3, 4, p. 17); and In token of the continuance of brotherly love and favor, I present you with my right hand (takes candidate by the right hand), and with it the pass, token, token of the pass, grip, and word of a Fellow Craft. First Ritual as Junior Warden Warrior1256 Mar 21, 2016 Warrior1256 Site Benefactor Mar 21, 2016 #1 Tonight we will be inducting a candidate into the lodge as an Entered Apprentice, my first ritual as JW. B., who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, and now wishes to receive more light in Masonry, by being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. FELLOW CRAFT, OR SECOND DEGREE. - sacred-texts.com Easy. want to be a Junior Deacon East, along the South to the South West and then in front of the Senior Warden, So mote it be. Closing in the third Degree, after the Senior Warden is invited to give the words to the Worshipful Master, the Junior Deacon picks up his Wand and with the Senior Warden on his Left walks up the North side of the Lodge to a point just in front of the Senior Deacon, who then follows in line with the Junior Deacon and the Senior Warden. Treasurer 2. Master to Senior Deacon, 'The Secretary's place in the lodge, Brother Senior?' The Junior Warden is responsible for the affairs of the Masonic Lodge when the Lodge is at refreshment or at ease. A. ), The Master to Junior Deacon, 'Brother, by whom? Q. With the flap turned down, and the corner turned up. His left arm, as far as the elbow, should be held in a horizontal position, and the rest of the arm in a vertical position, forming another square--his arm supported by the square, held under his elbow, and his right hand resting on the open Bible. work in their particular Lodges. Moderate. drops off at his chair. Pronunciation of jarden with 2 audio pronunciations. I will try and give you the correct methods in which the ', Master to Junior Warden, 'Your business there, Brother Junior? Members sitting on Opening By Speculative Masonry, we learn to subdue the passions, act upon the square, keep a tongue of good report, maintain secrecy, and practise charity. After you have returned to your chair and you are waiting for instructions to be same route. over the top of the W.M. I, Peter Gabe, of my own free-will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this worshipful Lodge, erected to Him, and. (See Fig. Closing in the third Degree, after the Senior Warden is invited to give the If the Junior Deacon is assisting the Senior Deacon in escorting turn left and cross over in front of the Worshipful Master, to the South, along WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. After the candidate is out of the room, the Lodge is arranged for his second reception and the completion of the Degree. Web2 /5. By it we discover the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Universe, and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. The lodge being now open and ready to proceed to business, the Master directs the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, which naturally brings to view the business of the present. Brother: Being passed to the second degree of Masonry, we congratulate you on your preferment. They then retire from the Lodge to the ante-room. While going around the Lodge, as the conductor and candidate pass the officers' stations in the south, west, and east, they (the officers) sound the gavel as follows: the first time going round, one rap each; the second time, two raps each. Some Lodges follow the old custom now, but this is rather a rare thing. Opening : Master, and Senior and Junior Wardens. A. Another prayer, as often used at opening as closing: Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity; it is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, that went down to the skirts of his garment; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forever more. Let him enter, in the name of the Lord, and be received in due form. Development] [Education] [Masonic Both stand at the attention By it we discover how the planets move in their different orbits, and demonstrate their various revolutions. and back to your chair. The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. In consequence of a quarrel which had long existed between Jephthah, Judge of Israel, and the Ephraimites, &c., &c. (for the balance, see page 75). A long, winding staircase, or flight of winding stairs, consisting of three, five, and seven steps. the right side. A. They were, viz. just to the West of the sacred law. (4 votes) Very easy. First Ritual as Junior Warden Secretary. 17.). (They pass the thumbs, as before described. (Canadian rite) Junior Steward, walks forward along the North side, crosses in 'To wait on the Worshipful Master and Wardens, act as their proxy in the active duties of the lodge, and take charge of the door. --Historical Landmarks, vol. The Junior Warden ensures that refreshments are in moderation and there is no excess. [Feedback]. ', Ans. Amen. dummies North to the Altar. "CANADIAN RITE:" Senior Deacon upon instruction from the Worshipful Master, When processing in and out, Junior Deacon in conjunction with Senior Deacon will lead the procession under the direction of DC and ADC (Cross wands at exit). Blogs] [Links] S. D.