The Constitution of 1869 insisted that it was framed in harmony with the national constitution and in subordination to it. Which is not a correctstatement about Texass population growth? You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they not Texas has high income tax and high sales tax. flooding is seldom contained in a single city or county. This clause specifically prevented the legislature from making further grants to railroad or other corporations. It decentralizedthe Texas public school system. Revised by B. an election in which voters elect officials from the entire geographical area, rather than from a smaller district within the area. How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white Americans? As an instrument subordinate to national authority, the new constitution provided that it could be changed only with the consent of the national government. )()Texas spending on a per capita basis is. The Texas Supreme Courts decision in Edgewood ISD v. Kirby was that. How are most special districts in Texas administered? Provisions for other executive offices remained as before except for the residency requirements being reduced as for the governor. That opposition helped produce the ultimate end of the government created under it and the writing of a new constitution in 1876. The policies of the national government influence Texas, but, for the most part, large segments of public policy, such as education, infrastructure, and legal matters, are state and local matters. Texass first female governor sinceMiriam Ferguson was. Settlers developed a mutual respect for Native American culture. Connected to the homestead law was a belief that the public domain should be reserved for actual settlers and that any revenue derived from state lands should be used for creation of a public school system. Which of the following is not a function of county government in Texas? not low-income Texans, collectively, would contribute less to the state budget than wealthy Texans would. Add to folder APUSH - Period 2 Review | History - Quizizz Texas had to return to the federal government parts of Oklahoma seized by Texas. The term in office for members of the Supreme Court was reduced to nine years, although that of district judges remained at eight. Which of the following is at the heart of the budget process in Texas? Importance Of The Texas Constitution Texas is still a strong conservative state whose values have still remained the same. School boards can do all of the following EXCEPT, The Permanent School Fund (PSF) was created in. Which of the following statements regarding public policy in Texas is true? Many of them are too small and underpopulated to function well. a unicameral legislature. Under the Republic of Texas, the constitution established, a __________ legislature, meaning two bodies, rather, One idea embodied in the Texas Constitution is, __________, which asserts that different levels of. See our Which statement best describes Texaspolitics for Anglos during the administration of Governor E.J. Texas had to accept the abolition of slavery. The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) is to. Which of the following statements about counties in Texas is incorrect? During the 1980s, a growing number of critics alleged that welfare programs. Texas became an independent republic in ________ and became part of the United States in ________. For best results enter two or more search terms. d. the county commissioners courts. ()Taking into account increasing Medicaid and school district funding, the general revenue shortfall for the 20122013 biennium budget was, ()(Federal money is an important part of the Texas budget, but monies that Texas receives from the federal government. The new constitution proposed to donate one hundred and sixty acres of land out of the public domain to every head of a family who did not have a homestead. a. Texans believe the best government embraces social change. )()In theory, Texas has a dual-budget system, meaning the budget authority is shared by the governor and the legislature; however, in practice, the primary player(s) in the budget is/are, ()(Next to revenue generated by state taxes, the second largest source of state revenue comes from. According to the text, just as the economy began to improve and state revenues started increasing, a new threat arose to threaten the newly balanced budget. Texas could maintain its own army and navy for 25 years. What part of the U.S. Constitutionprovides that the citizen of one state is entitled to the same privileges andimmunities of a citizen of another state? Which statement best describes the structure of the Texas legislature? Theslavery controversy in the United States. Nov. 2012. Which of the following best describes the U.S. government's early policy toward Indians in the Northwest Territory? Question 17 1.25 out of 1.25 points Which component of the current Texas Constitution was designed to prevent future governors from consolidating power like Governor Edmund Davis did under the Constitution of 1869? The successful end of the TexasRevolution in 1836 saw the ____________ culture dominate Texas culture andpolitics. <>
