfrey tincture on a bandaid and leave it on overnight. So I am putting fresh comfrey leaves out for all of my chickens to eat; it will be good for all of them and especially for my lame chicken. "There is a blueprint for multiple species and it is useful to compare across species to gain insight," Krysl explained. Comfrey Caveats: There is a ruler in each photo to give the dimensions of the piece. What Was It Like When The Universe First Created More Matter Than Antimatter? How to Identify Whale Bones | Sciencing The petrosal bone cannot be seen; it is covered by the tympanic bone. Of course, MSM is not as good of solvent for allantoin as DMSO. Before OR I put the closed jar on a washcloth (to prevent cracking) in a crock pot and fill the crock pot with water to just below the lid (you don't want water to seep into the mixture.) Sound transmission elements in cetaceans and an artiodactyl.a, b, Left malleus and incus of a pig (a) and a bottlenose dolphin (b). "I think the authors have a good case for inferring that Cotylocara had some ability to produce some sound from its forehead, just as living toothed whales do today," says Nicholas Pyenson, a marine mammal paleontologist at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Physical Characteristics:Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. I took pain meds for one day after surgery, only. Borax, for example. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011927. I have used fresh comfrey in smoothies and even sauteed and made and used comfrey salve. What Whale Ears Have That Ours Don I have a lipoma and I heard comfrey leaf might help. Create an account to read the full story and get unlimited access to hundreds of Nat Geo articles. Whales and dolphins had land-based ancestors that made their way into the ocean millions of years ago. YmI2YTlkOTE3MjNmNjEzZDkzNTk5ZmM4YTM5MGIwNjRjNjgyNGFkMTcwMzI4 MeSH The added loss of calcium from the bones, slows down the healing process. Do your own research also and let me know what you find out about taking it internally. The early protocetid whales whose fossil petrosal bones were examined for this study were transitional forms that spent part of their time on land and part of their time in water. Add cup dry comfrey leaves to a jar. GrrlScientist (2018). I have found that many herbalists seem to agree with this approach. ZTQxM2M1NzI5NmI0ZDQ2Zjk5M2RmODhlMzZkZGQ1MTM4YzJiMWJlNGEwYmE1 ScienceDaily. ZjY5NGRmNmI2OTA2OTgzYzE4OTI2YTBjNWI0MjM5NTI2MmU5ZjQ4OWM4MWIz Summary: Understanding how baleen whales hear has posed a great mystery to marine mammal researchers. UM-KPG-M73. When I broke my lower leg I simply applied the powder to the skin above the break, but the location isn't critical. I suppose it's worth a try, it surely can't hurt. Both my (library) books on Herbs, Spices and Folk Remedies that date from a few decades ago(! ) ZTVkNjhjOGI4NGZlMDY1YzNhYTJjODY0MThkYjVjZTNkNjY5YjZmNDJkMDMx She had another look at the x-ray and it definitely showed the broken bone. Comparisons with other fossil and modern whales and terrestrial relatives reveal that earliest whales hearing capacities were similar to those of their terrestrial kin and that infrasonic/ultrasonic hearing evolved after the emergence of modern whales. Thank you for your thorough and helpful update! Additionally, comfrey in a nutritious herb that promotes cell regeneration, slows bleeding, and speeds bone healing. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. Fresh leaves, if you have access to them, can be cleaned and dried in an oven on very low heat. What it does is it takes out the oxygen component from the DMSO to get DMS. The Origin of High-Frequency Hearing in Whales, Current Biology 26(16):21442149 | doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.004, Ekdale, E.G., and Racicot, R.A. (2015). Materials provided by San Diego State University. According to Dr. Orliac, she and Mr. Mourlam plan to return to Togo in December to search for more protocetid whale specimens. . Proc Biol Sci. Please, please, for your safety and your readers, remove the comfrey tea! Cotylocara lies along that evolutionary stem, as do other Oligocene fossil whales that have already been found. Vertebrae of large whales are often the same shape and size of an average dinner plate. Extinction Looms for North Atlantic Right Whales, Forbes (link). A, Skull of a beluga whale in ventral view, with right tympanic bone circled, to show It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. I fill a mason jar 2/3 full of comfrey leaves. Epub 2012 Oct 23. While the whale's soft tissue rotted away long ago, the skull bones show several featuressuch as a downturned snout and a slight asymmetry of the skullthat suggest Cotylocara was one of the earliest whales to use echolocation, Geisler's team reports online today in Nature. After two weeks it started filling in. Squeeze as much oil out as you can. ZTg3N2M4ZTAxZDFhODIxNDJjMGNiYWVjYTU4M2VkOWUwZjMwMGRjNzJmZjUy My wrist no longer feels detached from my hand. Wash and chop the leaves and steam them or saute them in some coconut oil. Squares represent Oligocene (cyan), Miocene (light blue), and more recent (black) mysticetes. Use this square to strain out the oil into another jar. MTg5ZmRjZjY1NTczYzNkYTY0NDM1ZWExNDIxMmI1N2I3ZjkxMGZmM2ZjMTA5 see no problem with making a tea out of the leaves. Comfrey is used to speed the healing of broken bones. 2019 Oct 9;286(1912):20191417. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1417. Just think of the sheer size and ability that tail requires just in order to support such a huge creature! I had an individual sprain his ankle really bad, it had a huge knot on the side of the ankle and was swelled up the side of the leg. The history of book bansand their changing targetsin the U.S. After the image has been completed, the specimen is rotated slightly to a new position and the process is repeated until the entire specimen has been x-rayed. For one, ears that "float" inside a whale's head allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater. But animals like whales and dolphins use sound all the time to hunt down dinner or to serenade a mate.
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whale ear bone metaphysical properties 2023