--By ears of corn hanging near a water-ford. Is the Tiler of the lodge present? I will call one position "ATTENTION" and the other "MARCH" "ATTENTION:" - they could not answer Shibboleth, or the waters, without betraying themselves to the enemy. corner, cross in S. D. (turning to candidate.) 13, the two stars representing the conductor (i.e. SW: may have other small innovations, such as having the Junior Deacon, calling out Wish me luck. the Altar but not on the Volume of the Sacred Law. the Stewards to return to their respective offices, now here is the only change. Thus, when the Ephraimites. A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses. The first is considered to be the most correct. WebTerms in this set (78) WM: Brothers I'm about to open the lodge of master masons for the dispatch business and thank you for your tented and assistance. Turning to the Secretary's desk, he continues. The Master now gives three raps, when all the brethren rise, and the Master taking off his hat, proceeds as follows: In like manner so do I, strictly forbidding all profane language, private committees, or any other disorderly conduct whereby the peace and harmony of this lodge may be interrupted while engaged in its lawful pursuits, under no less penalty than the by-laws, or such penalty as the majority of the Brethren present may see fit to inflict. By the time the Master has finished reading the above passage of Scripture, the candidate and conductor have passed around the room twice, and arrived at the Junior Warden's station in the south. Web'To wait on the Worshipful Master and Wardens, act as their proxy in the active duties of the lodge, attend to the preparation and introduction of candidates, and welcome and clothe all visiting Brethren. A. I was conducted twice around the Lodge to the Junior Warden in the south, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the door. WebAt the right of the Worshipful Master. lights the three lesser lights, salutes the Worshipful Master and returns the WebJD: Worshipful Master. Without fear or scruple, says the legend, because their employers were entitled to their unlimited confidence.--Theo. Have got my lines down and am very much looking forward to it. Conductor--Duegard of a Fellow Craft Mason. Conductor.--Ja. Senior Deacon walks to the North side, turns right and (See engraving.). An angle of ninety degrees, or a fourth part of a circle. The word chosen by the Gileadites, meaning a stream of waters, being the object immediately before them, was well calculated to put the Ephraimites off their guard. ', Ans. And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? turn right and come direct to the Altar. 73:1 One of the rules of the Jewish Cabala is called Transposition, and is used by finding an appropriate meaning to a word formed anagrammatically from any other word. Opening ', Master to the Senior Warden, 'His duty there? ', Ans. Brother, the first thing that particularly attracts our attention are (here the conductor steps forward) two large brazen pillars (pointing at them with his rod), one on the right and one on the left hand. Some Lodges may have a small shelf to place the ballot box on. [ i.e., furnish them with an apron.] A. Junior Warden Opening 'To see the lodge tyled, Worshipful. All this I most solemnly promise and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or self-evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than of having my breast torn open2 ( see sign of Fellow Craft, Fig. ', The Master to the Treasurer, "The Junior Warden's place in the lodge, Brother Treasurer? S. D.--Brother Gabe, who has been regularly initiated Apprentice, and now wishes to receive more light in Masonry, by being passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. Senior Warden on his Left walks up the North side of the Lodge to a point just All Articles] [Masonic JD: To see that they are duly tyled. Opening Difficult. You have now arrived at the Middle Chamber where you are received and recorded a Fellow Craft. OPENING And Closing LODGE CEREMONIES Books Online] [E-Books] [Library Of "MARCH:" - Demonstrate: (Usually step off with the left foot, bring the wand up To denote the universality of Masonry, and that a Mason's y ought to be equally extensive. W. M.--The plumb is an instrument made use of by operative masons to raise perpendiculars, &c. This is monitorial, and is generally read to candidates by the Master. ', Ans. ), Junior Deacon whispers in the Senior Deacon's ear the pass-word, "Shibboleth.". When escorting Official Guests into the Lodge room, you will then W. M.--(turning to candidate.) By Operative Masonry, we allude to the proper application of the useful rules of architecture, whence a structure will derive figure, strength, and beauty; and whence will result a due proportion and a just correspondence in all its parts. After the candidate is dressed, the conductor ties upon him a white apron, with the flap turned down, as worn by Fellow Crafts. towards the South and walk in line to the South East corner, all, turn right and A. At this point the conductor unties the hoodwink, and lets it fall from the candidate's eyes. For a more definite idea of this arrangement, the reader is referred to Fig. Some Lodges, especially those in the large cities, employ real steps, but in most country Lodges the painted boards are used. side and the Senior on the South. S. D.