theU.S. The Texas Constitution was designed to uphold the principle of limited government & prevent the expansion of government authority. The new constitution contained elements markedly different from the constitution that preceded it and its unique character relative to previous Texas constitutions may best be understood through a comparison with the Constitution of 1866. Thejudgment made sales tax the vehicle for school funding. The Texas governor would request the New Mexico governor to return the fugitive, to which the New Mexico governor would agree. This had not been the case previously and the Constitution of 1869 included a proviso that forbade the granting of the public domain to anyone other than an actual settler. When the people of Texas go to place their votes, they must consider nine proposed constitutional amendm Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, A system of government in which power is divided between a general government and associated regional governments is a(n), The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, reserves to the states or to the people those powers not delegated to the federal government, Under the national supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws and treaties enacted under the U.S. Constitution take precedence over state constitutions and laws, Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 18 of the U.S. Constitution contains a statement, which has been used by Congress and the courts to expand the sphere of federal authority. Davis was a Democratic Confederate sympathizer who frequently clashed with the federal, Davis tried to return Texas to independence rather than reenter the Union after the Civil, Davis was a Republican who used the centralized powers of the governorship to maintain. El Paso and Las Cruces authorities would then arrange a mutually satisfactory transfer. b. Texas created the first tricameral legislature. Every penny counts! d. Texans believe the best government is an active liberal government. FxJ[!xCc|^H@^?3A-
N>U,$&wBu3VO) One of the most radical aspects of the Constitution of 1869 was its statement in the Bill of Rights on the legal foundation of the document. Under the separate but equal doctrine in the 1920s and 1930s, the amount of money that the state of Texas spent on black students was ______ the amount spent on white students in public schools. to send you a reset link. Responding to previous uses of the school fund to support railroads and other corporate development, the constitution specifically prohibited the appropriation of the school fund for any use other than support of schools. The new constitution also required legislators to be registered voters. A person commits an armed robbery in El Paso and then flees to Las Cruces, New Mexico. Davis? It contributes to the support of. Texas leads the nation in the percentage of residents who lack health insurance coverage. encourages landowners to take as much water as possible from groundwater sources. We are a community-supported, non-profit organization and we humbly ask for your support because the careful and accurate recording of our history has never been more important. Which statement most accuratelyreflects state constitutions? Presidential elections have about 40 percentage points higher turnout than, Choice the correct answer 1. d. Since independence from Mexico, Texas has had a bicameral legislature. The legislature was permitted to appropriate funds for this bureau tasked with the creation of agencies overseas and operating in American ports. Which situation would be covered by the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution? Term. Which component of the current Texas Constitution was designed to prevent future governors from. The constitution thus accepted the theory that the government of the United States was the ultimate source of sovereignty. Which region of Texas is anextension of the old South? Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. . Flood control is managed through special districts because. The most important social service provided by counties is. Which of the following is notcorrect about modern South Texas? If you knew the answer, tap the green Know box. Ross Perot was appointed by Governor Mark White to chair a committee on education. The document went further, however, in declaring that the importation of persons under the name of coolies should never be tolerated within the state, a provision that responded to contemporary discussions of importing Chinese laborers to replace the Black laborers who previously worked the state's plantations as slaves. The state had to formally reject the right of secession. Which statement BEST characterizes the attitude of English settlers toward Native Americans? The Constitution of 1869 was produced by the Constitutional Convention of 1868-1869. It is known as the, Which of the following provisions is found in the 1876 Constitution and could be characterized as a reaction against Reconstruction, repeal of compulsory school attendance laws, Under the national supremacy clause of the US Constitution, federal laws and treaties enacted under the US constitution take precendence over state constitutions and laws, Texas v. White, the US Supreme Court found that, the US Constitution doesn't provide for states the leave the Union, Article VI of the US Constitution contains the, The 30 Sections of the Article I comprise the, Public power, taxing power, and proprietary power are part of the____powers of the 10th Amendment, Gov action designed to meet a public need or goal as determined by the legislative body is, Compared to the United states and other state constitutions, Texas generally has, higher frequency of amendments per year more words more total amendments, Texas