--Advance, and give me the pass. JD: Brother Senior Warden. A. Stand at the attention position and do not stand at Exception to the rule Conductor--It has; it alludes to the penalty of my obligation. (York Rite) Junior Steward, walks West to to North West corner, crosses over in I hope that I have 11, p. (In the time of Morgan, it The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. SW: Worshipful Master. A. I did, by the order of the Worshipful Master, and the assistance of the brethren. The Junior Warden should continue working very closely with the new Master Mason's Mentor, as well as the Lodge Education Officer, and the Lodge Instructor of Work, reviewing his progress frequently with the Worshipful Master. Conductor. Web2 /5. depart from the Lodge room. Excluding degree work, the Junior Warden does not have an excessive amount of ritual work, so there is little reason for you not to master it. Senior Deacon conducts the candidate back to the. Some Lodges A. Geometry, the fifth science; but more particularly to the sacred name of the Deity, to whom we should all, from the Youngest Entered Apprentice who stands in the northeast corner, to the Worshipful Master who presides in the east, with reverence most devoutly and humbly bow. The Masonic Trowel A. WebThe Junior Deacon then steps to the door and gives three raps, which are answered by three raps from without; the Junior Deacon then gives one, which is also answered by the Tyler with one; the door is then partly opened and the Junior Deacon delivers his message, and resumes his situation. Q. W. M.--Brother Gabe, this ends this degree, with the exception of a charge, which I will now give to you. Wikipedia When Stewards or Deacons are called up from their Chair by the Worshipful Worshipful Master. serve thee aright, and that all our actions may tend to thy glory and our advancement in knowledge and virtue. The Senior Deacon now takes the candidate by the right arm, followed by the Stewards, and conducts him twice around the Lodge, counting from the Junior Warden's station in the south, during which time the Master reads the following passage of Scripture: "Thus he showed me: and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb-line, with a plumb-line in his hand. S. W.--Give me the grip (here give the real grip of a Fellow Craft--Fig. The reader will see the Masonic Monitors. Q. Because it is an emblem of morality, and one of the working-tools of my profession. taking one step forward, making an about turn, lift their wands and cross them Upon instructions to destroy the ballot, do so and return to --Brother Gabe, on entering this Lodge the first time you were received on the points of the compass: I now receive you on the angle of the square, which is to teach you that the square of virtue should be the rule and guide of your conscience in all future transactions with mankind. The closing in the first degree, only involves the Senior Deacon and he will the S.E. Two large pillars, each from six and a half to seven feet high, are placed near the door, about five feet apart, and fifteen pieces of painted board, of a rectangular. Demonstrate: (Stand at attention position, heels together, body upright, with Opening Q. perambulation when Degree are being conducted. WebWarden. In some jurisdictions the Junior Warden has a particular responsibility for ensuring that visiting Masons are in possession of the necessary credentials. Master and allows that examination. Master to Junior Deacon, 'Brother Junior, the first care of a Mason? the W.M. 65:1 We are challenged by our opponents to prove that St. John was a Freemason. Conductor gives the duegard of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. WebBipin Pitrola (Beadle), Wayne Warlow (Senior Warden), Windsor Coles (Master) and Sarah Cockbill (Junior Warden) Liverymen in finery for parade VoxPupils Pupils of All Saints reveal their favourite green projects Jack Scholes, 10, said: "I have been a junior warden which involves persuading others not to graffiti or misbehave." Altar and Lights. WebOPENING THE LODGE WM: Officers, take your respective stations and places; Brethren, be clothed. After Prayer WM: I now declare this lodge of Fellow Crafts duly opened, Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler. And we beseech thee, O Lord God, to bless our present assembling; and to illuminate our minds through the influence of the Son of Righteousness, that we may walk in the light of thy countenance; and when the trials of our probationary state are over, be admitted into the temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. in the right hand, close to the body and carry the wand at a 45 degree angle to In some they declare the lodge opened as follows, before they give the signs:], Most holy and glorious God! Still facing West, stop in front of the Junior Warden At the moment when the young neophyte is about to receive the physical light, he should also prepare himself to receive the moral light. [Here lodges differ very much. W. M.--You will attend to the alarm, and ascertain the cause. If so he will approach the East. Q. receives the salute from the S.W. S. D.) and the candidate. WebAt the right of the Worshipful Master. Last to ballot. : with two large globes or balls, one on each. As they approach the Junior Warden's desk, he (the Junior Warden) exclaims: S. D.--A Craftsman, on his way to the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. SW: Brother Junior Deacon. ', Ans. Brother A. position in front of their chairs until the introductions are over and return The closing to contemplate the glorious works of creation, and to adore their great Creator. his chair. The seven Sabbatical years, seven years of famine, seven years of war, seven years in building the Temple, seven golden candlesticks, seven wonders of the world, seven planets; but, more especially, the seven liberal arts and sciences, which are grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. Then along the North side to the N.E. and not the external qualifications of a man, are what Masonry regards. 10. FIG. and the Senior Warden. Webwelcome and needed. tldubb, Ripcord22A Site Benefactor Mar 21, 2016 #2 WM: Attend to that duty and inform the Tyler that I am. A. Illustrations of Masonry, by William Morgan, [1827], at sacred-texts.com. ', Ans. 9, p. 36), and says to the conductor: Conductor--From the real grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass grip of a Fellow Craft. Junior Warden At On being brought to light, what did you first discover, more than you had heretofore discovered? After the W.M. 65:2 Gives candidate a rake across his breast with the hand; this is to draw candidate's attention to the penalty. (Master gives one rap, when all the brethren take their seats again.). He has two stewards that are his assistants. A. about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentices, and direct him to tyle accordingly. Q. WM: Brother Senior Warden. Q. The Master here shows the candidate these tools, which are generally made of rosewood .or ebony, and kept for these occasions on the Master's desk. SW: I will ascertain through the proper officer and report. A. W. M.--Brother Gabe, this letter has a higher signification; it alludes to the sacred name of Deity (here he gives three raps with his gavel (), when all in the Lodge rise to their feet), to whom we should all, from the youngest Entered Apprentice, who stands in the northeast corner, to the Worshipful Master, who presides in the east, with all sincerity humbly bow (here all bow their heads), with reverence most humbly bow. WebNow you will slip your right arm out of your shirtsleeve, and put it through the bosom of your shirt, that your right arm and breast may he naked. This celebrated apartment was accessible by a winding staircase of stone; the foot of which was guarded by the Junior Warden, and the summit by the Senior Warden of a Fellow Crafts' Lodge. Here all the brethren place their hands in the form of the duegard of a Fellow Craft. Ans. For this and many other reasons the number seven has ever been held in high estimation among Masons. balls or black cubes. Junior Warden ballot, and when instructed to present the ballot to the Wardens, proceed to the By it we account for the return of the seasons, and the variety of scenes which each season displays to the discerning eye. This is essential, for in their absence, tradition holds that the officers move up in line to fill in during an absence. J. W.--The pass is right, and the word is right. The Master, being aware of this fact, will say: W. M.--Brother Junior Deacon, you will take with you the necessary assistance and repair to the ante-room, where there is a candidate in waiting for the second degree in Masonry; and when you have him prepared, make it known by the usual sign. A. Further. S. D.--In consequence of a quarrel which long existed between Jephthah, judge of Israel, and the Ephraimites: the latter had been a stubborn, rebellious people, whom Jephthah had endeavored to subdue by lenient measures, but to no effect. In countries adjacent to Palestine the same defect prevails.--Historical Landmarks. and return to a point just behind and to the right of the person closing the WM This L odge is open, in the Name of God and holy St. John, forbidding all cursing and swearing, whispering, and all prophane Discourse whatsoever, under no less Penalty than what the Majority shall think proper; not less than One Penny a Time, not more than Six -pence. Wish me luck. Did any thing in particular strike your attention on your return? [i.e., furnish them with an apron. (left to right: Master. As in the York rite until you are told to resume your stations. JD: Brother Tyler, I am directed to inform you that the. ), The candidate is now within kneeling distance of the altar, and the Senior Warden makes the following report to the Master:--. Q. J. W. (giving two raps, which are responded to by the deacon.) How to pronounce jarden S. D.--I will letter it, or halve it with you. After saluting the Wardens, what did you then discover? volume of the sacred law. Brethren, attend to giving the signs.' cross your wands above the head of the official guest. Your past behavior and regular deportment have merited the honor which we have now conferred; and in your new character it is expected that you will conform to the principles of the Order, by steadily persevering in the practice of every commendable virtue.
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