first female governor since Miriam Ferguson was, Which of the following is not considered a belief of the traditionalistic political subculture, believes in public rather than personal solutions to problems, views politics as the special preserve of the social and economic elite Encourages the beliefs of the dominant religion Gov should help maintain accepted class distinctions, The assignment of judicial, executive and legislative powers to different branches of gov is called, Texas may divide into as many as five states under the terms of, the congressional resolution admitting Texas into the Union, Which is not a function of a constitution, Unpopular Reconstruction governor of Texas was, Which international agreement probably has the most direct and immediate impact on Texas, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), Texas is not guaranteed which of the following by the US Constitution, determining without interference the qualifications for voting, Which of the following is not a power granted to the Texas governor, According to the Texas Constitution, which of the following is not true concerning the executive branch of the government, the requirements to be governor are stricter in texas than other states, The 1869 Texas Constitution is best characterized by which statement, The Texas constitution can be described as, which is not listed by your authors as one of the main agents of political socialization, Article 2 of the Texas Constitution limits government powers based on which principle, In its capacity as fundamental law, the Texas Constitution should, create governmental institutions, assign them powers, and place limitations on them, In the US Constitution implied powers are powers, What part of the US Constitution provides that the citizen of one state is entitled to the same privileges and immunities of a citizen of another state, Because of the prevailing political philosophy among delegates in 1875, the Texas gov may exercise, only those powers specified in the Texas const, a good description of the 1876 Texas Constitution would be that it is, the setting of the sales tax is an example of, Which culture tries to use government to preserve the status quo, According to the annexation agreement between texas and the United States, texas could create a maximum of four additional states texas was allowed to keep its public lands, state indebtedness increased state power was concentrated in the hands of the Governor Texas was readmitted into the union, which statement accurately reflects state constitutions, they are poorly written, and, as a result, are interpreted to be overly restrictive, politicians should not profit from their public service views government as a positive force a concern with "right and wrong" in politics, Article VI of the us constitution, us laws, and treaties made under us constitution, The principle historic event surrounding the Texas Constitution of 1869 was, places the lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law-interpreting powers in distinct departments of the government, Which governor got legislation passed that prohibited the wearing of a mask in public and helped lead to the end of the KKK as an effective political force in Texas, Which of the following is not a guaranteed additional right granted by the current texas constitution, it prohibits the garnishment of wages for any reason, prohibits discrimination based on sex guarantees victim rights forbids imprisonment for debt, state constitutions require more amendments because of each of the following except, state constitutions are usually written in general terms and need additional clarification, Which of the following individuals won an unprecedented third gubernatorial term in 1954, In their struggle for power, which institution has acted as an umpire between the national and state governments, Which of the following is true about the Texas Constitution's amendment process, Which US constitutional Amendment has been used by the Supreme Court to extend most of the provisions in the Bill of Rights to state governments, Which of the following individuals sought to make history by attempting to become the first hispanic governor of Texas, The tenth amendment to the US Constitution, reserves to the states or to the people those powers not delegated to the federal government, a central government with primary constitutional authority, Under Article I, the US Constitution gives the national government all of the following powers except, which of the following is not correct about the Texas Constitution of 1869, it decentralized the Texas public school system, provided for annual legislative sessions allowed the governor to appoint all major state offices centralized state power in the hands of the governor, What is the name of the culture in which people believe that the government will be used to advance public good, Gave governor the power to appoint texas Supreme Court members Created the perception that was more concerned with punishing than reconstructing texas Legislature was permitted to meet annually, governing instrument for the Republic of Texas, Regulation of commerce among the several states by the US Congress is an example of, Two sources for the powers of the Texas gov to govern are the, Texas Constitution Texas's membership in the federal union, Which of the following Amendments to the US Constitution does not deal with suffrage.
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